-- Nvim-Lua stdlib: the `vim` module (:help lua-stdlib) -- -- Lua code lives in one of four places: -- 1. Plugins! Not everything needs to live on "vim.*". Plugins are the correct model for -- non-essential features which the user may want to disable or replace with a third-party -- plugin. Examples: "editorconfig", "comment". -- - "opt-out": runtime/plugin/*.lua -- - "opt-in": runtime/pack/dist/opt/ -- 2. runtime/lua/vim/ (the runtime): Lazy-loaded modules. Examples: `inspect`, `lpeg`. -- 3. runtime/lua/vim/shared.lua: pure Lua functions which always are available. Used in the test -- runner, as well as worker threads and processes launched from Nvim. -- 4. runtime/lua/vim/_editor.lua: Eager-loaded code which directly interacts with the Nvim -- editor state. Only available in the main thread. -- -- The top level "vim.*" namespace is for fundamental Lua and editor features. Use submodules for -- everything else (but avoid excessive "nesting"), or plugins (see above). -- -- Compatibility with Vim's `if_lua` is explicitly a non-goal. -- -- Reference (#6580): -- - https://github.com/luafun/luafun -- - https://github.com/rxi/lume -- - http://leafo.net/lapis/reference/utilities.html -- - https://github.com/bakpakin/Fennel (pretty print, repl) -- These are for loading runtime modules lazily since they aren't available in -- the nvim binary as specified in executor.c for k, v in pairs({ treesitter = true, filetype = true, loader = true, func = true, F = true, lsp = true, hl = true, diagnostic = true, keymap = true, ui = true, health = true, secure = true, snippet = true, _watch = true, }) do vim._submodules[k] = v end -- There are things which have special rules in vim._init_packages -- for legacy reasons (uri) or for performance (_inspector). -- most new things should go into a submodule namespace ( vim.foobar.do_thing() ) vim._extra = { uri_from_fname = true, uri_from_bufnr = true, uri_to_fname = true, uri_to_bufnr = true, show_pos = true, inspect_pos = true, } --- @private vim.log = { levels = { TRACE = 0, DEBUG = 1, INFO = 2, WARN = 3, ERROR = 4, OFF = 5, }, } local utfs = { ['utf-8'] = true, ['utf-16'] = true, ['utf-32'] = true, } -- TODO(lewis6991): document that the signature is system({cmd}, [{opts},] {on_exit}) --- Runs a system command or throws an error if {cmd} cannot be run. --- --- Examples: --- --- ```lua --- local on_exit = function(obj) --- print(obj.code) --- print(obj.signal) --- print(obj.stdout) --- print(obj.stderr) --- end --- --- -- Runs asynchronously: --- vim.system({'echo', 'hello'}, { text = true }, on_exit) --- --- -- Runs synchronously: --- local obj = vim.system({'echo', 'hello'}, { text = true }):wait() --- -- { code = 0, signal = 0, stdout = 'hello', stderr = '' } --- --- ``` --- --- See |uv.spawn()| for more details. Note: unlike |uv.spawn()|, vim.system --- throws an error if {cmd} cannot be run. --- --- @param cmd (string[]) Command to execute --- @param opts vim.SystemOpts? Options: --- - cwd: (string) Set the current working directory for the sub-process. --- - env: table Set environment variables for the new process. Inherits the --- current environment with `NVIM` set to |v:servername|. --- - clear_env: (boolean) `env` defines the job environment exactly, instead of merging current --- environment. --- - stdin: (string|string[]|boolean) If `true`, then a pipe to stdin is opened and can be written --- to via the `write()` method to SystemObj. If string or string[] then will be written to stdin --- and closed. Defaults to `false`. --- - stdout: (boolean|function) --- Handle output from stdout. When passed as a function must have the signature `fun(err: string, data: string)`. --- Defaults to `true` --- - stderr: (boolean|function) --- Handle output from stderr. When passed as a function must have the signature `fun(err: string, data: string)`. --- Defaults to `true`. --- - text: (boolean) Handle stdout and stderr as text. Replaces `\r\n` with `\n`. --- - timeout: (integer) Run the command with a time limit. Upon timeout the process is sent the --- TERM signal (15) and the exit code is set to 124. --- - detach: (boolean) If true, spawn the child process in a detached state - this will make it --- a process group leader, and will effectively enable the child to keep running after the --- parent exits. Note that the child process will still keep the parent's event loop alive --- unless the parent process calls |uv.unref()| on the child's process handle. --- --- @param on_exit? fun(out: vim.SystemCompleted) Called when subprocess exits. When provided, the command runs --- asynchronously. Receives SystemCompleted object, see return of SystemObj:wait(). --- --- @return vim.SystemObj Object with the fields: --- - cmd (string[]) Command name and args --- - pid (integer) Process ID --- - wait (fun(timeout: integer|nil): SystemCompleted) Wait for the process to complete. Upon --- timeout the process is sent the KILL signal (9) and the exit code is set to 124. Cannot --- be called in |api-fast|. --- - SystemCompleted