mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 10:45:16 -07:00
feat(gen_lsp.lua): sort by name, handle failure #24504
This commit is contained in:
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ These dependencies are "vendored" (inlined), we must update the sources manually
* `src/nvim/tui/terminfo_defs.h`: terminfo definitions
* Run `scripts/update_terminfo.sh` to update these definitions.
* `runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua`: LSP specification
* Run `scripts/lsp_types.lua` to update.
* Run `scripts/gen_lsp.lua` to update.
* `src/bit.c`: only for PUC lua: port of `require'bit'` from luajit https://bitop.luajit.org/
* [treesitter parsers](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/fcc24e43e0b5f9d801a01ff2b8f78ce8c16dd551/cmake.deps/CMakeLists.txt#L197-L210)
@ -70,21 +70,6 @@ The following new APIs and features were added.
• 'diffopt' "linematch" scoring algorithm now favours larger and less groups
• Added |vim.lsp.status()| to consume the last progress messages as a string.
• Neovim's LSP client now always saves and restores named buffer marks when
applying text edits.
• Nvim now supports the `positionEncoding` server capability. If a server
responds with the `positionEncoding` capability in its initialization
response, Nvim automatically sets the client's `offset_encoding` field.
• Dynamic registration of LSP capabilities. An implication of this change is
that checking a client's `server_capabilities` is no longer a sufficient
indicator to see if a server supports a feature. Instead use
`client.supports_method(<method>)`. It considers both the dynamic
capabilities and static `server_capabilities`.
• |vim.iter()| provides a generic iterator interface for tables and Lua
iterators |luaref-in|.
@ -118,10 +103,22 @@ The following new APIs and features were added.
terminal emulator that supports |tui-csiu|.
• LSP method names are available in |vim.lsp.protocol.Methods|.
• Implemented LSP inlay hints: |vim.lsp.inlay_hint()|
• Implemented pull diagnostic textDocument/diagnostic: |vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_diagnostic()|
• Added |vim.lsp.status()| to consume the last progress messages as a string.
• LSP client now always saves and restores named buffer marks when applying
text edits.
• LSP client now supports the `positionEncoding` server capability. If a server
responds with the `positionEncoding` capability in its initialization
response, Nvim automatically sets the client's `offset_encoding` field.
• Dynamic registration of LSP capabilities. An implication of this change is
that checking a client's `server_capabilities` is no longer a sufficient
indicator to see if a server supports a feature. Instead use
`client.supports_method(<method>)`. It considers both the dynamic
capabilities and static `server_capabilities`.
• Bundled treesitter parser and queries (highlight, folds) for Markdown,
Python, and Bash.
@ -176,8 +173,6 @@ The following changes to existing APIs or features add new behavior.
supports it, unless |'keywordprg'| was customized before calling
• |vim.lsp.protocol.Methods| all the lsp methods constants.
REMOVED FEATURES *news-removed*
@ -923,110 +923,62 @@ function protocol.resolve_capabilities(server_capabilities)
return server_capabilities
-- Generated by lsp_types.lua, keep at end of file.
-- Generated by gen_lsp.lua, keep at end of file.
--- LSP method names.
---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#metaModel
protocol.Methods = {
--- The initialize request is sent from the client to the server.
--- It is sent once as the request after starting up the server.
--- The requests parameter is of type {@link InitializeParams}
--- the response if of type {@link InitializeResult} of a Thenable that
--- resolves to such.
initialize = 'initialize',
--- A shutdown request is sent from the client to the server.
--- It is sent once when the client decides to shutdown the
--- server. The only notification that is sent after a shutdown request
--- is the exit event.
shutdown = 'shutdown',
--- A request to resolve the incoming calls for a given `CallHierarchyItem`.
--- @since 3.16.0
callHierarchy_incomingCalls = 'callHierarchy/incomingCalls',
--- A request to resolve the outgoing calls for a given `CallHierarchyItem`.
