" Tests for 'virtualedit'. func Test_yank_move_change() new call setline(1, [ \ "func foo() error {", \ "\tif n, err := bar();", \ "\terr != nil {", \ "\t\treturn err", \ "\t}", \ "\tn = n * n", \ ]) set virtualedit=all set ts=4 function! MoveSelectionDown(count) abort normal! m` silent! exe "'<,'>move'>+".a:count norm! `` endfunction xmap ]e :call MoveSelectionDown(v:count1) 2 normal 2gg normal J normal jVj normal ]e normal ce bwipe! set virtualedit= set ts=8 endfunc func Test_paste_end_of_line() new set virtualedit=all call setline(1, ['456', '123']) normal! gg0"ay$ exe "normal! 2G$lllA\:normal! \"agP\r" call assert_equal('123456', getline(2)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc func Test_replace_end_of_line() new set virtualedit=all call setline(1, range(20)) exe "normal! gg2jv10lr-" call assert_equal(["1", "-----------", "3"], getline(2,4)) call setline(1, range(20)) exe "normal! gg2jv10lr\hh" call assert_equal(["1", "───────────", "3"], getline(2,4)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc func Test_edit_CTRL_G() new set virtualedit=insert call setline(1, ['123', '1', '12']) exe "normal! ggA\jx\jx" call assert_equal(['123', '1 x', '12 x'], getline(1,'$')) set virtualedit=all %d_ call setline(1, ['1', '12']) exe "normal! ggllix\jx" call assert_equal(['1 x', '12x'], getline(1,'$')) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc func Test_edit_change() new set virtualedit=all call setline(1, "\t⒌") normal Cx call assert_equal('x', getline(1)) " Do a visual block change call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c']) exe "normal gg3l\2jcx" call assert_equal(['a x', 'b x', 'c x'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc func Test_edit_special_char() new se ve=all norm a0 sil! exe "norm o00000\kC\" call assert_equal('keyword keyword', getline(1)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Using "C" then then moves the last remaining character to the next " line. (Mary Ellen Foster) func Test_ve_del_to_eol() new set virtualedit=all call append(0, 'all your base are belong to us') call search('are', 'w') exe "normal C\are belong to vim" call assert_equal(['all your base ', 'are belong to vim'], getline(1, 2)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " When past the end of a line that ends in a single character "b" skips " that word. func Test_ve_b_past_eol() new set virtualedit=all call append(0, '1 2 3 4 5 6') normal gg^$15lbC7 call assert_equal('1 2 3 4 5 7', getline(1)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Make sure 'i', 'C', 'a', 'A' and 'D' works func Test_ve_ins_del() new set virtualedit=all call append(0, ["'i'", "'C'", "'a'", "'A'", "'D'"]) call cursor(1, 1) normal $4lix call assert_equal("'i' x", getline(1)) call cursor(2, 1) normal $4lCx call assert_equal("'C' x", getline(2)) call cursor(3, 1) normal $4lax call assert_equal("'a' x", getline(3)) call cursor(4, 1) normal $4lAx call assert_equal("'A'x", getline(4)) call cursor(5, 1) normal $4lDix call assert_equal("'D' x", getline(5)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Test for yank bug reported by Mark Waggoner. func Test_yank_block() new set virtualedit=block call append(0, repeat(['this is a test'], 3)) exe "normal gg^2w\3jy" call assert_equal("a\na\na\n ", @") bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Test "r" beyond the end of the line func Test_replace_after_eol() new set virtualedit=all call append(0, '"r"') normal gg$5lrxa call assert_equal('"r" x', getline(1)) " visual block replace %d _ call setline(1, ['a', '', 'b']) exe "normal 2l\2jrx" call assert_equal(['a x', ' x', 'b x'], getline(1, '$')) " visual characterwise selection replace after eol %d _ call setline(1, 'a') normal 4lv2lrx call assert_equal('a xxx', getline(1)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Test "r" on a tab " Note that for this test, 'ts' must be 8 (the default). func Test_replace_on_tab() new set virtualedit=all call append(0, "'r'\t") normal gg^5lrxAy call assert_equal("'r' x y", getline(1)) call setline(1, 'aaaaaaaaaaaa') exe "normal! gg2lgR\" call assert_equal("aa\taaaa", getline(1)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Test to make sure 'x' can delete control characters func Test_ve_del_ctrl_chars() new set virtualedit=all call append(0, "a\b\sd") set display=uhex normal gg^xxxxxxi[text] set display= call assert_equal('[text]', getline(1)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Test for ^Y/^E due to bad w_virtcol value, reported by " Roy . func Test_ins_copy_char() new set virtualedit=all call append(0, 'abcv8efi.him2kl') exe "normal gg^O\3li\\4li\\4li\ <--" exe "normal j^o\4li\\4li\\4li\ <--" call assert_equal(' v i m <--', getline(1)) call assert_equal(' 8 . 