is an object with the fields: --- - code: (integer) --- - signal: (integer) --- - stdout: (string), nil if stdout argument is passed --- - stderr: (string), nil if stderr argument is passed --- - kill (fun(signal: integer|string)) --- - write (fun(data: string|nil)) Requires `stdin=true`. Pass `nil` to close the stream. --- - is_closing (fun(): boolean) function vim.system(cmd, opts, on_exit) if type(opts) == 'function' then on_exit = opts opts = nil end return require('vim._system').run(cmd, opts, on_exit) end -- Gets process info from the `ps` command. -- Used by nvim_get_proc() as a fallback. function vim._os_proc_info(pid) if pid == nil or pid <= 0 or type(pid) ~= 'number' then error('invalid pid') end local cmd = { 'ps', '-p', pid, '-o', 'comm=' } local r = vim.system(cmd):wait() local name = assert(r.stdout) if r.code == 1 and vim.trim(name) == '' then return {} -- Process not found. elseif r.code ~= 0 then error('command failed: ' .. vim.fn.string(cmd)) end local ppid_string = assert(vim.system({ 'ps', '-p', pid, '-o', 'ppid=' }):wait().stdout) -- Remove trailing whitespace. name = vim.trim(name):gsub('^.*/', '') local ppid = tonumber(ppid_string) or -1 return { name = name, pid = pid, ppid = ppid, } end -- Gets process children from the `pgrep` command. -- Used by nvim_get_proc_children() as a fallback. function vim._os_proc_children(ppid) if ppid == nil or ppid <= 0 or type(ppid) ~= 'number' then error('invalid ppid') end local cmd = { 'pgrep', '-P', ppid } local r = vim.system(cmd):wait() if r.code == 1 and vim.trim(r.stdout) == '' then return {} -- Process not found. elseif r.code ~= 0 then error('command failed: ' .. vim.fn.string(cmd)) end local children = {} for s in r.stdout:gmatch('%S+') do local i = tonumber(s) if i ~= nil then table.insert(children, i) end end return children end --- @nodoc --- @class vim.inspect.Opts --- @field depth? integer --- @field newline? string --- @field process? fun(item:any, path: string[]): any --- Gets a human-readable representation of the given object. --- ---@see |vim.print()| ---@see https://github.com/kikito/inspect.lua ---@see https://github.com/mpeterv/vinspect ---@return string ---@overload fun(x: any, opts?: vim.inspect.Opts): string vim.inspect = vim.inspect do local tdots, tick, got_line1, undo_started, trailing_nl = 0, 0, false, false, false --- Paste handler, invoked by |nvim_paste()|. --- --- Note: This is provided only as a "hook", don't call it directly; call |nvim_paste()| instead, --- which arranges redo (dot-repeat) and invokes `vim.paste`. --- --- Example: To remove ANSI color codes when pasting: --- --- ```lua --- vim.paste = (function(overridden) --- return function(lines, phase) --- for i,line in ipairs(lines) do --- -- Scrub ANSI color codes from paste input. --- lines[i] = line:gsub('\27%[[0-9;mK]+', '') --- end --- return overridden(lines, phase) --- end --- end)(vim.paste) --- ``` --- ---@see |paste| --- ---@param lines string[] # |readfile()|-style list of lines to paste. |channel-lines| ---@param phase (-1|1|2|3) -1: "non-streaming" paste: the call contains all lines. --- If paste is "streamed", `phase` indicates the stream state: --- - 1: starts the paste (exactly once) --- - 2: continues the paste (zero or more times) --- - 3: ends the paste (exactly once) ---@return boolean result false if client should cancel the paste. function vim.paste(lines, phase) local now = vim.uv.now() local is_first_chunk = phase < 2 local is_last_chunk = phase == -1 or phase == 3 if is_first_chunk then -- Reset flags. tdots, tick, got_line1, undo_started, trailing_nl = now, 0, false, false, false end if #lines == 0 then lines = { '' } end if #lines == 1 and lines[1] == '' and not is_last_chunk then -- An empty chunk can cause some edge cases in streamed pasting, -- so don't do anything unless it is the last chunk. return true end -- Note: mode doesn't always start with "c" in cmdline mode, so use getcmdtype() instead. if vim.fn.getcmdtype() ~= '' then -- cmdline-mode: paste only 1 line. if not got_line1 then got_line1 = (#lines > 1) -- Escape control characters local line1 = lines[1]:gsub('(%c)', '\022%1') -- nvim_input() is affected by mappings, -- so use nvim_feedkeys() with "n" flag to ignore mappings. -- "t" flag is also needed so the pasted text is saved in cmdline history. vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(line1, 'nt', true) end return true end local mode = vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode if undo_started then vim.api.nvim_command('undojoin') end if mode:find('^i') or mode:find('^n?t') then -- Insert mode or Terminal buffer vim.api.nvim_put(lines, 'c', false, true) elseif phase < 2 and mode:find('^R') and not mode:find('^Rv') then -- Replace mode -- TODO: implement Replace mode streamed pasting -- TODO: support Virtual Replace mode local nchars = 0 for _, line in ipairs(lines) do nchars = nchars + line:len() end --- @type integer, integer local row, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) local