feat(treesitter): add vim.treesitter.show_tree() (#21322)

Add a "show_tree" function to view a textual representation of the
nodes in a language tree in a window. Moving the cursor in the
window highlights the corresponding text in the source buffer, and
moving the cursor in the source buffer highlights the corresponding
nodes in the window.
This commit is contained in:
Gregory Anders 2022-12-08 09:22:57 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3576776903
commit d44699800c
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 408 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ NEW FEATURES *news-features*
The following new APIs or features were added.
• |vim.treesitter.show_tree()| opens a split window showing a text
representation of the nodes in a language tree for the current buffer.
• Added support for the `willSave` and `willSaveWaitUntil` capabilities to the
LSP client. `willSaveWaitUntil` allows a server to modify a document before it
gets saved. Example use-cases by language servers include removing unused

View File

@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ get_node_at_pos({bufnr}, {row}, {col}, {opts})
(default true)
Return: ~
userdata |tsnode| under the cursor
userdata|nil |tsnode| under the cursor
get_node_range({node_or_range}) *vim.treesitter.get_node_range()*
Returns the node's range or an unpacked range table
@ -601,6 +601,29 @@ node_contains({node}, {range}) *vim.treesitter.node_contains()*
Return: ~
(boolean) True if the {node} contains the {range}
show_tree({opts}) *vim.treesitter.show_tree()*
Open a window that displays a textual representation of the nodes in the
language tree.
While in the window, press "a" to toggle display of anonymous nodes, "I"
to toggle the display of the source language of each node, and press
<Enter> to jump to the node under the cursor in the source buffer.
Parameters: ~
• {opts} (table|nil) Optional options table with the following possible
• bufnr (number|nil): Buffer to draw the tree into. If
omitted, a new buffer is created.
• winid (number|nil): Window id to display the tree buffer in.
If omitted, a new window is created with {command}.
• command (string|nil): Vimscript command to create the
window. Default value is "topleft 60vnew". Only used when
{winid} is nil.
• title (string|fun(bufnr:number):string|nil): Title of the
window. If a function, it accepts the buffer number of the
source buffer as its only argument and should return a
start({bufnr}, {lang}) *vim.treesitter.start()*
Starts treesitter highlighting for a buffer

