runtime/netrw: 5ef1c6a4838a9629b793f3ae676f72a764171b00

Port netrw files only.
This commit is contained in:
Jan Edmund Lazo 2021-02-15 21:16:27 -05:00
parent dc3ca16a99
commit e35c766518
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 64915E6E9F735B15
5 changed files with 74 additions and 106 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" netrw.vim: Handles file transfer and remote directory listing across
" Date: Jul 16, 2019
" Version: 165
" Date: Nov 06, 2019
" Version: 166
" Maintainer: Charles E Campbell <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
" GetLatestVimScripts: 1075 1 :AutoInstall: netrw.vim
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 Charles E. Campbell {{{1
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if exists("s:needspatches")
let g:loaded_netrw = "v165"
let g:loaded_netrw = "v166"
if !exists("s:NOTE")
let s:NOTE = 0
let s:WARNING = 1
@ -232,12 +232,12 @@ if !exists("g:netrw_ftp_options")
let g:netrw_ftp_options= "-i -n"
if !exists("g:netrw_http_cmd")
if executable("curl")
let g:netrw_http_cmd = "curl"
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_http_xcmd","-L -o")
elseif executable("wget")
if executable("wget")
let g:netrw_http_cmd = "wget"
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_http_xcmd","-q -O")
elseif executable("curl")
let g:netrw_http_cmd = "curl"
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_http_xcmd","-L -o")
elseif executable("elinks")
let g:netrw_http_cmd = "elinks"
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_http_xcmd","-source >")
@ -1614,7 +1614,6 @@ fun! s:NetrwOptionsSave(vt)
let {a:vt}netrw_cpokeep = &l:cpo
let {a:vt}netrw_diffkeep = &l:diff
let {a:vt}netrw_fenkeep = &l:fen
" call Decho("saving current settings: got here#1",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if !exists("g:netrw_ffkeep") || g:netrw_ffkeep
let {a:vt}netrw_ffkeep = &l:ff
@ -1633,7 +1632,6 @@ fun! s:NetrwOptionsSave(vt)
let {a:vt}netrw_rokeep = &l:ro
let {a:vt}netrw_selkeep = &l:sel
let {a:vt}netrw_spellkeep = &l:spell
" call Decho("saving current settings: got here#2",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if !g:netrw_use_noswf
let {a:vt}netrw_swfkeep = &l:swf
@ -1647,6 +1645,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwOptionsSave(vt)
" call Decho("saving a few selected netrw-related variables",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if g:netrw_keepdir
let {a:vt}netrw_dirkeep = getcwd()
" call Decho("saving to ".a:vt."netrw_dirkeep<".{a:vt}netrw_dirkeep.">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
sil! let {a:vt}netrw_slashkeep= @/
@ -1713,6 +1712,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwOptionsRestore(vt)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwOptionsRestore(vt<".a:vt.">) win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%")."> winnr($)=".winnr("$"))
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo." a:vt=".a:vt,'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if !exists("{a:vt}netrw_optionsave")
" call Decho("case ".a:vt."netrw_optionsave : doesn't exist",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo." a:vt=".a:vt,'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Dret("s:NetrwOptionsRestore : ".a:vt."netrw_optionsave doesn't exist")
@ -1854,7 +1854,7 @@ endfun
" Used by s:NetrwOptionsRestore() to restore each netrw-senstive setting
" keepvars are set up by s:NetrwOptionsSave
fun! s:NetrwRestoreSetting(keepvar,setting)
"" call Dfunc("s:NetrwRestoreSetting(a:keepvar<".a:keepvar."> a:setting<".a:setting.">)")
""" call Dfunc("s:NetrwRestoreSetting(a:keepvar<".a:keepvar."> a:setting<".a:setting.">)")
" typically called from s:NetrwOptionsRestore
" call s:NetrwRestoreSettings(keep-option-variable-name,'associated-option')
@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRestoreSetting(keepvar,setting)
"" call Decho("fyi: a:setting<".a:setting."> setting<".setting.">")
if setting != keepvarval
"" call Decho("restore setting<".a:setting."=".setting."> to keepvarval<".keepvarval.">")
"" call Decho("restore setting<".a:setting."> (currently=".setting.") to keepvarval<".keepvarval.">")
if type(a:setting) == 0
exe "let ".a:setting."= ".keepvarval
elseif type(a:setting) == 1
@ -2827,7 +2827,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tfile, method)
" readcmd=='t': simply do nothing
if a:readcmd == 't'
" call Decho(" ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Dret("NetrwGetFile : skip read of <".a:tfile.">")
" call Dret("NetrwGetFile : skip read of tfile<".a:tfile.">")
@ -5158,10 +5158,11 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseUpDir(islocal)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" netrw#BrowseX: (implements "x") executes a special "viewer" script or program for the {{{2
" netrw#BrowseX: (implements "x" and "gx") executes a special "viewer" script or program for the {{{2
" given filename; typically this means given their extension.