bufline = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, row - 1, row, true)[1] local firstline = lines[1] firstline = bufline:sub(1, col) .. firstline lines[1] = firstline lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. bufline:sub(col + nchars + 1, bufline:len()) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, row - 1, row, false, lines) elseif mode:find('^[nvV\22sS\19]') then -- Normal or Visual or Select mode if mode:find('^n') then -- Normal mode -- When there was a trailing new line in the previous chunk, -- the cursor is on the first character of the next line, -- so paste before the cursor instead of after it. vim.api.nvim_put(lines, 'c', not trailing_nl, false) else -- Visual or Select mode vim.api.nvim_command([[exe "silent normal! \"]]) local del_start = vim.fn.getpos("'[") local cursor_pos = vim.fn.getpos('.') if mode:find('^[VS]') then -- linewise if cursor_pos[2] < del_start[2] then -- replacing lines at eof -- create a new line vim.api.nvim_put({ '' }, 'l', true, true) end vim.api.nvim_put(lines, 'c', false, false) else -- paste after cursor when replacing text at eol, otherwise paste before cursor vim.api.nvim_put(lines, 'c', cursor_pos[3] < del_start[3], false) end end -- put cursor at the end of the text instead of one character after it vim.fn.setpos('.', vim.fn.getpos("']")) trailing_nl = lines[#lines] == '' else -- Don't know what to do in other modes return false end undo_started = true if phase ~= -1 and (now - tdots >= 100) then local dots = ('.'):rep(tick % 4) tdots = now tick = tick + 1 -- Use :echo because Lua print('') is a no-op, and we want to clear the -- message when there are zero dots. vim.api.nvim_command(('echo "%s"'):format(dots)) end if is_last_chunk then vim.api.nvim_command('redraw' .. (tick > 1 and '|echo ""' or '')) end return true -- Paste will not continue if not returning `true`. end end --- Returns a function which calls {fn} via |vim.schedule()|. --- --- The returned function passes all arguments to {fn}. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- function notify_readable(_err, readable) --- vim.notify("readable? " .. tostring(readable)) --- end --- vim.uv.fs_access(vim.fn.stdpath("config"), "R", vim.schedule_wrap(notify_readable)) --- ``` --- ---@see |lua-loop-callbacks| ---@see |vim.schedule()| ---@see |vim.in_fast_event()| ---@param fn function ---@return function function vim.schedule_wrap(fn) return function(...) local args = vim.F.pack_len(...) vim.schedule(function() fn(vim.F.unpack_len(args)) end) end end -- vim.fn.{func}(...) ---@nodoc vim.fn = setmetatable({}, { --- @param t table --- @param key string --- @return function __index = function(t, key) local _fn --- @type function if vim.api[key] ~= nil then _fn = function() error(string.format('Tried to call API function with vim.fn: use vim.api.%s instead', key)) end else _fn = function(...) return vim.call(key, ...) end end t[key] = _fn return _fn end, }) --- @private vim.funcref = function(viml_func_name) return vim.fn[viml_func_name] end local VIM_CMD_ARG_MAX = 20 --- Executes Vim script commands. --- --- Note that `vim.cmd` can be indexed with a command name to return a callable function to the --- command. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- vim.cmd('echo 42') --- vim.cmd([[ --- augroup My_group --- autocmd! --- autocmd FileType c setlocal cindent --- augroup END --- ]]) --- --- -- Ex command :echo "foo" --- -- Note string literals need to be double quoted. --- vim.cmd('echo "foo"') --- vim.cmd { cmd = 'echo', args = { '"foo"' } } --- vim.cmd.echo({ args = { '"foo"' } }) --- vim.cmd.echo('"foo"') --- --- -- Ex command :write! myfile.txt --- vim.cmd('write! myfile.txt') --- vim.cmd { cmd = 'write', args = { "myfile.txt" }, bang = true } --- vim.cmd.write { args = { "myfile.txt" }, bang = true } --- vim.cmd.write { "myfile.txt", bang = true } --- --- -- Ex command :colorscheme blue --- vim.cmd('colorscheme blue') --- vim.cmd.colorscheme('blue') --- ``` --- ---@param command string|table Command(s) to execute. --- If a string, executes multiple lines of Vim script at once. In this --- case, it is an alias to |nvim_exec2()|, where `opts.output` is set --- to false. Thus it works identical to |:source|. --- If a table, executes a single command. In this case, it is an alias --- to |nvim_cmd()| where `opts` is empty. ---@see |ex-cmd-index| vim.cmd = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, command) if type(command) == 'table' then return vim.api.nvim_cmd(command, {}) else vim.api.nvim_exec2(command, {}) return '' end end, __index = function(t, command) t[command] = function(...) local opts if select('#', ...) == 1 and type(select(1, ...)) == 'table' then opts = select(1, ...) -- Move indexed positions in opts to opt.args if opts[1] and not opts.args then opts.args = {} for i = 1, VIM_CMD_ARG_MAX do if not opts[i] then break end opts.args[i] = opts[i] opts[i] = nil end end else opts = { args = { ... } } end opts.cmd = command return