#!/usr/bin/env -S nvim -l -- Usage: -- ./scripts/bump_deps.lua -h local M = {} local _trace = false local required_branch_prefix = 'bump-' local commit_prefix = 'build(deps): ' -- Print message local function p(s) vim.cmd('set verbose=1') vim.api.nvim_echo({ { s, '' } }, false, {}) vim.cmd('set verbose=0') end local function die() p('') vim.cmd('cquit 1') end -- Executes and returns the output of `cmd`, or nil on failure. -- if die_on_fail is true, process dies with die_msg on failure -- -- Prints `cmd` if `trace` is enabled. local function _run(cmd, die_on_fail, die_msg) if _trace then p('run: ' .. vim.inspect(cmd)) end local rv = vim.trim(vim.fn.system(cmd)) or '' if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then if die_on_fail then if _trace then p(rv) end p(die_msg) die() end return nil end return rv end -- Run a command, return nil on failure local function run(cmd) return _run(cmd, false, '') end -- Run a command, die on failure with err_msg local function run_die(cmd, err_msg) return _run(cmd, true, err_msg) end local function require_executable(cmd) local cmd_path = run_die({ 'sh', '-c', 'command -v ' .. cmd }, cmd .. ' not found!') run_die({ 'test', '-x', cmd_path }, cmd .. ' is not executable') end local function rm_file_if_present(path_to_file) run({ 'rm', '-f', path_to_file }) end local nvim_src_dir = vim.fn.getcwd() local deps_file = nvim_src_dir .. '/' .. 'cmake.deps/deps.txt' local temp_dir = nvim_src_dir .. '/tmp' run({ 'mkdir', '-p', temp_dir }) local function get_dependency(dependency_name) local dependency_table = { ['luajit'] = { repo = 'LuaJIT/LuaJIT', symbol = 'LUAJIT', }, ['libuv'] = { repo = 'libuv/libuv', symbol = 'LIBUV', }, ['luv'] = { repo = 'luvit/luv', symbol = 'LUV', }, ['unibilium'] = { repo = 'neovim/unibilium', symbol = 'UNIBILIUM', }, ['utf8proc'] = { repo = 'JuliaStrings/utf8proc', symbol = 'UTF8PROC', }, ['tree-sitter'] = { repo = 'tree-sitter/tree-sitter', symbol = 'TREESITTER', }, ['tree-sitter-c'] = { repo = 'tree-sitter/tree-sitter-c', symbol = 'TREESITTER_C', }, ['tree-sitter-lua'] = { repo = 'tree-sitter-grammars/tree-sitter-lua', symbol = 'TREESITTER_LUA', }, ['tree-sitter-vim'] = { repo = 'tree-sitter-grammars/tree-sitter-vim', symbol = 'TREESITTER_VIM', }, ['tree-sitter-vimdoc'] = { repo = 'neovim/tree-sitter-vimdoc', symbol = 'TREESITTER_VIMDOC', }, ['tree-sitter-query'] = { repo = 'tree-sitter-grammars/tree-sitter-query', symbol = 'TREESITTER_QUERY', }, ['tree-sitter-markdown'] = { repo = 'tree-sitter-grammars/tree-sitter-markdown', symbol = 'TREESITTER_MARKDOWN', }, ['wasmtime'] = { repo = 'bytecodealliance/wasmtime', symbol = 'WASMTIME', }, ['uncrustify'] = { repo = 'uncrustify/uncrustify', symbol = 'UNCRUSTIFY', }, } local dependency = dependency_table[dependency_name] if dependency == nil then p('Not a dependency: ' .. dependency_name) die() end dependency.name = dependency_name return dependency end local function get_gh_commit_sha(repo, ref) require_executable('gh') local sha = run_die( { 'gh', 'api', 'repos/' .. repo .. '/commits/' .. ref, '--jq', '.sha' }, 'Failed to get commit hash from GitHub. Not a valid ref?' ) return sha end local function get_archive_info(repo, ref) require_executable('curl') local archive_name = ref .. '.tar.gz' local archive_path = temp_dir .. '/' .. archive_name local archive_url = 'https://github.com/' .. repo .. '/archive/' .. archive_name rm_file_if_present(archive_path) run_die( { 'curl', '-sL', archive_url, '-o', archive_path }, 'Failed to download archive from GitHub' ) local shacmd = ( vim.fn.executable('sha256sum') == 1 and { 'sha256sum', archive_path } or { 'shasum', '-a', '256', archive_path } ) local archive_sha = run(shacmd):gmatch('%w+')() return { url = archive_url, sha = archive_sha } end local function write_cmakelists_line(symbol, kind, value) require_executable('sed') run_die({ 'sed', '-i', '-e', 's/' .. symbol .. '_' .. kind .. '.*$' .. '/' .. symbol .. '_' .. kind .. ' ' .. value .. '/', deps_file, }, 'Failed to write ' .. deps_file) end local function explicit_create_branch(dep) require_executable('git') local checked_out_branch = run({ 'git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD' }) if checked_out_branch ~= 'master' then p('Not on master!') die() end run_die({ 'git', 'checkout', '-b', 'bump-' .. dep }, 'git failed to create branch') end local function verify_branch(new_branch_suffix) require_executable('git') local checked_out_branch = assert(run({ 'git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD' })) if not checked_out_branch:match('^' .. required_branch_prefix) then p( "Current branch '" .. checked_out_branch .. "' doesn't seem to start with " .. required_branch_prefix ) p('Checking out to bump-' .. new_branch_suffix) explicit_create_branch(new_branch_suffix) end end local function update_cmakelists(dependency, archive, comment) require_executable('git') verify_branch(dependency.name) p('Updating ' .. dependency.name .. ' to ' .. archive.url .. '\n') write_cmakelists_line(dependency.symbol, 'URL', archive.url:gsub('/', '\\/')) write_cmakelists_line(dependency.symbol, 'SHA256', archive.sha) run_die({ 'git', 'commit', deps_file, '-m', commit_prefix .. 'bump ' .. dependency.name .. ' to ' .. comment, }, 'git failed to commit') end local function verify_cmakelists_committed() require_executable('git') run_die( { 'git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--', deps_file }, deps_file .. ' has uncommitted changes' ) end local function warn_luv_symbol() p('warning: ' .. get_dependency('Luv').symbol .. '_VERSION will not be updated') end -- return first 9 chars of commit local function short_commit(commit) return string.sub(commit, 1, 9) end -- TODO: remove hardcoded fork local function gh_pr(pr_title, pr_body) require_executable('gh') local pr_url = run_die({ 'gh', 'pr', 'create', '--title', pr_title, '--body', pr_body, }, 'Failed to create PR') return pr_url end local function find_git_remote(fork) require_executable('git') local remotes = assert(run({ 'git', 'remote', '-v' })) local git_remote = '' for remote in remotes:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do local words = {} for word in remote:gmatch('%w+') do table.insert(words, word) end local match = words[1]:match('/github.com[:/]neovim/neovim/') if fork == 'fork' then match = not match end if match and words[3] == '(fetch)' then git_remote = words[0] break end end if git_remote == '' then git_remote = 'origin' end return git_remote end local function create_pr(pr_title, pr_body) require_executable('git') local push_first = true local checked_out_branch = run({ 'git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD' }) if push_first then local push_remote = run({ 'git', 'config', '--get', 'branch.' .. checked_out_branch .. '.pushRemote' }) if push_remote == nil then push_remote = run({ 'git', 'config', '--get', 'remote.pushDefault' }) if push_remote == nil then push_remote = run({ 'git', 'config', '--get', 'branch.' .. checked_out_branch .. '.remote' }) if push_remote == nil or push_remote == find_git_remote(nil) then push_remote = find_git_remote('fork') end end end p('Pushing to ' .. push_remote .. '/' .. checked_out_branch) run_die({ 'git', 'push', push_remote, checked_out_branch }, 'Git failed to push') end local pr_url = gh_pr(pr_title, pr_body) p('\nCreated PR: ' .. pr_url .. '\n') end function M.commit(dependency_name, commit) local dependency = assert(get_dependency(dependency_name)) verify_cmakelists_committed() local commit_sha = get_gh_commit_sha(dependency.repo, commit) if commit_sha ~= commit then p('Not a commit: ' .. commit .. '. Did you mean version?') die() end local archive = get_archive_info(dependency.repo, commit) if dependency_name == 'Luv' then warn_luv_symbol() end update_cmakelists(dependency, archive, short_commit(commit)) end function M.version(dependency_name, version) vim.validate('dependency_name', dependency_name, 'string') vim.validate('version', version, 'string') local dependency = assert(get_dependency(dependency_name)) verify_cmakelists_committed() local commit_sha = get_gh_commit_sha(dependency.repo, version) if commit_sha == version then p('Not a version: ' .. version .. '. Did you mean commit?') die() end local archive = get_archive_info(dependency.repo, version) if dependency_name == 'Luv' then write_cmakelists_line(dependency.symbol, 'VERSION', version) end update_cmakelists(dependency, archive, version) end function M.head(dependency_name) local dependency = assert(get_dependency(dependency_name)) verify_cmakelists_committed() local commit_sha = get_gh_commit_sha(dependency.repo, 'HEAD') local archive = get_archive_info(dependency.repo, commit_sha) if dependency_name == 'Luv' then warn_luv_symbol() end update_cmakelists(dependency, archive, 'HEAD - ' .. short_commit(commit_sha)) end function M.create_branch(dep) explicit_create_branch(dep) end function M.submit_pr() require_executable('git') verify_branch('deps') local nvim_remote = find_git_remote(nil) local relevant_commit = assert(run_die({ 'git', 'log', '--grep=' .. commit_prefix, '--reverse', "--format='%s'", nvim_remote .. '/master..HEAD', '-1', }, 'Failed to fetch commits')) local pr_title local pr_body if relevant_commit == '' then pr_title = commit_prefix .. 'bump some dependencies' pr_body = 'bump some dependencies' else relevant_commit = relevant_commit:gsub("'", '') pr_title = relevant_commit pr_body = relevant_commit:gsub(commit_prefix:gsub('%(', '%%('):gsub('%)', '%%)'), '') end pr_body = pr_body .. '\n\n(add explanations if needed)' p(pr_title .. '\n' .. pr_body .. '\n') create_pr(pr_title, pr_body) end local function usage() local this_script = _G.arg[0]:match('[^/]*.lua$') print(([=[ Bump Nvim dependencies Usage: nvim -l %s [options] Bump to HEAD, tagged version, commit, or branch: nvim -l %s --dep Luv --head nvim -l %s --dep Luv --version 1.43.0-0 nvim -l %s --dep Luv --commit abc123 nvim -l %s --dep Luv --branch Create a PR: nvim -l %s --pr Options: -h show this message and exit. --pr submit pr for bumping deps. --branch create a branch bump- from current branch. --dep bump to a specific release or tag. Dependency Options: --version bump to a specific release or tag. --commit bump to a specific commit. --HEAD bump to a current head. is one of: "LuaJIT", "libuv", "Luv", "tree-sitter" ]=]):format(this_script, this_script, this_script, this_script, this_script, this_script)) end local function parseargs() local args = {} for i = 1, #_G.arg do if _G.arg[i] == '-h' then args.h = true elseif _G.arg[i] == '--pr' then args.pr = true elseif _G.arg[i] == '--branch' then args.branch = _G.arg[i + 1] elseif _G.arg[i] == '--dep' then args.dep = _G.arg[i + 1] elseif _G.arg[i] == '--version' then args.version = _G.arg[i + 1] elseif _G.arg[i] == '--commit' then args.commit = _G.arg[i + 1] elseif _G.arg[i] == '--head' then args.head = true end end return args end local is_main = _G.arg[0]:match('bump_deps.lua') if is_main then local args = parseargs() if args.h then usage() elseif args.pr then M.submit_pr() elseif args.head then M.head(args.dep) elseif args.branch then M.create_branch(args.dep) elseif args.version then M.version(args.dep, args.version) elseif args.commit then M.commit(args.dep, args.commit) elseif args.pr then M.submit_pr() else print('missing required arg\n') os.exit(1) end else return M end