--- @since 3.16.0
callHierarchy_outgoingCalls = 'callHierarchy/outgoingCalls',
--- The `client/registerCapability` request is sent from the server to the client to register a new capability
--- handler on the client side.
client_registerCapability = 'client/registerCapability',
--- The `client/unregisterCapability` request is sent from the server to the client to unregister a previously registered capability
--- handler on the client side.
client_unregisterCapability = 'client/unregisterCapability',
--- A request to resolve the implementation locations of a symbol at a given text
--- document position. The request's parameter is of type [TextDocumentPositionParams]
--- (#TextDocumentPositionParams) the response is of type {@link Definition} or a
--- Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_implementation = 'textDocument/implementation',
--- A request to resolve the type definition locations of a symbol at a given text
--- document position. The request's parameter is of type [TextDocumentPositionParams]
--- (#TextDocumentPositionParams) the response is of type {@link Definition} or a
--- Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_typeDefinition = 'textDocument/typeDefinition',
--- A request to list all color symbols found in a given text document. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link DocumentColorParams} the
--- response is of type {@link ColorInformation ColorInformation[]} or a Thenable
--- that resolves to such.
textDocument_documentColor = 'textDocument/documentColor',
--- Request to resolve additional information for a given code action.The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link CodeAction} the response
--- is of type {@link CodeAction} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
codeAction_resolve = 'codeAction/resolve',
--- A request to resolve a command for a given code lens.
codeLens_resolve = 'codeLens/resolve',
--- Request to resolve additional information for a given completion item.The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link CompletionItem} the response
--- is of type {@link CompletionItem} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
completionItem_resolve = 'completionItem/resolve',
--- Request to resolve additional information for a given document link. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link DocumentLink} the response
--- is of type {@link DocumentLink} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
documentLink_resolve = 'documentLink/resolve',
--- The initialize request is sent from the client to the server.
--- It is sent once as the request after starting up the server.
--- The requests parameter is of type {@link InitializeParams}
--- the response if of type {@link InitializeResult} of a Thenable that
--- resolves to such.
initialize = 'initialize',
--- A request to resolve additional properties for an inlay hint.
--- The request's parameter is of type {@link InlayHint}, the response is
--- of type {@link InlayHint} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
--- @since 3.17.0
inlayHint_resolve = 'inlayHint/resolve',
--- A shutdown request is sent from the client to the server.
--- It is sent once when the client decides to shutdown the
--- server. The only notification that is sent after a shutdown request
--- is the exit event.
shutdown = 'shutdown',
--- A request to provide commands for the given text document and range.
textDocument_codeAction = 'textDocument/codeAction',
--- A request to provide code lens for the given text document.
textDocument_codeLens = 'textDocument/codeLens',
--- A request to list all presentation for a color. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link ColorPresentationParams} the
--- response is of type {@link ColorInformation ColorInformation[]} or a Thenable
--- that resolves to such.
textDocument_colorPresentation = 'textDocument/colorPresentation',
--- A request to provide folding ranges in a document. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link FoldingRangeParams}, the
--- response is of type {@link FoldingRangeList} or a Thenable
--- that resolves to such.
textDocument_foldingRange = 'textDocument/foldingRange',
--- A request to resolve the type definition locations of a symbol at a given text
--- document position. The request's parameter is of type [TextDocumentPositionParams]
--- (#TextDocumentPositionParams) the response is of type {@link Declaration}
--- or a typed array of {@link DeclarationLink} or a Thenable that resolves
--- to such.
textDocument_declaration = 'textDocument/declaration',
--- A request to provide selection ranges in a document. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link SelectionRangeParams}, the
--- response is of type {@link SelectionRange SelectionRange[]} or a Thenable
--- that resolves to such.
textDocument_selectionRange = 'textDocument/selectionRange',
--- A request to result a `CallHierarchyItem` in a document at a given position.
--- Can be used as an input to an incoming or outgoing call hierarchy.
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_prepareCallHierarchy = 'textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy',
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_semanticTokens_full = 'textDocument/semanticTokens/full',
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_semanticTokens_full_delta = 'textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta',
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_semanticTokens_range = 'textDocument/semanticTokens/range',
--- A request to provide ranges that can be edited together.
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_linkedEditingRange = 'textDocument/linkedEditingRange',
--- A request to get the moniker of a symbol at a given text document position.
--- The request parameter is of type {@link TextDocumentPositionParams}.
--- The response is of type {@link Moniker Moniker[]} or `null`.
textDocument_moniker = 'textDocument/moniker',
--- A request to result a `TypeHierarchyItem` in a document at a given position.
--- Can be used as an input to a subtypes or supertypes type hierarchy.