vim.api.nvim_cmd(opts, {}) end return t[command] end, }) --- @class (private) vim.var_accessor --- @field [string] any --- @field [integer] vim.var_accessor -- These are the vim.env/v/g/o/bo/wo variable magic accessors. do --- @param scope string --- @param handle? false|integer --- @return vim.var_accessor local function make_dict_accessor(scope, handle) vim.validate('scope', scope, 'string') local mt = {} function mt:__newindex(k, v) return vim._setvar(scope, handle or 0, k, v) end function mt:__index(k) if handle == nil and type(k) == 'number' then return make_dict_accessor(scope, k) end return vim._getvar(scope, handle or 0, k) end return setmetatable({}, mt) end vim.g = make_dict_accessor('g', false) vim.v = make_dict_accessor('v', false) --[[@as vim.v]] vim.b = make_dict_accessor('b') vim.w = make_dict_accessor('w') vim.t = make_dict_accessor('t') end --- @deprecated --- Gets a dict of line segment ("chunk") positions for the region from `pos1` to `pos2`. --- --- Input and output positions are byte positions, (0,0)-indexed. "End of line" column --- position (for example, |linewise| visual selection) is returned as |v:maxcol| (big number). --- ---@param bufnr integer Buffer number, or 0 for current buffer ---@param pos1 integer[]|string Start of region as a (line, column) tuple or |getpos()|-compatible string ---@param pos2 integer[]|string End of region as a (line, column) tuple or |getpos()|-compatible string ---@param regtype string [setreg()]-style selection type ---@param inclusive boolean Controls whether the ending column is inclusive (see also 'selection'). ---@return table region Dict of the form `{linenr = {startcol,endcol}}`. `endcol` is exclusive, and ---whole lines are returned as `{startcol,endcol} = {0,-1}`. function vim.region(bufnr, pos1, pos2, regtype, inclusive) vim.deprecate('vim.region', 'vim.fn.getregionpos()', '0.13') if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) end if type(pos1) == 'string' then local pos = vim.fn.getpos(pos1) pos1 = { pos[2] - 1, pos[3] - 1 } end if type(pos2) == 'string' then local pos = vim.fn.getpos(pos2) pos2 = { pos[2] - 1, pos[3] - 1 } end if pos1[1] > pos2[1] or (pos1[1] == pos2[1] and pos1[2] > pos2[2]) then pos1, pos2 = pos2, pos1 end -- getpos() may return {0,0,0,0} if pos1[1] < 0 or pos1[2] < 0 then return {} end -- check that region falls within current buffer local buf_line_count = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) pos1[1] = math.min(pos1[1], buf_line_count - 1) pos2[1] = math.min(pos2[1], buf_line_count - 1) -- in case of block selection, columns need to be adjusted for non-ASCII characters -- TODO: handle double-width characters if regtype:byte() == 22 then local bufline = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, pos1[1], pos1[1] + 1, true)[1] pos1[2] = vim.str_utfindex(bufline, 'utf-32', pos1[2]) end local region = {} for l = pos1[1], pos2[1] do local c1 --- @type number local c2 --- @type number if regtype:byte() == 22 then -- block selection: take width from regtype c1 = pos1[2] c2 = c1 + tonumber(regtype:sub(2)) -- and adjust for non-ASCII characters local bufline = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, l, l + 1, true)[1] local utflen = vim.str_utfindex(bufline, 'utf-32', #bufline) if c1 <= utflen then c1 = assert(tonumber(vim.str_byteindex(bufline, 'utf-32', c1))) else c1 = #bufline + 1 end if c2 <= utflen then c2 = assert(tonumber(vim.str_byteindex(bufline, 'utf-32', c2))) else c2 = #bufline + 1 end elseif regtype == 'V' then -- linewise selection, always return whole line c1 = 0 c2 = -1 else c1 = (l == pos1[1]) and pos1[2] or 0 if inclusive and l == pos2[1] then local bufline = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, pos2[1], pos2[1] + 1, true)[1] pos2[2] = vim.fn.byteidx(bufline, vim.fn.charidx(bufline, pos2[2]) + 1) end c2 = (l == pos2[1]) and pos2[2] or -1 end table.insert(region, l, { c1, c2 }) end return region end --- Defers calling {fn} until {timeout} ms passes. --- --- Use to do a one-shot timer that calls {fn} --- Note: The {fn} is |vim.schedule_wrap()|ped automatically, so API functions are --- safe to call. ---@param fn function Callback to call once `timeout` expires ---@param timeout integer Number of milliseconds to wait before calling `fn` ---@return table timer luv timer object function vim.defer_fn(fn, timeout) vim.validate('fn', fn, 'callable', true) local timer = assert(vim.uv.new_timer()) timer:start( timeout, 0, vim.schedule_wrap(function() if not timer:is_closing() then timer:close() end fn() end) ) return timer end --- Displays a notification to the user. --- --- This function can be overridden by plugins to display notifications using --- a custom provider (such as the system notification provider). By default, --- writes to |:messages|. ---@param msg string Content of the notification to show to the user. ---@param level integer|nil One of the values from |vim.log.levels|. ---@param opts table|nil Optional parameters. Unused by default. ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local function vim.notify(msg, level, opts) -- luacheck: no unused args if level == vim.log.levels.ERROR then vim.api.nvim_err_writeln(msg) elseif level == vim.log.levels.WARN then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { msg, 'WarningMsg' } }, true, {}) else vim.api.nvim_echo({ { msg } }, true, {}) end end do local notified = {} --- @type table --- Displays a notification only one time. --- --- Like |vim.notify()|, but subsequent calls with the same message will not --- display a notification. --- ---@param msg string Content of the notification to show to the user. ---@param level integer|nil One of the values from |vim.log.levels|. ---@param opts table|nil Optional parameters. Unused by default. ---@return boolean true if message was displayed, else false function vim.notify_once(msg, level, opts) if not notified[msg] then vim.notify(msg, level, opts) notified[msg] = true return true end return false end end local on_key_cbs = {} --- @type table --- Adds Lua function {fn} with namespace id {ns_id} as a listener to every, --- yes every, input key. --- --- The Nvim command-line option |-w| is related but does not support callbacks --- and cannot be toggled dynamically. --- ---@note {fn} will be removed on error. ---@note {fn} won't be invoked recursively, i.e. if {fn} itself consumes input, --- it won't be invoked for those keys. ---@note {fn} will not be cleared by |nvim_buf_clear_namespace()| --- ---@param fn nil|fun(key: string, typed: string): string? Function invoked for every input key, --- after mappings have been applied but before further processing. Arguments --- {key} and {typed} are raw keycodes, where {key} is the key after mappings --- are applied, and {typed} is the key(s) before mappings are applied. --- {typed} may be empty if {key} is produced by non-typed key(s) or by the --- same typed key(s) that produced a previous {key}. --- If {fn} returns an empty string, {key} is discarded/ignored. --- When {fn} is `nil`, the callback associated with namespace {ns_id} is removed. ---@param ns_id integer? Namespace ID. If nil or 0, generates and returns a --- new |nvim_create_namespace()| id. ---@param opts table? Optional parameters --- ---@see |keytrans()| --- ---@return integer Namespace id associated with {fn}. Or count of all callbacks ---if on_key() is called without arguments. function vim.on_key(fn, ns_id, opts) if fn == nil and ns_id == nil then return vim.tbl_count(on_key_cbs) end vim.validate('fn', fn, 'callable', true) vim.validate('ns_id', ns_id, 'number', true) vim.validate('opts', opts, 'table', true) opts = opts or {} if ns_id == nil or ns_id == 0 then ns_id = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('') end on_key_cbs[ns_id] = fn and { fn, opts } return ns_id end --- Executes the on_key callbacks. ---@private function vim._on_key(buf, typed_buf) local failed = {} ---@type [integer, string][] local discard = false for k, v in pairs(on_key_cbs) do local fn = v[1] local ok, rv = xpcall(function() return fn(buf, typed_buf) end, debug.traceback) if ok and rv ~= nil then if type(rv) == 'string' and #rv == 0 then discard = true -- break -- Without break deliver to all callbacks even when it eventually discards. -- "break" does not make sense unless callbacks are sorted by ???. else ok = false rv = 'return string must be empty' end end if not ok then vim.on_key(nil, k) table.insert(failed, { k, rv }) end end if #failed > 0 then local errmsg = '' for _, v in ipairs(failed) do errmsg = errmsg .. string.format('\nWith ns_id %d: %s', v[1], v[2]) end error(errmsg) end return discard end --- Convert UTF-32, UTF-16 or UTF-8 {index} to byte index. --- If {strict_indexing} is false --- then then an out of range index will return byte length --- instead of throwing an error. --- --- Invalid UTF-8 and NUL is treated like in |vim.str_utfindex()|. --- An {index} in the middle of a UTF-16 sequence is rounded upwards to --- the end of that sequence. ---@param s string ---@param encoding "utf-8"|"utf-16"|"utf-32" ---@param index integer ---@param strict_indexing? boolean # default: true ---@return integer function vim.str_byteindex(s, encoding, index, strict_indexing) if type(encoding) == 'number' then -- Legacy support for old API -- Parameters: ~ -- • {str} (`string`) -- • {index} (`integer`) -- • {use_utf16} (`boolean?