runtime: delete rrhelper.vim

This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2018-11-04 13:43:12 +01:00
parent 4de70f5b95
commit f679abef3e
2 changed files with 0 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
The plugin directory is for standard Vim plugin scripts.
All files here ending in .vim will be sourced by Vim when it starts up.
Look in the file for hints on how it can be disabled without deleting it.
getscriptPlugin.vim get latest version of Vim scripts
gzip.vim edit compressed files
matchparen.vim highlight paren matching the one under the cursor
netrwPlugin.vim edit files over a network and browse (remote) directories
rrhelper.vim used for --remote-wait editing
spellfile.vim download a spellfile when it's missing
tarPlugin.vim edit (compressed) tar files
tohtml.vim convert a file with syntax highlighting to HTML
vimballPlugin.vim create and unpack .vba files
zipPlugin.vim edit zip archives
Note: the explorer.vim plugin is no longer here, the netrw.vim plugin has
taken over browsing directories (also for remote directories).

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@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
" Vim plugin with helper function(s) for --remote-wait
" Maintainer: Flemming Madsen <>
" Last Change: 2008 May 29
" Has this already been loaded?
if exists("loaded_rrhelper") || !has("clientserver")
let loaded_rrhelper = 1
" Setup answers for a --remote-wait client who will assume
" a SetupRemoteReplies() function in the command server
function SetupRemoteReplies()
let cnt = 0
let max = argc()
let id = expand("<client>")
if id == 0
while cnt < max
" Handle same file from more clients and file being more than once
" on the command line by encoding this stuff in the group name
let uniqueGroup = "RemoteReply_".id."_".cnt
" Path separators are always forward slashes for the autocommand pattern.
" Escape special characters with a backslash.
let f = substitute(argv(cnt), '\\', '/', "g")
if exists('*fnameescape')
let f = fnameescape(f)
let f = escape(f, " \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<")
execute "augroup ".uniqueGroup
execute "autocmd ".uniqueGroup." BufUnload ". f ." call DoRemoteReply('".id."', '".cnt."', '".uniqueGroup."', '". f ."')"
let cnt = cnt + 1
augroup END
function DoRemoteReply(id, cnt, group, file)
call server2client(a:id, a:cnt)
execute 'autocmd! '.a:group.' BufUnload '.a:file
execute 'augroup! '.a:group
" vim: set sw=2 sts=2 :