" The Python provider helper if exists('s:loaded_pythonx_provider') finish endif let s:loaded_pythonx_provider = 1 function! provider#pythonx#Require(host) abort " Python host arguments let prog = provider#python3#Prog() let args = [prog, '-c', 'import sys; sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p != ""]; import neovim; neovim.start_host()'] " Collect registered Python plugins into args let python_plugins = remote#host#PluginsForHost(a:host.name) for plugin in python_plugins call add(args, plugin.path) endfor return provider#Poll(args, a:host.orig_name, '$NVIM_PYTHON_LOG_FILE', {'overlapped': v:true}) endfunction function! s:get_python_executable_from_host_var(major_version) abort return expand(get(g:, 'python'.(a:major_version == 3 ? '3' : execute("throw 'unsupported'")).'_host_prog', ''), v:true) endfunction function! s:get_python_candidates(major_version) abort return { \ 3: ['python3', 'python3.10', 'python3.9', 'python3.8', 'python3.7', 'python'] \ }[a:major_version] endfunction " Returns [path_to_python_executable, error_message] function! provider#pythonx#Detect(major_version) abort return provider#pythonx#DetectByModule('neovim', a:major_version) endfunction " Returns [path_to_python_executable, error_message] function! provider#pythonx#DetectByModule(module, major_version) abort let python_exe = s:get_python_executable_from_host_var(a:major_version) if !empty(python_exe) return [exepath(expand(python_exe, v:true)), ''] endif let candidates = s:get_python_candidates(a:major_version) let errors = [] for exe in candidates let [result, error] = provider#pythonx#CheckForModule(exe, a:module, a:major_version) if result return [exe, error] endif " Accumulate errors in case we don't find any suitable Python executable. call add(errors, error) endfor " No suitable Python executable found. return ['', 'Could not load Python '.a:major_version.":\n".join(errors, "\n")] endfunction " Returns array: [prog_exitcode, prog_version] function! s:import_module(prog, module) abort let prog_version = system([a:prog, '-c' , printf( \ 'import sys; ' . \ 'sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p != ""]; ' . \ 'sys.stdout.write(str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1])); ' . \ 'import pkgutil; ' . \ 'exit(2*int(pkgutil.get_loader("%s") is None))', \ a:module)]) return [v:shell_error, prog_version] endfunction " Returns array: [was_success, error_message] function! provider#pythonx#CheckForModule(prog, module, major_version) abort let prog_path = exepath(a:prog) if prog_path ==# '' return [0, a:prog . ' not found in search path or not executable.'] endif let min_version = '3.7' " Try to load module, and output Python version. " Exit codes: " 0 module can be loaded. " 2 module cannot be loaded. " Otherwise something else went wrong (e.g. 1 or 127). let [prog_exitcode, prog_version] = s:import_module(a:prog, a:module) if prog_exitcode == 2 || prog_exitcode == 0 " Check version only for expected return codes. if prog_version !~ '^' . a:major_version return [0, prog_path . ' is Python ' . prog_version . ' and cannot provide Python ' \ . a:major_version . '.'] elseif prog_version =~ '^' . a:major_version && str2nr(prog_version[2:]) < str2nr(min_version[2:]) return [0, prog_path . ' is Python ' . prog_version . ' and cannot provide Python >= ' \ . min_version . '.'] endif endif if prog_exitcode == 2 return [0, prog_path.' does not have the "' . a:module . '" module.'] elseif prog_exitcode == 127 " This can happen with pyenv's shims. return [0, prog_path . ' does not exist: ' . prog_version] elseif prog_exitcode return [0, 'Checking ' . prog_path . ' caused an unknown error. ' \ . '(' . prog_exitcode . ', output: ' . prog_version . ')' \ . ' Report this at https://github.com/neovim/neovim'] endif return [1, ''] endfunction