--- @since 3.17.0
textDocument_prepareTypeHierarchy = 'textDocument/prepareTypeHierarchy',
--- A request to provide inline values in a document. The request's parameter is of
--- type {@link InlineValueParams}, the response is of type
--- {@link InlineValue InlineValue[]} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
--- @since 3.17.0
textDocument_inlineValue = 'textDocument/inlineValue',
--- A request to provide inlay hints in a document. The request's parameter is of
--- type {@link InlayHintsParams}, the response is of type
--- {@link InlayHint InlayHint[]} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
--- @since 3.17.0
textDocument_inlayHint = 'textDocument/inlayHint',
--- The document diagnostic request definition.
--- @since 3.17.0
textDocument_diagnostic = 'textDocument/diagnostic',
--- A request to provide inline completions in a document. The request's parameter is of
--- type {@link InlineCompletionParams}, the response is of type
--- {@link InlineCompletion InlineCompletion[]} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
--- @since 3.18.0
textDocument_inlineCompletion = 'textDocument/inlineCompletion',
--- A document will save request is sent from the client to the server before
--- the document is actually saved. The request can return an array of TextEdits
--- which will be applied to the text document before it is saved. Please note that
--- clients might drop results if computing the text edits took too long or if a
--- server constantly fails on this request. This is done to keep the save fast and
--- reliable.
textDocument_willSaveWaitUntil = 'textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil',
--- Request to request completion at a given text document position. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link TextDocumentPosition} the response
--- is of type {@link CompletionItem CompletionItem[]} or {@link CompletionList}
@ -1036,55 +988,153 @@ protocol.Methods = {
--- request. However, properties that are needed for the initial sorting and filtering, like `sortText`,
--- `filterText`, `insertText`, and `textEdit`, must not be changed during resolve.
textDocument_completion = 'textDocument/completion',
--- Request to request hover information at a given text document position. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link TextDocumentPosition} the response is of
--- type {@link Hover} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_hover = 'textDocument/hover',
textDocument_signatureHelp = 'textDocument/signatureHelp',
--- A request to resolve the type definition locations of a symbol at a given text
--- document position. The request's parameter is of type [TextDocumentPositionParams]
--- (#TextDocumentPositionParams) the response is of type {@link Declaration}
--- or a typed array of {@link DeclarationLink} or a Thenable that resolves
--- to such.
textDocument_declaration = 'textDocument/declaration',
--- A request to resolve the definition location of a symbol at a given text
--- document position. The request's parameter is of type [TextDocumentPosition]
--- (#TextDocumentPosition) the response is of either type {@link Definition}
--- or a typed array of {@link DefinitionLink} or a Thenable that resolves
--- to such.
textDocument_definition = 'textDocument/definition',
--- A request to resolve project-wide references for the symbol denoted
--- by the given text document position. The request's parameter is of
--- type {@link ReferenceParams} the response is of type
--- {@link Location Location[]} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_references = 'textDocument/references',
--- The document diagnostic request definition.
--- @since 3.17.0
textDocument_diagnostic = 'textDocument/diagnostic',
--- A request to list all color symbols found in a given text document. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link DocumentColorParams} the
--- response is of type {@link ColorInformation ColorInformation[]} or a Thenable
--- that resolves to such.
textDocument_documentColor = 'textDocument/documentColor',
--- Request to resolve a {@link DocumentHighlight} for a given
--- text document position. The request's parameter is of type [TextDocumentPosition]
--- (#TextDocumentPosition) the request response is of type [DocumentHighlight[]]
--- (#DocumentHighlight) or a Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_documentHighlight = 'textDocument/documentHighlight',
--- A request to provide document links
textDocument_documentLink = 'textDocument/documentLink',
--- A request to list all symbols found in a given text document. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link TextDocumentIdentifier} the
--- response is of type {@link SymbolInformation SymbolInformation[]} or a Thenable
--- that resolves to such.
textDocument_documentSymbol = 'textDocument/documentSymbol',
--- A request to provide commands for the given text document and range.
textDocument_codeAction = 'textDocument/codeAction',
--- A request to provide code lens for the given text document.
textDocument_codeLens = 'textDocument/codeLens',
--- A request to provide document links
textDocument_documentLink = 'textDocument/documentLink',
--- A request to to format a whole document.
