-- Functions shared by Nvim and its test-suite. -- -- These are "pure" lua functions not depending of the state of the editor. -- Thus they should always be available whenever nvim-related lua code is run, -- regardless if it is code in the editor itself, or in worker threads/processes, -- or the test suite. (Eventually the test suite will be run in a worker process, -- so this wouldn't be a separate case to consider) vim = vim or {} --- Returns a deep copy of the given object. Non-table objects are copied as --- in a typical Lua assignment, whereas table objects are copied recursively. --- Functions are naively copied, so functions in the copied table point to the --- same functions as those in the input table. Userdata and threads are not --- copied and will throw an error. --- ---@generic T: table ---@param orig T Table to copy ---@return T Table of copied keys and (nested) values. function vim.deepcopy(orig) end -- luacheck: no unused vim.deepcopy = (function() local function _id(v) return v end local deepcopy_funcs = { table = function(orig, cache) if cache[orig] then return cache[orig] end local copy = {} cache[orig] = copy local mt = getmetatable(orig) for k, v in pairs(orig) do copy[vim.deepcopy(k, cache)] = vim.deepcopy(v, cache) end return setmetatable(copy, mt) end, number = _id, string = _id, ['nil'] = _id, boolean = _id, ['function'] = _id, } return function(orig, cache) local f = deepcopy_funcs[type(orig)] if f then return f(orig, cache or {}) else if type(orig) == 'userdata' and orig == vim.NIL then return vim.NIL end error('Cannot deepcopy object of type ' .. type(orig)) end end end)() --- Splits a string at each instance of a separator. --- ---@see |vim.split()| ---@see |luaref-patterns| ---@see https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html ---@see http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringLibraryTutorial --- ---@param s string String to split ---@param sep string Separator or pattern ---@param plain (boolean|nil) If `true` use `sep` literally (passed to string.find) ---@return fun():string (function) Iterator over the split components function vim.gsplit(s, sep, plain) vim.validate({ s = { s, 's' }, sep = { sep, 's' }, plain = { plain, 'b', true } }) local start = 1 local done = false local function _pass(i, j, ...) if i then assert(j + 1 > start, 'Infinite loop detected') local seg = s:sub(start, i - 1) start = j + 1 return seg, ... else done = true return s:sub(start) end end return function() if done or (s == '' and sep == '') then return end if sep == '' then if start == #s then done = true end return _pass(start + 1, start) end return _pass(s:find(sep, start, plain)) end end --- Splits a string at each instance of a separator. --- --- Examples: ---
lua --- split(":aa::b:", ":") --> {'','aa','','b',''} --- split("axaby", "ab?") --> {'','x','y'} --- split("x*yz*o", "*", {plain=true}) --> {'x','yz','o'} --- split("|x|y|z|", "|", {trimempty=true}) --> {'x', 'y', 'z'} ------ ---@see |vim.gsplit()| --- ---@param s string String to split ---@param sep string Separator or pattern ---@param kwargs (table|nil) Keyword arguments: --- - plain: (boolean) If `true` use `sep` literally (passed to string.find) --- - trimempty: (boolean) If `true` remove empty items from the front --- and back of the list ---@return string[] List of split components function vim.split(s, sep, kwargs) local plain local trimempty = false if type(kwargs) == 'boolean' then -- Support old signature for backward compatibility plain = kwargs else vim.validate({ kwargs = { kwargs, 't', true } }) kwargs = kwargs or {} plain = kwargs.plain trimempty = kwargs.trimempty end local t = {} local skip = trimempty for c in vim.gsplit(s, sep, plain) do if c ~= '' then skip = false end if not skip then table.insert(t, c) end end if trimempty then for i = #t, 1, -1 do if t[i] ~= '' then break end table.remove(t, i) end end return t end --- Return a list of all keys used in a table. --- However, the order of the return table of keys is not guaranteed. --- ---@see From https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua --- ---@generic T: table ---@param t table
