ci: install nodejs 8 in Appveyor, Travis
provider: check node version for debug support
Resolve for Unix.
provider: test if nodejs in ci supports --inspect-brk
nodejs host for neovim requires nodejs 6+ to work properly.
nodejs 6.12+ or 7.6+ is required for debug support via `node --inspect-brk`.
provider: run cli.js of nodejs host directly
npm shims are useless because the user cannot set node to debug mode via
--inspect-brk. This is problematic on Windows which use batchfiles and
shell scripts to compensate for not supporting shebang.
The patch uses `npm root -g` to get the absolute path of the global npm
modules. If that fails, then the user did not install neovim npm package
globally. Use that absolute path to find `neovim/bin/cli.js`, which is
what the npm shim actually runs with node. glob() is for a simple file
check in case bin/ is removed because the npm shims are ignored now.
Workaround for travis issue:
Sometimes `pip3` works, sometimes not:
pyenv: pip3: command not found
The `pip3' command exists in these Python versions:
Tried these steps to fix the issue:
- add `python: 3.6` to top level of `.travis.yml`
- add `python3` to `addons.apt.packages` level of `.travis.yml`
- `pyenv global system 3.{4,5,6}`
- `pyenv global 3.6`
In all cases the presence or absence of `pip3` was random.