local G = vim.lsp._snippet_grammar local snippet_group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('vim/snippet', {}) local snippet_ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('vim/snippet') local hl_group = 'SnippetTabstop' --- Returns the 0-based cursor position. --- --- @return integer, integer local function cursor_pos() local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) return cursor[1] - 1, cursor[2] end --- Resolves variables (like `$name` or `${name:default}`) as follows: --- - When a variable is unknown (i.e.: its name is not recognized in any of the cases below), return `nil`. --- - When a variable isn't set, return its default (if any) or an empty string. --- --- Note that in some cases, the default is ignored since it's not clear how to distinguish an empty --- value from an unset value (e.g.: `TM_CURRENT_LINE`). --- --- @param var string --- @param default string --- @return string? local function resolve_variable(var, default) --- @param str string --- @return string local function expand_or_default(str) local expansion = vim.fn.expand(str) --[[@as string]] return expansion == '' and default or expansion end if var == 'TM_SELECTED_TEXT' then -- Snippets are expanded in insert mode only, so there's no selection. return default elseif var == 'TM_CURRENT_LINE' then return vim.api.nvim_get_current_line() elseif var == 'TM_CURRENT_WORD' then return expand_or_default('') elseif var == 'TM_LINE_INDEX' then return tostring(vim.fn.line('.') - 1) elseif var == 'TM_LINE_NUMBER' then return tostring(vim.fn.line('.')) elseif var == 'TM_FILENAME' then return expand_or_default('%:t') elseif var == 'TM_FILENAME_BASE' then return expand_or_default('%:t:r') elseif var == 'TM_DIRECTORY' then return expand_or_default('%:p:h:t') elseif var == 'TM_FILEPATH' then return expand_or_default('%:p') end -- Unknown variable. return nil end --- Transforms the given text into an array of lines (so no line contains `\n`). --- --- @param text string|string[] --- @return string[] local function text_to_lines(text) text = type(text) == 'string' and { text } or text --- @cast text string[] return vim.split(table.concat(text), '\n', { plain = true }) end --- Computes the 0-based position of a tabstop located at the end of `snippet` and spanning --- `placeholder` (if given). --- --- @param snippet string[] --- @param placeholder string? --- @return Range4 local function compute_tabstop_range(snippet, placeholder) local cursor_row, cursor_col = cursor_pos() local snippet_text = text_to_lines(snippet) local placeholder_text = text_to_lines(placeholder or '') local start_row = cursor_row + #snippet_text - 1 local start_col = #(snippet_text[#snippet_text] or '') -- Add the cursor's column offset to the first line. if start_row == cursor_row then start_col = start_col + cursor_col end local end_row = start_row + #placeholder_text - 1 local end_col = (start_row == end_row and start_col or 0) + #(placeholder_text[#placeholder_text] or '') return { start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col } end --- Returns the range spanned by the respective extmark. --- --- @param bufnr integer --- @param extmark_id integer --- @return Range4 local function get_extmark_range(bufnr, extmark_id) local mark = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id(bufnr, snippet_ns, extmark_id, { details = true }) --- @diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field return { mark[1], mark[2], mark[3].end_row, mark[3].end_col } end --- @class (private) vim.snippet.Tabstop --- @field extmark_id integer --- @field bufnr integer --- @field index integer --- @field choices? string[] local Tabstop = {} --- Creates a new tabstop. --- --- @package --- @param index integer --- @param bufnr integer --- @param range Range4 --- @param choices? string[] --- @return vim.snippet.Tabstop function Tabstop.new(index, bufnr, range, choices) local extmark_id = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, snippet_ns, range[1], range[2], { right_gravity = true, end_right_gravity = true, end_line = range[3], end_col = range[4], hl_group = hl_group, }) local self = setmetatable( { extmark_id = extmark_id, bufnr = bufnr, index = index, choices = choices }, { __index = Tabstop } ) return self end --- Returns the tabstop's range. --- --- @package --- @return Range4 function Tabstop:get_range() return get_extmark_range(self.bufnr, self.extmark_id) end --- Returns the text spanned by the tabstop. --- --- @package --- @return string function Tabstop:get_text() local range = self:get_range() return table.concat( vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text(self.bufnr, range[1], range[2], range[3], range[4], {}), '\n' ) end --- Sets the tabstop's text. --- --- @package --- @param text string function