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synced 2024-12-19 18:55:14 -07:00
vim-patch:01a4fb1: runtime(java): Compose "g:java_highlight_signature" and "g:java_highlight_functions"
With the variables defined, distinctly highlight parts of
a method declaration header: its name and parameter list
parens, from its type parameters, return type, and formal
parameters; and distinctly highlight parts of a lambda
expression: its parameter list parens and the arrow, from
its formal parameters and identifiers.
closes: vim/vim#15083
Co-authored-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1560,6 +1560,13 @@ However, if you follow the Java guidelines about how functions and classes are
supposed to be named (with respect to upper- and lowercase) and there is any
amount of indentation, you may want to set >
:let java_highlight_functions="style"
In addition, you can combine any value of "java_highlight_functions" with >
:let java_highlight_signature=1
to have the name of a function with its parameter list parens distinctly
highlighted from its type parameters, return type, and formal parameters; and
to have the parameter list parens of a lambda expression with its arrow
distinctly highlighted from its formal parameters or identifiers.
If neither setting does work for you, but you would still want headers of
function declarations to be highlighted, modify the current syntax definitions
or compose new ones.
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70 AT gmail DOT com>
" Former Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <claudio@fleiner.com>
" Repository: https://github.com/zzzyxwvut/java-vim.git
" Last Change: 2024 Jun 19
" Last Change: 2024 Jun 22
" Please check :help java.vim for comments on some of the options available.
@ -139,6 +139,12 @@ else
let [s:ff.Engine, s:ff.UpperCase, s:ff.LowerCase] = repeat([s:ff.RightConstant], 3)
if exists("java_highlight_signature")
let [s:ff.PeekTo, s:ff.PeekFrom, s:ff.GroupArgs] = repeat([s:ff.LeftConstant], 3)
let [s:ff.PeekTo, s:ff.PeekFrom, s:ff.GroupArgs] = repeat([s:ff.RightConstant], 3)
" Java modules (since Java 9, for "module-info.java" file).
if s:module_info_cur_buf
syn keyword javaModuleStorageClass module transitive
@ -228,9 +234,17 @@ if exists("java_highlight_all") || exists("java_highlight_java") || exists("ja
hi def link javaE_ javaExceptions
hi def link javaC_ javaConstant
syn keyword javaLangObject clone equals finalize getClass hashCode
syn keyword javaLangObject notify notifyAll toString wait
hi def link javaLangObject javaConstant
syn keyword javaLangObject getClass notify notifyAll wait
" Lower the syntax priority of overridable java.lang.Object method
" names for zero-width matching (define g:java_highlight_signature
" and see their base declarations for java.lang.Object):
syn match javaLangObject "\<clone\>"
syn match javaLangObject "\<equals\>"
syn match javaLangObject "\<finalize\>"
syn match javaLangObject "\<hashCode\>"
syn match javaLangObject "\<toString\>"
hi def link javaLangObject javaConstant
if filereadable(expand("<sfile>:p:h") . "/javaid.vim")
@ -364,30 +378,49 @@ syn match javaSpecial "\\u\x\x\x\x"
if exists("java_highlight_functions")
syn cluster javaFuncParams contains=javaAnnotation,@javaClasses,javaGenerics,javaType,javaVarArg,javaComment,javaLineComment
if exists("java_highlight_signature")
syn keyword javaParamModifier contained final
syn cluster javaFuncParams add=javaParamModifier
hi def link javaParamModifier javaConceptKind
hi def link javaFuncDefStart javaFuncDef
syn cluster javaFuncParams add=javaScopeDecl,javaConceptKind,javaStorageClass,javaExternal
if java_highlight_functions =~# '^indent[1-8]\=$'
let s:last = java_highlight_functions[-1 :]
let s:indent = s:last != 't' ? repeat("\x20", s:last) : "\t"
syn cluster javaFuncParams add=javaScopeDecl,javaConceptKind,javaStorageClass,javaExternal
" Try to not match other type members, initialiser blocks, enum
" constants (JLS-17, §8.9.1), and constructors (JLS-17, §8.1.7):
" at any _conventional_ indentation, skip over all fields with
" "[^=]*", all records with "\<record\s", and let the "*Skip*"
" definitions take care of constructor declarations and enum
" constants (with no support for @Foo(value = "bar")).
exec 'syn region javaFuncDef start=+^' . s:indent . '\%(<[^>]\+>\+\s\+\|\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)\+\)\=\%(\<\K\k*\>\.\)*\K\k*\>[^=]*\%(\<record\)\@' . s:ff.Peek('6', '') . '<!\s\K\k*\s*(+ end=+)+ contains=@javaFuncParams'
" constants (with no support for @Foo(value = "bar")). Also,
" reject inlined declarations with "[^{]" for signature.
exec 'syn region javaFuncDef ' . s:ff.GroupArgs('transparent matchgroup=javaFuncDefStart', '') . ' start=/' . s:ff.PeekTo('\%(', '') . '^' . s:indent . '\%(<[^>]\+>\+\s\+\|\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)\+\)\=\%(\<\K\k*\>\.\)*\K\k*\>[^={]*\%(\<record\)\@' . s:ff.Peek('6', '') . '<!\s' . s:ff.PeekFrom('\)\@' . s:ff.Peek('80', '') . '<=', '') . '\K\k*\s*(/ end=/)/ contains=@javaFuncParams'
" As long as package-private constructors cannot be matched with
" javaFuncDef, do not look with javaConstructorSkipDeclarator for
" them.
