Merge pull request #1715 from elmart/remove-long_u-3

Remove project-specific integer types: long_u. (3)
This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2014-12-24 16:07:49 -05:00
commit f13b90c064
6 changed files with 183 additions and 240 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ include(CheckIncludeFiles)
check_type_size("int" SIZEOF_INT)
check_type_size("long" SIZEOF_LONG)
check_type_size("time_t" SIZEOF_TIME_T)
check_type_size("off_t" SIZEOF_OFF_T)
check_type_size("void *" SIZEOF_VOID_PTR)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#if @SIZEOF_VOID_PTR@ == 8

View File

@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ set(CONV_SOURCES

View File

@ -501,47 +501,22 @@ char *read_string(FILE *fd, size_t cnt)
return (char *)str;
* Write a number to file "fd", MSB first, in "len" bytes.
int put_bytes(FILE *fd, long_u nr, int len)
/// Write a number to file "fd", MSB first, in "len" bytes.
/// @return OK/FAIL.
int put_bytes(FILE *fd, uintmax_t number, unsigned int len)
int i;
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (putc((int)(nr >> (i * 8)), fd) == EOF)
for (unsigned int i = len - 1; i < len; --i)
if (putc((int)(number >> (i * 8)), fd) == EOF)
return FAIL;
return OK;
* Write time_t to file "fd" in 8 bytes.
void put_time(FILE *fd, time_t the_time)
/// Write time_t to file "fd" in 8 bytes.
void put_time(FILE *fd, time_t time_)
int c;
int i;
time_t wtime = the_time;
/* time_t can be up to 8 bytes in size, more than long_u, thus we
* can't use put_bytes() here.
* Another problem is that ">>" may do an arithmetic shift that keeps the
* sign. This happens for large values of wtime. A cast to long_u may
* truncate if time_t is 8 bytes. So only use a cast when it is 4 bytes,
* it's safe to assume that long_u is 4 bytes or more and when using 8
* bytes the top bit won't be set. */
for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
if (i + 1 > (int)sizeof(time_t))
/* ">>" doesn't work well when shifting more bits than avail */
putc(0, fd);
else {
#if defined(SIZEOF_TIME_T) && SIZEOF_TIME_T > 4
c = (int)(wtime >> (i * 8));
c = (int)((long_u)wtime >> (i * 8));
putc(c, fd);
// time_t can be up to 8 bytes in size, more than uintmax_t in 32 bits
// systems, thus we can't use put_bytes() here.
for (unsigned int i = 7; i < 8; --i) {
putc((int)((uint64_t)time_ >> (i * 8)), fd);

View File

@ -287,6 +287,7 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@ -6594,25 +6595,13 @@ static int rep_compare(const void *s1, const void *s2)
// Write the Vim .spl file "fname".
// Return FAIL or OK;
// Return OK/FAIL.
static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
FILE *fd;
int regionmask;
int round;
wordnode_T *tree;
int nodecount;
int i;
int l;
garray_T *gap;
fromto_T *ftp;
char_u *p;
int rr;
int retval = OK;
size_t fwv = 1; // collect return value of fwrite() to avoid
// warnings from picky compiler
int regionmask;
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "w");
FILE *fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "w");
if (fd == NULL) {
EMSG2(_(e_notopen), fname);
return FAIL;
@ -6620,7 +6609,7 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
// <HEADER>: <fileID> <versionnr>
// <fileID>
fwv &= fwrite(VIMSPELLMAGIC, VIMSPELLMAGICL, (size_t)1, fd);
size_t fwv = fwrite(VIMSPELLMAGIC, VIMSPELLMAGICL, 1, fd);
if (fwv != (size_t)1)
// Catch first write error, don't try writing more.
goto theend;
@ -6633,10 +6622,9 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
if (spin->si_info != NULL) {
putc(SN_INFO, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
i = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_info);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)i, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_info, (size_t)i, (size_t)1, fd); // <infotext>
size_t i = STRLEN(spin->si_info);
put_bytes(fd, i, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_info, i, 1, fd); // <infotext>
// SN_REGION: <regionname> ...
