eval: writefile: Give more adequate IO errors and do not call putc()

This commit is contained in:
ZyX 2016-07-31 20:13:19 +03:00
parent 222d98310a
commit fe0eecf9cc
5 changed files with 167 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "nvim/ex_eval.h"
#include "nvim/ex_getln.h"
#include "nvim/fileio.h"
#include "nvim/os/fileio.h"
#include "nvim/func_attr.h"
#include "nvim/fold.h"
#include "nvim/getchar.h"
@ -18021,29 +18022,53 @@ static void f_winsaveview(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, FunPtr fptr)
/// Writes list of strings to file
static bool write_list(FILE *fd, list_T *list, bool binary)
/// @param fp File to write to.
/// @param[in] list List to write.
/// @param[in] binary Whether to write in binary mode.
/// @return true in case of success, false otherwise.
static bool write_list(FileDescriptor *const fp, const list_T *const list,
const bool binary)
int ret = true;
for (listitem_T *li = list->lv_first; li != NULL; li = li->li_next) {
for (char_u *s = get_tv_string(&li->li_tv); *s != NUL; ++s) {
if (putc(*s == '\n' ? NUL : *s, fd) == EOF) {
ret = false;
for (const listitem_T *li = list->lv_first; li != NULL; li = li->li_next) {
int error = 0;
const char *const s = (const char *)get_tv_string((typval_T *)&li->li_tv);
const char *hunk_start = s;
for (const char *p = hunk_start;; p++) {
if (*p == NUL || *p == NL) {
if (p != hunk_start) {
const ptrdiff_t written = file_write(fp, hunk_start,
(size_t)(p - hunk_start));
if (written < 0) {
error = (int)written;
if (*p == NUL) {
} else {
hunk_start = p + 1;
const ptrdiff_t written = file_write(fp, (char []){ NUL }, 1);
if (written < 0) {
error = (int)written;
if (!binary || li->li_next != NULL) {
if (putc('\n', fd) == EOF) {
ret = false;
const ptrdiff_t written = file_write(fp, "\n", 1);
if (written < 0) {
error = (int)written;
if (ret == false) {
if (error != 0) {
emsgf(_("E80: Error while writing: %s"), os_strerror(error));
return false;
return ret;
return true;
/// Saves a typval_T as a string.
@ -18153,17 +18178,25 @@ static void f_writefile(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, FunPtr fptr)
// Always open the file in binary mode, library functions have a mind of
// their own about CR-LF conversion.
char_u *fname = get_tv_string(&argvars[1]);
FILE *fd;
if (*fname == NUL || (fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname,
append ? APPENDBIN : WRITEBIN)) == NULL) {
EMSG2(_(e_notcreate), *fname == NUL ? (char_u *)_("<empty>") : fname);
rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
const char *const fname = (const char *)get_tv_string(&argvars[1]);
FileDescriptor *fp;
int error;
rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
if (*fname == NUL) {
EMSG(_("E482: Can't open file with an empty name"));
} else if ((fp = file_open_new(&error, fname,
((append ? kFileAppend : kFileTruncate)
| kFileCreate), 0666)) == NULL) {
emsgf(_("E482: Can't open file %s for writing: %s"),
fname, os_strerror(error));
} else {
if (write_list(fd, argvars[0].vval.v_list, binary) == false) {
rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
if (write_list(fp, argvars[0].vval.v_list, binary)) {
rettv->vval.v_number = 0;
if ((error = file_free(fp)) != 0) {
emsgf(_("E80: Error when closing file %s: %s"),
fname, os_strerror(error));

View File

@ -1131,11 +1131,12 @@ static void do_filter(
++no_wait_return; /* don't call wait_return() while busy */
if (itmp != NULL && buf_write(curbuf, itmp, NULL, line1, line2, eap,
msg_putchar('\n'); /* keep message from buf_write() */
if (!aborting())
(void)EMSG2(_(e_notcreate), itmp); /* will call wait_return */
false, false, false, true) == FAIL) {
msg_putchar('\n'); // Keep message from buf_write().
if (!aborting()) {
EMSG2(_("E482: Can't create file %s"), itmp); // Will call wait_return.
goto filterend;
if (curbuf != old_curbuf)

