--- @brief Nvim Lua provides an interface or "bridge" to Vimscript variables and --- functions, and editor commands and options. --- --- Objects passed over this bridge are COPIED (marshalled): there are no --- "references". |lua-guide-variables| For example, using `vim.fn.remove()` on --- a Lua list copies the list object to Vimscript and does NOT modify the Lua --- list: --- --- ```lua --- local list = { 1, 2, 3 } --- vim.fn.remove(list, 0) --- vim.print(list) --> "{ 1, 2, 3 }" --- ``` --- @brief
--- vim.call({func}, {...})                                           *vim.call()*
---     Invokes |vim-function| or |user-function| {func} with arguments {...}.
---     See also |vim.fn|.
---     Equivalent to: >lua
---         vim.fn[func]({...})
--- <
--- vim.cmd({command})
---     See |vim.cmd()|.
--- vim.fn.{func}({...})                                                  *vim.fn*
---     Invokes |vim-function| or |user-function| {func} with arguments {...}.
---     To call autoload functions, use the syntax: >lua
---         vim.fn['some#function']({...})
--- <
---     Unlike vim.api.|nvim_call_function()| this converts directly between Vim
---     objects and Lua objects. If the Vim function returns a float, it will be
---     represented directly as a Lua number. Empty lists and dictionaries both
---     are represented by an empty table.
---     Note: |v:null| values as part of the return value is represented as
---     |vim.NIL| special value
---     Note: vim.fn keys are generated lazily, thus `pairs(vim.fn)` only
---     enumerates functions that were called at least once.
---     Note: The majority of functions cannot run in |api-fast| callbacks with some
---     undocumented exceptions which are allowed.
---                                                            *lua-vim-variables*
--- The Vim editor global dictionaries |g:| |w:| |b:| |t:| |v:| can be accessed
--- from Lua conveniently and idiomatically by referencing the `vim.*` Lua tables
--- described below. In this way you can easily read and modify global Vimscript
--- variables from Lua.
--- Example: >lua
---     vim.g.foo = 5     -- Set the g:foo Vimscript variable.
---     print(vim.g.foo)  -- Get and print the g:foo Vimscript variable.
---     vim.g.foo = nil   -- Delete (:unlet) the Vimscript variable.
---     vim.b[2].foo = 6  -- Set b:foo for buffer 2
--- <
--- Note that setting dictionary fields directly will not write them back into
--- Nvim. This is because the index into the namespace simply returns a copy.
--- Instead the whole dictionary must be written as one. This can be achieved by
--- creating a short-lived temporary.
--- Example: >lua
---     vim.g.my_dict.field1 = 'value'  -- Does not work
---     local my_dict = vim.g.my_dict   --
---     my_dict.field1 = 'value'        -- Instead do
---     vim.g.my_dict = my_dict         --
--- vim.g                                                                  *vim.g*
---     Global (|g:|) editor variables.
---     Key with no value returns `nil`.
--- vim.b                                                                  *vim.b*
---     Buffer-scoped (|b:|) variables for the current buffer.
---     Invalid or unset key returns `nil`. Can be indexed with
---     an integer to access variables for a specific buffer.
--- vim.w                                                                  *vim.w*
---     Window-scoped (|w:|) variables for the current window.
---     Invalid or unset key returns `nil`. Can be indexed with
---     an integer to access variables for a specific window.
--- vim.t                                                                  *vim.t*
---     Tabpage-scoped (|t:|) variables for the current tabpage.
---     Invalid or unset key returns `nil`. Can be indexed with
---     an integer to access variables for a specific tabpage.
--- vim.v                                                                  *vim.v*
---     |v:| variables.
---     Invalid or unset key returns `nil`.