@ -6644,9 +6632,9 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
if (spin->si_region_count > 1) {
putc(SN_REGION, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(SNF_REQUIRED, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = spin->si_region_count * 2;
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_region_name, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd);
size_t l = (size_t)spin->si_region_count * 2;
put_bytes(fd, l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_region_name, l, 1, fd);
// <regionname> ...
regionmask = (1 << spin->si_region_count) - 1;
} else
@ -6669,17 +6657,17 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
putc(SNF_REQUIRED, fd); // <sectionflags>
// Form the <folchars> string first, we need to know its length.
l = 0;
for (i = 128; i < 256; ++i) {
size_t l = 0;
for (size_t i = 128; i < 256; ++i) {
if (has_mbyte)
l += mb_char2bytes(spelltab.st_fold[i], folchars + l);
l += (size_t)mb_char2bytes(spelltab.st_fold[i], folchars + l);
folchars[l++] = spelltab.st_fold[i];
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)(1 + 128 + 2 + l), 4); // <sectionlen>
put_bytes(fd, 1 + 128 + 2 + l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fputc(128, fd); // <charflagslen>
for (i = 128; i < 256; ++i) {
for (size_t i = 128; i < 256; ++i) {
flags = 0;
if (spelltab.st_isw[i])
flags |= CF_WORD;
@ -6688,8 +6676,8 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
fputc(flags, fd); // <charflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 2); // <folcharslen>
fwv &= fwrite(folchars, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd); // <folchars>
put_bytes(fd, l, 2); // <folcharslen>
fwv &= fwrite(folchars, l, 1, fd); // <folchars>
// SN_MIDWORD: <midword>
@ -6697,9 +6685,9 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
putc(SN_MIDWORD, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(SNF_REQUIRED, fd); // <sectionflags>
i = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_midword);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)i, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_midword, (size_t)i, (size_t)1, fd);
size_t i = STRLEN(spin->si_midword);
put_bytes(fd, i, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_midword, i, 1, fd);
// <midword>
@ -6708,8 +6696,8 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
putc(SN_PREFCOND, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(SNF_REQUIRED, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = write_spell_prefcond(NULL, &spin->si_prefcond);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
size_t l = (size_t)write_spell_prefcond(NULL, &spin->si_prefcond);
put_bytes(fd, l, 4); // <sectionlen>
write_spell_prefcond(fd, &spin->si_prefcond);
@ -6721,7 +6709,8 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
// round 1: SN_REP section
// round 2: SN_SAL section (unless SN_SOFO is used)
// round 3: SN_REPSAL section
for (round = 1; round <= 3; ++round) {
for (unsigned int round = 1; round <= 3; ++round) {
garray_T *gap;
if (round == 1)
gap = &spin->si_rep;
else if (round == 2) {
@ -6741,45 +6730,47 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
qsort(gap->ga_data, (size_t)gap->ga_len,
sizeof(fromto_T), rep_compare);
i = round == 1 ? SN_REP : (round == 2 ? SN_SAL : SN_REPSAL);
int i = round == 1 ? SN_REP : (round == 2 ? SN_SAL : SN_REPSAL);
putc(i, fd); // <sectionID>
// This is for making suggestions, section is not required.
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
// Compute the length of what follows.
