local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local assert_visible = helpers.assert_visible local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local dedent = helpers.dedent local eq = helpers.eq local neq = helpers.neq local eval = helpers.eval local feed = helpers.feed local clear = helpers.clear local matches = helpers.matches local api = helpers.api local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local fn = helpers.fn local expect = helpers.expect local command = helpers.command local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local retry = helpers.retry local source = helpers.source describe('autocmd', function() before_each(clear) it(':tabnew, :split, :close events order, ', function() local expected = { { 'WinLeave', '' }, { 'TabLeave', '' }, { 'WinEnter', '' }, { 'TabNew', 'testfile1' }, -- :tabnew { 'TabEnter', '' }, { 'BufLeave', '' }, { 'BufEnter', 'testfile1' }, -- :split { 'WinLeave', 'testfile1' }, { 'WinEnter', 'testfile1' }, { 'WinLeave', 'testfile1' }, { 'WinClosed', '1002' }, -- :close, WinClosed = window-id { 'WinEnter', 'testfile1' }, { 'WinLeave', 'testfile1' }, -- :bdelete { 'WinEnter', 'testfile1' }, { 'BufLeave', 'testfile1' }, { 'BufEnter', 'testfile2' }, { 'WinClosed', '1000' }, } command('let g:evs = []') command('autocmd BufEnter * :call add(g:evs, ["BufEnter", expand("")])') command('autocmd BufLeave * :call add(g:evs, ["BufLeave", expand("")])') command('autocmd TabEnter * :call add(g:evs, ["TabEnter", expand("")])') command('autocmd TabLeave * :call add(g:evs, ["TabLeave", expand("")])') command('autocmd TabNew * :call add(g:evs, ["TabNew", expand("")])') command('autocmd WinEnter * :call add(g:evs, ["WinEnter", expand("")])') command('autocmd WinLeave * :call add(g:evs, ["WinLeave", expand("")])') command('autocmd WinClosed * :call add(g:evs, ["WinClosed", expand("")])') command('tabnew testfile1') command('split') command('close') command('new testfile2') command('bdelete 1') eq(expected, eval('g:evs')) end) it('first edit causes BufUnload on NoName', function() local expected = { { 'BufUnload', '' }, { 'BufDelete', '' }, { 'BufWipeout', '' }, { 'BufEnter', 'testfile1' }, } command('let g:evs = []') command('autocmd BufEnter * :call add(g:evs, ["BufEnter", expand("")])') command('autocmd BufDelete * :call add(g:evs, ["BufDelete", expand("")])') command('autocmd BufLeave * :call add(g:evs, ["BufLeave", expand("")])') command('autocmd BufUnload * :call add(g:evs, ["BufUnload", expand("")])') command('autocmd BufWipeout * :call add(g:evs, ["BufWipeout", expand("")])') command('edit testfile1') eq(expected, eval('g:evs')) end) it('WinClosed is non-recursive', function() command('let g:triggered = 0') command('autocmd WinClosed * :let g:triggered+=1 | :bdelete 2') command('new testfile2') command('new testfile3') -- All 3 buffers are visible. assert_visible(1, true) assert_visible(2, true) assert_visible(3, true) -- Trigger WinClosed, which also deletes buffer/window 2. command('bdelete 1') -- Buffers 1 and 2 were closed but WinClosed was triggered only once. eq(1, eval('g:triggered')) assert_visible(1, false) assert_visible(2, false) assert_visible(3, true) end) it('WinClosed from a different tabpage', function() command('let g:evs = []') command('edit tesfile1') command('autocmd WinClosed :call add(g:evs, ["WinClosed", expand("")])') local buf1 = eval("bufnr('%')") command('new') local buf2 = eval("bufnr('%')") command( 'autocmd WinClosed :call add(g:evs, ["WinClosed", expand("")])' -- Attempt recursion. .. ' | bdelete ' .. buf2 ) command('tabedit testfile2') command('tabedit testfile3') command('bdelete ' .. buf2) -- Non-recursive: only triggered once. eq({ { 'WinClosed', '2' }, }, eval('g:evs')) command('bdelete ' .. buf1) eq({ { 'WinClosed', '2' }, { 'WinClosed', '1' }, }, eval('g:evs')) end) it('WinClosed from root directory', function() command('cd /') command('let g:evs = []') command('autocmd WinClosed * :call add(g:evs, ["WinClosed", expand("")])') command('new') command('close') eq({ { 'WinClosed', '1001' }, }, eval('g:evs')) end) it('v:vim_did_enter is 1 after VimEnter', function() eq(1, eval('v:vim_did_enter')) end) describe('BufLeave autocommand', function() it('can wipe out the buffer created by :edit which triggered autocmd', function() api.nvim_set_option_value('hidden', true, {}) api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, 1, false, { 'start of test file xx', 'end of test file xx', }) command('autocmd BufLeave * bwipeout yy') eq('Vim(edit):E143: Autocommands unexpectedly deleted new buffer yy', exc_exec('edit yy')) expect([[ start of test file xx end of test file xx]]) end) end) it('++once', function() -- :help autocmd-once -- -- ":autocmd ... ++once" executes its handler once, then removes the handler. -- local expected = { 'Many1', 'Once1', 'Once2', 'Many2', 'Once3', 'Many1', 'Many2', 'Many1', 'Many2', } command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "Many1")') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once1")') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once2")') command('autocmd TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "Many2")') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once3")') eq( dedent([[ --- Autocommands --- TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "Many1") :call add(g:foo, "Once1") :call add(g:foo, "Once2") :call add(g:foo, "Many2") :call add(g:foo, "Once3")]]), fn.execute('autocmd Tabnew') ) command('tabnew') command('tabnew') command('tabnew') eq(expected, eval('g:foo')) eq( dedent([[ --- Autocommands --- TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "Many1") :call add(g:foo, "Many2")]]), fn.execute('autocmd Tabnew') ) -- -- ":autocmd ... ++once" handlers can be deleted. -- expected = {} command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once1")') command('autocmd! TabNew') command('tabnew') eq(expected, eval('g:foo')) -- -- ":autocmd ... ++once ++nested" -- expected = { 'OptionSet-Once', 'CursorMoved-Once', } command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd OptionSet binary ++nested ++once :call add(g:foo, "OptionSet-Once")') command( 'autocmd CursorMoved ++once ++nested setlocal binary|:call add(g:foo, "CursorMoved-Once")' ) command("put ='foo bar baz'") feed('0llhlh') eq(expected, eval('g:foo')) -- -- :autocmd should not show empty section after ++once handlers expire. -- expected = { 'Once1', 'Once2', } command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd! TabNew') -- Clear all TabNew handlers. command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once1")') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once2")') command('tabnew') eq(expected, eval('g:foo')) eq( dedent([[ --- Autocommands ---]]), fn.execute('autocmd Tabnew') ) end) it('internal `aucmd_win` window', function() -- Nvim uses a special internal window `aucmd_win` to execute certain -- actions for an invisible buffer (:help E813). -- Check redrawing and API accesses to this window. local screen = Screen.new(50, 10) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, [2] = { background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta }, [3] = { background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, }, }) source([[ function! Doit() let g:winid = nvim_get_current_win() redraw! echo getchar() " API functions work when aucmd_win is in scope let g:had_value = has_key(w:, "testvar") call nvim_win_set_var(g:winid, "testvar", 7) let g:test = w:testvar endfunction set hidden " add dummy text to not discard the buffer call setline(1,"bb") autocmd User call Doit() ]]) screen:expect([[ ^bb | {1:~ }|*8 | ]]) feed(':enew | doautoall User') screen:expect([[ {2:bb }| {3:~ }|*4 {1:~ }|*4 ^:enew | doautoall User | ]]) feed('') screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*8 13 | ]]) eq(7, eval('g:test')) -- API calls are blocked when aucmd_win is not in scope eq( 'Vim(call):E5555: API call: Invalid window id: 1001', pcall_err(command, 'call