--- A request to provide folding ranges in a document. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link FoldingRangeParams}, the
--- response is of type {@link FoldingRangeList} or a Thenable
--- that resolves to such.
textDocument_foldingRange = 'textDocument/foldingRange',
--- A request to format a whole document.
textDocument_formatting = 'textDocument/formatting',
--- Request to request hover information at a given text document position. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link TextDocumentPosition} the response is of
--- type {@link Hover} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_hover = 'textDocument/hover',
--- A request to resolve the implementation locations of a symbol at a given text
--- document position. The request's parameter is of type [TextDocumentPositionParams]
--- (#TextDocumentPositionParams) the response is of type {@link Definition} or a
--- Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_implementation = 'textDocument/implementation',
--- A request to provide inlay hints in a document. The request's parameter is of
--- type {@link InlayHintsParams}, the response is of type
--- {@link InlayHint InlayHint[]} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
--- @since 3.17.0
textDocument_inlayHint = 'textDocument/inlayHint',
--- A request to provide inline completions in a document. The request's parameter is of
--- type {@link InlineCompletionParams}, the response is of type
--- {@link InlineCompletion InlineCompletion[]} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
--- @since 3.18.0
textDocument_inlineCompletion = 'textDocument/inlineCompletion',
--- A request to provide inline values in a document. The request's parameter is of
--- type {@link InlineValueParams}, the response is of type
--- {@link InlineValue InlineValue[]} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
--- @since 3.17.0
textDocument_inlineValue = 'textDocument/inlineValue',
--- A request to provide ranges that can be edited together.
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_linkedEditingRange = 'textDocument/linkedEditingRange',
--- A request to get the moniker of a symbol at a given text document position.
--- The request parameter is of type {@link TextDocumentPositionParams}.
--- The response is of type {@link Moniker Moniker[]} or `null`.
textDocument_moniker = 'textDocument/moniker',
--- A request to format a document on type.
textDocument_onTypeFormatting = 'textDocument/onTypeFormatting',
--- A request to result a `CallHierarchyItem` in a document at a given position.
--- Can be used as an input to an incoming or outgoing call hierarchy.
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_prepareCallHierarchy = 'textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy',
--- A request to test and perform the setup necessary for a rename.
--- @since 3.16 - support for default behavior
textDocument_prepareRename = 'textDocument/prepareRename',
--- A request to result a `TypeHierarchyItem` in a document at a given position.
--- Can be used as an input to a subtypes or supertypes type hierarchy.
--- @since 3.17.0
textDocument_prepareTypeHierarchy = 'textDocument/prepareTypeHierarchy',
--- A request to format a range in a document.
textDocument_rangeFormatting = 'textDocument/rangeFormatting',
--- A request to format ranges in a document.
--- @since 3.18.0
--- @proposed
textDocument_rangesFormatting = 'textDocument/rangesFormatting',
--- A request to format a document on type.
textDocument_onTypeFormatting = 'textDocument/onTypeFormatting',
--- A request to resolve project-wide references for the symbol denoted
--- by the given text document position. The request's parameter is of
--- type {@link ReferenceParams} the response is of type
--- {@link Location Location[]} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_references = 'textDocument/references',
--- A request to rename a symbol.
textDocument_rename = 'textDocument/rename',
--- A request to test and perform the setup necessary for a rename.
--- @since 3.16 - support for default behavior
textDocument_prepareRename = 'textDocument/prepareRename',
--- The `workspace/workspaceFolders` is sent from the server to the client to fetch the open workspace folders.
workspace_workspaceFolders = 'workspace/workspaceFolders',
--- A request to provide selection ranges in a document. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link SelectionRangeParams}, the
--- response is of type {@link SelectionRange SelectionRange[]} or a Thenable
--- that resolves to such.
textDocument_selectionRange = 'textDocument/selectionRange',
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_semanticTokens_full = 'textDocument/semanticTokens/full',
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_semanticTokens_full_delta = 'textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta',
--- @since 3.16.0
textDocument_semanticTokens_range = 'textDocument/semanticTokens/range',
textDocument_signatureHelp = 'textDocument/signatureHelp',
--- A request to resolve the type definition locations of a symbol at a given text
--- document position. The request's parameter is of type [TextDocumentPositionParams]
--- (#TextDocumentPositionParams) the response is of type {@link Definition} or a
--- Thenable that resolves to such.
textDocument_typeDefinition = 'textDocument/typeDefinition',
--- A document will save request is sent from the client to the server before
--- the document is actually saved. The request can return an array of TextEdits
--- which will be applied to the text document before it is saved. Please note that
--- clients might drop results if computing the text edits took too long or if a
--- server constantly fails on this request. This is done to keep the save fast and
--- reliable.
textDocument_willSaveWaitUntil = 'textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil',
--- A request to resolve the subtypes for a given `TypeHierarchyItem`.