Tabstop:set_text(text) local range = self:get_range() vim.api.nvim_buf_set_text(self.bufnr, range[1], range[2], range[3], range[4], text_to_lines(text)) end --- Sets the right gravity of the tabstop's extmark. --- --- @package --- @param right_gravity boolean function Tabstop:set_right_gravity(right_gravity) local range = self:get_range() self.extmark_id = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(self.bufnr, snippet_ns, range[1], range[2], { right_gravity = right_gravity, end_right_gravity = true, end_line = range[3], end_col = range[4], hl_group = hl_group, }) end --- @class (private) vim.snippet.Session --- @field bufnr integer --- @field extmark_id integer --- @field tabstops table --- @field current_tabstop vim.snippet.Tabstop local Session = {} --- Creates a new snippet session in the current buffer. --- --- @package --- @param bufnr integer --- @param snippet_extmark integer --- @param tabstop_data table --- @return vim.snippet.Session function Session.new(bufnr, snippet_extmark, tabstop_data) local self = setmetatable({ bufnr = bufnr, extmark_id = snippet_extmark, tabstops = {}, current_tabstop = Tabstop.new(0, bufnr, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }), }, { __index = Session }) -- Create the tabstops. for index, ranges in pairs(tabstop_data) do for _, data in ipairs(ranges) do self.tabstops[index] = self.tabstops[index] or {} table.insert(self.tabstops[index], Tabstop.new(index, self.bufnr, data.range, data.choices)) end end return self end --- Returns the destination tabstop index when jumping in the given direction. --- --- @package --- @param direction vim.snippet.Direction --- @return integer? function Session:get_dest_index(direction) local tabstop_indexes = vim.tbl_keys(self.tabstops) --- @type integer[] table.sort(tabstop_indexes) for i, index in ipairs(tabstop_indexes) do if index == self.current_tabstop.index then local dest_index = tabstop_indexes[i + direction] --- @type integer? -- When jumping forwards, $0 is the last tabstop. if not dest_index and direction == 1 then dest_index = 0 end -- When jumping backwards, make sure we don't think that $0 is the first tabstop. if dest_index == 0 and direction == -1 then dest_index = nil end return dest_index end end end --- Sets the right gravity of the tabstop group with the given index. --- --- @package --- @param index integer --- @param right_gravity boolean function Session:set_group_gravity(index, right_gravity) for _, tabstop in ipairs(self.tabstops[index]) do tabstop:set_right_gravity(right_gravity) end end local M = { session = nil } --- Displays the choices for the given tabstop as completion items. --- --- @param tabstop vim.snippet.Tabstop local function display_choices(tabstop) assert(tabstop.choices, 'Tabstop has no choices') local start_col = tabstop:get_range()[2] + 1 local matches = {} --- @type table[] for _, choice in ipairs(tabstop.choices) do matches[#matches + 1] = { word = choice } end vim.defer_fn(function() vim.fn.complete(start_col, matches) end, 100) end --- Select the given tabstop range. --- --- @param tabstop vim.snippet.Tabstop local function select_tabstop(tabstop) --- @param keys string local function feedkeys(keys) keys = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(keys, true, false, true) vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(keys, 'n', true) end --- NOTE: We don't use `vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor` here because it causes the cursor to end --- at the end of the selection instead of the start. --- --- @param row integer --- @param col integer local function move_cursor_to(row, col) local line = vim.fn.getline(row) --[[ @as string ]] col = math.max(vim.fn.strchars(line:sub(1, col)) - 1, 0) feedkeys(string.format('%sG0%s', row, string.rep('', col))) end local range = tabstop:get_range() local mode = vim.fn.mode() if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0 then -- Close the choice completion menu if open. vim.fn.complete(vim.fn.col('.'), {}) end -- Move the cursor to the start of the tabstop. vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { range[1] + 1, range[2] }) -- For empty, choice and the final tabstops, start insert mode at the end of the range. if tabstop.choices or tabstop.index == 0 or (range[1] == range[3] and range[2] == range[4]) then if mode ~= 'i' then if mode == 's' then feedkeys('') end vim.cmd.startinsert({ bang = range[4] >= #vim.api.nvim_get_current_line() }) end if tabstop.choices then display_choices(tabstop) end else -- Else, select the tabstop's text. if mode ~= 'n' then feedkeys('') end move_cursor_to(range[1] + 1, range[2] + 1) feedkeys('v') move_cursor_to(range[3] + 1, range[4]) feedkeys('o') end end --- Sets up the necessary autocommands for snippet expansion. --- --- @param bufnr integer