--- @brief --- The `vim.version` module provides functions for comparing versions and ranges --- conforming to the https://semver.org spec. Plugins, and plugin managers, can use this to check --- available tools and dependencies on the current system. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- local v = vim.version.parse(vim.fn.system({'tmux', '-V'}), {strict=false}) --- if vim.version.gt(v, {3, 2, 0}) then --- -- ... --- end --- ``` --- --- [vim.version()]() returns the version of the current Nvim process. --- --- VERSION RANGE SPEC [version-range]() --- --- A version "range spec" defines a semantic version range which can be tested against a version, --- using |vim.version.range()|. --- --- Supported range specs are shown in the following table. --- Note: suffixed versions (1.2.3-rc1) are not matched. --- --- ``` --- 1.2.3 is 1.2.3 --- =1.2.3 is 1.2.3 --- >1.2.3 greater than 1.2.3 --- <1.2.3 before 1.2.3 --- >=1.2.3 at least 1.2.3 --- ~1.2.3 is >=1.2.3 <1.3.0 "reasonably close to 1.2.3" --- ^1.2.3 is >=1.2.3 <2.0.0 "compatible with 1.2.3" --- ^0.2.3 is >=0.2.3 <0.3.0 (0.x.x is special) --- ^0.0.1 is =0.0.1 (0.0.x is special) --- ^1.2 is >=1.2.0 <2.0.0 (like ^1.2.0) --- ~1.2 is >=1.2.0 <1.3.0 (like ~1.2.0) --- ^1 is >=1.0.0 <2.0.0 "compatible with 1" --- ~1 same "reasonably close to 1" --- 1.x same --- 1.* same --- 1 same --- * any version --- x same --- --- 1.2.3 - 2.3.4 is >=1.2.3 <=2.3.4 --- --- Partial right: missing pieces treated as x (2.3 => 2.3.x). --- 1.2.3 - 2.3 is >=1.2.3 <2.4.0 --- 1.2.3 - 2 is >=1.2.3 <3.0.0 --- --- Partial left: missing pieces treated as 0 (1.2 => 1.2.0). --- 1.2 - 2.3.0 is 1.2.0 - 2.3.0 --- ``` local M = {} ---@nodoc ---@class vim.Version ---@field [1] number ---@field [2] number ---@field [3] number ---@field major number ---@field minor number ---@field patch number ---@field prerelease? string ---@field build? string local Version = {} Version.__index = Version --- Compares prerelease strings: per semver, number parts must be must be treated as numbers: --- "pre1.10" is greater than "pre1.2". https://semver.org/#spec-item-11 ---@param prerel1 string? ---@param prerel2 string? local function cmp_prerel(prerel1, prerel2) if not prerel1 or not prerel2 then return prerel1 and -1 or (prerel2 and 1 or 0) end -- TODO(justinmk): not fully spec-compliant; this treats non-dot-delimited digit sequences as -- numbers. Maybe better: "(.-)(%.%d*)". local iter1 = prerel1:gmatch('([^0-9]*)(%d*)') local iter2 = prerel2:gmatch('([^0-9]*)(%d*)') while true do local word1, n1 = iter1() --- @type string?, string|number|nil local word2, n2 = iter2() --- @type string?, string|number|nil if word1 == nil and word2 == nil then -- Done iterating. return 0 end word1, n1, word2, n2 = word1 or '', n1 and tonumber(n1) or 0, word2 or '', n2 and tonumber(n2) or 0 if word1 ~= word2 then return word1 < word2 and -1 or 1 end if n1 ~= n2 then return n1 < n2 and -1 or 1 end end end function Version:__index(key) return type(key) == 'number' and ({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch })[key] or Version[key] end function Version:__newindex(key, value) if key == 1 then self.major = value elseif key == 2 then self.minor = value elseif key == 3 then self.patch = value else rawset(self, key, value) end end ---@param other vim.Version function Version:__eq(other) for i = 1, 3 do if self[i] ~= other[i] then return false end end return 0 == cmp_prerel(self.prerelease, other.prerelease) end function Version:__tostring() local ret = table.concat({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch }, '.') if self.prerelease then ret = ret .. '-' .. self.prerelease end if self.build and self.build ~= vim.NIL then ret = ret .. '+' .. self.build end return ret end ---@param other vim.Version function Version:__lt(other) for i = 1, 3 do if self[i] > other[i] then return false elseif self[i] < other[i] then return true end end return -1 == cmp_prerel(self.prerelease, other.prerelease) end ---@param other vim.Version function Version:__le(other) return self < other or self == other end --- @private --- --- Creates a new Version object, or returns `nil` if `version` is invalid. --- --- @param version string|number[]|vim.Version --- @param strict? boolean Reject "1.0", "0-x", "3.2a" or other non-conforming version strings --- @return vim.Version? function M._version(version, strict) -- Adapted from