--- @since 3.17.0
typeHierarchy_subtypes = 'typeHierarchy/subtypes',
--- A request to resolve the supertypes for a given `TypeHierarchyItem`.
--- @since 3.17.0
typeHierarchy_supertypes = 'typeHierarchy/supertypes',
--- A request to show a document. This request might open an
--- external program depending on the value of the URI to open.
--- For example a request to open `https://code.visualstudio.com/`
--- will very likely open the URI in a WEB browser.
--- @since 3.16.0
window_showDocument = 'window/showDocument',
--- The show message request is sent from the server to the client to show a message
--- and a set of options actions to the user.
window_showMessageRequest = 'window/showMessageRequest',
--- The `window/workDoneProgress/create` request is sent from the server to the client to initiate progress
--- reporting from the server.
window_workDoneProgress_create = 'window/workDoneProgress/create',
--- A request to resolve the range inside the workspace
--- symbol's location.
--- @since 3.17.0
workspaceSymbol_resolve = 'workspaceSymbol/resolve',
--- A request sent from the server to the client to modified certain resources.
workspace_applyEdit = 'workspace/applyEdit',
--- A request to refresh all code actions
--- @since 3.16.0
workspace_codeLens_refresh = 'workspace/codeLens/refresh',
--- The 'workspace/configuration' request is sent from the server to the client to fetch a certain
--- configuration setting.
--- This pull model replaces the old push model were the client signaled configuration change via an
@ -1092,33 +1142,21 @@ protocol.Methods = {
--- result of `workspace/configuration` requests) the server should register for an empty configuration
--- change event and empty the cache if such an event is received.
workspace_configuration = 'workspace/configuration',
--- @since 3.16.0
workspace_semanticTokens_refresh = 'workspace/semanticTokens/refresh',
--- The will create files request is sent from the client to the server before files are actually
--- created as long as the creation is triggered from within the client.
--- The request can return a `WorkspaceEdit` which will be applied to workspace before the
--- files are created. Hence the `WorkspaceEdit` can not manipulate the content of the file
--- to be created.
--- @since 3.16.0
workspace_willCreateFiles = 'workspace/willCreateFiles',
--- The will rename files request is sent from the client to the server before files are actually
--- renamed as long as the rename is triggered from within the client.
--- @since 3.16.0
workspace_willRenameFiles = 'workspace/willRenameFiles',
--- The did delete files notification is sent from the client to the server when
--- files were deleted from within the client.
--- @since 3.16.0
workspace_willDeleteFiles = 'workspace/willDeleteFiles',
--- @since 3.17.0
workspace_inlineValue_refresh = 'workspace/inlineValue/refresh',
--- @since 3.17.0
workspace_inlayHint_refresh = 'workspace/inlayHint/refresh',
--- The workspace diagnostic request definition.
--- @since 3.17.0
workspace_diagnostic = 'workspace/diagnostic',
--- The diagnostic refresh request definition.
--- @since 3.17.0
workspace_diagnostic_refresh = 'workspace/diagnostic/refresh',
--- A request send from the client to the server to execute a command. The request might return
--- a workspace edit which the client will apply to the workspace.
workspace_executeCommand = 'workspace/executeCommand',
--- @since 3.17.0
workspace_inlayHint_refresh = 'workspace/inlayHint/refresh',
--- @since 3.17.0
workspace_inlineValue_refresh = 'workspace/inlineValue/refresh',
--- @since 3.16.0
workspace_semanticTokens_refresh = 'workspace/semanticTokens/refresh',
--- A request to list project-wide symbols matching the query string given
--- by the {@link WorkspaceSymbolParams}. The response is
--- of type {@link SymbolInformation SymbolInformation[]} or a Thenable that
@ -1127,61 +1165,23 @@ protocol.Methods = {
--- need to advertise support for WorkspaceSymbols via the client capability
--- `workspace.symbol.resolveSupport`.
workspace_symbol = 'workspace/symbol',
--- A request to refresh all code actions
--- The will create files request is sent from the client to the server before files are actually
--- created as long as the creation is triggered from within the client.