l = 2; // count <repcount> or <salcount>
for (int i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i) {
ftp = &((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data)[i];
l += 1 + (int)STRLEN(ftp->ft_from); // count <*fromlen> and <*from>
l += 1 + (int)STRLEN(ftp->ft_to); // count <*tolen> and <*to>
size_t l = 2; // count <repcount> or <salcount>
assert(gap->ga_len >= 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)gap->ga_len; ++i) {
fromto_T *ftp = &((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data)[i];
l += 1 + STRLEN(ftp->ft_from); // count <*fromlen> and <*from>
l += 1 + STRLEN(ftp->ft_to); // count <*tolen> and <*to>
if (round == 2)
++l; // count <salflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
++l; // count <salflags>
put_bytes(fd, l, 4); // <sectionlen>
if (round == 2) {
i = 0;
int i = 0;
if (spin->si_followup)
if (spin->si_collapse)
if (spin->si_rem_accents)
putc(i, fd); // <salflags>
putc(i, fd); // <salflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)gap->ga_len, 2); // <repcount> or <salcount>
for (int i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i) {
put_bytes(fd, (uintmax_t)gap->ga_len, 2); // <repcount> or <salcount>
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)gap->ga_len; ++i) {
// <rep> : <repfromlen> <repfrom> <reptolen> <repto>
// <sal> : <salfromlen> <salfrom> <saltolen> <salto>
ftp = &((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data)[i];
for (rr = 1; rr <= 2; ++rr) {
p = rr == 1 ? ftp->ft_from : ftp->ft_to;
l = (int)STRLEN(p);
putc(l, fd);
fromto_T *ftp = &((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data)[i];
for (unsigned int rr = 1; rr <= 2; ++rr) {
char_u *p = rr == 1 ? ftp->ft_from : ftp->ft_to;
l = STRLEN(p);
assert(l < INT_MAX);
putc((int)l, fd);
if (l > 0)
fwv &= fwrite(p, l, (size_t)1, fd);
fwv &= fwrite(p, l, 1, fd);
@ -6791,16 +6782,15 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
putc(SN_SOFO, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_sofofr);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)(l + STRLEN(spin->si_sofoto) + 4), 4);
// <sectionlen>
size_t l = STRLEN(spin->si_sofofr);
put_bytes(fd, l + STRLEN(spin->si_sofoto) + 4, 4); // <sectionlen>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 2); // <sofofromlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_sofofr, l, (size_t)1, fd); // <sofofrom>
put_bytes(fd, l, 2); // <sofofromlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_sofofr, l, 1, fd); // <sofofrom>
l = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_sofoto);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 2); // <sofotolen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_sofoto, l, (size_t)1, fd); // <sofoto>
l = STRLEN(spin->si_sofoto);
put_bytes(fd, l, 2); // <sofotolen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_sofoto, l, 1, fd); // <sofoto>
// SN_WORDS: <word> ...
@ -6811,22 +6801,22 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
// round 1: count the bytes
// round 2: write the bytes
for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round) {
int todo;
int len = 0;
for (unsigned int round = 1; round <= 2; ++round) {
size_t todo;
size_t len = 0;
hashitem_T *hi;
todo = (int)spin->si_commonwords.ht_used;
todo = spin->si_commonwords.ht_used;
for (hi = spin->si_commonwords.ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi)) {
l = (int)STRLEN(hi->hi_key) + 1;
size_t l = STRLEN(hi->hi_key) + 1;
len += l;
if (round == 2) // <word>
fwv &= fwrite(hi->hi_key, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd);
fwv &= fwrite(hi->hi_key, l, 1, fd);
if (round == 1)
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)len, 4); // <sectionlen>
put_bytes(fd, len, 4); // <sectionlen>
@ -6835,10 +6825,9 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
if (!GA_EMPTY(&spin->si_map)) {
putc(SN_MAP, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = spin->si_map.ga_len;
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_map.ga_data, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd);
// <mapstr>
size_t l = (size_t)spin->si_map.ga_len;
put_bytes(fd, l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_map.ga_data, l, 1, fd); // <mapstr>
// SN_SUGFILE: <timestamp>
@ -6851,7 +6840,7 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
|| (spin->si_sofofr != NULL && spin->si_sofoto != NULL))) {
putc(SN_SUGFILE, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)8, 4); // <sectionlen>
put_bytes(fd, 8, 4); // <sectionlen>
// Set si_sugtime and write it to the file.
spin->si_sugtime = time(NULL);
@ -6864,7 +6853,7 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
if (spin->si_nosplitsugs) {
putc(SN_NOSPLITSUGS, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)0, 4); // <sectionlen>
put_bytes(fd, 0, 4); // <sectionlen>
// SN_COMPOUND: compound info.