https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim if type(version) == 'table' then if version.major then return setmetatable(vim.deepcopy(version, true), Version) end return setmetatable({ major = version[1] or 0, minor = version[2] or 0, patch = version[3] or 0, }, Version) end if not strict then -- TODO: add more "scrubbing". --- @cast version string version = version:match('%d[^ ]*') end if version == nil then return nil end local prerel = version:match('%-([^+]*)') local prerel_strict = version:match('%-([0-9A-Za-z-]*)') if strict and prerel and (prerel_strict == nil or prerel_strict == '' or not vim.startswith(prerel, prerel_strict)) then return nil -- Invalid prerelease. end local build = prerel and version:match('%-[^+]*%+(.*)$') or version:match('%+(.*)$') local major, minor, patch = version:match('^v?(%d+)%.?(%d*)%.?(%d*)' .. (strict and (prerel and '%-' or '$') or '')) if (not strict and major) or (major and minor and patch and major ~= '' and minor ~= '' and patch ~= '') then return setmetatable({ major = tonumber(major), minor = minor == '' and 0 or tonumber(minor), patch = patch == '' and 0 or tonumber(patch), prerelease = prerel ~= '' and prerel or nil, build = build ~= '' and build or nil, }, Version) end return nil -- Invalid version string. end ---TODO: generalize this, move to func.lua --- ---@generic T: vim.Version ---@param versions T[] ---@return T? function M.last(versions) local last = versions[1] for i = 2, #versions do if versions[i] > last then last = versions[i] end end return last end ---@class vim.VersionRange ---@inlinedoc ---@field from vim.Version ---@field to? vim.Version local VersionRange = {} --- @private --- ---@param version string|vim.Version function VersionRange:has(version) if type(version) == 'string' then ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type version = M.parse(version) elseif getmetatable(version) ~= Version then -- Need metatable to compare versions. version = setmetatable(vim.deepcopy(version, true), Version) end if version then if version.prerelease ~= self.from.prerelease then return false end return version >= self.from and (self.to == nil or version < self.to) end end --- Parses a semver |version-range| "spec" and returns a range object: --- --- ``` --- { --- from: Version --- to: Version --- has(v: string|Version) --- } --- ``` --- --- `:has()` checks if a version is in the range (inclusive `from`, exclusive `to`). --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- local r = vim.version.range('1.0.0 - 2.0.0') --- print(r:has('1.9.9')) -- true --- print(r:has('2.0.0')) -- false --- print(r:has(vim.version())) -- check against current Nvim version --- ``` --- --- Or use cmp(), le(), lt(), ge(), gt(), and/or eq() to compare a version --- against `.to` and `.from` directly: --- --- ```lua --- local r = vim.version.range('1.0.0 - 2.0.0') -- >=1.0, <2.0 --- print(vim.version.ge({1,0,3}, r.from) and vim.version.lt({1,0,3}, r.to)) --- ``` --- --- @see # https://github.com/npm/node-semver#ranges --- @since 11 --- --- @param spec string Version range "spec" --- @return vim.VersionRange? function M.range(spec) -- Adapted from https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim if spec == '*' or spec == '' then return setmetatable({ from = M.parse('0.0.0') }, { __index = VersionRange }) end ---@type number? local hyphen = spec:find(' - ', 1, true) if hyphen then local a = spec:sub(1, hyphen - 1) local b = spec:sub(hyphen + 3) local parts = vim.split(b, '.', { plain = true }) local ra = M.range(a) local rb = M.range(b) return setmetatable({ from = ra and ra.from, to = rb and (#parts == 3 and rb.from or rb.to), }, { __index = VersionRange }) end ---@type string, string local mods, version = spec:lower():match('^([%^=<>~]*)(.*)$') version = version:gsub('%.[%*x]', '') local parts = vim.split(version:gsub('%-.