- Support for multiple auto-adjusted sign columns.
With this change, having more than one sign on a line, and with the
'auto' setting on 'signcolumn', extra columns will shown automatically
to accomodate all the existing signs.
For example, suppose we have this view:
5147 }
5149 return sign->typenr;
5150 }
5151 }
5152 return 0;
5153 }
We have GitGutter installed, so it tells us about modified lines that
are not commmited. So let's change line 5152:
5147 }
5149 return sign->typenr;
5150 }
5151 }
~ 5152 return 0;
5153 }
Now we add a mark over line 5152 using 'ma' in normal mode:
5147 }
5149 return sign->typenr;
5150 }
5151 }
a ~ 5152 return 0;
5153 }
Previously, Vim/Nvim would have picked only one of the signs,
because there was no support for having multiple signs in a line.
- Remove signs from deleted lines.
Suppose we have highlights on a group of lines and we delete them:
+ 6 use std::ops::Deref;
--+ 7 use std::borrow::Cow;
--+ 8 use std::io::{Cursor};
9 use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
10 use syn::export::ToTokens;
--+ 11 use std::io::Write;
>> 12 use std::ops::Deref;
Without this change, these signs will momentarily accumulate in
the sign column until the plugins wake up to refresh them.
+ --+ --+ --+ >> 6
Discussion: It may be better to extend the API a bit and allow this
to happen for only certain types of signs. For example, VIM marks
and vim-gitgutter removal signs may want to be presreved, unlike
line additions and linter highlights.
- 'signcolumn': support 'auto:NUM' and 'yes:NUM' settings
- sort signs according to id, from lowest to highest. If you have
git-gutter, vim-signature, and ALE, it would appear in this order:
git-gutter - vim-signature - ALE.
- recalculate size before screen update
- If no space for all signs, prefer the higher ids (while keeping the
rendering order from low to high).
- Prevent duplicate signs. Duplicate signs were invisible to the user,
before using our extended non-standard signcolumn settings.
- multi signcols: fix bug related to wrapped lines.
In wrapped lines, the wrapped parts of a line did not include the extra
columns if they existed. The result was a misdrawing of the wrapped
parts. Fix the issue by:
1. initializing the signcol counter to 0 when we are on a wrap boundary
2. allowing for the draw of spaces in that case.
Problem: It is not so easy to write a script that works with both Python 2 and Python 3, even when the Python code works with both.
Solution: Add 'pyxversion', :pyx, etc. (Marc Weber, Ken Takata)
After this change we never release blocks from memory (in practice it
never happened because the memory limits are never reached). Let the OS
take care of that.
On today's systems the 'maxmem' and 'maxmemtot' values are huge (4+ GB)
so the limits are never reached in practice, but Vim wastes a lot of
time checking if the limit was reached.
If the limit is reached Vim starts saving pieces of the swap file that were in
memory to the disk. Said in a different way: Vim implements its own
memory-paging mechanism. This is unnecessary and inefficient since the
operating system already has virtual memory and will swap to the disk if
programs start using too much memory.
This change does...
1. Reduce the number of config options and need for documentation.
2. Make the code more efficient as we don't have to keep track of memory
usage nor check if the memory limits were reached to start swapping
to disk every time we need memory for buffers.
3. Simplify the code. Once memfile.c is simple enough it could be
replaced by actual operating system memory mapping (mmap,
MemoryViewOfFile...). This change does not prevent Vim to recover
changes from swap files since the swapping code is never triggered
with the huge limits set by default.
Problem: When running :make the output may be in the system encoding,
different from 'encoding'.
Solution: Add the 'makeencoding' option. (Ken Takata)
> The option 'maxmem' ('mm') is used to set the maximum memory used for one
> buffer (in kilobytes). 'maxmemtot' is used to set the maximum memory used for
> all buffers (in kilobytes). The defaults depend on the system used. These
> are not hard limits, but tell Vim when to move text into a swap file. If you
> don't like Vim to swap to a file, set 'maxmem' and 'maxmemtot' to a very large
> value. The swap file will then only be used for recovery. If you don't want
> a swap file at all, set 'updatecount' to 0, or use the "-n" argument when
> starting Vim.
On today's systems these values are huge (4GB in my machine with 8GB of RAM
since it's set as half the available memory by default) so the limits are
never reached in practice, but Vim wastes a lot of time checking if the limit
was reached.
If the limit is reached Vim starts saving pieces of the swap file that were in
memory to the disk. Said in a different way: Vim implements its own memory
swapping mechanism. This is unnecessary and inefficient since the operating
system already virtualized the memory and will swap to the disk if programs
start using too much memory.
This change does...
1. Reduce the number of config options and need for documentation.
2. Make the code more efficient as we don't have to keep track of memory usage
nor check if the memory limits were reached to start swapping to disk every
time we need memory for buffers.
3. Simplify the code. Once `memfile.c` is simple enough it could be replaced by
actual operating system memory mapping (`mmap`, `MemoryViewOfFile`...).
This change does not prevent Vim to recover changes from swap files since the
swapping code is never triggered with the huge limits set by default.
Updated runtime files.
Ignore changes to
* doc/Makefile, doc/help.txt: Related to Vim's version8 documentation
* doc/gui_x11.txt, doc/todo.txt, doc/vim.1, gvim.desktop, vim.desktop:
Irrelevant to Neovim
* doc/quickref.txt, doc/options.txt: As of yet unported 'emoji'
* doc/tags, syntax/vim.vim: Generated at build time
Updated runtime files.
Missing files: runtime/doc/tags, runtime/doc/todo.txt. Changes to
runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt and runtime/doc/quickref.txt
did not aply. Excluded runtime/syntax/vim.vim.
Note about ~/.local/share/nvim/site used in one usr_\* file: this one talks
about user-local installation of third-party plugins, and
~/.local/share/nvim/site is the proper place for them. Most other files talk
about user own configuration and this is ~/.config.
Presumably due to tarruda's unifdefing, it was already a no-op at the
time of nvim's first commit.
It's probably better to be clear that it doesn't exist, as opposed to
users thinking `:set guipty` is doing something when it isn't.