" 0=local, 1=remote
fun! netrw#BrowseX(fname,remote)
let use_ctrlo= 1
" call Dfunc("netrw#BrowseX(fname<".a:fname."> remote=".a:remote.")")
" if its really just a local directory, then do a "gf" instead
@ -5266,10 +5267,9 @@ fun! netrw#BrowseX(fname,remote)
" call Decho("set up redirection: redir{".redir."} srr{".&srr."}",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" extract any viewing options. Assumes that they're set apart by quotes.
" call Decho("extract any viewing options",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" extract any viewing options. Assumes that they're set apart by spaces.
if exists("g:netrw_browsex_viewer")
" call Decho("g:netrw_browsex_viewer<".g:netrw_browsex_viewer.">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("extract any viewing options from g:netrw_browsex_viewer<".g:netrw_browsex_viewer.">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if g:netrw_browsex_viewer =~ '\s'
let viewer = substitute(g:netrw_browsex_viewer,'\s.*$','','')
let viewopt = substitute(g:netrw_browsex_viewer,'^\S\+\s*','','')." "
@ -5292,16 +5292,16 @@ fun! netrw#BrowseX(fname,remote)
" execute the file handler
" call Decho("execute the file handler (if any)",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if exists("g:netrw_browsex_viewer") && g:netrw_browsex_viewer == '-'
" call Decho("g:netrw_browsex_viewer<".g:netrw_browsex_viewer.">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) g:netrw_browsex_viewer<".g:netrw_browsex_viewer.">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
let ret= netrwFileHandlers#Invoke(exten,fname)
elseif exists("g:netrw_browsex_viewer") && executable(viewer)
" call Decho("g:netrw_browsex_viewer<".g:netrw_browsex_viewer.">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) g:netrw_browsex_viewer<".g:netrw_browsex_viewer.">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe("sil !".viewer." ".viewopt.s:ShellEscape(fname,1).redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("win32") || has("win64")
" call Decho("win".(has("win32")? "32" : "64")",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) win".(has("win32")? "32" : "64"),'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if executable("start")
call s:NetrwExe('sil! !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.s:ShellEscape(fname,1))
elseif executable("rundll32")
@ -5309,56 +5309,68 @@ fun! netrw#BrowseX(fname,remote)
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"rundll32 not on path",74)
" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("win32unix")
let winfname= 'c:\cygwin'.substitute(fname,'/','\\','g')
" call Decho("cygwin: winfname<".s:ShellEscape(winfname,1).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) cygwin: winfname<".s:ShellEscape(winfname,1).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if executable("start")
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) win32unix+start",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe('sil !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.s:ShellEscape(winfname,1))
elseif executable("rundll32")
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) win32unix+rundll32",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe('sil !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.s:ShellEscape(winfname,1))
elseif executable("cygstart")
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) win32unix+cygstart",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe('sil !cygstart '.s:ShellEscape(fname,1))
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"rundll32 not on path",74)
" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("unix") && executable("kfmclient") && s:CheckIfKde()
" call Decho("unix and kfmclient",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) unix and kfmclient",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe("sil !kfmclient exec ".s:ShellEscape(fname,1)." ".redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("unix") && executable("exo-open") && executable("xdg-open") && executable("setsid")
" call Decho("unix, exo-open, xdg-open",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) unix, exo-open, xdg-open",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe("sil !setsid xdg-open ".s:ShellEscape(fname,1).redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("unix") && $DESKTOP_SESSION == "mate" && executable("atril")
" call Decho("unix and atril",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe("sil !atril ".s:ShellEscape(fname,1).redir)
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) unix and atril",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if a:fname =~ '^https\=://'
" atril does not appear to understand how to handle html -- so use gvim to edit the document
let use_ctrlo= 0
" call Decho("(COMBAK) fname<".fname.">")
" call Decho("(COMBAK) a:fname<".a:fname.">")
call s:NetrwExe("sil! !gvim ".fname.' -c "keepj keepalt file '.fnameescape(a:fname).'"')
