Visual mode "*", "#" mappings don't work on text with "/", "\", "?", and
Get the visual selection and escape it as a search pattern.
Add functions vim.get_visual_selection and _search_for_visual_selection.
Enforce consistent terminology (defined in
`gen_help_html.lua:spell_dict`) for common misspellings.
This does not spellcheck English in general (perhaps a future TODO,
though it may be noisy).
feat(lua): add vim.system()
Handling system commands in Lua is tedious and error-prone:
- vim.fn.jobstart() is vimscript and comes with all limitations attached to typval.
- vim.loop.spawn is too low level
Add vim.system().
Partly inspired by Python's subprocess module
Does not expose any libuv objects.
vim.deprecate() shows ":help deprecated" for third-party plugins. ":help
deprecated" only describes deprecations in Nvim, and is unrelated to any
3rd party deprecations.
If `plugin` is specified, don't show ":help deprecated".
The function name `vim.pretty_print`:
1. is verbose, which partially defeats its purpose as sugar
2. does not draw from existing precedent or any sort of convention
(except external projects like penlight or python?), which reduces
discoverability, and degrades signaling about best practices.
- Rename to `vim.print`.
- Change the behavior so that
1. strings are printed without quotes
2. each arg is printed on its own line
3. tables are indented with 2 instead of 4 spaces
- Example:
:lua ='a', 'b', 42, {a=3}
a = 3
Comparison of alternatives:
- `vim.print`:
- pro: consistent with Lua's `print()`
- pro: aligns with potential `nvim_print` API function which will
replace nvim_echo, nvim_notify, etc.
- con: behaves differently than Lua's `print()`, slightly misleading?
- `vim.echo`:
- pro: `:echo` has similar "pretty print" behavior.
- con: inconsistent with Lua idioms.
- `vim.p`:
- pro: very short, fits with `vim.o`, etc.
- con: not as discoverable as "echo"
- con: less opportunity for `local p = vim.p` because of potential shadowing.
also make implicit submodules "uri" and "_inspector" work with completion
this is needed for `:lua=vim.uri_<tab>` wildmenu completion
to work even before uri or _inspector functions are used.
The original motivation for this change came from developping, which will require adding
more autocommand creation to Neovim's startup sequence.
This change requires lightly editing a test that expected no autocommand
to have been created from lua.
This function accepts a path to a file and prompts the user if the file
is trusted. If the user confirms that the file is trusted, the contents
of the file are returned. The user's decision is stored in a trust
database at $XDG_STATE_HOME/nvim/trust. When this function is invoked
with a path that is already marked as trusted in the trust database, the
user is not prompted for a response.
Since right-click can now show a popup menu, we can provide messaging to
guide users who expect 'mouse' to be disabled by default. So 'mouse' can
now be enabled by default.
Do it.
Steps to reproduce:
1. setting `vim.highlight.on_yank`
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "TextYankPost" }, {
pattern = { "*" },
callback = function()
vim.highlight.on_yank({ timeout = 200 })
2. repeat typing `yeye` ...
3. causes the following error.
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: vim/_editor.lua:0: handle 0x01e96970 is already closing
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'close'
vim/_editor.lua: in function ''
vim/_editor.lua: in function <vim/_editor.lua:0>
📝 Test result before fix:
[----------] Global test environment setup.
[----------] Running tests from test/functional/lua/highlight_spec.lua
[ RUN ] vim.highlight.on_yank does not show errors even if buffer is wiped before timeout: 15.07 ms OK
[ RUN ] vim.highlight.on_yank does not show errors even if executed between timeout and clearing highlight: 15.07 ms ERR
test/helpers.lua:73: Expected objects to be the same.
Passed in:
(string) 'Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: vim/_editor.lua:0: handle 0x02025260 is already closing
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'close'
vim/_editor.lua: in function ''
vim/_editor.lua: in function <vim/_editor.lua:0>'
(string) ''
- Complete function:
There was lots of unnecessary C code for the complete function, therefore
moving it to Lua and use all the plumbing we have in place to retrieve the
- Moving the module:
It's important we keep nvim lua modules name spaced, avoids conflict with
plugins, luarocks, etc.
This is primarily intended to act as documentation for the developer so
they know exactly when and what to remove. This will help prevent the
situation of deprecated code lingering for far too long as developers
don't have to worry if a function is safe to remove.