lsp: add lsp.buf_request_all for invoking asynchronous callbacks

fixed nil issue

changed poll to 10

changed wording

added docs to once


This commit is contained in:
Brian Shu 2021-04-15 07:42:25 -04:00
parent d19348923e
commit ef5314ce59

View File

@ -267,14 +267,20 @@ end
--- Memoizes a function. On first run, the function return value is saved and
--- immediately returned on subsequent runs.
--- immediately returned on subsequent runs. If the function returns a multival,
--- only the first returned value will be memoized and returned. The function will only be run once,
--- even if it has side-effects.
--@param fn (function) Function to run
--@returns (function) Memoized function
local function once(fn)
local value
local ran = false
return function(...)
if not value then value = fn(...) end
if not ran then
value = fn(...)
ran = true
return value
@ -1239,9 +1245,49 @@ function lsp.buf_request(bufnr, method, params, handler)
return client_request_ids, _cancel_all_requests
--- Sends a request to a server and waits for the response.
---Sends an async request for all active clients attached to the buffer.
---Executes the callback on the combined result.
---Parameters are the same as |vim.lsp.buf_request()| but the return result and callback are
--- Calls |vim.lsp.buf_request()| but blocks Nvim while awaiting the result.
--@param bufnr (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
--@param method (string) LSP method name
--@param params (optional, table) Parameters to send to the server
--@param callback (function) The callback to call when all requests are finished.
-- Unlike `buf_request`, this will collect all the responses from each server instead of handling them.
-- A map of client_id:request_result will be provided to the callback
--@returns (function) A function that will cancel all requests which is the same as the one returned from `buf_request`.
function lsp.buf_request_all(bufnr, method, params, callback)
local request_results = {}
local result_count = 0
local expected_result_count = 0
local cancel, client_request_ids
local set_expected_result_count = once(function()
for _ in pairs(client_request_ids) do
expected_result_count = expected_result_count + 1
local function _sync_handler(err, _, result, client_id)
request_results[client_id] = { error = err, result = result }
result_count = result_count + 1
if result_count >= expected_result_count then
client_request_ids, cancel = lsp.buf_request(bufnr, method, params, _sync_handler)
return cancel
--- Sends a request to all server and waits for the response of all of them.
--- Calls |vim.lsp.buf_request_all()| but blocks Nvim while awaiting the result.
--- Parameters are the same as |vim.lsp.buf_request()| but the return result is
--- different. Wait maximum of {timeout_ms} (default 100) ms.
@ -1255,26 +1301,21 @@ end
--- returns `(nil, err)` where `err` is a string describing the failure
--- reason.
function lsp.buf_request_sync(bufnr, method, params, timeout_ms)
local request_results = {}
local result_count = 0
local function _sync_handler(err, _, result, client_id)
request_results[client_id] = { error = err, result = result }
result_count = result_count + 1
local client_request_ids, cancel = lsp.buf_request(bufnr, method, params, _sync_handler)
local expected_result_count = 0
for _ in pairs(client_request_ids) do
expected_result_count = expected_result_count + 1
local request_results
local cancel = lsp.buf_request_all(bufnr, method, params, function(it)
request_results = it
local wait_result, reason = vim.wait(timeout_ms or 100, function()
return result_count >= expected_result_count
return request_results ~= nil
end, 10)
if not wait_result then
return nil, wait_result_reason[reason]
return request_results