@ -6874,28 +6863,27 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
putc(SN_COMPOUND, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_compflags);
for (int i = 0; i < spin->si_comppat.ga_len; ++i) {
l += (int)STRLEN(((char_u **)(spin->si_comppat.ga_data))[i]) + 1;
size_t l = STRLEN(spin->si_compflags);
assert(spin->si_comppat.ga_len >= 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)spin->si_comppat.ga_len; ++i) {
l += STRLEN(((char_u **)(spin->si_comppat.ga_data))[i]) + 1;
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)(l + 7), 4); // <sectionlen>
put_bytes(fd, l + 7, 4); // <sectionlen>
putc(spin->si_compmax, fd); // <compmax>
putc(spin->si_compminlen, fd); // <compminlen>
putc(spin->si_compsylmax, fd); // <compsylmax>
putc(0, fd); // for Vim 7.0b compatibility
putc(spin->si_compoptions, fd); // <compoptions>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)spin->si_comppat.ga_len, 2);
// <comppatcount>
for (int i = 0; i < spin->si_comppat.ga_len; ++i) {
p = ((char_u **)(spin->si_comppat.ga_data))[i];
put_bytes(fd, (uintmax_t)spin->si_comppat.ga_len, 2); // <comppatcount>
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)spin->si_comppat.ga_len; ++i) {
char_u *p = ((char_u **)(spin->si_comppat.ga_data))[i];
assert(STRLEN(p) < INT_MAX);
putc((int)STRLEN(p), fd); // <comppatlen>
fwv &= fwrite(p, (size_t)STRLEN(p), (size_t)1, fd);
// <comppattext>
fwv &= fwrite(p, STRLEN(p), 1, fd); // <comppattext>
// <compflags>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_compflags, (size_t)STRLEN(spin->si_compflags),
(size_t)1, fd);
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_compflags, STRLEN(spin->si_compflags), 1, fd);
@ -6904,7 +6892,7 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
// It's empty, the presence of the section flags the feature.
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)0, 4); // <sectionlen>
put_bytes(fd, 0, 4); // <sectionlen>
// SN_SYLLABLE: syllable info.
@ -6914,10 +6902,9 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
putc(SN_SYLLABLE, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_syllable);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_syllable, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd);
// <syllable>
size_t l = STRLEN(spin->si_syllable);
put_bytes(fd, l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_syllable, l, 1, fd); // <syllable>
// end of <SECTIONS>
@ -6926,7 +6913,8 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
spin->si_memtot = 0;
for (round = 1; round <= 3; ++round) {
for (unsigned int round = 1; round <= 3; ++round) {
wordnode_T *tree;
if (round == 1)
tree = spin->si_foldroot->wn_sibling;
else if (round == 2)
@ -6940,11 +6928,12 @@ static int write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
// Count the number of nodes. Needed to be able to allocate the
// memory when reading the nodes. Also fills in index for shared
// nodes.
nodecount = put_node(NULL, tree, 0, regionmask, round == 3);
size_t nodecount = (size_t)put_node(NULL, tree, 0, regionmask, round == 3);
// number of nodes in 4 bytes
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)nodecount, 4); // <nodecount>
spin->si_memtot += nodecount + nodecount * sizeof(int);
put_bytes(fd, nodecount, 4); // <nodecount>
assert(nodecount + nodecount * sizeof(int) < INT_MAX);
spin->si_memtot += (int)(nodecount + nodecount * sizeof(int));
// Write the nodes.
(void)put_node(fd, tree, 0, regionmask, round == 3);
@ -7002,11 +6991,6 @@ put_node (
bool prefixtree // true for PREFIXTREE
int newindex = idx;
int siblingcount = 0;
wordnode_T *np;
int flags;
// If "node" is zero the tree is empty.
if (node == NULL)
return 0;
@ -7015,7 +6999,8 @@ put_node (
node->wn_u1.index = idx;
// Count the number of siblings.
for (np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
int siblingcount = 0;
for (wordnode_T *np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
// Write the sibling count.
@ -7023,7 +7008,7 @@ put_node (
putc(siblingcount, fd); // <siblingcount>
// Write each sibling byte and optionally extra info.
for (np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling) {
for (wordnode_T *np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling) {
if (np->wn_byte == 0) {
if (fd != NULL) {
// For a NUL byte (end of word) write the flags etc.
@ -7039,10 +7024,10 @@ put_node (
putc(np->wn_flags, fd); // <pflags>
putc(np->wn_affixID, fd); // <affixID>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)np->wn_region, 2); // <prefcondnr>
put_bytes(fd, (uintmax_t)np->wn_region, 2); // <prefcondnr>
} else {
// For word trees we write the flag/region items.
flags = np->wn_flags;
int flags = np->wn_flags;
if (regionmask != 0 && np->wn_region != regionmask)
flags |= WF_REGION;
if (np->wn_affixID != 0)
@ -7054,7 +7039,7 @@ put_node (
if (np->wn_flags >= 0x100) {
putc(BY_FLAGS2, fd); // <byte>
putc(flags, fd); // <flags>
putc((unsigned)flags >> 8, fd); // <flags2>
putc((int)((unsigned)flags >> 8), fd); // <flags2>
} else {
putc(BY_FLAGS, fd); // <byte>
putc(flags, fd); // <flags>
@ -7071,9 +7056,8 @@ put_node (
&& np->wn_child->wn_u2.wnode != node) {
// The child is written elsewhere, write the reference.