local function setup_autocmds(bufnr) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'CursorMoved', 'CursorMovedI' }, { group = snippet_group, desc = 'Update snippet state when the cursor moves', buffer = bufnr, callback = function() -- Just update the tabstop in insert and select modes. if not vim.fn.mode():match('^[isS]') then return end local cursor_row, cursor_col = cursor_pos() -- The cursor left the snippet region. local snippet_range = get_extmark_range(bufnr, M._session.extmark_id) if cursor_row < snippet_range[1] or (cursor_row == snippet_range[1] and cursor_col < snippet_range[2]) or cursor_row > snippet_range[3] or (cursor_row == snippet_range[3] and cursor_col > snippet_range[4]) then M.exit() return true end for tabstop_index, tabstops in pairs(M._session.tabstops) do for _, tabstop in ipairs(tabstops) do local range = tabstop:get_range() if (cursor_row > range[1] or (cursor_row == range[1] and cursor_col >= range[2])) and (cursor_row < range[3] or (cursor_row == range[3] and cursor_col <= range[4])) then if tabstop_index ~= 0 then return end end end end -- The cursor is either not on a tabstop or we reached the end, so exit the session. M.exit() return true end, }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'TextChanged', 'TextChangedI' }, { group = snippet_group, desc = 'Update active tabstops when buffer text changes', buffer = bufnr, callback = function() -- Check that the snippet hasn't been deleted. local snippet_range = get_extmark_range(M._session.bufnr, M._session.extmark_id) if (snippet_range[1] == snippet_range[3] and snippet_range[2] == snippet_range[4]) or snippet_range[3] + 1 > vim.fn.line('$') then M.exit() end if not M.active() then return true end -- Sync the tabstops in the current group. local current_tabstop = M._session.current_tabstop local current_text = current_tabstop:get_text() for _, tabstop in ipairs(M._session.tabstops[current_tabstop.index]) do if tabstop.extmark_id ~= current_tabstop.extmark_id then tabstop:set_text(current_text) end end end, }) end --- Expands the given snippet text. --- Refer to https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification/#snippet_syntax --- for the specification of valid input. --- --- Tabstops are highlighted with |hl-SnippetTabstop|. --- --- @param input string function M.expand(input) local snippet = G.parse(input) local snippet_text = {} local base_indent = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line():match('^%s*') or '' -- Get the placeholders we should use for each tabstop index. --- @type table local placeholders = {} for _, child in ipairs(snippet.data.children) do local type, data = child.type, child.data if type == G.NodeType.Placeholder then --- @cast data vim.snippet.PlaceholderData local tabstop, value = data.tabstop, tostring(data.value) if placeholders[tabstop] and placeholders[tabstop] ~= value then error('Snippet has multiple placeholders for tabstop $' .. tabstop) end placeholders[tabstop] = value end end -- Keep track of tabstop nodes during expansion. --- @type table local tabstop_data = {} --- @param index integer --- @param placeholder? string --- @param choices? string[] local function add_tabstop(index, placeholder, choices) tabstop_data[index] = tabstop_data[index] or {} local range = compute_tabstop_range(snippet_text, placeholder) table.insert(tabstop_data[index], { range = range, choices = choices }) end --- Appends the given text to the snippet, taking care of indentation. --- --- @param text string|string[] local function append_to_snippet(text) local snippet_lines = text_to_lines(snippet_text) -- Get the base indentation based on the current line and the last line of the snippet. if #snippet_lines > 0 then base_indent = base_indent .. (snippet_lines[#snippet_lines]:match('(^%s*)%S') or '') --- @type string end local shiftwidth = vim.fn.shiftwidth() local curbuf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local expandtab = vim.bo[curbuf].expandtab local lines = {} --- @type string[] for i, line in ipairs(text_to_lines(text)) do -- Replace tabs by spaces. if expandtab then line = line:gsub('\t', (' '):rep(shiftwidth)) --- @type string end -- Add the base indentation. if i > 1 then line = base_indent .. line end lines[#lines + 1] = line end table.insert(snippet_text, table.concat(lines, '\n')) end for _, child in ipairs(snippet.data.children) do local type, data = child.type, child.data if type == G.NodeType.Tabstop then --- @cast data vim.snippet.TabstopData local placeholder = placeholders[data.tabstop] add_tabstop(data.tabstop, placeholder) if placeholder then append_to_snippet(placeholder) end elseif type == G.NodeType.Placeholder then --- @cast data vim.snippet.PlaceholderData local value = placeholders[data.tabstop] add_tabstop(data.tabstop, value) append_to_snippet(value) elseif