function! remote#define#CommandOnHost(host, method, sync, name, opts) let prefix = '' if has_key(a:opts, 'range') if a:opts.range == '' || a:opts.range == '%' " -range or -range=%, pass the line range in a list let prefix = ',' elseif matchstr(a:opts.range, '\d') != '' " -range=N, pass the count let prefix = '' endif elseif has_key(a:opts, 'count') let prefix = '' endif let forward_args = [prefix.a:name] if has_key(a:opts, 'bang') call add(forward_args, '') endif if has_key(a:opts, 'register') call add(forward_args, ' ') endif if has_key(a:opts, 'nargs') call add(forward_args, ' ') endif exe s:GetCommandPrefix(a:name, a:opts) \ .' call remote#define#CommandBootstrap("'.a:host.'"' \ . ', "'.a:method.'"' \ . ', '.string(a:sync) \ . ', "'.a:name.'"' \ . ', '.string(a:opts).'' \ . ', "'.join(forward_args, '').'"' \ . ')' endfunction function! remote#define#CommandBootstrap(host, method, sync, name, opts, forward) let channel = remote#host#Require(a:host) if channel call remote#define#CommandOnChannel(channel, a:method, a:sync, a:name, a:opts) exe a:forward else exe 'delcommand '.a:name echoerr 'Host "'a:host.'" is not available, deleting command "'.a:name.'"' endif endfunction function! remote#define#CommandOnChannel(channel, method, sync, name, opts) let rpcargs = [a:channel, '"'.a:method.'"'] if has_key(a:opts, 'nargs') " -nargs, pass arguments in a list call add(rpcargs, '[]') endif if has_key(a:opts, 'range') if a:opts.range == '' || a:opts.range == '%' " -range or -range=%, pass the line range in a list call add(rpcargs, '[, ]') elseif matchstr(a:opts.range, '\d') != '' " -range=N, pass the count call add(rpcargs, '') endif elseif has_key(a:opts, 'count') " count call add(rpcargs, '') endif if has_key(a:opts, 'bang') " bang call add(rpcargs, ' == "!"') endif if has_key(a:opts, 'register') " register call add(rpcargs, '') endif call s:AddEval(rpcargs, a:opts) exe s:GetCommandPrefix(a:name, a:opts) \ . ' call '.s:GetRpcFunction(a:sync).'('.join(rpcargs, ', ').')' endfunction function! remote#define#AutocmdOnHost(host, method, sync, name, opts) let group = s:GetNextAutocmdGroup() let forward = '"doau '.group.' '.a:name.' ".' \ . 'fnameescape(expand(""))' let = group let bootstrap_def = s:GetAutocmdPrefix(a:name, a:opts) \ .' call remote#define#AutocmdBootstrap("'.a:host.'"' \ . ', "'.a:method.'"' \ . ', '.string(a:sync) \ . ', "'.a:name.'"' \ . ', '.string(a:opts).'' \ . ', "'.escape(forward, '"').'"' \ . ')' exe bootstrap_def endfunction function! remote#define#AutocmdBootstrap(host, method, sync, name, opts, forward) let channel = remote#host#Require(a:host) exe 'autocmd! ' if channel call remote#define#AutocmdOnChannel(channel, a:method, a:sync, a:name, \ a:opts) exe eval(a:forward) else exe 'augroup! ' echoerr 'Host "'a:host.'" for "'.a:name.'" autocmd is not available' endif endfunction function! remote#define#AutocmdOnChannel(channel, method, sync, name, opts) let rpcargs = [a:channel, '"'.a:method.'"'] call s:AddEval(rpcargs, a:opts) let autocmd_def = s:GetAutocmdPrefix(a:name, a:opts) \ . ' call '.s:GetRpcFunction(a:sync).'