`) vim.deprecate( 'vim.str_byteindex', 'vim.str_byteindex(s, encoding, index, strict_indexing)', '1.0' ) local old_index = encoding local use_utf16 = index or false return vim._str_byteindex(s, old_index, use_utf16) or error('index out of range') end -- Avoid vim.validate for performance. if type(s) ~= 'string' or type(index) ~= 'number' then vim.validate('s', s, 'string') vim.validate('index', index, 'number') end local len = #s if index == 0 or len == 0 then return 0 end if not utfs[encoding] then vim.validate('encoding', encoding, function(v) return utfs[v], 'invalid encoding' end) end if strict_indexing ~= nil and type(strict_indexing) ~= 'boolean' then vim.validate('strict_indexing', strict_indexing, 'boolean', true) end if strict_indexing == nil then strict_indexing = true end if encoding == 'utf-8' then if index > len then return strict_indexing and error('index out of range') or len end return index end return vim._str_byteindex(s, index, encoding == 'utf-16') or strict_indexing and error('index out of range') or len end --- Convert byte index to UTF-32, UTF-16 or UTF-8 indices. If {index} is not --- supplied, the length of the string is used. All indices are zero-based. --- --- If {strict_indexing} is false then an out of range index will return string --- length instead of throwing an error. --- Invalid UTF-8 bytes, and embedded surrogates are counted as one code point --- each. An {index} in the middle of a UTF-8 sequence is rounded upwards to the end of --- that sequence. ---@param s string ---@param encoding "utf-8"|"utf-16"|"utf-32" ---@param index? integer ---@param strict_indexing? boolean # default: true ---@return integer function vim.str_utfindex(s, encoding, index, strict_indexing) if encoding == nil or type(encoding) == 'number' then -- Legacy support for old API -- Parameters: ~ -- • {str} (`string`) -- • {index} (`integer?`) vim.deprecate( 'vim.str_utfindex', 'vim.str_utfindex(s, encoding, index, strict_indexing)', '1.0' ) local old_index = encoding local col32, col16 = vim._str_utfindex(s, old_index) --[[@as integer,integer]] if not col32 or not col16 then error('index out of range') end -- Return (multiple): ~ -- (`integer`) UTF-32 index -- (`integer`) UTF-16 index return col32, col16 end if type(s) ~= 'string' or (index ~= nil and type(index) ~= 'number') then vim.validate('s', s, 'string') vim.validate('index', index, 'number', true) end if not index then index = math.huge strict_indexing = false end if index == 0 then return 0 end if not utfs[encoding] then vim.validate('encoding', encoding, function(v) return utfs[v], 'invalid encoding' end) end if strict_indexing ~= nil and type(strict_indexing) ~= 'boolean' then vim.validate('strict_indexing', strict_indexing, 'boolean', true) end if strict_indexing == nil then strict_indexing = true end if encoding == 'utf-8' then local len = #s return index <= len and index or (strict_indexing and error('index out of range') or len) end local col32, col16 = vim._str_utfindex(s, index) --[[@as integer?,integer?]] local col = encoding == 'utf-16' and col16 or col32 if col then return col end if strict_indexing then error('index out of range') end local max32, max16 = vim._str_utfindex(s)--[[@as integer integer]] return encoding == 'utf-16' and max16 or max32 end --- Generates a list of possible completions for the str --- String has the pattern. --- --- 1. Can we get it to just return things in the global namespace with that name prefix --- 2. Can we get it to return things from global namespace even with `print(` in front. --- --- @param pat string --- @return any[], integer function vim._expand_pat(pat, env) env = env or _G if pat == '' then local result = vim.tbl_keys(env) table.sort(result) return result, 0 end -- TODO: We can handle spaces in [] ONLY. -- We should probably do that at some point, just for cooler completion. -- TODO: We can suggest the variable names to go in [] -- This would be difficult as well. -- Probably just need to do a smarter match than just `:match` -- Get the last part of the pattern local last_part = pat:match('[%w.:_%[%]\'"]+$') if not last_part then return {}, 0 end local parts, search_index = vim._expand_pat_get_parts(last_part) local match_part = string.sub(last_part, search_index, #last_part) local prefix_match_pat = string.sub(pat, 1, #pat - #match_part) or '' local final_env = env for _, part in ipairs(parts) do if type(final_env) ~= 'table' then return {}, 0 end local key --- @type any -- Normally, we just have a string -- Just attempt to get the string directly from the environment if type(part) == 'string' then key = part else -- However, sometimes you want to use a variable, and complete on it -- With this, you have the power. -- MY_VAR = "api" -- vim[MY_VAR] -- -> _G[MY_VAR] -> "api" local result_key = part[1] if not result_key then return {}, 0 end local result = rawget(env, result_key) if result == nil then return {}, 0 end key = result end local field = rawget(final_env, key) if field == nil then local mt = getmetatable(final_env) if mt and type(mt.__index) == 'table' then field = rawget(mt.__index, key) elseif final_env == vim and (vim._submodules[key] or vim._extra[key]) then field = vim[key] --- @type any end end final_env = field if not final_env then return {}, 0 end end local keys = {} --- @type table --- @param obj table local function insert_keys(obj) for k, _ in pairs(obj) do if type(k) == 'string' and string.sub(k, 1, string.len(match_part)) == match_part and k:match('^[_%w]+$') ~= nil -- filter out invalid identifiers for field, e.g. 'foo#bar' then keys[k] = true end end end ---@param acc table local function _fold_to_map(acc, k, v) acc[k] = (v or true) return acc end if type(final_env) == 'table' then insert_keys(final_env) end local mt = getmetatable(final_env) if mt and type(mt.__index) == 'table' then insert_keys(mt.__index) end if final_env == vim then insert_keys(vim._submodules) insert_keys(vim._extra) end -- Completion for dict accessors (special vim variables and vim.fn) if mt and vim.tbl_contains({ vim.g, vim.t, vim.w, vim.b, vim.v, vim.fn }, final_env) then local prefix, type = unpack( vim.fn == final_env and { '', 'function' } or vim.g == final_env and { 'g:', 'var' } or vim.t == final_env and { 't:', 'var' } or vim.w == final_env and { 'w:', 'var' } or vim.b == final_env and { 'b:', 'var' } or vim.v == final_env and { 'v:', 'var' } or { nil, nil } ) assert(prefix, "Can't resolve final_env") local vars = vim.fn.getcompletion(prefix .. match_part, type) --- @type string[] insert_keys(vim .iter(vars) :map(function(s) ---@param s string s = s:gsub('[()]+$', '') -- strip '(' and ')' for function completions return s:sub(#prefix + 1) -- strip the prefix, e.g., 'g:foo' => 'foo' end) :fold({}, _fold_to_map)) end -- Completion for option accessors (full names only) if mt and vim.tbl_contains( { vim.o, vim.go, vim.bo, vim.wo, vim.opt, vim.opt_local, vim.opt_global }, final_env ) then --- @type fun(option_name: string, option: vim.api.keyset.get_option_info): boolean local filter = function(_, _) return true end if vim.bo == final_env then filter = function(_, option) return option.scope == 'buf' end elseif vim.wo == final_env then filter = function(_, option) return option.scope == 'win' end end --- @type table local options = vim.api.nvim_get_all_options_info() insert_keys(vim.iter(options):filter(filter):fold({}, _fold_to_map)) end keys = vim.tbl_keys(keys) table.sort(keys) return keys, #prefix_match_pat end --- @param lua_string string --- @return (string|string[])[], integer vim._expand_pat_get_parts = function(lua_string) local parts = {} local accumulator, search_index = '', 1 local in_brackets = false local bracket_end = -1 --- @type integer? local string_char = nil for idx = 1, #lua_string do local s = lua_string:sub(idx, idx) if not in_brackets and (s == '.' or s == ':') then table.insert(parts, accumulator) accumulator = '' search_index = idx + 1 elseif s == '[' then in_brackets = true table.insert(parts, accumulator) accumulator = '' search_index = idx + 1 elseif in_brackets then if idx == bracket_end then in_brackets = false search_index = idx + 1 if string_char == 'VAR' then table.insert(parts, { accumulator }) accumulator = '' string_char = nil end elseif not string_char then bracket_end = string.find(lua_string, ']', idx, true) if s == '"' or s == "'" then string_char = s elseif s ~= ' ' then string_char = 'VAR' accumulator = s end elseif string_char then if string_char ~= s then accumulator = accumulator .. s else table.insert(parts, accumulator) accumulator = '' string_char = nil end end else accumulator = accumulator .. s end end --- @param val any[] parts = vim.tbl_filter(function(val) return #val > 0 end, parts) return parts, search_index end do -- Ideally we should just call complete() inside omnifunc, though there are -- some bugs, so fake the two-step dance for now. local matches --- @type any[] --- Omnifunc for completing Lua values from the runtime Lua interpreter, --- similar to the builtin completion for the `:lua` command. --- --- Activate using `set omnifunc=v:lua.vim.lua_omnifunc` in a Lua buffer. --- @param find_start 1|0 function vim.lua_omnifunc(find_start, _) if find_start == 1 then local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line() local prefix = string.sub(line, 1, vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2]) local pos matches, pos = vim._expand_pat(prefix) return (#matches > 0 and pos) or -1 else return matches end end end --- "Pretty prints" the given arguments and returns them unmodified. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- local hl_normal = vim.print(vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = 'Normal' })) --- ``` --- --- @see |vim.inspect()| --- @see |:=| --- @param ... any --- @return any # given arguments. function vim.print(...) local msg = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local o = select(i, ...) if type(o) == 'string' then table.insert(msg, o) else table.insert(msg, vim.inspect(o, { newline = '\n', indent = ' ' })) end end print(table.concat(msg, '\n')) return ... end --- Translates keycodes. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- local k = vim.keycode --- vim.g.mapleader = k'' --- ``` --- --- @param str string String to be converted. --- @return string --- @see |nvim_replace_termcodes()| function vim.keycode(str) return vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(str, true, true, true) end --- @param server_addr string --- @param connect_error string function vim._cs_remote(rcid, server_addr, connect_error, args) --- @return string local function connection_failure_errmsg(consequence) local explanation --- @type string if server_addr == '' then explanation = 'No server specified with --server' else explanation = "Failed to connect to '" .. server_addr .. "'" if connect_error ~= '' then explanation = explanation .. ': ' .. connect_error end end return 'E247: ' .. explanation .. '. ' .. consequence end local f_silent = false local f_tab = false local subcmd = string.sub(args[1], 10) if subcmd == 'tab' then f_tab = true elseif subcmd == 'silent' then f_silent = true elseif subcmd == 'wait' or subcmd == 'wait-silent' or subcmd == 'tab-wait' or subcmd == 'tab-wait-silent' then return { errmsg = 'E5600: Wait commands not yet implemented in Nvim' } elseif subcmd == 'tab-silent' then f_tab = true f_silent = true elseif subcmd == 'send' then if rcid == 0 then return { errmsg = connection_failure_errmsg('Send failed.') } end vim.rpcrequest(rcid, 'nvim_input', args[2]) return { should_exit = true, tabbed = false } elseif subcmd == 'expr' then if rcid == 0 then return { errmsg = connection_failure_errmsg('Send expression failed.') } end local res = tostring(vim.rpcrequest(rcid, 'nvim_eval', args[2])) return { result = res, should_exit = true, tabbed = false } elseif subcmd ~= '' then return { errmsg = 'Unknown option argument: ' .. tostring(args[1]) } end if rcid == 0 then if not f_silent then vim.notify(connection_failure_errmsg('Editing locally'), vim.log.levels.WARN) end else local command = {} if f_tab then table.insert(command, 'tab') end table.insert(command, 'drop') for i = 2, #args do table.insert(command, vim.fn.fnameescape(args[i])) end vim.fn.rpcrequest(rcid, 'nvim_command', table.concat(command, ' ')) end return { should_exit = rcid ~= 0, tabbed = f_tab, } end do local function truncated_echo(msg) -- Truncate message to avoid hit-enter-prompt local max_width = vim.o.columns * math.max(vim.o.cmdheight - 1, 0) + vim.v.echospace local msg_truncated = string.sub(msg, 1, max_width) vim.api.nvim_echo({ { msg_truncated, 'WarningMsg' } }, true, {}) end local notified = false function vim._truncated_echo_once(msg) if not notified then truncated_echo(msg) notified = true return true end return false end end --- This is basically the same as debug.traceback(), except the full paths are shown. local function traceback() local level = 4 local backtrace = { 'stack traceback:' } while true do local info = debug.getinfo(level, 'Sl') if not info then break end local msg = (' %s:%s'):format(info.source:sub(2), info.currentline) table.insert(backtrace, msg) level = level + 1 end return table.concat(backtrace, '\n') end --- Shows a deprecation message to the user. --- ---@param name string Deprecated feature (function, API, etc.). ---@param alternative string|nil Suggested alternative feature. ---@param version string Version when the deprecated function will be removed. ---@param plugin string|nil Name of the plugin that owns the deprecated feature. --- Defaults to "Nvim". ---@param backtrace boolean|nil Prints backtrace. Defaults to true. --- ---@return string|nil # Deprecated message, or nil if no message was shown. function vim.deprecate(name, alternative, version, plugin, backtrace) plugin = plugin or 'Nvim' if plugin == 'Nvim' then require('vim.deprecated.health').add(name, version, traceback(), alternative) -- Show a warning only if feature is hard-deprecated (see MAINTAIN.md). -- Example: if removal `version` is 0.12 (soft-deprecated since 0.10-dev), show warnings -- starting at 0.11, including 0.11-dev. local major, minor = version:match('(%d+)%.(%d+)') major, minor = tonumber(major), tonumber(minor) local nvim_major = 0 --- Current Nvim major version. -- We can't "subtract" from a major version, so: -- * Always treat `major > nvim_major` as soft-deprecation. -- * Compare `minor - 1` if `major == nvim_major`. if major > nvim_major then return -- Always soft-deprecation (see MAINTAIN.md). end local hard_deprecated_since = string.format('nvim-%d.%d', major, minor - 1) if major == nvim_major and vim.fn.has(hard_deprecated_since) == 0 then return end local msg = ('%s is deprecated. Run ":checkhealth vim.deprecated" for more information'):format( name ) local displayed = vim._truncated_echo_once(msg) return displayed and msg or nil else vim.validate('name', name, 'string') vim.validate('alternative', alternative, 'string', true) vim.validate('version', version, 'string', true) vim.validate('plugin', plugin, 'string', true) local msg = ('%s is deprecated'):format(name) msg = alternative and ('%s, use %s instead.'):format(msg, alternative) or (msg .. '.') msg = ('%s\nFeature will be removed in %s %s'):format(msg, plugin, version) local displayed = vim.notify_once(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN) if displayed and backtrace ~= false then vim.notify(debug.traceback('', 2):sub(2), vim.log.levels.WARN) end return displayed and msg or nil end end require('vim._options') -- Remove at Nvim 1.0 ---@deprecated vim.loop = vim.uv -- Deprecated. Remove at Nvim 2.0 vim.highlight = vim._defer_deprecated_module('vim.highlight', 'vim.hl') return vim