call s:NetrwExe("sil !atril ".s:ShellEscape(fname,1).redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("unix") && executable("xdg-open")
" call Decho("unix and xdg-open",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) unix and xdg-open",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe("sil !xdg-open ".s:ShellEscape(fname,1).redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("macunix") && executable("open")
" call Decho("macunix and open",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) macunix and open",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call s:NetrwExe("sil !open ".s:ShellEscape(fname,1)." ".redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
" netrwFileHandlers#Invoke() always returns 0
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) use netrwFileHandlers",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
let ret= netrwFileHandlers#Invoke(exten,fname)
" if unsuccessful, attempt netrwFileHandlers#Invoke()
if ret
" call Decho("(netrw#BrowseX) ret=".ret," indicates unsuccessful thus far",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
let ret= netrwFileHandlers#Invoke(exten,fname)
@ -5380,8 +5392,9 @@ fun! netrw#BrowseX(fname,remote)
if g:netrw_use_noswf
setl noswf
exe "sil! NetrwKeepj norm! \<c-o>"
" redraw!
if use_ctrlo
exe "sil! NetrwKeepj norm! \<c-o>"
" call Decho("restoring posn to screenposn<".string(screenposn).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call winrestview(screenposn)
@ -6045,7 +6058,6 @@ fun! s:NetrwListHide()
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwListHide() g:netrw_hide=".g:netrw_hide." g:netrw_list_hide<".g:netrw_list_hide.">")
" call Decho("initial: ".string(getline(w:netrw_bannercnt,'$')))
let ykeep= @@
" call DechoBuf(bufnr("%"),"COMBAK#3")
" find a character not in the "hide" string to use as a separator for :g and :v commands
" How-it-works: take the hiding command, convert it into a range.
@ -6089,7 +6101,6 @@ fun! s:NetrwListHide()
" remove any blank lines that have somehow remained.
" This seems to happen under Windows.
exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj 1,$g@^\s*$@d'
" call DechoBuf(bufnr("%"),"COMBAK#4")
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwListHide")
@ -6297,7 +6308,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
" generate default <Plug> maps {{{3
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwHide') |nmap <buffer> <silent> <nowait> a <Plug>NetrwHide_a|endif
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBrowseUpDir') |nmap <buffer> <silent> <nowait> - <Plug>NetrwBrowseUpDir |endif
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBrowseUpDir') |nmap <buffer> <silent> <nowait> - <Plug>NetrwBrowseUpDir|endif
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwOpenFile') |nmap <buffer> <silent> <nowait> % <Plug>NetrwOpenFile|endif
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBadd_cb') |nmap <buffer> <silent> <nowait> cb <Plug>NetrwBadd_cb|endif
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBadd_cB') |nmap <buffer> <silent> <nowait> cB <Plug>NetrwBadd_cB|endif
@ -6757,13 +6768,15 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFile(islocal,fname)
if index(s:netrwmarkfilelist,dname) == -1
" append new filename to global markfilelist
call add(s:netrwmarkfilelist,s:ComposePath(b:netrw_curdir,a:fname))
" call Decho("append filename<".a:fname."> to global markfilelist<".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("append filename<".a:fname."> to global s:markfilelist<".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" remove new filename from global markfilelist
" call Decho("filter(".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist).",'v:val != '.".dname.")",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("remove new filename from global s:markfilelist",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("..filter(".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist).",'v:val != '.".dname.")",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call filter(s:netrwmarkfilelist,'v:val != "'.dname.'"')