local api = vim.api -- TODO(tjdevries): Improve option metadata so that this doesn't have to be hardcoded. -- Can be done in a separate PR. local key_value_options = { fillchars = true, fcs = true, listchars = true, lcs = true, winhighlight = true, winhl = true, } --- @nodoc --- @class vim._option.Info : vim.api.keyset.get_option_info --- @field metatype 'boolean'|'string'|'number'|'map'|'array'|'set' --- Convert a vimoption_T style dictionary to the correct OptionType associated with it. ---@return string local function get_option_metatype(name, info) if info.type == 'string' then if info.flaglist then return 'set' elseif info.commalist then if key_value_options[name] then return 'map' end return 'array' end return 'string' end return info.type end --- @param name string --- @return vim._option.Info local function get_options_info(name) local info = api.nvim_get_option_info2(name, {}) --- @cast info vim._option.Info info.metatype = get_option_metatype(name, info) return info end --- Environment variables defined in the editor session. --- See |expand-env| and |:let-environment| for the Vimscript behavior. --- Invalid or unset key returns `nil`. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- vim.env.FOO = 'bar' --- print(vim.env.TERM) --- ``` vim.env = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) local v = vim.fn.getenv(k) if v == vim.NIL then return nil end return v end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) vim.fn.setenv(k, v) end, }) local function new_buf_opt_accessor(bufnr) return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) if bufnr == nil and type(k) == 'number' then return new_buf_opt_accessor(k) end return api.nvim_get_option_value(k, { buf = bufnr or 0 }) end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) return api.nvim_set_option_value(k, v, { buf = bufnr or 0 }) end, }) end local function new_win_opt_accessor(winid, bufnr) return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) if bufnr == nil and type(k) == 'number' then if winid == nil then return new_win_opt_accessor(k) else return new_win_opt_accessor(winid, k) end end if bufnr ~= nil and bufnr ~= 0 then error('only bufnr=0 is supported') end -- TODO(lewis6991): allow passing both buf and win to nvim_get_option_value return api.nvim_get_option_value(k, { scope = bufnr and 'local' or nil, win = winid or 0, }) end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) -- TODO(lewis6991): allow passing both buf and win to nvim_set_option_value return api.nvim_set_option_value(k, v, { scope = bufnr and 'local' or nil, win = winid or 0, }) end, }) end --- @brief
---                                                                  *lua-options*
---                                                              *lua-vim-options*
---                                                                  *lua-vim-set*
---                                                             *lua-vim-setlocal*
--- Vim options can be accessed through |vim.o|, which behaves like Vimscript
--- |:set|.
---     Examples: ~
---     To set a boolean toggle:
---         Vimscript: `set number`
---         Lua:       `vim.o.number = true`
---     To set a string value:
---         Vimscript: `set wildignore=*.o,*.a,__pycache__`
---         Lua:       `vim.o.wildignore = '*.o,*.a,__pycache__'`
--- Similarly, there is |vim.bo| and |vim.wo| for setting buffer-scoped and
--- window-scoped options. Note that this must NOT be confused with
--- |local-options| and |:setlocal|. There is also |vim.go| that only accesses the
--- global value of a |global-local| option, see |:setglobal|.
--- Get or set |options|. Like `:set`. Invalid key is an error. --- --- Note: this works on both buffer-scoped and window-scoped options using the --- current buffer and window. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- vim.o.cmdheight = 4 --- print(vim.o.columns) --- print(vim.o.foo) -- error: invalid key --- ``` vim.o = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) return api.nvim_get_option_value(k, {}) end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) return api.nvim_set_option_value(k, v, {}) end, }) --- Get or set global |options|. Like `:setglobal`. Invalid key is --- an error. --- --- Note: this is different from |vim.o| because this accesses the global --- option value and thus is mostly useful for use with |global-local| --- options. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- vim.go.cmdheight = 4 --- print(vim.go.columns) --- print(vim.go.bar) -- error: invalid key --- ``` vim.go = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) return api.nvim_get_option_value(k, { scope = 'global' }) end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) return api.nvim_set_option_value(k, v, { scope = 'global' }) end, }) --- Get or set buffer-scoped |options| for the buffer with number {bufnr}. --- If {bufnr} is omitted then the current buffer is used. --- Invalid {bufnr} or key is an error. --- --- Note: this is equivalent to `:setlocal` for |global-local| options and `:set` otherwise. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() --- vim.bo[bufnr].buflisted = true -- same as vim.bo.buflisted = true --- print(vim.bo.comments) --- print(vim.bo.baz) -- error: invalid key --- ``` vim.bo = new_buf_opt_accessor() --- Get or set window-scoped |options| for the window with handle {winid} and --- buffer with number {bufnr}. Like `:setlocal` if setting a |global-local| option --- or if {bufnr} is provided, like `:set` otherwise. If {winid} is omitted then --- the current window is used. Invalid {winid}, {bufnr} or key is an error. --- --- Note: only {bufnr} with value `0` (the current buffer in the window) is --- supported. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- local winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() --- vim.wo[winid].number = true -- same as vim.wo.number = true --- print(vim.wo.foldmarker) --- print(vim.wo.quux) -- error: invalid key --- vim.wo[winid][0].spell = false -- like ':setlocal nospell' --- ``` vim.wo = new_win_opt_accessor() --- vim.opt, vim.opt_local and vim.opt_global implementation --- --- To be used as helpers for working with options within neovim. --- For information on how to use, see :help vim.opt --- Preserves the order and does not mutate the original list --- @generic T --- @param t T[] --- @return T[] local function remove_duplicate_values(t) --- @type table, table local result, seen = {}, {} for _, v in ipairs(t --[[@as any[] ]]) do if not seen[v] then table.insert(result, v) end seen[v] = true end return result end --- Check whether the OptionTypes is allowed for vim.opt --- If it does not match, throw an error which indicates which option causes the error. --- @param name any --- @param value any --- @param types string[] local function assert_valid_value(name, value, types) local type_of_value = type(value) for _, valid_type in ipairs(types) do if valid_type == type_of_value then return end end error( string.format( "Invalid option type '%s' for '%s', should be %s", type_of_value, name, table.concat(types, ' or ') ) ) end local function passthrough(_, x) return x end local function tbl_merge(left, right) return vim.tbl_extend('force', left, right) end --- @param t table --- @param value any|any[] local function tbl_remove(t, value) if type(value) == 'string' then t[value] = nil else for _, v in ipairs(value) do t[v] = nil end end return t end local valid_types = { boolean = { 'boolean' }, number = { 'number' }, string = { 'string' }, set = { 'string', 'table' }, array = { 'string', 'table' }, map = { 'string', 'table' }, } -- Map of functions to take a Lua style value and convert to vimoption_T style value. -- Each function takes (info, lua_value) -> vim_value local to_vim_value = { boolean = passthrough, number = passthrough, string = passthrough, --- @param info vim._option.Info --- @param value string|table set = function(info, value) if type(value) == 'string' then return value end if info.flaglist and info.commalist then local keys = {} for k, v in pairs(value) do if v then table.insert(keys, k) end end table.sort(keys) return table.concat(keys, ',') else local result = '' for k, v in pairs(value) do if v then result = result .. k end end return result end end, --- @param info vim._option.Info --- @param value string|string[] array = function(info, value) if type(value) == 'string' then return value end if not info.allows_duplicates then value = remove_duplicate_values(value) end return table.concat(value, ',') end, --- @param value string|table map = function(_, value) if type(value) == 'string' then return value end local result = {} for opt_key, opt_value in pairs(value) do table.insert(result, string.format('%s:%s', opt_key, opt_value)) end table.sort(result) return table.concat(result, ',') end, } --- Convert a Lua value to a vimoption_T value local function convert_value_to_vim(name, info, value) if value == nil then return vim.NIL end assert_valid_value(name, value, valid_types[info.metatype]) return to_vim_value[info.metatype](info, value) end -- Map of OptionType to functions that take vimoption_T values and convert to Lua values. -- Each function takes (info, vim_value) -> lua_value local to_lua_value = { boolean = passthrough, number = passthrough, string = passthrough, array = function(info, value) if type(value) == 'table' then if not info.allows_duplicates then value = remove_duplicate_values(value) end return value end -- Empty strings mean that there is nothing there, -- so empty table should be returned. if value == '' then return {} end -- Handles unescaped commas in a list. if value:find(',,,') then --- @type string, string local left, right = unpack(vim.split(value, ',,,')) local result = {} vim.list_extend(result, vim.split(left, ',')) table.insert(result, ',') vim.list_extend(result, vim.split(right, ',')) table.sort(result) return result end if value:find(',^,,', 1, true) then --- @type string, string local left, right = unpack(vim.split(value, ',^,,', { plain = true })) local result = {} vim.list_extend(result, vim.split(left, ',')) table.insert(result, '^,') vim.list_extend(result, vim.split(right, ',')) table.sort(result) return result end return vim.split(value, ',') end, set = function(info, value) if type(value) == 'table' then return value end -- Empty strings mean that there is nothing there, -- so empty table should be returned. if value == '' then return {} end assert(info.flaglist, 'That is the only one