--- The request can return a `WorkspaceEdit` which will be applied to workspace before the
--- files are created. Hence the `WorkspaceEdit` can not manipulate the content of the file
--- to be created.
--- @since 3.16.0
workspace_codeLens_refresh = 'workspace/codeLens/refresh',
--- A request send from the client to the server to execute a command. The request might return
--- a workspace edit which the client will apply to the workspace.
workspace_executeCommand = 'workspace/executeCommand',
--- A request sent from the server to the client to modified certain resources.
workspace_applyEdit = 'workspace/applyEdit',
--- The `window/workDoneProgress/create` request is sent from the server to the client to initiate progress
--- reporting from the server.
window_workDoneProgress_create = 'window/workDoneProgress/create',
--- A request to resolve the incoming calls for a given `CallHierarchyItem`.
workspace_willCreateFiles = 'workspace/willCreateFiles',
--- The did delete files notification is sent from the client to the server when
--- files were deleted from within the client.
--- @since 3.16.0
callHierarchy_incomingCalls = 'callHierarchy/incomingCalls',
--- A request to resolve the outgoing calls for a given `CallHierarchyItem`.
workspace_willDeleteFiles = 'workspace/willDeleteFiles',
--- The will rename files request is sent from the client to the server before files are actually
--- renamed as long as the rename is triggered from within the client.
--- @since 3.16.0
callHierarchy_outgoingCalls = 'callHierarchy/outgoingCalls',
--- A request to show a document. This request might open an
--- external program depending on the value of the URI to open.
--- For example a request to open `https://code.visualstudio.com/`
--- will very likely open the URI in a WEB browser.
--- @since 3.16.0
window_showDocument = 'window/showDocument',
--- A request to resolve the supertypes for a given `TypeHierarchyItem`.
--- @since 3.17.0
typeHierarchy_supertypes = 'typeHierarchy/supertypes',
--- A request to resolve the subtypes for a given `TypeHierarchyItem`.
--- @since 3.17.0
typeHierarchy_subtypes = 'typeHierarchy/subtypes',
--- A request to resolve additional properties for an inlay hint.
--- The request's parameter is of type {@link InlayHint}, the response is
--- of type {@link InlayHint} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
--- @since 3.17.0
inlayHint_resolve = 'inlayHint/resolve',
--- The show message request is sent from the server to the client to show a message
--- and a set of options actions to the user.
window_showMessageRequest = 'window/showMessageRequest',
--- Request to resolve additional information for a given completion item.The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link CompletionItem} the response
--- is of type {@link CompletionItem} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
completionItem_resolve = 'completionItem/resolve',
--- Request to resolve additional information for a given code action.The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link CodeAction} the response
--- is of type {@link CodeAction} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
codeAction_resolve = 'codeAction/resolve',
--- A request to resolve the range inside the workspace
--- symbol's location.
--- @since 3.17.0
workspaceSymbol_resolve = 'workspaceSymbol/resolve',
--- A request to resolve a command for a given code lens.
codeLens_resolve = 'codeLens/resolve',
--- Request to resolve additional information for a given document link. The request's
--- parameter is of type {@link DocumentLink} the response
--- is of type {@link DocumentLink} or a Thenable that resolves to such.
documentLink_resolve = 'documentLink/resolve',
workspace_willRenameFiles = 'workspace/willRenameFiles',
--- The `workspace/workspaceFolders` is sent from the server to the client to fetch the open workspace folders.
workspace_workspaceFolders = 'workspace/workspaceFolders',
local function freeze(t)
return setmetatable({}, {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
This file is autogenerated from scripts/lsp_types.lua
This file is autogenerated from scripts/gen_lsp.lua
nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua
nvim -l scripts/gen_lsp.lua gen --version 3.18 --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua
---@alias lsp.null nil
@ -611,16 +611,12 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---A parameter literal used in inline completion requests.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.InlineCompletionParams: lsp.TextDocumentPositionParams, lsp.WorkDoneProgressParams
---Additional information about the context in which inline completions were
---@field context lsp.InlineCompletionContext
---Represents a collection of {@link InlineCompletionItem inline completion items} to be presented in the editor.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.InlineCompletionList
---The inline completion items
---@field items lsp.InlineCompletionItem[]
@ -628,10 +624,11 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---An inline completion item represents a text snippet that is proposed inline to complete text that is being typed.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.InlineCompletionItem
---The text to replace the range with. Must be set.
