We often want to do type checking of public function arguments.
- test: Rename utility_function_spec.lua to vim_spec.lua
- .luacov: Map lua module names
Problem: If spellfile is missing, then "set spell" in modeline/sandbox
fails with a non-obvious error.
Solution: Check for sandbox early and give a meaningful error.
Test case:
# test.latex has `% vim: set spelllang=hu:`
# no spell file for `hu` yet!
nvim -u NORC --cmd 'autocmd FileType tex setlocal spell' --cmd 'set modeline' test.latex
No spell file for "hu" in utf-8
Download it?
Downloading hu.utf-8.spl...
Error detected while processing /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim:
line 583:
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search: au WinEnter *^Iif &ft == "netrw"|call s:NetrwInsureWinVars()|endif
Error detected while processing function spellfile#LoadFile[60]..spellfile#Nread[13]..netrw#NetRead[4]..<SNR>67_NetrwOptionsSave:
line 66:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function spellfile#LoadFile[60]..spellfile#Nread:
line 13:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function spellfile#LoadFile:
line 60:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing modelines:
line 1:
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search
Error detected while processing function spellfile#LoadFile:
line 5:
E605: Exception not caught: Cannot download spellfile in sandbox/modeline. Try ":set spell" from the cmdline.
Error detected while processing modelines:
line 1:
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search
Problem: May get hit-enter prompt after entering a number. (Malcolm Rowe)
Solution: Put back accidentally deleted lines. (closesvim/vim#5176)
The following script is cut out from vim-patch.sh:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
printf "\nInstructions:
To port one of the above patches to Neovim, execute this script with the patch revision as argument and follow the instructions, e.g.
'%s -p v8.0.1234', or '%s -P v8.0.1234'
NOTE: Please port the _oldest_ patch if you possibly can.
You can use '%s -l path/to/file' to see what patches are missing for a file.
The code itself should be correct, but shellcheck 0.7.0 says:
In /tmp/test.sh line 5:
printf "\nInstructions:
^-- SC2183: This format string has 2 variables, but is passed 3 arguments.
We also had a problem before that a `%s` was added, but the accompanying
argument to printf was forgotten. Using a heredoc is less error-prone, since we
insert variables directly.
Problem: "C" with 'virtualedit' set does not include multi-byte char.
Solution: Include the whole multi-byte char. (Nobuhiro Takasaki,
- cursel argument for qf_list_entry() changed from int to bool
- Return type of qf_list_has_valid_entries() changed from int to bool
- Unnecessary size_t casting in qf_new_list removed
- Use Doxygen-style comment blocks for functions