" call Decho("ending s:netrwmarkfilelist <".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("..ending s:netrwmarkfilelist <".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if s:netrwmarkfilelist == []
" call Decho("s:netrwmarkfilelist is empty; unlet it",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
unlet s:netrwmarkfilelist
@ -6787,7 +6800,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFile(islocal,fname)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFile : s:netrwmarkfilelist_".curbufnr."<".(exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}")? string(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}) : " doesn't exist").">")
" call Decho("s:netrwmarkfilelist[".(exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist")? string(s:netrwmarkfilelist) : "")."] (avail in all buffers)",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFile : s:netrwmarkfilelist_".curbufnr."<".(exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}")? string(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}) : " doesn't exist")."> (buf#".curbufnr."list)")
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -7542,8 +7556,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileGrep(islocal)
let curdir = s:NetrwGetCurdir(a:islocal)
if exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist")
" call Decho("s:netrwmarkfilelist".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("using s:netrwmarkfilelist".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist).">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
let netrwmarkfilelist= join(map(deepcopy(s:netrwmarkfilelist), "fnameescape(v:val)"))
" call Decho("keeping copy of s:netrwmarkfilelist in function-local variable,'~'.expand("<slnum>"))"
call s:NetrwUnmarkAll()
" call Decho('no marked files, using "*"','~'.expand("<slnum>"))
@ -7551,6 +7566,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileGrep(islocal)
" ask user for pattern
" call Decho("ask user for search pattern",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
call inputsave()
let pat= input("Enter pattern: ","")
call inputrestore()
@ -10810,7 +10826,6 @@ fun! s:LocalListing()
for filename in filelist
" call Decho(" ",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("for filename in filelist: filename<".filename.">",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call DechoBuf(bufnr("%"),"COMBAK#1")
if getftype(filename) == "link"
" indicate a symbolic link
@ -10868,10 +10883,10 @@ fun! s:LocalListing()
if w:netrw_liststyle == s:LONGLIST
let sz = getfsize(filename)
let fsz = strpart(" ",1,15-strlen(sz)).sz
if g:netrw_sizestyle =~# "[hH]"
let sz= s:NetrwHumanReadable(sz)
let fsz = strpart(" ",1,15-strlen(sz)).sz
let longfile= printf("%-".(g:netrw_maxfilenamelen+1)."s",pfile)
let pfile = longfile.fsz." ".strftime(g:netrw_timefmt,getftime(filename))
" call Decho("longlist support: sz=".sz." fsz=".fsz,'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
@ -10903,7 +10918,7 @@ fun! s:LocalListing()
" call Decho("exe NetrwKeepj put ='".pfile."'",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
sil! NetrwKeepj put=pfile
" call DechoBuf(bufnr("%"),"COMBAK#2")
" call DechoBuf(bufnr("%"),"bufnr(%)")
" cleanup any windows mess at end-of-line
@ -11220,7 +11235,9 @@ fun! netrw#Expose(varname)
" call Dfunc("netrw#Expose(varname<".a:varname.">)")
if exists("s:".a:varname)
exe "let retval= s:".a:varname
" call Decho("retval=".retval,'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if exists("g:netrw_pchk")
" call Decho("type(g:netrw_pchk=".g:netrw_pchk.")=".type(retval),'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
if type(retval) == 3
let retval = copy(retval)
let i = 0
@ -11229,10 +11246,13 @@ fun! netrw#Expose(varname)
let i = i + 1
" call Dret("netrw#Expose ".string(retval))
" call Dret("netrw#Expose ".string(retval)),'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
return string(retval)
" call Decho("g:netrw_pchk doesn't exist",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
" call Decho("s:".a:varname." doesn't exist",'~'.expand("<slnum>"))
let retval= "n/a"

View File

@ -18,61 +18,5 @@
" holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
" of this software.