*', ''), '.', { plain = true }) if #parts < 3 and mods == '' then mods = '~' end local semver = M.parse(version) if semver then local from = semver --- @type vim.Version? local to = vim.deepcopy(semver, true) --- @type vim.Version? ---@diagnostic disable: need-check-nil if mods == '' or mods == '=' then to.patch = to.patch + 1 elseif mods == '<' then from = M._version({}) elseif mods == '<=' then from = M._version({}) to.patch = to.patch + 1 elseif mods == '>' then from.patch = from.patch + 1 to = nil elseif mods == '>=' then to = nil elseif mods == '~' then if #parts >= 2 then to[2] = to[2] + 1 to[3] = 0 else to[1] = to[1] + 1 to[2] = 0 to[3] = 0 end elseif mods == '^' then for i = 1, 3 do if to[i] ~= 0 then to[i] = to[i] + 1 for j = i + 1, 3 do to[j] = 0 end break end end end ---@diagnostic enable: need-check-nil return setmetatable({ from = from, to = to }, { __index = VersionRange }) end end ---@param v string|vim.Version ---@return string local function create_err_msg(v) if type(v) == 'string' then return string.format('invalid version: "%s"', tostring(v)) elseif type(v) == 'table' and v.major then return string.format('invalid version: %s', vim.inspect(v)) end return string.format('invalid version: %s (%s)', tostring(v), type(v)) end --- Parses and compares two version objects (the result of |vim.version.parse()|, or --- specified literally as a `{major, minor, patch}` tuple, e.g. `{1, 0, 3}`). --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- if vim.version.cmp({1,0,3}, {0,2,1}) == 0 then --- -- ... --- end --- local v1 = vim.version.parse('1.0.3-pre') --- local v2 = vim.version.parse('0.2.1') --- if vim.version.cmp(v1, v2) == 0 then --- -- ... --- end --- ``` --- --- @note Per semver, build metadata is ignored when comparing two otherwise-equivalent versions. --- @since 11 --- ---@param v1 vim.Version|number[]|string Version object. ---@param v2 vim.Version|number[]|string Version to compare with `v1`. ---@return integer -1 if `v1 < v2`, 0 if `v1 == v2`, 1 if `v1 > v2`. function M.cmp(v1, v2) local v1_parsed = assert(M._version(v1), create_err_msg(v1)) local v2_parsed = assert(M._version(v2), create_err_msg(v1)) if v1_parsed == v2_parsed then return 0 end if v1_parsed > v2_parsed then return 1 end return -1 end ---Returns `true` if the given versions are equal. See |vim.version.cmp()| for usage. ---@since 11 ---@param v1 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@param v2 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@return boolean function M.eq(v1, v2) return M.cmp(v1, v2) == 0 end ---Returns `true` if `v1 <= v2`. See |vim.version.cmp()| for usage. ---@since 12 ---@param v1 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@param v2 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@return boolean function M.le(v1, v2) return M.cmp(v1, v2) <= 0 end ---Returns `true` if `v1 < v2`. See |vim.version.cmp()| for usage. ---@since 11 ---@param v1 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@param v2 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@return boolean function M.lt(v1, v2) return M.cmp(v1, v2) == -1 end ---Returns `true` if `v1 >= v2`. See |vim.version.cmp()| for usage. ---@since 12 ---@param v1 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@param v2 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@return boolean function M.ge(v1, v2) return M.cmp(v1, v2) >= 0 end ---Returns `true` if `v1 > v2`. See |vim.version.cmp()| for usage. ---@since 11 ---@param v1 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@param v2 vim.Version|number[]|string ---@return boolean function M.gt(v1, v2) return M.cmp(v1, v2) == 1 end --- Parses a semantic version string and returns a version object which can be used with other --- `vim.version` functions. For example "1.0.1-rc1+build.2" returns: --- --- ``` --- { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 1, prerelease = "rc1", build = "build.2" } --- ``` --- ---@see # https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html ---@since 11 --- ---@param version string Version string to parse. ---@param opts table|nil Optional keyword arguments: --- - strict (boolean): Default false. If `true`, no coercion is attempted on --- input not conforming to semver v2.0.0. If `false`, `parse()` attempts to --- coerce input such as "1.0", "0-x", "tmux 3.2a" into valid versions. ---@return vim.Version? parsed_version Version object or `nil` if input is invalid. function M.parse(version, opts) assert(type(version) == 'string', create_err_msg(version)) opts = opts or { strict = false } return M._version(version, opts.strict) end setmetatable(M, { --- Returns the current Nvim version. ---@return vim.Version __call = function() local version = vim.fn.api_info().version ---@type vim.Version -- Workaround: vim.fn.api_info().version reports "prerelease" as a boolean. version.prerelease = version.prerelease and 'dev' or nil return setmetatable(version, Version) end, }) return M