('.join(rpcargs, ', ').')' exe autocmd_def endfunction function! remote#define#FunctionOnHost(host, method, sync, name, opts) let group = s:GetNextAutocmdGroup() exe 'autocmd! '.group.' FuncUndefined '.a:name \ .' call remote#define#FunctionBootstrap("'.a:host.'"' \ . ', "'.a:method.'"' \ . ', '.string(a:sync) \ . ', "'.a:name.'"' \ . ', '.string(a:opts) \ . ', "'.group.'"' \ . ')' endfunction function! remote#define#FunctionBootstrap(host, method, sync, name, opts, group) let channel = remote#host#Require(a:host) exe 'autocmd! '.a:group exe 'augroup! '.a:group if channel call remote#define#FunctionOnChannel(channel, a:method, a:sync, a:name, \ a:opts) else echoerr 'Host "'a:host.'" for "'.a:name.'" function is not available' endif endfunction function! remote#define#FunctionOnChannel(channel, method, sync, name, opts) let rpcargs = [a:channel, '"'.a:method.'"', 'a:000'] if has_key(a:opts, 'range') call add(rpcargs, '[a:firstline, a:lastline]') endif call s:AddEval(rpcargs, a:opts) let function_def = s:GetFunctionPrefix(a:name, a:opts) \ . 'return '.s:GetRpcFunction(a:sync).'('.join(rpcargs, ', ').')' \ . "\nendfunction" exe function_def endfunction let s:busy = {} let s:pending_notifications = {} function! s:GetRpcFunction(sync) if a:sync ==# 'urgent' return 'rpcnotify' elseif a:sync return 'remote#define#request' endif return 'remote#define#notify' endfunction function! remote#define#notify(chan, ...) if get(s:busy, a:chan, 0) > 0 let pending = get(s:pending_notifications, a:chan, []) call add(pending, deepcopy(a:000)) let s:pending_notifications[a:chan] = pending else call call('rpcnotify', [a:chan] + a:000) endif endfunction function! remote#define#request(chan, ...) let s:busy[a:chan] = get(s:busy, a:chan, 0)+1 let val = call('rpcrequest', [a:chan]+a:000) let s:busy[a:chan] -= 1 if s:busy[a:chan] == 0 for msg in get(s:pending_notifications, a:chan, []) call call('rpcnotify', [a:chan] + msg) endfor let s:pending_notifications[a:chan] = [] endif return val endfunction function! s:GetCommandPrefix(name, opts) return 'command!'.s:StringifyOpts(a:opts, ['nargs', 'complete', 'range', \ 'count', 'bang', 'bar', 'register']).' '.a:name endfunction " Each msgpack-rpc autocommand has it's own unique group, which is derived " from an autoincrementing gid(group id). This is required for replacing the " autocmd implementation with the lazy-load mechanism let s:next_gid = 1 function! s:GetNextAutocmdGroup() let gid = s:next_gid let s:next_gid += 1 let group_name = 'RPC_DEFINE_AUTOCMD_GROUP_'.gid " Ensure the group is defined exe 'augroup '.group_name.' | augroup END' return group_name endfunction function! s:GetAutocmdPrefix(name, opts) if has_key(a:opts, 'group') let group = else let group = s:GetNextAutocmdGroup() endif let rv = ['autocmd!', group, a:name] if has_key(a:opts, 'pattern') call add(rv, a:opts.pattern) else call add(rv, '*') endif if has_key(a:opts, 'nested') && a:opts.nested call add(rv, 'nested') endif return join(rv, ' ') endfunction function! s:GetFunctionPrefix(name, opts) let res = "function! ".a:name."(...)" if has_key(a:opts, 'range') let res = res." range" endif return res."\n" endfunction function! s:StringifyOpts(opts, keys) let rv = [] for key in a:keys if has_key(a:opts, key) call add(rv, ' -'.key) let val = a:opts[key] if type(val) != type('') || val != '' call add(rv, '='.val) endif endif endfor return join(rv, '') endfunction function! s:AddEval(rpcargs, opts) if has_key(a:opts, 'eval') if type(a:opts.eval) != type('') || a:opts.eval == '' throw "Eval option must be a non-empty string" endif " evaluate an expression and pass as argument call add(a:rpcargs, 'eval("'.escape(a:opts.eval, '"').'")') endif endfunction