if (fd != NULL) {
putc(BY_INDEX, fd); // <byte>
// <nodeidx>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)np->wn_child->wn_u1.index, 3);
putc(BY_INDEX, fd); // <byte>
put_bytes(fd, (uintmax_t)np->wn_child->wn_u1.index, 3); // <nodeidx>
} else if (np->wn_child->wn_u2.wnode == NULL)
// We will write the child below and give it an index.
@ -7089,10 +7073,10 @@ put_node (
// Space used in the array when reading: one for each sibling and one for
// the count.
newindex += siblingcount + 1;
int newindex = idx + siblingcount + 1;
// Recursively dump the children of each sibling.
for (np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
for (wordnode_T *np = node; np != NULL; np = np->wn_sibling)
if (np->wn_byte != 0 && np->wn_child->wn_u2.wnode == node)
newindex = put_node(fd, np->wn_child, newindex, regionmask,
@ -7440,16 +7424,8 @@ static int bytes2offset(char_u **pp)
// Write the .sug file in "fname".
static void sug_write(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
FILE *fd;
wordnode_T *tree;
int nodecount;
int wcount;
char_u *line;
linenr_T lnum;
int len;
// Create the file. Note that an existing file is silently overwritten!
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "w");
FILE *fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "w");
if (fd == NULL) {
EMSG2(_(e_notopen), fname);
@ -7471,7 +7447,7 @@ static void sug_write(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
spin->si_memtot = 0;
tree = spin->si_foldroot->wn_sibling;
wordnode_T *tree = spin->si_foldroot->wn_sibling;
// Clear the index and wnode fields in the tree.
@ -7479,28 +7455,31 @@ static void sug_write(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
// Count the number of nodes. Needed to be able to allocate the
// memory when reading the nodes. Also fills in index for shared
// nodes.
nodecount = put_node(NULL, tree, 0, 0, false);
size_t nodecount = (size_t)put_node(NULL, tree, 0, 0, false);
// number of nodes in 4 bytes
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)nodecount, 4); // <nodecount>
spin->si_memtot += nodecount + nodecount * sizeof(int);
put_bytes(fd, nodecount, 4); // <nodecount>
assert(nodecount + nodecount * sizeof(int) < INT_MAX);
spin->si_memtot += (int)(nodecount + nodecount * sizeof(int));
// Write the nodes.
(void)put_node(fd, tree, 0, 0, false);
// <SUGTABLE>: <sugwcount> <sugline> ...
wcount = spin->si_spellbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)wcount, 4); // <sugwcount>
linenr_T wcount = spin->si_spellbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
assert(wcount >= 0);
put_bytes(fd, (uintmax_t)wcount, 4); // <sugwcount>
for (lnum = 1; lnum <= (linenr_T)wcount; ++lnum) {
for (linenr_T lnum = 1; lnum <= wcount; ++lnum) {
// <sugline>: <sugnr> ... NUL
line = ml_get_buf(spin->si_spellbuf, lnum, FALSE);
len = (int)STRLEN(line) + 1;
if (fwrite(line, (size_t)len, (size_t)1, fd) == 0) {
char_u *line = ml_get_buf(spin->si_spellbuf, lnum, FALSE);
size_t len = STRLEN(line) + 1;
if (fwrite(line, len, 1, fd) == 0) {
goto theend;
spin->si_memtot += len;
assert((size_t)spin->si_memtot + len <= INT_MAX);
spin->si_memtot += (int)len;
// Write another byte to check for errors.