---@field insertText string|lsp.StringValue
---@field insertText string
---The format of the insert text. The format applies to the `insertText`. If omitted defaults to `InsertTextFormat.PlainText`.
---@field insertTextFormat? lsp.InsertTextFormat
---A text that is used to decide if this inline completion should be shown. When `falsy` the {@link InlineCompletionItem.insertText} is used.
---@field filterText? string
---The range to replace. Must begin and end on the same line.
@ -642,7 +639,6 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Inline completion options used during static or dynamic registration.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.InlineCompletionRegistrationOptions: lsp.InlineCompletionOptions, lsp.StaticRegistrationOptions
---@class lsp.RegistrationParams
@ -1249,6 +1245,18 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Registration options for a {@link DocumentRangeFormattingRequest}.
---@class lsp.DocumentRangeFormattingRegistrationOptions: lsp.TextDocumentRegistrationOptions
---The parameters of a {@link DocumentRangesFormattingRequest}.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.DocumentRangesFormattingParams
---The document to format.
---@field textDocument lsp.TextDocumentIdentifier
---The ranges to format
---@field ranges lsp.Range[]
---The format options
---@field options lsp.FormattingOptions
---The parameters of a {@link DocumentOnTypeFormattingRequest}.
---@class lsp.DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams
---The document to format.
@ -1904,36 +1912,18 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Provides information about the context in which an inline completion was requested.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.InlineCompletionContext
---Describes how the inline completion was triggered.
---@field triggerKind lsp.InlineCompletionTriggerKind
---Provides information about the currently selected item in the autocomplete widget if it is visible.
---@field selectedCompletionInfo? lsp.SelectedCompletionInfo
---A string value used as a snippet is a template which allows to insert text
---and to control the editor cursor when insertion happens.
---A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with `$1`, `$2`
---and `${3:foo}`. `$0` defines the final tab stop, it defaults to
---the end of the snippet. Variables are defined with `$name` and
---`${name:default value}`.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.StringValue
---The kind of string value.
---@field kind "snippet"
---The snippet string.
---@field value string
---Inline completion options used during static registration.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.InlineCompletionOptions
---General parameters to register for a notification or to register a provider.
---General parameters to to register for an notification or to register a provider.
---@class lsp.Registration
---The id used to register the request. The id can be used to deregister
---the request again.
@ -2104,7 +2094,6 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Inline completion options used during static registration.
---@since 3.18.0
---@field inlineCompletionProvider? boolean|lsp.InlineCompletionOptions
---Workspace specific server capabilities.
---@field workspace? anonym12
@ -2399,6 +2388,11 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Provider options for a {@link DocumentRangeFormattingRequest}.
---@class lsp.DocumentRangeFormattingOptions
---Whether the server supports formatting multiple ranges at once.
---@since 3.18.0
---@field rangesSupport? boolean
---Provider options for a {@link DocumentOnTypeFormattingRequest}.
---@class lsp.DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions
@ -2548,7 +2542,6 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Describes the currently selected completion item.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.SelectedCompletionInfo
---The range that will be replaced if this completion item is accepted.
---@field range lsp.Range
@ -2857,7 +2850,6 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Client capabilities specific to inline completions.
---@since 3.18.0
---@field inlineCompletion? lsp.InlineCompletionClientCapabilities
---Capabilities specific to the notebook document support.
@ -3283,6 +3275,11 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---@class lsp.DocumentRangeFormattingClientCapabilities
---Whether range formatting supports dynamic registration.
---@field dynamicRegistration? boolean
---Whether the client supports formatting multiple ranges at once.
---@since 3.18.0
---@field rangesSupport? boolean
---Client capabilities of a {@link DocumentOnTypeFormattingRequest}.
---@class lsp.DocumentOnTypeFormattingClientCapabilities
@ -3474,7 +3471,6 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Client capabilities specific to inline completions.
---@since 3.18.0
---@class lsp.InlineCompletionClientCapabilities
---Whether implementation supports dynamic registration for inline completion providers.
---@field dynamicRegistration? boolean
@ -3663,6 +3659,12 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---| 1 # Type
---| 2 # Parameter
---Defines whether the insert text in a completion item should be interpreted as
---plain text or a snippet.
