local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local clear = helpers.clear local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local eq = helpers.eq local function system_sync(cmd, opts) return exec_lua( [[ local cmd, opts = ... local obj = vim.system(...) if opts.timeout then -- Minor delay before calling wait() so the timeout uv timer can have a headstart over the -- internal call to vim.wait() in wait(). vim.wait(10) end local res = obj:wait() -- Check the process is no longer running local proc = vim.api.nvim_get_proc(obj.pid) assert(not proc, 'process still exists') return res ]], cmd, opts ) end local function system_async(cmd, opts) return exec_lua( [[ local cmd, opts = ... _G.done = false local obj = vim.system(cmd, opts, function(obj) _G.done = true _G.ret = obj end) local ok = vim.wait(10000, function() return _G.done end) assert(ok, 'process did not exit') -- Check the process is no longer running local proc = vim.api.nvim_get_proc(obj.pid) assert(not proc, 'process still exists') return _G.ret ]], cmd, opts ) end describe('vim.system', function() before_each(function() clear() end) for name, system in pairs { sync = system_sync, async = system_async } do describe('(' .. name .. ')', function() it('can run simple commands', function() eq('hello\n', system({ 'echo', 'hello' }, { text = true }).stdout) end) it('handle input', function() eq('hellocat', system({ 'cat' }, { stdin = 'hellocat', text = true }).stdout) end) it('supports timeout', function() eq({ code = 124, signal = 15, stdout = '', stderr = '', }, system({ 'sleep', '10' }, { timeout = 1000 })) end) end) end it('kill processes', function() exec_lua([[ local signal local cmd = vim.system({ 'cat', '-' }, { stdin = true }, function(r) signal = r.signal end) -- run forever cmd:kill('sigint') -- wait for the process not to exist local done = vim.wait(2000, function() return signal ~= nil end) assert(done, 'process did not exit') -- Check the process is no longer running local proc = vim.api.nvim_get_proc(cmd.pid) assert(not proc, 'process still exists') assert(signal == 2) ]]) end) it('SystemObj:wait() does not process non-fast events #27292', function() eq( false, exec_lua([[ _G.processed = false local cmd = vim.system({ 'sleep', '1' }) vim.schedule(function() _G.processed = true end) cmd:wait() return _G.processed ]]) ) eq(true, exec_lua([[return _G.processed]])) end) end)