lua --- vim.tbl_get({ key = { nested_key = true }}, 'key', 'nested_key') == true --- vim.tbl_get({ key = {}}, 'key', 'nested_key') == nil ------ ---@param o table Table to index ---@param ... string Optional strings (0 or more, variadic) via which to index the table --- ---@return any Nested value indexed by key (if it exists), else nil function vim.tbl_get(o, ...) local keys = { ... } if #keys == 0 then return nil end for i, k in ipairs(keys) do o = o[k] if o == nil then return nil elseif type(o) ~= 'table' and next(keys, i) then return nil end end return o end --- Extends a list-like table with the values of another list-like table. --- --- NOTE: This mutates dst! --- ---@see |vim.tbl_extend()| --- ---@generic T: table ---@param dst T List which will be modified and appended to ---@param src table List from which values will be inserted ---@param start (number|nil) Start index on src. Defaults to 1 ---@param finish (number|nil) Final index on src. Defaults to `#src` ---@return T dst function vim.list_extend(dst, src, start, finish) vim.validate({ dst = { dst, 't' }, src = { src, 't' }, start = { start, 'n', true }, finish = { finish, 'n', true }, }) for i = start or 1, finish or #src do table.insert(dst, src[i]) end return dst end --- Creates a copy of a list-like table such that any nested tables are --- "unrolled" and appended to the result. --- ---@see From https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua --- ---@param t table List-like table ---@return table Flattened copy of the given list-like table function vim.tbl_flatten(t) local result = {} local function _tbl_flatten(_t) local n = #_t for i = 1, n do local v = _t[i] if type(v) == 'table' then _tbl_flatten(v) elseif v then table.insert(result, v) end end end _tbl_flatten(t) return result end --- Enumerate a table sorted by its keys. --- ---@see Based on https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua --- ---@param t table List-like table ---@return iterator over sorted keys and their values function vim.spairs(t) assert(type(t) == 'table', string.format('Expected table, got %s', type(t))) -- collect the keys local keys = {} for k in pairs(t) do table.insert(keys, k) end table.sort(keys) -- Return the iterator function. -- TODO(justinmk): Return "iterator function, table {t}, and nil", like pairs()? local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 if keys[i] then return keys[i], t[keys[i]] end end end --- Tests if a Lua table can be treated as an array. --- --- Empty table `{}` is assumed to be an array, unless it was created by --- |vim.empty_dict()| or returned as a dict-like |API| or Vimscript result, --- for example from |rpcrequest()| or |vim.fn|. --- ---@param t table Table ---@return boolean `true` if array-like table, else `false` function vim.tbl_islist(t) if type(t) ~= 'table' then return false end local count = 0 for k, _ in pairs(t) do if type(k) == 'number' then count = count + 1 else return false end end if count > 0 then return true else -- TODO(bfredl): in the future, we will always be inside nvim -- then this check can be deleted. if vim._empty_dict_mt == nil then return false end return getmetatable(t) ~= vim._empty_dict_mt end end --- Counts the number of non-nil values in table `t`. --- ---
lua --- vim.tbl_count({ a=1, b=2 }) --> 2 --- vim.tbl_count({ 1, 2 }) --> 2 ------ ---@see https://github.com/Tieske/Penlight/blob/master/lua/pl/tablex.lua ---@param t table Table ---@return number Number of non-nil values in table function vim.tbl_count(t) vim.validate({ t = { t, 't' } }) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end return count end --- Creates a copy of a table containing only elements from start to end (inclusive) --- ---@generic T ---@param list T[] (list) Table ---@param start number|nil Start range of slice ---@param finish number|nil End range of slice ---@return T[] (list) Copy of table sliced from start to finish (inclusive) function vim.list_slice(list, start, finish) local new_list = {} for i = start or 1, finish or #list do new_list[#new_list + 1] = list[i] end return new_list end --- Trim whitespace (Lua pattern "%s") from both sides of a string. --- ---@see |luaref-patterns| ---@see https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html ---@param s string String to trim ---@return string String with whitespace removed from its beginning and end function vim.trim(s) vim.validate({ s = { s, 's' } }) return s:match('^%s*(.*%S)') or '' end --- Escapes magic chars in |lua-patterns|. --- ---@see https://github.com/rxi/lume ---@param s string String to escape ---@return string %-escaped pattern string function vim.pesc(s) vim.validate({ s = { s, 's' } }) return (s:gsub('[%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$]', '%%%1')) end --- Tests if `s` starts with `prefix`. --- ---@param s string String ---@param prefix string Prefix to match ---@return boolean `true` if `prefix` is a prefix of `s` function vim.startswith(s, prefix) vim.validate({ s = { s, 's' }, prefix = { prefix, 's' } }) return s:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix end --- Tests if `s` ends with `suffix`. --- ---@param s string String ---@param suffix string Suffix to match ---@return boolean `true` if `suffix` is a suffix of `s` function vim.endswith(s, suffix) vim.validate({ s = { s, 's' }, suffix = { suffix, 's' } }) return #suffix == 0 or s:sub(-#suffix) == suffix end --- Validates a parameter specification (types and values). --- --- Usage example: ---
lua --- function user.new(name, age, hobbies) --- vim.validate{ --- name={name, 'string'}, --- age={age, 'number'}, --- hobbies={hobbies, 'table'}, --- } --- ... --- end ------ --- Examples with explicit argument values (can be run directly): ---
lua --- vim.validate{arg1={{'foo'}, 'table'}, arg2={'foo', 'string'}} --- --> NOP (success) --- --- vim.validate{arg1={1, 'table'}} --- --> error('arg1: expected table, got number') --- --- vim.validate{arg1={3, function(a) return (a % 2) == 0 end, 'even number'}} --- --> error('arg1: expected even number, got 3') ------ --- If multiple types are valid they can be given as a list. ---
lua --- vim.validate{arg1={{'foo'}, {'table', 'string'}}, arg2={'foo', {'table', 'string'}}} --- --> NOP (success) --- --- vim.validate{arg1={1, {'string', table'}}} --- --> error('arg1: expected string|table, got number') --- ------ ---@param opt table Names of parameters to validate. Each key is a parameter --- name; each value is a tuple in one of these forms: --- 1. (arg_value, type_name, optional) --- - arg_value: argument value --- - type_name: string|table type name, one of: ("table", "t", "string", --- "s", "number", "n", "boolean", "b", "function", "f", "nil", --- "thread", "userdata") or list of them. --- - optional: (optional) boolean, if true, `nil` is valid --- 2. (arg_value, fn, msg) --- - arg_value: argument value --- - fn: any function accepting one argument, returns true if and --- only if the argument is valid. Can optionally return an additional --- informative error message as the second returned value. --- - msg: (optional) error string if validation fails function vim.validate(opt) end -- luacheck: no unused do local type_names = { ['table'] = 'table', t = 'table', ['string'] = 'string', s = 'string', ['number'] = 'number', n = 'number', ['boolean'] = 'boolean', b = 'boolean', ['function'] = 'function', f = 'function', ['callable'] = 'callable', c = 'callable', ['nil'] = 'nil', ['thread'] = 'thread', ['userdata'] = 'userdata', } local function _is_type(val, t) return type(val) == t or (t == 'callable' and vim.is_callable(val)) end ---@private local function is_valid(opt) if type(opt) ~= 'table' then return false, string.format('opt: expected table, got %s', type(opt)) end for param_name, spec in pairs(opt) do if type(spec) ~= 'table' then return false, string.format('opt[%s]: expected table, got %s', param_name, type(spec)) end local val = spec[1] -- Argument value local types = spec[2] -- Type name, or callable local optional = (true == spec[3]) if type(types) == 'string' then types = { types } end if vim.is_callable(types) then -- Check user-provided validation function local valid, optional_message = types(val) if not valid then local error_message = string.format('%s: expected %s, got %s', param_name, (spec[3] or '?'), tostring(val)) if optional_message ~= nil then error_message = error_message .. string.format('. Info: %s', optional_message) end return false, error_message end elseif type(types) == 'table' then local success = false for i, t in ipairs(types) do local t_name = type_names[t] if not t_name then return false, string.format('invalid type name: %s', t) end types[i] = t_name if (optional and val == nil) or _is_type(val, t_name) then success = true break end end if not success then return false, string.format( '%s: expected %s, got %s', param_name, table.concat(types, '|'), type(val) ) end else return false, string.format('invalid type name: %s', tostring(types)) end end return true, nil end function vim.validate(opt) local ok, err_msg = is_valid(opt) if not ok then error(err_msg, 2) end end end --- Returns true if object `f` can be called as a function. --- ---@param f any Any object ---@return boolean `true` if `f` is callable, else `false` function vim.is_callable(f) if type(f) == 'function' then return true end local m = getmetatable(f) if m == nil then return false end return type(m.__call) == 'function' end --- Creates a table whose members are automatically created when accessed, if they don't already --- exist. --- --- They mimic defaultdict in python. --- --- If {create} is `nil`, this will create a defaulttable whose constructor function is --- this function, effectively allowing to create nested tables on the fly: --- ---
lua --- local a = vim.defaulttable() --- a.b.c = 1 ------ ---@param create function|nil The function called to create a missing value. ---@return table Empty table with metamethod function vim.defaulttable(create) create = create or vim.defaulttable return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(tbl, key) rawset(tbl, key, create()) return rawget(tbl, key) end, }) end return vim -- vim:sw=2 ts=2 et