@ -8286,31 +8265,30 @@ static bool spell_iswordp_w(int *p, win_T *wp)
// When "fd" is NULL only count the length of what is written.
static int write_spell_prefcond(FILE *fd, garray_T *gap)
char_u *p;
int len;
int totlen;
size_t x = 1; // collect return value of fwrite()
assert(gap->ga_len >= 0);
if (fd != NULL)
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)gap->ga_len, 2); // <prefcondcnt>
totlen = 2 + gap->ga_len; // length of <prefcondcnt> and <condlen> bytes
put_bytes(fd, (uintmax_t)gap->ga_len, 2); // <prefcondcnt>
size_t totlen = 2 + (size_t)gap->ga_len; // <prefcondcnt> and <condlen> bytes
size_t x = 1; // collect return value of fwrite()
for (int i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i) {
// <prefcond> : <condlen> <condstr>
p = ((char_u **)gap->ga_data)[i];
char_u *p = ((char_u **)gap->ga_data)[i];
if (p != NULL) {
len = (int)STRLEN(p);
size_t len = STRLEN(p);
if (fd != NULL) {
fputc(len, fd);
x &= fwrite(p, (size_t)len, (size_t)1, fd);
assert(len <= INT_MAX);
fputc((int)len, fd);
x &= fwrite(p, len, 1, fd);
totlen += len;
} else if (fd != NULL)
fputc(0, fd);
return totlen;
assert(totlen <= INT_MAX);
return (int)totlen;
// Case-fold "str[len]" into "buf[buflen]". The result is NUL terminated.

View File

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
@ -569,7 +570,7 @@ int u_savecommon(linenr_T top, linenr_T bot, linenr_T newbot, int reload)
if (size > 0) {
uep->ue_array = xmalloc(sizeof(char_u *) * size);
uep->ue_array = xmalloc(sizeof(char_u *) * (size_t)size);
for (i = 0, lnum = top + 1; i < size; ++i) {
if (got_int) {
@ -638,7 +639,6 @@ char_u *u_get_undo_file_name(char_u *buf_ffname, int reading)
char_u dir_name[IOSIZE + 1];
char_u *munged_name = NULL;
char_u *undo_file_name = NULL;
int dir_len;
char_u *p;
char_u *ffname = buf_ffname;
@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ char_u *u_get_undo_file_name(char_u *buf_ffname, int reading)
* When not reading use the first directory that exists or ".". */
dirp = p_udir;
while (*dirp != NUL) {
dir_len = copy_option_part(&dirp, dir_name, IOSIZE, ",");
size_t dir_len = copy_option_part(&dirp, dir_name, IOSIZE, ",");
if (dir_len == 1 && dir_name[0] == '.') {
/* Use same directory as the ffname,
* "dir/name" -> "dir/.name.un~" */
undo_file_name = vim_strnsave(ffname, (int)(STRLEN(ffname) + 5));
undo_file_name = vim_strnsave(ffname, STRLEN(ffname) + 5);
p = path_tail(undo_file_name);
memmove(p + 1, p, STRLEN(p) + 1);
*p = '.';
@ -715,42 +715,40 @@ static void u_free_uhp(u_header_T *uhp)
static int serialize_header(FILE *fp, buf_T *buf, char_u *hash)
int len;
/* Start writing, first the magic marker and undo info version. */
if (fwrite(UF_START_MAGIC, (size_t)UF_START_MAGIC_LEN, (size_t)1, fp) != 1)
if (fwrite(UF_START_MAGIC, UF_START_MAGIC_LEN, 1, fp) != 1)
return FAIL;
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)UF_VERSION, 2);
put_bytes(fp, UF_VERSION, 2);
/* Write a hash of the buffer text, so that we can verify it is still the
* same when reading the buffer text. */
if (fwrite(hash, (size_t)UNDO_HASH_SIZE, (size_t)1, fp) != 1)
if (fwrite(hash, UNDO_HASH_SIZE, 1, fp) != 1)
return FAIL;
/* buffer-specific data */
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)buf->b_ml.ml_line_count, 4);
len = buf->b_u_line_ptr != NULL ? (int)STRLEN(buf->b_u_line_ptr) : 0;
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)len, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)buf->b_ml.ml_line_count, 4);
size_t len = buf->b_u_line_ptr ? STRLEN(buf->b_u_line_ptr) : 0;
put_bytes(fp, len, 4);
if (len > 0 && fwrite(buf->b_u_line_ptr, len, 1, fp) != 1)
return FAIL;
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)buf->b_u_line_lnum, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)buf->b_u_line_colnr, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)buf->b_u_line_lnum, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)buf->b_u_line_colnr, 4);