2 <--', getline(3)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Test for yanking and pasting using the small delete register func Test_yank_paste_small_del_reg() new set virtualedit=all call append(0, "foo, bar") normal ggdewve"-p call assert_equal(', foo', getline(1)) bwipe! set virtualedit= endfunc " Test for delete that breaks a tab into spaces func Test_delete_break_tab() new call setline(1, "one\ttwo") set virtualedit=all normal v3ld call assert_equal(' two', getline(1)) set virtualedit& close! endfunc " Test for using , and in virtual edit mode " to erase character, word and line. func Test_ve_backspace() new call setline(1, 'sample') set virtualedit=all set backspace=indent,eol,start exe "normal 15|i\\" call assert_equal([0, 1, 7, 5], getpos('.')) exe "normal 15|i\" call assert_equal([0, 1, 6, 0], getpos('.')) exe "normal 15|i\" call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos('.')) set backspace& set virtualedit& close! endfunc " Test for delete (x) on EOL character and after EOL func Test_delete_past_eol() new call setline(1, "ab") set virtualedit=all exe "normal 2lx" call assert_equal('ab', getline(1)) exe "normal 10lx" call assert_equal('ab', getline(1)) set virtualedit& bw! endfunc " After calling s:TryVirtualeditReplace(), line 1 will contain one of these " two strings, depending on whether virtual editing is on or off. let s:result_ve_on = 'a x' let s:result_ve_off = 'x' " Utility function for Test_global_local_virtualedit() func s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call setline(1, 'a') normal gg7l normal rx endfunc " Test for :set and :setlocal func Test_global_local_virtualedit() new " Verify that 'virtualedit' is initialized to empty, can be set globally to " all and to empty, and can be set locally to all and to empty. call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) set ve=all call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) set ve= call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) setlocal ve=all call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) setlocal ve= call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) " Verify that :set affects multiple windows. split set ve=all call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) wincmd p call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) set ve= wincmd p call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) bwipe! " Verify that :setlocal affects only the current window. new split setlocal ve=all call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) wincmd p call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) bwipe! call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) " Verify that the buffer 'virtualedit' state follows the global value only " when empty and that "none" works as expected. " " 'virtualedit' State " +--------+--------------------------+ " | Local | Global | " | | | " +--------+--------+--------+--------+ " | | "" | "all" | "none" | " +--------+--------+--------+--------+ " | "" | off | on | off | " | "all" | on | on | on | " | "none" | off | off | off | " +--------+--------+--------+--------+ new setglobal ve= setlocal ve= call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) setlocal ve=all call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) setlocal ve=none call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) setglobal ve=all setlocal ve= call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) setlocal ve=all call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) setlocal ve=none call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) setlocal ve=NONE call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) setglobal ve=none setlocal ve= call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) setlocal ve=all call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) setlocal ve=none call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) bwipe! " Verify that the 'virtualedit' state is copied to new windows. new call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) split setlocal ve=all call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) split call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_on, getline(1)) setlocal ve= split call s:TryVirtualeditReplace() call assert_equal(s:result_ve_off, getline(1)) bwipe! setlocal virtualedit& set virtualedit& endfunc func Test_virtualedit_setlocal() enew setglobal virtualedit=all setlocal virtualedit=all normal! l redraw setlocal virtualedit=none call assert_equal(1, wincol()) setlocal virtualedit& set virtualedit& endfunc func Test_virtualedit_mouse() let save_mouse = &mouse set mouse=a set virtualedit=all new call setline(1, ["text\tword"]) redraw call Ntest_setmouse(1, 4) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 4, 0, 4], getcurpos()) call Ntest_setmouse(1, 5) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 5, 0, 5], getcurpos()) call Ntest_setmouse(1, 6) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 5, 1, 6], getcurpos()) call Ntest_setmouse(1, 7) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 5, 2, 7], getcurpos()) call Ntest_setmouse(1, 8) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 5, 3, 8], getcurpos()) call Ntest_setmouse(1, 9) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 6, 0, 9], getcurpos()) call Ntest_setmouse(1, 12) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 9, 0, 12], getcurpos()) call Ntest_setmouse(1, 13) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 10, 0, 13], getcurpos()) call Ntest_setmouse(1, 15) call feedkeys("\", "xt") call assert_equal([0, 1, 10, 2, 15], getcurpos()) bwipe! let &mouse = save_mouse set virtualedit& endfunc " this was replacing the NUL at the end of the line func Test_virtualedit_replace_after_tab() new s/\v/ 0 set ve=all let @" = '' sil! norm vPvr0 call assert_equal("\t0", getline(1)) set ve& bwipe! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab