local helpers = require("test.unit.helpers") local itp = helpers.gen_itp(it) local cimport = helpers.cimport local internalize = helpers.internalize local eq = helpers.eq local neq = helpers.neq local ffi = helpers.ffi local to_cstr = helpers.to_cstr local NULL = helpers.NULL local garray = cimport('stdlib.h', './src/nvim/garray.h') local itemsize = 14 local growsize = 95 -- define a basic interface to garray. We could make it a lot nicer by -- constructing a class wrapper around garray. It could for example associate -- ga_clear_strings to the underlying garray cdata if the garray is a string -- array. But for now I estimate that that kind of magic might make testing -- less "transparant" (i.e.: the interface would become quite different as to -- how one would use it from C. -- accessors local ga_len = function(garr) return garr[0].ga_len end local ga_maxlen = function(garr) return garr[0].ga_maxlen end local ga_itemsize = function(garr) return garr[0].ga_itemsize end local ga_growsize = function(garr) return garr[0].ga_growsize end local ga_data = function(garr) return garr[0].ga_data end -- derived accessors local ga_size = function(garr) return ga_len(garr) * ga_itemsize(garr) end local ga_maxsize = function(garr) -- luacheck: ignore return ga_maxlen(garr) * ga_itemsize(garr) end local ga_data_as_bytes = function(garr) return ffi.cast('uint8_t *', ga_data(garr)) end local ga_data_as_strings = function(garr) return ffi.cast('char **', ga_data(garr)) end local ga_data_as_ints = function(garr) return ffi.cast('int *', ga_data(garr)) end -- garray manipulation local ga_init = function(garr, itemsize_, growsize_) return garray.ga_init(garr, itemsize_, growsize_) end local ga_clear = function(garr) return garray.ga_clear(garr) end local ga_clear_strings = function(garr) assert.is_true(ga_itemsize(garr) == ffi.sizeof('char *')) return garray.ga_clear_strings(garr) end local ga_grow = function(garr, n) return garray.ga_grow(garr, n) end local ga_concat = function(garr, str) return garray.ga_concat(garr, to_cstr(str)) end local ga_append = function(garr, b) if type(b) == 'string' then return garray.ga_append(garr, string.byte(b)) else return garray.ga_append(garr, b) end end local ga_concat_strings = function(garr) return internalize(garray.ga_concat_strings(garr)) end local ga_concat_strings_sep = function(garr, sep) return internalize(garray.ga_concat_strings_sep(garr, to_cstr(sep))) end local ga_remove_duplicate_strings = function(garr) return garray.ga_remove_duplicate_strings(garr) end -- derived manipulators local ga_set_len = function(garr, len) assert.is_true(len <= ga_maxlen(garr)) garr[0].ga_len = len end local ga_inc_len = function(garr, by) return ga_set_len(garr, ga_len(garr) + by) end -- custom append functions -- not the C ga_append, which only works for bytes local ga_append_int = function(garr, it) assert.is_true(ga_itemsize(garr) == ffi.sizeof('int')) ga_grow(garr, 1) local data = ga_data_as_ints(garr) data[ga_len(garr)] = it return ga_inc_len(garr, 1) end local ga_append_string = function(garr, it) assert.is_true(ga_itemsize(garr) == ffi.sizeof('char *')) -- make a non-garbage collected string and copy the lua string into it, -- TODO(aktau): we should probably call xmalloc here, though as long as -- xmalloc is based on malloc it should work. local mem = ffi.C.malloc(string.len(it) + 1) ffi.copy(mem, it) ga_grow(garr, 1) local data = ga_data_as_strings(garr) data[ga_len(garr)] = mem return ga_inc_len(garr, 1) end local ga_append_strings = function(garr, ...) local prevlen = ga_len(garr) local len = select('#', ...) for i = 1, len do ga_append_string(garr, select(i, ...)) end return eq(prevlen + len, ga_len(garr)) end local ga_append_ints = function(garr, ...) local prevlen = ga_len(garr) local len = select('#', ...) for i = 1, len do ga_append_int(garr, select(i, ...)) end return eq(prevlen + len, ga_len(garr)) end -- enhanced constructors local garray_ctype = ffi.typeof('garray_T[1]') local new_garray = function() local garr = garray_ctype() return ffi.gc(garr, ga_clear) end local new_string_garray = function() local garr = garray_ctype() ga_init(garr, ffi.sizeof("unsigned char *"), 1) return ffi.gc(garr, ga_clear_strings) end local randomByte = function() return ffi.cast('uint8_t', math.random(0, 255)) end -- scramble the data in a garray local ga_scramble = function(garr) local size, bytes = ga_size(garr), ga_data_as_bytes(garr) for i = 0, size - 1 do bytes[i] = randomByte() end end describe('garray', function() describe('ga_init', function() itp('initializes the values of the garray', function() local garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, itemsize, growsize) eq(0, ga_len(garr)) eq(0, ga_maxlen(garr)) eq(growsize, ga_growsize(garr)) eq(itemsize, ga_itemsize(garr)) eq(NULL, ga_data(garr)) end) end) describe('ga_grow', function() local function new_and_grow(itemsize_, growsize_, req) local garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, itemsize_, growsize_) eq(0, ga_size(garr)) -- should be 0 at first eq(NULL, ga_data(garr)) -- should be NULL ga_grow(garr, req) -- add space for `req` items return garr end itp('grows by growsize items if num < growsize', function() itemsize = 16 growsize = 4 local grow_by = growsize - 1 local garr = new_and_grow(itemsize, growsize, grow_by) neq(NULL, ga_data(garr)) -- data should be a ptr to memory eq(growsize, ga_maxlen(garr)) -- we requested LESS than growsize, so... end) itp('grows by num items if num > growsize', function() itemsize = 16 growsize = 4 local grow_by = growsize + 1 local garr = new_and_grow(itemsize, growsize, grow_by) neq(NULL, ga_data(garr)) -- data should be a ptr to memory eq(grow_by, ga_maxlen(garr)) -- we requested MORE than growsize, so... end) itp('does not grow when nothing is requested', function() local garr = new_and_grow(16, 4, 0) eq(NULL, ga_data(garr)) eq(0, ga_maxlen(garr)) end) end) describe('ga_clear', function() itp('clears an already allocated array', function() -- allocate and scramble an array local garr = garray_ctype() ga_init(garr, itemsize, growsize) ga_grow(garr, 4) ga_set_len(garr, 4) ga_scramble(garr) -- clear it and check ga_clear(garr) eq(NULL, ga_data(garr)) eq(0, ga_maxlen(garr)) eq(0, ga_len(garr)) end) end) describe('ga_append', function() itp('can append bytes', function() -- this is the actual ga_append, the others are just emulated lua -- versions local garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, ffi.sizeof("uint8_t"), 1) ga_append(garr, 'h') ga_append(garr, 'e') ga_append(garr, 'l') ga_append(garr, 'l') ga_append(garr, 'o') ga_append(garr, 0) local bytes = ga_data_as_bytes(garr) eq('hello', ffi.string(bytes)) end) itp('can append integers', function() local garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, ffi.sizeof("int"), 1) local input = { -20, 94, 867615, 90927, 86 } ga_append_ints(garr, unpack(input)) local ints = ga_data_as_ints(garr) for i = 0, #input - 1 do eq(input[i + 1], ints[i]) end end) itp('can append strings to a growing array of strings', function() local garr = new_string_garray() local input = { "some", "str", "\r\n\r●●●●●●,,,", "hmm", "got it" } ga_append_strings(garr, unpack(input)) -- check that we can get the same strings out of the array local strings = ga_data_as_strings(garr) for i = 0, #input - 1 do eq(input[i + 1], ffi.string(strings[i])) end end) end) describe('ga_concat', function() itp('concatenates the parameter to the growing byte array', function() local garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, ffi.sizeof("char"), 1) local str = "ohwell●●" local loop = 5 for _ = 1, loop do ga_concat(garr, str) end -- ga_concat does NOT append the NUL in the src string to the -- destination, you have to do that manually by calling something like -- ga_append(gar, '\0'). I'ts always used like that in the vim -- codebase. I feel that this is a bit of an unnecesesary -- micro-optimization. ga_append(garr, 0) local result = ffi.string(ga_data_as_bytes(garr)) eq(string.rep(str, loop), result) end) end) local function test_concat_fn(input, fn, sep) local garr = new_string_garray() ga_append_strings(garr, unpack(input)) if sep == nil then eq(table.concat(input, ','), fn(garr)) else eq(table.concat(input, sep), fn(garr, sep)) end end describe('ga_concat_strings', function() itp('returns an empty string when concatenating an empty array', function() test_concat_fn({ }, ga_concat_strings) end) itp('can concatenate a non-empty array', function() test_concat_fn({ 'oh', 'my', 'neovim' }, ga_concat_strings) end) end) describe('ga_concat_strings_sep', function() itp('returns an empty string when concatenating an empty array', function() test_concat_fn({ }, ga_concat_strings_sep, '---') end) itp('can concatenate a non-empty array', function() local sep = '-●●-' test_concat_fn({ 'oh', 'my', 'neovim' }, ga_concat_strings_sep, sep) end) end) describe('ga_remove_duplicate_strings', function() itp('sorts and removes duplicate strings', function() local garr = new_string_garray() local input = { 'ccc', 'aaa', 'bbb', 'ddd●●', 'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ccc', 'ddd●●' } local sorted_dedup_input = { 'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd●●' } ga_append_strings(garr, unpack(input)) ga_remove_duplicate_strings(garr) eq(#sorted_dedup_input, ga_len(garr)) local strings = ga_data_as_strings(garr) for i = 0, #sorted_dedup_input - 1 do eq(sorted_dedup_input[i + 1], ffi.string(strings[i])) end end) end) end)