View File

@ -1145,7 +1145,6 @@ EXTERN char_u e_noprev[] INIT(= N_("E34: No previous command"));
EXTERN char_u e_noprevre[] INIT(= N_("E35: No previous regular expression"));
EXTERN char_u e_norange[] INIT(= N_("E481: No range allowed"));
EXTERN char_u e_noroom[] INIT(= N_("E36: Not enough room"));
EXTERN char_u e_notcreate[] INIT(= N_("E482: Can't create file %s"));
EXTERN char_u e_notmp[] INIT(= N_("E483: Can't get temp file name"));
EXTERN char_u e_notopen[] INIT(= N_("E484: Can't open file %s"));
EXTERN char_u e_notread[] INIT(= N_("E485: Can't read file %s"));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
local clear = helpers.clear
local eq = helpers.eq
local funcs = helpers.funcs
local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec
local read_file = helpers.read_file
local fname = 'Xtest-functional-eval-writefile'
after_each(function() os.remove(fname) end)
describe('writefile()', function()
it('writes empty list to a file', function()
eq(nil, read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({}, fname))
eq('', read_file(fname))
eq(nil, read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({}, fname, 'b'))
eq('', read_file(fname))
eq(nil, read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({}, fname, 'ab'))
eq('', read_file(fname))
eq(nil, read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({}, fname, 'a'))
eq('', read_file(fname))
it('writes list with an empty string to a file', function()
eq(0, exc_exec(
('call writefile([$XXX_NONEXISTENT_VAR_XXX], "%s", "b")'):format(
eq('', read_file(fname))
eq(0, exc_exec(('call writefile([$XXX_NONEXISTENT_VAR_XXX], "%s")'):format(
eq('\n', read_file(fname))
it('appends to a file', function()
eq(nil, read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({'abc', 'def', 'ghi'}, fname))
eq('abc\ndef\nghi\n', read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({'jkl'}, fname, 'a'))
eq('abc\ndef\nghi\njkl\n', read_file(fname))
eq(nil, read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({'abc', 'def', 'ghi'}, fname, 'b'))
eq('abc\ndef\nghi', read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({'jkl'}, fname, 'ab'))
eq('abc\ndef\nghijkl', read_file(fname))
it('correctly treats NLs', function()
eq(0, funcs.writefile({'\na\nb\n'}, fname, 'b'))
eq('\0a\0b\0', read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({'a\n\n\nb'}, fname, 'b'))
eq('a\0\0\0b', read_file(fname))
it('correctly overwrites file', function()
eq(0, funcs.writefile({'\na\nb\n'}, fname, 'b'))
eq('\0a\0b\0', read_file(fname))
eq(0, funcs.writefile({'a\n'}, fname, 'b'))
eq('a\0', read_file(fname))
it('errors out with invalid arguments', function()
eq('Vim(call):E119: Not enough arguments for function: writefile',
exc_exec('call writefile()'))
eq('Vim(call):E119: Not enough arguments for function: writefile',
exc_exec('call writefile([])'))
eq('Vim(call):E118: Too many arguments for function: writefile',
exc_exec(('call writefile([], "%s", "b", 1)'):format(fname)))
for _, arg in ipairs({'0', '0.0', 'function("tr")', '{}', '"test"'}) do
eq('Vim(call):E686: Argument of writefile() must be a List',
exc_exec(('call writefile(%s, "%s", "b")'):format(arg, fname)))
for _, args in ipairs({'%s, "b"', '"' .. fname .. '", %s'}) do
eq('Vim(call):E806: using Float as a String',
exc_exec(('call writefile([], %s)'):format(args:format('0.0'))))
eq('Vim(call):E730: using List as a String',
exc_exec(('call writefile([], %s)'):format(args:format('[]'))))
eq('Vim(call):E731: using Dictionary as a String',
exc_exec(('call writefile([], %s)'):format(args:format('{}'))))
eq('Vim(call):E729: using Funcref as a String',
exc_exec(('call writefile([], %s)'):format(args:format('function("tr")'))))

View File

@ -343,6 +343,16 @@ local function write_file(name, text, dont_dedent)
local function read_file(name)
local file = io.open(name, 'r')
if not file then
return nil
local ret = file:read('*a')
return ret
local function source(code)
local fname = tmpname()
write_file(fname, code)
@ -584,6 +594,7 @@ local M = {
sleep = sleep,
set_session = set_session,
write_file = write_file,
read_file = read_file,
os_name = os_name,
rmdir = rmdir,
mkdir = lfs.mkdir,