View File

@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ end
---@param opts table Optional keyword arguments:
--- - ignore_injections boolean Ignore injected languages (default true)
---@return userdata |tsnode| under the cursor
---@return userdata|nil |tsnode| under the cursor
function M.get_node_at_pos(bufnr, row, col, opts)
if bufnr == 0 then
bufnr = a.nvim_get_current_buf()
@ -347,4 +347,197 @@ function M.stop(bufnr)
vim.bo[bufnr].syntax = 'on'
--- Open a window that displays a textual representation of the nodes in the language tree.
--- While in the window, press "a" to toggle display of anonymous nodes, "I" to toggle the
--- display of the source language of each node, and press <Enter> to jump to the node under the
--- cursor in the source buffer.
---@param opts table|nil Optional options table with the following possible keys:
--- - bufnr (number|nil): Buffer to draw the tree into. If omitted, a new
--- buffer is created.
--- - winid (number|nil): Window id to display the tree buffer in. If omitted,
--- a new window is created with {command}.
--- - command (string|nil): Vimscript command to create the window. Default
--- value is "topleft 60vnew". Only used when {winid} is nil.
--- - title (string|fun(bufnr:number):string|nil): Title of the window. If a
--- function, it accepts the buffer number of the source buffer as its only
--- argument and should return a string.
function M.show_tree(opts)
opts = { opts, 't', true },
local Playground = require('vim.treesitter.playground')
local buf = a.nvim_get_current_buf()
local win = a.nvim_get_current_win()
local pg = assert(Playground:new(buf))
opts = opts or {}
-- Close any existing playground window
if vim.b[buf].playground then
local w = vim.b[buf].playground
if a.nvim_win_is_valid(w) then
a.nvim_win_close(w, true)
local w = opts.winid
if not w then
vim.cmd(opts.command or 'topleft 60vnew')
w = a.nvim_get_current_win()
local b = opts.bufnr
if b then
a.nvim_win_set_buf(w, b)
b = a.nvim_win_get_buf(w)
vim.b[buf].playground = w
vim.wo[w].scrolloff = 5
vim.wo[w].wrap = false
vim.bo[b].buflisted = false
vim.bo[b].buftype = 'nofile'
vim.bo[b].bufhidden = 'wipe'
local title = opts.title
if not title then
local bufname = a.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)
title = string.format('Syntax tree for %s', vim.fn.fnamemodify(bufname, ':.'))
elseif type(title) == 'function' then
title = title(buf)
assert(type(title) == 'string', 'Window title must be a string')
a.nvim_buf_set_name(b, title)
vim.fn.matchadd('Comment', '\\[[0-9:-]\\+\\]')
vim.fn.matchadd('String', '".*"')
a.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(buf, pg.ns, 0, -1)
a.nvim_buf_set_keymap(b, 'n', '<CR>', '', {
desc = 'Jump to the node under the cursor in the source buffer',
callback = function()
local row = a.nvim_win_get_cursor(w)[1]
local pos = pg:get(row)
a.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { pos.lnum + 1, pos.col })
a.nvim_buf_set_keymap(b, 'n', 'a', '', {
desc = 'Toggle anonymous nodes',
callback = function()
pg.opts.anon = not pg.opts.anon
a.nvim_buf_set_keymap(b, 'n', 'I', '', {
desc = 'Toggle language display',
callback = function()
pg.opts.lang = not pg.opts.lang
local group = a.nvim_create_augroup('treesitter/playground', {})
a.nvim_create_autocmd('CursorMoved', {
group = group,
buffer = b,
callback = function()
a.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(buf, pg.ns, 0, -1)
local row = a.nvim_win_get_cursor(w)[1]
local pos = pg:get(row)
a.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, pg.ns, pos.lnum, pos.col, {
end_row = pos.end_lnum,
end_col = math.max(0, pos.end_col),
hl_group = 'Visual',
a.nvim_create_autocmd('CursorMoved', {
group = group,
buffer = buf,
callback = function()
if not a.nvim_buf_is_loaded(b) then
return true
a.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(b, pg.ns, 0, -1)
local cursor = a.nvim_win_get_cursor(win)
local cursor_node =
M.get_node_at_pos(buf, cursor[1] - 1, cursor[2], { ignore_injections = false })
if not cursor_node then
local cursor_node_id = cursor_node:id()
for i, v in pg:iter() do
if v.id == cursor_node_id then
local start = v.depth
local end_col = start + #v.text
a.nvim_buf_set_extmark(b, pg.ns, i - 1, start, {
end_col = end_col,
hl_group = 'Visual',
a.nvim_win_set_cursor(w, { i, 0 })
a.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'TextChanged', 'InsertLeave' }, {
group = group,
buffer = buf,
callback = function()
if not a.nvim_buf_is_loaded(b) then
return true
pg = assert(Playground:new(buf))
a.nvim_create_autocmd('BufLeave', {
group = group,
buffer = b,
callback = function()
a.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(buf, pg.ns, 0, -1)
a.nvim_create_autocmd('BufLeave', {
group = group,
buffer = buf,
callback = function()
if not a.nvim_buf_is_loaded(b) then
return true
a.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(b, pg.ns, 0, -1)
a.nvim_create_autocmd('BufHidden', {
group = group,
buffer = buf,
once = true,
callback = function()
if a.nvim_win_is_valid(w) then
a.nvim_win_close(w, true)
return M