/* Undo structures header data */
put_header_ptr(fp, buf->b_u_oldhead);
put_header_ptr(fp, buf->b_u_newhead);
put_header_ptr(fp, buf->b_u_curhead);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)buf->b_u_numhead, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)buf->b_u_seq_last, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)buf->b_u_seq_cur, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)buf->b_u_numhead, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)buf->b_u_seq_last, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)buf->b_u_seq_cur, 4);
put_time(fp, buf->b_u_time_cur);
/* Optional fields. */
putc(4, fp);
putc(UF_LAST_SAVE_NR, fp);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)buf->b_u_save_nr_last, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)buf->b_u_save_nr_last, 4);
putc(0, fp); /* end marker */
@ -759,22 +757,19 @@ static int serialize_header(FILE *fp, buf_T *buf, char_u *hash)
static int serialize_uhp(FILE *fp, buf_T *buf, u_header_T *uhp)
int i;
u_entry_T *uep;
if (put_bytes(fp, (long_u)UF_HEADER_MAGIC, 2) == FAIL)
if (put_bytes(fp, UF_HEADER_MAGIC, 2) == FAIL)
return FAIL;
put_header_ptr(fp, uhp->uh_next.ptr);
put_header_ptr(fp, uhp->uh_prev.ptr);
put_header_ptr(fp, uhp->uh_alt_next.ptr);
put_header_ptr(fp, uhp->uh_alt_prev.ptr);
put_bytes(fp, uhp->uh_seq, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)uhp->uh_seq, 4);
serialize_pos(uhp->uh_cursor, fp);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)uhp->uh_cursor_vcol, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)uhp->uh_flags, 2);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)uhp->uh_cursor_vcol, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)uhp->uh_flags, 2);
/* Assume NMARKS will stay the same. */
for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < NMARKS; ++i)
serialize_pos(uhp->uh_namedm[i], fp);
serialize_visualinfo(&uhp->uh_visual, fp);
put_time(fp, uhp->uh_time);
@ -782,17 +777,17 @@ static int serialize_uhp(FILE *fp, buf_T *buf, u_header_T *uhp)
/* Optional fields. */
putc(4, fp);
putc(UHP_SAVE_NR, fp);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)uhp->uh_save_nr, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)uhp->uh_save_nr, 4);
putc(0, fp); /* end marker */
/* Write all the entries. */
for (uep = uhp->uh_entry; uep != NULL; uep = uep->ue_next) {
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)UF_ENTRY_MAGIC, 2);
for (u_entry_T *uep = uhp->uh_entry; uep; uep = uep->ue_next) {
put_bytes(fp, UF_ENTRY_MAGIC, 2);
if (serialize_uep(fp, buf, uep) == FAIL)
return FAIL;
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)UF_ENTRY_END_MAGIC, 2);
put_bytes(fp, UF_ENTRY_END_MAGIC, 2);
return OK;
@ -875,16 +870,13 @@ static u_header_T *unserialize_uhp(FILE *fp, char_u *file_name)
static int serialize_uep(FILE *fp, buf_T *buf, u_entry_T *uep)
int i;
size_t len;
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)uep->ue_top, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)uep->ue_bot, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)uep->ue_lcount, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)uep->ue_size, 4);
for (i = 0; i < uep->ue_size; ++i) {
len = STRLEN(uep->ue_array[i]);
if (put_bytes(fp, (long_u)len, 4) == FAIL)
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)uep->ue_top, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)uep->ue_bot, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)uep->ue_lcount, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)uep->ue_size, 4);
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)uep->ue_size; ++i) {
size_t len = STRLEN(uep->ue_array[i]);
if (put_bytes(fp, len, 4) == FAIL)
return FAIL;
if (len > 0 && fwrite(uep->ue_array[i], len, 1, fp) != 1)
return FAIL;
@ -910,8 +902,8 @@ static u_entry_T *unserialize_uep(FILE *fp, int *error, char_u *file_name)