function! netrw_gitignore#Hide(...)
let additional_files = a:000
let default_files = ['.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude']
" get existing global/system gitignore files
let global_gitignore = expand(substitute(system("git config --global core.excludesfile"), '\n', '', 'g'))
if global_gitignore !=# ''
let default_files = add(default_files, global_gitignore)
let system_gitignore = expand(substitute(system("git config --system core.excludesfile"), '\n', '', 'g'))
if system_gitignore !=# ''
let default_files = add(default_files, system_gitignore)
" append additional files if given as function arguments
if additional_files !=# []
let files = extend(default_files, additional_files)
let files = default_files
" keep only existing/readable files
let gitignore_files = []
for file in files
if filereadable(file)
let gitignore_files = add(gitignore_files, file)
" get contents of gitignore patterns from those files
let gitignore_lines = []
for file in gitignore_files
for line in readfile(file)
" filter empty lines and comments
if line !~# '^#' && line !~# '^$'
let gitignore_lines = add(gitignore_lines, line)
" convert gitignore patterns to Netrw/Vim regex patterns
let escaped_lines = []
for line in gitignore_lines
let escaped = line
let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\*\*', '*', 'g')
let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\.', '\\.', 'g')
let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\$', '\\$', 'g')
let escaped = substitute(escaped, '*', '.*', 'g')
" correction: dot, dollar and asterisks chars shouldn't be escaped when
" within regex matching groups.
let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\(\[[^]]*\)\zs\\\.', '\.', 'g')
let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\(\[[^]]*\)\zs\\\$', '\$', 'g')
let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\(\[[^]]*\)\zs\.\*', '*', 'g')
let escaped_lines = add(escaped_lines, escaped)
return join(escaped_lines, ',')
return substitute(substitute(system('git ls-files --other --ignored --exclude-standard --directory'), '\n', ',', 'g'), ',$', '', '')

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
*pi_netrw.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Jul 17
*pi_netrw.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Nov 07
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ One may easily "bookmark" the currently browsed directory by using >
Bookmarks are retained in between sessions of vim in a file called .netrwbook
as a |List|, which is typically stored in the first directory on the user's
'runtimepath'; entries are kept in sorted order.
|'runtimepath'|; entries are kept in sorted order.
If there are marked files and/or directories, mb will add them to the bookmark
@ -3842,6 +3842,8 @@ netrw:
12. History *netrw-history* {{{1
v166: Nov 06, 2019 * Removed a space from a nmap for "-"
* Numerous debugging statement changes
v163: Dec 05, 2017 * (Cristi Balan) reported that a setting ('sel')
was left changed
* (Holger Mitschke) reported a problem with
@ -3852,6 +3854,8 @@ netrw:
* (Holger Mitschke) amended this help file
with additional |g:netrw_special_syntax|
* Prioritized wget over curl for
v162: Sep 19, 2016 * (haya14busa) pointed out two syntax errors
with a patch; these are now fixed.
Oct 26, 2016 * I started using mate-terminal and found that
@ -4285,4 +4289,4 @@ netrw:
Modelines: {{{1

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
if &cp || exists("g:loaded_netrwPlugin")
let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = "v165"
let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = "v166"
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ if !exists("g:netrw_nogx")
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBrowseX')
nmap <unique> gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
nno <silent> <Plug>NetrwBrowseX :call netrw#BrowseX(expand((exists("g:netrw_gx")? g:netrw_gx : '<cfile>')),netrw#CheckIfRemote())<cr>
nno <silent> <Plug>NetrwBrowseX :call netrw#BrowseX(netrw#GX(),netrw#CheckIfRemote(netrw#GX()))<cr>
if maparg('gx','v') == ""
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis')

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Language : Netrw Listing Syntax
" Maintainer : Charles E. Campbell
" Last change: Oct 31, 2016
" Version : 20 NOT RELEASED
" Last change: Nov 07, 2019
" Version : 20
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if exists("b:current_syntax")