type == G.NodeType.Choice then --- @cast data vim.snippet.ChoiceData add_tabstop(data.tabstop, nil, data.values) elseif type == G.NodeType.Variable then --- @cast data vim.snippet.VariableData -- Try to get the variable's value. local value = resolve_variable(data.name, data.default and tostring(data.default) or '') if not value then -- Unknown variable, make this a tabstop and use the variable name as a placeholder. value = data.name local tabstop_indexes = vim.tbl_keys(tabstop_data) local index = math.max(unpack((#tabstop_indexes == 0 and { 0 }) or tabstop_indexes)) + 1 add_tabstop(index, value) end append_to_snippet(value) elseif type == G.NodeType.Text then --- @cast data vim.snippet.TextData append_to_snippet(data.text) end end -- $0, which defaults to the end of the snippet, defines the final cursor position. -- Make sure the snippet has exactly one of these. if vim.tbl_contains(vim.tbl_keys(tabstop_data), 0) then assert(#tabstop_data[0] == 1, 'Snippet has multiple $0 tabstops') else add_tabstop(0) end snippet_text = text_to_lines(snippet_text) -- Insert the snippet text. local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local cursor_row, cursor_col = cursor_pos() vim.api.nvim_buf_set_text(bufnr, cursor_row, cursor_col, cursor_row, cursor_col, snippet_text) -- Create the session. local snippet_extmark = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, snippet_ns, cursor_row, cursor_col, { end_line = cursor_row + #snippet_text - 1, end_col = #snippet_text > 1 and #snippet_text[#snippet_text] or cursor_col + #snippet_text[1], right_gravity = false, end_right_gravity = true, }) M._session = Session.new(bufnr, snippet_extmark, tabstop_data) -- Jump to the first tabstop. M.jump(1) end --- @alias vim.snippet.Direction -1 | 1 --- Jumps within the active snippet in the given direction. --- If the jump isn't possible, the function call does nothing. --- --- You can use this function to navigate a snippet as follows: --- --- ```lua --- vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 's' }, '', function() --- if vim.snippet.jumpable(1) then --- return 'lua vim.snippet.jump(1)' --- else --- return '' --- end --- end, { expr = true }) --- ``` --- --- @param direction (vim.snippet.Direction) Navigation direction. -1 for previous, 1 for next. function M.jump(direction) -- Get the tabstop index to jump to. local dest_index = M._session and M._session:get_dest_index(direction) if not dest_index then return end -- Find the tabstop with the lowest range. local tabstops = M._session.tabstops[dest_index] local dest = tabstops[1] for _, tabstop in ipairs(tabstops) do local dest_range, range = dest:get_range(), tabstop:get_range() if (range[1] < dest_range[1]) or (range[1] == dest_range[1] and range[2] < dest_range[2]) then dest = tabstop end end -- Clear the autocommands so that we can move the cursor freely while selecting the tabstop. vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ group = snippet_group, buffer = M._session.bufnr }) -- Deactivate expansion of the current tabstop. M._session:set_group_gravity(M._session.current_tabstop.index, true) M._session.current_tabstop = dest select_tabstop(dest) -- Activate expansion of the destination tabstop. M._session:set_group_gravity(dest.index, false) -- Restore the autocommands. setup_autocmds(M._session.bufnr) end --- @class vim.snippet.ActiveFilter --- @field direction vim.snippet.Direction Navigation direction. -1 for previous, 1 for next. --- Returns `true` if there's an active snippet in the current buffer, --- applying the given filter if provided. --- --- You can use this function to navigate a snippet as follows: --- --- ```lua --- vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 's' }, '', function() --- if vim.snippet.active({ direction = 1 }) then --- return 'lua vim.snippet.jump(1)' --- else --- return '' --- end --- end, { expr = true }) --- ``` --- --- @param filter? vim.snippet.ActiveFilter Filter to constrain the search with: --- - `direction` (vim.snippet.Direction): Navigation direction. Will return `true` if the snippet --- can be jumped in the given direction. --- @return boolean function M.active(filter) local active = M._session ~= nil and M._session.bufnr == vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local in_direction = true if active and filter and filter.direction then in_direction = M._session:get_dest_index(filter.direction) ~= nil end return active and in_direction end --- Exits the current snippet. function M.exit() if not M.active() then return end vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ group = snippet_group, buffer = M._session.bufnr }) vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(M._session.bufnr, snippet_ns, 0, -1) M._session = nil end return M