I know how to handle') local result = {} --- @type table if info.flaglist and info.commalist then local split_value = vim.split(value, ',') for _, v in ipairs(split_value) do result[v] = true end else for i = 1, #value do result[value:sub(i, i)] = true end end return result end, map = function(info, raw_value) if type(raw_value) == 'table' then return raw_value end assert(info.commalist, 'Only commas are supported currently') local result = {} --- @type table local comma_split = vim.split(raw_value, ',') for _, key_value_str in ipairs(comma_split) do --- @type string, string local key, value = unpack(vim.split(key_value_str, ':')) key = vim.trim(key) result[key] = value end return result end, } --- Converts a vimoption_T style value to a Lua value local function convert_value_to_lua(info, option_value) return to_lua_value[info.metatype](info, option_value) end local prepend_methods = { number = function() error("The '^' operator is not currently supported for") end, string = function(left, right) return right .. left end, array = function(left, right) for i = #right, 1, -1 do table.insert(left, 1, right[i]) end return left end, map = tbl_merge, set = tbl_merge, } --- Handles the '^' operator local function prepend_value(info, current, new) return prepend_methods[info.metatype]( convert_value_to_lua(info, current), convert_value_to_lua(info, new) ) end local add_methods = { --- @param left integer --- @param right integer number = function(left, right) return left + right end, --- @param left string --- @param right string string = function(left, right) return left .. right end, --- @param left string[] --- @param right string[] --- @return string[] array = function(left, right) for _, v in ipairs(right) do table.insert(left, v) end return left end, map = tbl_merge, set = tbl_merge, } --- Handles the '+' operator local function add_value(info, current, new) return add_methods[info.metatype]( convert_value_to_lua(info, current), convert_value_to_lua(info, new) ) end --- @param t table --- @param val any local function remove_one_item(t, val) if vim.islist(t) then local remove_index = nil for i, v in ipairs(t) do if v == val then remove_index = i end end if remove_index then table.remove(t, remove_index) end else t[val] = nil end end local remove_methods = { --- @param left integer --- @param right integer number = function(left, right) return left - right end, string = function() error('Subtraction not supported for strings.') end, --- @param left string[] --- @param right string[] --- @return string[] array = function(left, right) if type(right) == 'string' then remove_one_item(left, right) else for _, v in ipairs(right) do remove_one_item(left, v) end end return left end, map = tbl_remove, set = tbl_remove, } --- Handles the '-' operator local function remove_value(info, current, new) return remove_methods[info.metatype](convert_value_to_lua(info, current), new) end local function create_option_accessor(scope) local option_mt local function make_option(name, value) local info = assert(get_options_info(name), 'Not a valid option name: ' .. name) if type(value) == 'table' and getmetatable(value) == option_mt then assert(name == value._name, "must be the same value, otherwise that's weird.") value = value._value end return setmetatable({ _name = name, _value = value, _info = info, }, option_mt) end option_mt = { -- To set a value, instead use: -- opt[my_option] = value _set = function(self) local value = convert_value_to_vim(self._name, self._info, self._value) api.nvim_set_option_value(self._name, value, { scope = scope }) end, get = function(self) return convert_value_to_lua(self._info, self._value) end, append = function(self, right) self._value = add_value(self._info, self._value, right) self:_set() end, __add = function(self, right) return make_option(self._name, add_value(self._info, self._value, right)) end, prepend = function(self, right) self._value = prepend_value(self._info, self._value, right) self:_set() end, __pow = function(self, right) return make_option(self._name, prepend_value(self._info, self._value, right)) end, remove = function(self, right) self._value = remove_value(self._info, self._value, right) self:_set() end, __sub = function(self, right) return make_option(self._name, remove_value(self._info, self._value, right)) end, } option_mt.__index = option_mt return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) -- vim.opt_global must get global value only -- vim.opt_local may fall back to global value like vim.opt local opts = { scope = scope == 'global' and 'global' or nil } return make_option(k, api.nvim_get_option_value(k, opts)) end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) make_option(k, v):_set() end, }) end --- @brief
---                                                                           *vim.opt_local*
---                                                                        *vim.opt_global*
---                                                                               *vim.opt*
--- A special interface |vim.opt| exists for conveniently interacting with list-
--- and map-style option from Lua: It allows accessing them as Lua tables and
--- offers object-oriented method for adding and removing entries.