---@alias lsp.InsertTextFormat
---| 1 # PlainText
---| 2 # Snippet
---The message type
---@alias lsp.MessageType
---| 1 # Error
@ -3718,12 +3720,6 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---@alias lsp.CompletionItemTag
---| 1 # Deprecated
---Defines whether the insert text in a completion item should be interpreted as
---plain text or a snippet.
---@alias lsp.InsertTextFormat
---| 1 # PlainText
---| 2 # Snippet
---How whitespace and indentation is handled during completion
---item insertion.
@ -3767,7 +3763,6 @@ nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/pro
---Describes how an {@link InlineCompletionItemProvider inline completion provider} was triggered.
---@since 3.18.0
---@alias lsp.InlineCompletionTriggerKind
---| 0 # Invoked
---| 1 # Automatic
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Generates lua-ls annotations for lsp
nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen # this will overwrite runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua
nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --build/new_lsp_types.lua
nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --out runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua
nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --methods
nvim -l scripts/gen_lsp.lua gen # this will overwrite runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua
nvim -l scripts/gen_lsp.lua gen --version 3.18 --build/new_lsp_types.lua
nvim -l scripts/gen_lsp.lua gen --version 3.18 --out runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua
nvim -l scripts/gen_lsp.lua gen --version 3.18 --methods
local M = {}
@ -19,47 +19,28 @@ local function tofile(fname, text)
local function sort_by_method(tbl)
local single, client, textD, workspace, others = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
for _, item in ipairs(tbl) do
local parts = vim.split(item.method, '/', { trimempty = true })
if #parts == 1 then
single[#single + 1] = item
elseif parts[1] == 'textDocument' then
textD[#textD + 1] = item
elseif parts[1] == 'client' then
client[#client + 1] = item
elseif parts[1] == 'workspace' then
workspace[#workspace + 1] = item
others[#others + 1] = item
local res = {}
for _, item in ipairs({ single, client, textD, workspace, others }) do
res = vim.list_extend(res, item)
return res
local function read_json(opt)
local uri = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/gh-pages/_specifications/lsp/'
.. opt.version
.. '/metaModel/metaModel.json'
local res = vim.system({ 'curl', uri, '-o', '-' }):wait()
if res.code ~= 0 then
local res = vim.system({ 'curl', '--no-progress-meter', uri, '-o', '-' }):wait()
if res.code ~= 0 or (res.stdout or ''):len() < 999 then
print(('URL failed: %s'):format(uri))
return vim.json.decode(res.stdout)
-- Gets the Lua symbol for a given fully-qualified LSP method name.
local function name(s)
return s:gsub('/', '_', 3)
local function gen_methods(protocol)
local output = {
'-- Generated by lsp_types.lua, keep at end of file.',
'-- Generated by gen_lsp.lua, keep at end of file.',
'--- LSP method names.',
'---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#metaModel',
@ -67,16 +48,18 @@ local function gen_methods(protocol)
local indent = (' '):rep(2)
for _, item in ipairs(sort_by_method(protocol.requests)) do
table.sort(protocol.requests, function(a, b)
return name(a.method) < name(b.method)
for _, item in ipairs(protocol.requests) do
if item.method then
local name = item.method:gsub('/', '_', 3)
if item.documentation then
local document = vim.split(item.documentation, '\n?\n', { trimempty = true })
for _, docstring in ipairs(document) do
output[#output + 1] = indent .. '--- ' .. docstring
output[#output + 1] = indent .. name .. " = '" .. item.method .. "',"
output[#output + 1] = ("%s%s = '%s',"):format(indent, name(item.method), item.method)
output[#output + 1] = '}'
@ -116,10 +99,6 @@ end
function M.gen(opt)
local protocol = read_json(opt)
if not protocol then
if opt.methods then
@ -127,9 +106,9 @@ function M.gen(opt)
local output = {
'This file is autogenerated from scripts/lsp_types.lua',
'This file is autogenerated from scripts/gen_lsp.lua',
[=[nvim -l scripts/lsp_types.lua gen --version 3.1x --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua]=],
[=[nvim -l scripts/gen_lsp.lua gen --version 3.18 --runtime/lua/vim/lsp/types/protocol.lua]=],
'---@alias lsp.null nil',
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