nvim_set_current_win(g:winid)') ) -- second time aucmd_win is needed, a different code path is invoked -- to reuse the same window, so check again command('let g:test = v:null') command('let g:had_value = v:null') feed(':doautoall User') screen:expect([[ {2:bb }| {3:~ }|*4 {1:~ }|*4 ^:doautoall User | ]]) feed('') screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*8 13 | ]]) -- win vars in aucmd_win should have been reset eq(0, eval('g:had_value')) eq(7, eval('g:test')) eq( 'Vim(call):E5555: API call: Invalid window id: 1001', pcall_err(command, 'call nvim_set_current_win(g:winid)') ) end) it('`aucmd_win` cannot be changed into a normal window #13699', function() local screen = Screen.new(50, 10) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids { [1] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, [2] = { reverse = true }, [3] = { bold = true, reverse = true }, } -- Create specific layout and ensure it's left unchanged. -- Use nvim_buf_call on a hidden buffer so aucmd_win is used. exec_lua [[ vim.cmd "wincmd s | wincmd _" _G.buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) vim.api.nvim_buf_call(_G.buf, function() vim.cmd "wincmd J" end) ]] screen:expect [[ ^ | {1:~ }|*5 {3:[No Name] }| | {2:[No Name] }| | ]] -- This used to crash after making aucmd_win a normal window via the above. exec_lua [[ vim.cmd "tabnew | tabclose # | wincmd s | wincmd _" vim.api.nvim_buf_call(_G.buf, function() vim.cmd "wincmd K" end) ]] assert_alive() screen:expect_unchanged() -- Ensure splitting still works from inside the aucmd_win. exec_lua [[vim.api.nvim_buf_call(_G.buf, function() vim.cmd "split" end)]] screen:expect [[ ^ | {1:~ }| {3:[No Name] }| | {1:~ }| {2:[Scratch] }| | {1:~ }| {2:[No Name] }| | ]] -- After all of our messing around, aucmd_win should still be floating. -- Use :only to ensure _G.buf is hidden again (so the aucmd_win is used). eq( 'editor', exec_lua [[ vim.cmd "only" vim.api.nvim_buf_call(_G.buf, function() _G.config = vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(0) end) return _G.config.relative ]] ) end) describe('closing last non-floating window in tab from `aucmd_win`', function() before_each(function() command('edit Xa.txt') command('tabnew Xb.txt') command('autocmd BufAdd Xa.txt 1close') end) it('gives E814 when there are no other floating windows', function() eq( 'BufAdd Autocommands for "Xa.txt": Vim(close):E814: Cannot close window, only autocmd window would remain', pcall_err(command, 'doautoall BufAdd') ) end) it('gives E814 when there are other floating windows', function() api.nvim_open_win( 0, true, { width = 10, height = 10, relative = 'editor', row = 10, col = 10 } ) eq( 'BufAdd Autocommands for "Xa.txt": Vim(close):E814: Cannot close window, only autocmd window would remain', pcall_err(command, 'doautoall BufAdd') ) end) end) it('closing `aucmd_win` using API gives E813', function() exec_lua([[ vim.cmd('tabnew') _G.buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) ]]) matches( 'Vim:E813: Cannot close autocmd window$', pcall_err( exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_buf_call(_G.buf, function() local win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() vim.api.nvim_win_close(win, true) end) ]] ) ) matches( 'Vim:E813: Cannot close autocmd window$', pcall_err( exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_buf_call(_G.buf, function() local win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() vim.cmd('tabnext') vim.api.nvim_win_close(win, true) end) ]] ) ) matches( 'Vim:E813: Cannot close autocmd window$', pcall_err( exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_buf_call(_G.buf, function() local win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() vim.api.nvim_win_hide(win) end) ]] ) ) matches( 'Vim:E813: Cannot close autocmd window$', pcall_err( exec_lua, [[ vim.api.nvim_buf_call(_G.buf, function() local win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() vim.cmd('tabnext') vim.api.nvim_win_hide(win) end) ]] ) ) end) it(':doautocmd