---     Examples: ~
---     The following methods of setting a list-style option are equivalent:
---         In Vimscript: >vim
---             set wildignore=*.o,*.a,__pycache__
--- <
---         In Lua using `vim.o`: >lua
---             vim.o.wildignore = '*.o,*.a,__pycache__'
--- <
---         In Lua using `vim.opt`: >lua
---             vim.opt.wildignore = { '*.o', '*.a', '__pycache__' }
--- <
---     To replicate the behavior of |:set+=|, use: >lua
---         vim.opt.wildignore:append { "*.pyc", "node_modules" }
--- <
---     To replicate the behavior of |:set^=|, use: >lua
---         vim.opt.wildignore:prepend { "new_first_value" }
--- <
---     To replicate the behavior of |:set-=|, use: >lua
---         vim.opt.wildignore:remove { "node_modules" }
--- <
---     The following methods of setting a map-style option are equivalent:
---         In Vimscript: >vim
---             set listchars=space:_,tab:>~
--- <
---         In Lua using `vim.o`: >lua
---             vim.o.listchars = 'space:_,tab:>~'
--- <
---         In Lua using `vim.opt`: >lua
---             vim.opt.listchars = { space = '_', tab = '>~' }
--- <
--- Note that |vim.opt| returns an `Option` object, not the value of the option,
--- which is accessed through |vim.opt:get()|:
---     Examples: ~
---     The following methods of getting a list-style option are equivalent:
---         In Vimscript: >vim
---             echo wildignore
--- <
---         In Lua using `vim.o`: >lua
---             print(vim.o.wildignore)
--- <
---         In Lua using `vim.opt`: >lua
---             vim.print(vim.opt.wildignore:get())
--- <
--- In any of the above examples, to replicate the behavior |:setlocal|, use
--- `vim.opt_local`. Additionally, to replicate the behavior of |:setglobal|, use
--- `vim.opt_global`.
--- @nodoc --- @class vim.Option local Option = {} -- luacheck: no unused --- Returns a Lua-representation of the option. Boolean, number and string --- values will be returned in exactly the same fashion. --- --- For values that are comma-separated lists, an array will be returned with --- the values as entries in the array: --- --- ```lua --- vim.cmd [[set wildignore=*.pyc,*.o]] --- --- vim.print(vim.opt.wildignore:get()) --- -- { "*.pyc", "*.o", } --- --- for _, ignore_pattern in ipairs(vim.opt.wildignore:get()) do --- print("Will ignore:", ignore_pattern) --- end --- -- Will ignore: *.pyc --- -- Will ignore: *.o --- ``` --- --- For values that are comma-separated maps, a table will be returned with --- the names as keys and the values as entries: --- --- ```lua --- vim.cmd [[set listchars=space:_,tab:>~]] --- --- vim.print(vim.opt.listchars:get()) --- -- { space = "_", tab = ">~", } --- --- for char, representation in pairs(vim.opt.listchars:get()) do --- print(char, "=>", representation) --- end --- ``` --- --- For values that are lists of flags, a set will be returned with the flags --- as keys and `true` as entries. --- --- ```lua --- vim.cmd [[set formatoptions=njtcroql]] --- --- vim.print(vim.opt.formatoptions:get()) --- -- { n = true, j = true, c = true, ... } --- --- local format_opts = vim.opt.formatoptions:get() --- if format_opts.j then --- print("J is enabled!") --- end --- ``` ---@return string|integer|boolean|nil value of option function Option:get() end --- Append a value to string-style options. See |:set+=| --- --- These are equivalent: --- --- ```lua --- vim.opt.formatoptions:append('j') --- vim.opt.formatoptions = vim.opt.formatoptions + 'j' --- ``` ---@param value string Value to append ---@diagnostic disable-next-line:unused-local used for gen_vimdoc function Option:append(value) end -- luacheck: no unused --- Prepend a value to string-style options. See |:set^=| --- --- These are equivalent: --- --- ```lua --- vim.opt.wildignore:prepend('*.o') --- vim.opt.wildignore = vim.opt.wildignore ^ '*.o' --- ``` ---@param value string Value to prepend ---@diagnostic disable-next-line:unused-local used for gen_vimdoc function Option:prepend(value) end -- luacheck: no unused --- Remove a value from string-style options. See |:set-=| --- --- These are equivalent: --- --- ```lua --- vim.opt.wildignore:remove('*.pyc') --- vim.opt.wildignore = vim.opt.wildignore - '*.pyc' --- ``` ---@param value string Value to remove ---@diagnostic disable-next-line:unused-local used for gen_vimdoc function Option:remove(value) end -- luacheck: no unused ---@private vim.opt = create_option_accessor() ---@private vim.opt_local = create_option_accessor('local') ---@private vim.opt_global = create_option_accessor('global')