uep->ue_lcount = get4c(fp);
uep->ue_size = get4c(fp);
if (uep->ue_size > 0) {
array = xmalloc(sizeof(char_u *) * uep->ue_size);
memset(array, 0, sizeof(char_u *) * uep->ue_size);
array = xmalloc(sizeof(char_u *) * (size_t)uep->ue_size);
memset(array, 0, sizeof(char_u *) * (size_t)uep->ue_size);
} else
array = NULL;
uep->ue_array = array;
@ -938,9 +930,9 @@ static u_entry_T *unserialize_uep(FILE *fp, int *error, char_u *file_name)
static void serialize_pos(pos_T pos, FILE *fp)
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)pos.lnum, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)pos.col, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)pos.coladd, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)pos.lnum, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)pos.col, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)pos.coladd, 4);
@ -966,8 +958,8 @@ static void serialize_visualinfo(visualinfo_T *info, FILE *fp)
serialize_pos(info->vi_start, fp);
serialize_pos(info->vi_end, fp);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)info->vi_mode, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)info->vi_curswant, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)info->vi_mode, 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)info->vi_curswant, 4);
@ -987,7 +979,7 @@ static void unserialize_visualinfo(visualinfo_T *info, FILE *fp)
* pointers when reading. */
static void put_header_ptr(FILE *fp, u_header_T *uhp)
put_bytes(fp, (long_u)(uhp != NULL ? uhp->uh_seq : 0), 4);
put_bytes(fp, (uintmax_t)(uhp != NULL ? uhp->uh_seq : 0), 4);
@ -1061,9 +1053,7 @@ void u_write_undo(char_u *name, int forceit, buf_T *buf, char_u *hash)
goto theend;
} else {
char_u mbuf[UF_START_MAGIC_LEN];
int len;
len = read_eintr(fd, mbuf, UF_START_MAGIC_LEN);
ssize_t len = read_eintr(fd, mbuf, UF_START_MAGIC_LEN);
|| memcmp(mbuf, UF_START_MAGIC, UF_START_MAGIC_LEN) != 0) {
@ -1121,7 +1111,7 @@ void u_write_undo(char_u *name, int forceit, buf_T *buf, char_u *hash)
&& os_fileinfo((char *)buf->b_ffname, &file_info_old)
&& os_fileinfo((char *)file_name, &file_info_new)
&& file_info_old.stat.st_gid != file_info_new.stat.st_gid
&& os_fchown(fd, -1, file_info_old.stat.st_gid) != 0) {
&& os_fchown(fd, (uv_uid_t)-1, (uv_gid_t)file_info_old.stat.st_gid)) {
os_setperm(file_name, (perm & 0707) | ((perm & 07) << 3));
@ -1178,7 +1168,7 @@ void u_write_undo(char_u *name, int forceit, buf_T *buf, char_u *hash)
uhp = uhp->uh_next.ptr;
if (put_bytes(fp, (long_u)UF_HEADER_END_MAGIC, 2) == OK)
if (put_bytes(fp, UF_HEADER_END_MAGIC, 2) == OK)
write_ok = true;
#ifdef U_DEBUG
if (headers_written != buf->b_u_numhead) {
@ -1358,7 +1348,7 @@ void u_read_undo(char_u *name, char_u *hash, char_u *orig_name)
* sequence numbers of the headers.
* When there are no headers uhp_table is NULL. */
if (num_head > 0) {
uhp_table = xmalloc(num_head * sizeof(u_header_T *));
uhp_table = xmalloc((size_t)num_head * sizeof(u_header_T *));
while ((c = get2c(fp)) == UF_HEADER_MAGIC) {
@ -1433,15 +1423,18 @@ void u_read_undo(char_u *name, char_u *hash, char_u *orig_name)
if (old_header_seq > 0 && old_idx < 0 && uhp->uh_seq == old_header_seq) {
old_idx = i;
assert(i <= SHRT_MAX);
old_idx = (short)i;
if (new_header_seq > 0 && new_idx < 0 && uhp->uh_seq == new_header_seq) {
new_idx = i;
assert(i <= SHRT_MAX);
new_idx = (short)i;
if (cur_header_seq > 0 && cur_idx < 0 && uhp->uh_seq == cur_header_seq) {
cur_idx = i;
assert(i <= SHRT_MAX);
cur_idx = (short)i;
@ -1993,7 +1986,7 @@ static void u_undoredo(int undo)
/* delete the lines between top and bot and save them in newarray */
if (oldsize > 0) {
newarray = xmalloc(sizeof(char_u *) * oldsize);
newarray = xmalloc(sizeof(char_u *) * (size_t)oldsize);
/* delete backwards, it goes faster in most cases */
for (lnum = bot - 1, i = oldsize; --i >= 0; --lnum) {
/* what can we do when we run out of memory? */