does not warn "No matching autocommands" #10689', function() local screen = Screen.new(32, 3) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, }) feed(':doautocmd User Foo') screen:expect { grid = [[ ^ | {1:~ }| :doautocmd User Foo | ]], } feed(':autocmd! SessionLoadPost') feed(':doautocmd SessionLoadPost') screen:expect { grid = [[ ^ | {1:~ }| :doautocmd SessionLoadPost | ]], } end) describe('v:event is readonly #18063', function() it('during ChanOpen event', function() command('autocmd ChanOpen * let v:event.info.id = 0') fn.jobstart({ 'cat' }) retry(nil, nil, function() eq('E46: Cannot change read-only variable "v:event.info"', api.nvim_get_vvar('errmsg')) end) end) it('during ChanOpen event', function() command('autocmd ChanInfo * let v:event.info.id = 0') api.nvim_set_client_info('foo', {}, 'remote', {}, {}) retry(nil, nil, function() eq('E46: Cannot change read-only variable "v:event.info"', api.nvim_get_vvar('errmsg')) end) end) it('during RecordingLeave event', function() command([[autocmd RecordingLeave * let v:event.regname = '']]) eq( 'RecordingLeave Autocommands for "*": Vim(let):E46: Cannot change read-only variable "v:event.regname"', pcall_err(command, 'normal! qqq') ) end) it('during TermClose event', function() command('autocmd TermClose * let v:event.status = 0') command('terminal') eq( 'TermClose Autocommands for "*": Vim(let):E46: Cannot change read-only variable "v:event.status"', pcall_err(command, 'bdelete!') ) end) end) describe('old_tests', function() it('vimscript: WinNew ++once', function() source [[ " Without ++once WinNew triggers twice let g:did_split = 0 augroup Testing au! au WinNew * let g:did_split += 1 augroup END split split call assert_equal(2, g:did_split) call assert_true(exists('#WinNew')) close close " With ++once WinNew triggers once let g:did_split = 0 augroup Testing au! au WinNew * ++once let g:did_split += 1 augroup END split split call assert_equal(1, g:did_split) call assert_false(exists('#WinNew')) close close call assert_fails('au WinNew * ++once ++once echo bad', 'E983:') ]] api.nvim_set_var('did_split', 0) source [[ augroup Testing au! au WinNew * let g:did_split += 1 augroup END split split ]] eq(2, api.nvim_get_var('did_split')) eq(1, fn.exists('#WinNew')) -- Now with once api.nvim_set_var('did_split', 0) source [[ augroup Testing au! au WinNew * ++once let g:did_split += 1 augroup END split split ]] eq(1, api.nvim_get_var('did_split')) eq(0, fn.exists('#WinNew')) -- call assert_fails('au WinNew * ++once ++once echo bad', 'E983:') local ok, msg = pcall( source, [[ au WinNew * ++once ++once echo bad ]] ) eq(false, ok) eq(true, not not string.find(msg, 'E983:')) end) it('should have autocmds in filetypedetect group', function() source [[filetype on]] neq({}, api.nvim_get_autocmds { group = 'filetypedetect' }) end) it('should allow comma-separated patterns', function() source [[ augroup TestingPatterns au! autocmd BufReadCmd *.shada,*.shada.tmp.[a-z] echo 'hello' autocmd BufReadCmd *.shada,*.shada.tmp.[a-z] echo 'hello' augroup END ]] eq(4, #api.nvim_get_autocmds { event = 'BufReadCmd', group = 'TestingPatterns' }) end) end) it('no use-after-free when adding autocommands from a callback', function() exec_lua [[ vim.cmd "autocmd! TabNew" vim.g.count = 0 vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TabNew', { callback = function() vim.g.count = vim.g.count + 1 for _ = 1, 100 do vim.cmd "autocmd TabNew * let g:count += 1" end return true end, }) vim.cmd "tabnew" ]] eq(1, eval('g:count')) -- Added autocommands should not be executed end) it('no crash when clearing a group inside a callback #23355', function() exec_lua [[ vim.cmd "autocmd! TabNew" local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('Test', {}) local id id = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TabNew', { group = group, callback = function() vim.api.nvim_del_autocmd(id) vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('Test', { clear = true }) end, }) vim.cmd "tabnew" ]] end) end)