View File

@ -608,7 +608,9 @@ end
---@return userdata|nil Found |tsnode|
function LanguageTree:named_node_for_range(range, opts)
local tree = self:tree_for_range(range, opts)
return tree:root():named_descendant_for_range(unpack(range))
if tree then
return tree:root():named_descendant_for_range(unpack(range))
--- Gets the appropriate language that contains {range}.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
local api = vim.api
local M = {}
---@class Playground
---@field opts table Options table with the following keys:
--- - anon (boolean): If true, display anonymous nodes
--- - lang (boolean): If true, display the language alongside each node
---@class Node
---@field id number Node id
---@field text string Node text
---@field named boolean True if this is a named (non-anonymous) node
---@field depth number Depth of the node within the tree
---@field lnum number Beginning line number of this node in the source buffer
---@field col number Beginning column number of this node in the source buffer
---@field end_lnum number Final line number of this node in the source buffer
---@field end_col number Final column number of this node in the source buffer
---@field lang string Source language of this node
--- Traverse all child nodes starting at {node}.
--- This is a recursive function. The {depth} parameter indicates the current recursion level.
--- {lang} is a string indicating the language of the tree currently being traversed. Each traversed
--- node is added to {tree}. When recursion completes, {tree} is an array of all nodes in the order
--- they were visited.
--- {injections} is a table mapping node ids from the primary tree to language tree injections. Each
--- injected language has a series of trees nested within the primary language's tree, and the root
--- node of each of these trees is contained within a node in the primary tree. The {injections}
--- table maps nodes in the primary tree to root nodes of injected trees.
---@param node userdata Starting node to begin traversal |tsnode|
---@param depth number Current recursion depth
---@param lang string Language of the tree currently being traversed
---@param injections table Mapping of node ids to root nodes of injected language trees (see
--- explanation above)
---@param tree Node[] Output table containing a list of tables each representing a node in the tree
local function traverse(node, depth, lang, injections, tree)
local injection = injections[node:id()]
if injection then
traverse(injection.root, depth, injection.lang, injections, tree)
for child, field in node:iter_children() do
local type = child:type()
local lnum, col, end_lnum, end_col = child:range()
local named = child:named()
local text
if named then
if field then
text = string.format('%s: (%s)', field, type)
text = string.format('(%s)', type)
text = string.format('"%s"', type:gsub('\n', '\\n'))
table.insert(tree, {
id = child:id(),
text = text,
named = named,
depth = depth,
lnum = lnum,
col = col,
end_lnum = end_lnum,
end_col = end_col,
lang = lang,
traverse(child, depth + 1, lang, injections, tree)
return tree
--- Create a new Playground object.
---@param bufnr number Source buffer number
---@return Playground|nil
---@return string|nil Error message, if any
function M.new(self, bufnr)
local ok, parser = pcall(vim.treesitter.get_parser, bufnr or 0)
if not ok then
return nil, 'No parser available for the given buffer'
-- For each child tree (injected language), find the root of the tree and locate the node within
-- the primary tree that contains that root. Add a mapping from the node in the primary tree to
-- the root in the child tree to the {injections} table.
local root = parser:parse()[1]:root()
local injections = {}
parser:for_each_child(function(child, lang)
local r = tree:root()
local node = root:named_descendant_for_range(r:range())
if node then
injections[node:id()] = {
lang = lang,
root = r,
local nodes = traverse(root, 0, parser:lang(), injections, {})
local named = {}
for _, v in ipairs(nodes) do
if v.named then
named[#named + 1] = v
local t = {
ns = api.nvim_create_namespace(''),
nodes = nodes,
named = named,
opts = {
anon = false,
lang = false,
setmetatable(t, self)
self.__index = self
return t
--- Write the contents of this Playground into {bufnr}.
---@param bufnr number Buffer number to write into.
function M.draw(self, bufnr)
vim.bo[bufnr].modifiable = true
local lines = {}
for _, item in self:iter() do
lines[#lines + 1] = table.concat({
string.rep(' ', item.depth),
item.lnum == item.end_lnum
and string.format(' [%d:%d-%d]', item.lnum + 1, item.col + 1, item.end_col)
or string.format(
' [%d:%d-%d:%d]',
item.lnum + 1,
item.col + 1,
item.end_lnum + 1,
self.opts.lang and string.format(' %s', item.lang) or '',
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines)
vim.bo[bufnr].modifiable = false
--- Get node {i} from this Playground object.
--- The node number is dependent on whether or not anonymous nodes are displayed.
---@param i number Node number to get
---@return Node
function M.get(self, i)
local t = self.opts.anon and self.nodes or self.named
return t[i]
--- Iterate over all of the nodes in this Playground object.
---@return function Iterator over all nodes in this Playground
---@return table
---@return number
function M.iter(self)
return ipairs(self.opts.anon and self.nodes or self.named)
return M