mandoc may not handle quoted MANPAGER arguments correctly. E.g. with
export MANPAGER='nvim -u NORC -c "set ft=man"'
mandoc treats `"set` and `ft=man"'` as separate tokens.
To workaround that, provide :Man! so that MANPAGER can avoid quoting.
- fix synopsis highlighting in other locales. Cannot always rely on the first
line for the section in some locales; instead, use the file path and
explicitly set b:man_sect to the actual section.
- eliminate separate s:man_args function
- simplify logic: do not reuse buffer content
- introduce b:man_default_sects Fixes#5233
- introduce <Plug>(man_vsplit), <Plug>(man_tab)
- simplify regexps
With -count, if the first argument is a number, it is made available
with <count>. Problem is, there is always a default count it is impossible
to tell whether the user set it.
Since v:count and v:count1 still work with 'keywordprg', -count is
unnecessary. But 'keywordprg' still calls ':Man' with a count prefixed.
So it must still accept a count in the line number position, but not consume
the first argument. This is done with -range.
Regression from #5168. Also changed the Man command's nargs to '+' so
that man#open_page does not need to handle 0 arguments, because that
will never occur.
- Smart autocomplete. It's automatically sorted, filtered for duplicates
and even formats the candidates based on what is needed. For example,
`:Man 1 printf<TAB>` will show the pages that are in section 1m as
'page(sect)' to let you know they are in a more specific section.
- Instead of trying to unset $MANPAGER we use the -P flag to set the
pager to cat
- Always use the section arg '-s', it makes the code much simpler
(see comment in s:man-args).
- A manpage name starting with '-' is invalid. It's fine for sections
because of the use of '-s'.
- The tagstack is an actual stack now, makes it much simpler.
- By using v:count and v:count1, the plugin can explicitly check whether
the user set a count, instead of relying on a default value (0) that
is actually a real manpage section.
- Extraction of a manpage reference is much more simple. No giant long
complicated regexes. Now, the plugin lets `man` handle the actual
validation. We merely extract the section and page. Syntax regexes are
a bit more specific though to prevent highlighting everything.
- Multilingual support in the syntax file. Removed the cruft that was only
relevent to vim. Also simplified and improved many of the regexes.
- Using shellescape when sending the page and sect as arguments
- In general, the code flow is much more obvious.
- man#get_page has been split up into smaller functions with explicit
- ':help' behavior in opening splits and manpages
- Comments explaining anything that needs explaining and isn't
immediately obvious.
- If a manpage has already been loaded but if it were to reloaded at the
current width which is the same as the width at which it was loaded at
previously, it is not reloaded.
- Use substitute to remove the backspaced instead of `col -b`, as the
latter doesn't work with other languages.
- Open paths to manpages
- It uses cWORD instead of cword to get the manpage under the cursor, this
helps with files that do not have (,) in iskeyword. It also means the
plugin does not set iskeyword locally anymore.
- <Plug>(Man) mapping for easy remapping
- Switched to single quotes wherever possible.
- Updated docs in $VIMRUNTIME/doc/filetype.txt (still need to update
- Always call tolower on section name. See comment in
- Formatting/consistency cleanup
- Automatically map q to ':q<CR>' when invoked as $MANPAGER
- It also fully supports being used as $MANPAGER. Setting the name and
stuff automatically.
- Split up the setlocals into multiple lines for easier readability
- Better detection of errors by redirecting stderr to /dev/null. If an
error occured, stdout will be empty.
- Functions return [sect, page] not [page, sect]. Makes more sense with
how man takes the arguments as sect and then page.
- Pretty prints errors on a single line.
- If no section is given, automatically finds the correct section for
the buffer name. It also gets the correct page. See the comment in
- If $MANWIDTH is not set, do not assign directly to $MANWIDTH because
then $MANWIDTH will always stay set to the same value as we only use
winwidth(0) when the global $MANWIDTH is empty. Instead we set it
locally for the command.
- Maintainer notes on all files.
- do not create leader maps
- :norm! instead of :norm
- :keepjumps during layout
- use blackhole reg to avoid polluting unnamed reg
- format buffer name as "man://foo(2)"
- simulate behavior of `man`
- buffer-local mapping of q to quit
- open in new tab instead of new window
- set 'nolist'
- set tabstop=8