-- Tests for autocommands -- - FileWritePre writing a compressed file -- - FileReadPost reading a compressed file -- - BufNewFile reading a file template -- - BufReadPre decompressing the file to be read -- - FilterReadPre substituting characters in the temp file -- - FilterReadPost substituting characters after filtering -- - FileReadPre set options for decompression -- - FileReadPost decompress the file -- Note: This test is skipped if "gzip" is not available. -- $GZIP is made empty, "-v" would cause trouble. -- Use a FileChangedShell autocommand to avoid a prompt for "Xtestfile.gz" -- being modified outside of Vim (noticed on Solaris). local helpers= require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local lfs = require('lfs') local clear, feed_command, expect, eq, neq, dedent, write_file, feed = helpers.clear, helpers.feed_command, helpers.expect, helpers.eq, helpers.neq, helpers.dedent, helpers.write_file, helpers.feed local iswin = helpers.iswin local function has_gzip() local null = iswin() and 'nul' or '/dev/null' return os.execute('gzip --help >' .. null .. ' 2>&1') == 0 end local function prepare_gz_file(name, text) write_file(name, text..'\n') -- Compress the file with gzip. os.execute('gzip --force '..name) -- This should create the .gz file and delete the original. neq(nil, lfs.attributes(name..'.gz')) eq(nil, lfs.attributes(name)) end describe('file reading, writing and bufnew and filter autocommands', function() local text1 = dedent([[ start of testfile line 2 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 4 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 6 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 8 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz end of testfile]]) setup(function() write_file('Xtest.c', [[ /* * Here is a new .c file */ ]]) end) before_each(clear) teardown(function() os.remove('Xtestfile.gz') os.remove('Xtest.c') os.remove('test.out') end) if iswin() or not has_gzip() then pending('skipped (missing `gzip` utility)', function() end) else it('FileReadPost (using gzip)', function() prepare_gz_file('Xtestfile', text1) feed_command('let $GZIP = ""') --execute('au FileChangedShell * echo "caught FileChangedShell"') feed_command('set bin') feed_command("au FileReadPost *.gz '[,']!gzip -d") -- Read and decompress the testfile. feed_command('$r Xtestfile.gz') expect('\n'..text1) end) it('BufReadPre, BufReadPost (using gzip)', function() prepare_gz_file('Xtestfile', text1) local gzip_data = io.open('Xtestfile.gz'):read('*all') feed_command('let $GZIP = ""') -- Setup autocommands to decompress before reading and re-compress afterwards. feed_command("au BufReadPre *.gz exe '!gzip -d ' . shellescape(expand(''))") feed_command("au BufReadPre *.gz call rename(expand(':r'), expand(''))") feed_command("au BufReadPost *.gz call rename(expand(''), expand(':r'))") feed_command("au BufReadPost *.gz exe '!gzip ' . shellescape(expand(':r'))") -- Edit compressed file. feed_command('e! Xtestfile.gz') -- Discard all prompts and messages. feed('') -- Expect the decompressed file in the buffer. expect(text1) -- Expect the original file to be unchanged. eq(gzip_data, io.open('Xtestfile.gz'):read('*all')) end) -- luacheck: ignore 621 (Indentation) -- luacheck: ignore 611 (Line contains only whitespaces) it('FileReadPre, FileReadPost', function() prepare_gz_file('Xtestfile', text1) feed_command('au! FileReadPre *.gz exe "silent !gzip -d " . shellescape(expand(""))') feed_command('au FileReadPre *.gz call rename(expand(":r"), expand(""))') feed_command("au! FileReadPost *.gz '[,']s/l/L/") -- Read compressed file. feed_command('$r Xtestfile.gz') -- Discard all prompts and messages. feed('') expect([[ start of testfiLe Line 2 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Line 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Line 4 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Line 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Line 6 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Line 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Line 8 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Line 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz end of testfiLe]]) end) end it('FileAppendPre, FileAppendPost', function() feed_command('au BufNewFile *.c read Xtest.c') -- Will load Xtest.c. feed_command('e! foo.c') feed_command("au FileAppendPre *.out '[,']s/new/NEW/") feed_command('au FileAppendPost *.out !cat Xtest.c >>test.out') -- Append it to the output file. feed_command('w>>test.out') -- Discard all prompts and messages. feed('') -- Expect the decompressed file in the buffer. feed_command('e test.out') expect([[ /* * Here is a NEW .c file */]]) end) it('FilterReadPre, FilterReadPost', function() if helpers.pending_win32(pending) then return end -- Write a special input file for this test block. write_file('test.out', dedent([[ startstart ]]) .. text1 .. dedent([[ start of test.c /* * Here is a new .c file */ end of test.c ]]) .. text1 .. dedent([[ /* * Here is a NEW .c file */ /* * Here is a new .c file */ ]]) .. text1 .. dedent([[ /* * Here is a new .c file */]])) -- Need temp files here. feed_command('set shelltemp') feed_command('au FilterReadPre *.out call rename(expand(""), expand("") . ".t")') feed_command('au FilterReadPre *.out exe "silent !sed s/e/E/ " . shellescape(expand("")) . ".t >" . shellescape(expand(""))') feed_command('au FilterReadPre *.out exe "silent !rm " . shellescape(expand("")) . ".t"') feed_command("au FilterReadPost *.out '[,']s/x/X/g") -- Edit the output file. feed_command('e! test.out') feed_command('23,$!cat') -- Discard all prompts and messages. feed('') -- Remove CR for when sed adds them. feed_command([[23,$s/\r$//]]) expect([[ startstart start of testfile line 2 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 4 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 6 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 8 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 10 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz end of testfile start of test.c /* * Here is a new .c file */ end of test.c start of testfile line 2 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz line 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 4 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz linE 5 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX linE 6 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz linE 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX linE 8 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz linE 9 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX linE 10 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz End of testfile /* * HEre is a NEW .c file */ /* * HEre is a new .c file */ start of tEstfile linE 2 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz linE 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX linE 4 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz linE 5 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX linE 6 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz linE 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX linE 8 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz linE 9 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX linE 10 AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyz End of testfile /* * HEre is a new .c file */]]) end) end)