exec 'syn match javaConstructorSkipDeclarator transparent +^' . s:indent . '\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)*p\%(ublic\|rotected\|rivate\)\s\+\%(<[^>]\+>\+\s\+\)\=\K\k*\s*\ze(+ contains=javaAnnotation,javaScopeDecl'
exec 'syn match javaEnumSkipArgumentativeConstant transparent +^' . s:indent . '\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)*\K\k*\s*\ze(+ contains=javaAnnotation'
exec 'syn match javaConstructorSkipDeclarator transparent /^' . s:indent . '\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)*p\%(ublic\|rotected\|rivate\)\s\+\%(<[^>]\+>\+\s\+\)\=\K\k*\s*\ze(/ contains=javaAnnotation,javaScopeDecl,javaClassDecl,javaTypedef,javaGenerics'
" With a zero-width span for signature applicable on demand to
" javaFuncDef, make related adjustments:
" (1) Claim all enum constants of a line as a unit.
exec 'syn match javaEnumSkipConstant contained transparent /^' . s:indent . '\%(\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)*\K\k*\s*\%((.*)\)\=\s*[,;({]\s*\)\+/ contains=@javaEnumConstants'
" (2) Define a syntax group for top level enumerations and tell
" apart their constants from method declarations.
exec 'syn region javaTopEnumDeclaration transparent start=/\%(^\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)*\%(p\%(ublic\|rotected\|rivate\)\s\+\)\=\%(strictfp\s\+\)\=\<enum\_s\+\)\@' . s:ff.Peek('80', '') . '<=\K\k*\%(\_s\+implements\_s.\+\)\=\_s*{/ end=/}/ contains=@javaTop,javaEnumSkipConstant'
" (3) Define a base variant of javaParenT without using @javaTop
" in order to not include javaFuncDef.
syn region javaParenE transparent matchgroup=javaParen start="(" end=")" contains=@javaEnumConstants,javaInParen
syn region javaParenE transparent matchgroup=javaParen start="\[" end="\]" contains=@javaEnumConstants
syn cluster javaEnumConstants contains=TOP,javaTopEnumDeclaration,javaFuncDef,javaParenT
unlet s:indent s:last
" This is the "style" variant (:help ft-java-syntax).
syn cluster javaFuncParams add=javaScopeDecl,javaConceptKind,javaStorageClass,javaExternal
" Match arbitrarily indented camelCasedName method declarations.
" Match: [@ɐ] [abstract] [<α, β>] Τʬ[<γ>][[][]] μʭʭ(/* ... */);
exec 'syn region javaFuncDef start=/' . s:ff.Engine('\%#=2', '') . '^\s\+\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)*\%(p\%(ublic\|rotected\|rivate\)\s\+\)\=\%(\%(abstract\|default\)\s\+\|\%(\%(final\|\%(native\|strictfp\)\|s\%(tatic\|ynchronized\)\)\s\+\)*\)\=\%(<.*[[:space:]-]\@' . s:ff.Peek('1', '') . '<!>\s\+\)\=\%(void\|\%(b\%(oolean\|yte\)\|char\|short\|int\|long\|float\|double\|\%(\<\K\k*\>\.\)*\<' . s:ff.UpperCase('[$_[:upper:]]', '[^a-z0-9]') . '\k*\>\%(<[^(){}]*[[:space:]-]\@' . s:ff.Peek('1', '') . '<!>\)\=\)\%(\[\]\)*\)\s\+\<' . s:ff.LowerCase('[$_[:lower:]]', '[^A-Z0-9]') . '\k*\>\s*(/ end=/)/ skip=/\/\*.\{-}\*\/\|\/\/.*$/ contains=@javaFuncParams'
exec 'syn region javaFuncDef ' . s:ff.GroupArgs('transparent matchgroup=javaFuncDefStart', '') . ' start=/' . s:ff.Engine('\%#=2', '') . s:ff.PeekTo('\%(', '') . '^\s\+\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\)\s\+\)*\%(p\%(ublic\|rotected\|rivate\)\s\+\)\=\%(\%(abstract\|default\)\s\+\|\%(\%(final\|\%(native\|strictfp\)\|s\%(tatic\|ynchronized\)\)\s\+\)*\)\=\%(<.*[[:space:]-]\@' . s:ff.Peek('1', '') . '<!>\s\+\)\=\%(void\|\%(b\%(oolean\|yte\)\|char\|short\|int\|long\|float\|double\|\%(\<\K\k*\>\.\)*\<' . s:ff.UpperCase('[$_[:upper:]]', '[^a-z0-9]') . '\k*\>\%(<[^(){}]*[[:space:]-]\@' . s:ff.Peek('1', '') . '<!>\)\=\)\%(\[\]\)*\)\s\+' . s:ff.PeekFrom('\)\@' . s:ff.Peek('80', '') . '<=', '') . '\<' . s:ff.LowerCase('[$_[:lower:]]', '[^A-Z0-9]') . '\k*\>\s*(/ end=/)/ skip=/\/\*.\{-}\*\/\|\/\/.*$/ contains=@javaFuncParams'
@ -466,19 +499,29 @@ hi def link javaParenError javaError
" Lambda expressions (JLS-17, §15.27).
if exists("java_highlight_functions")
if exists("java_highlight_signature")
let s:ff.LambdaDef = s:ff.LeftConstant
let s:ff.LambdaDef = s:ff.RightConstant
" Make ()-matching definitions after the parenthesis error catcher.
" Note that here and elsewhere a single-line token is used for \z,
" with other tokens repeated as necessary, to overcome the lack of
" support for multi-line matching with \z.
" Match: ([@A [@B ...] final] var a[, var b, ...]) ->
" | ([@A [@B ...] final] T[<α>][[][]] a[, T b, ...]) ->
" There is no recognition of expressions interspersed with comments
" or of expressions whose parameterised parameter types are written
" across multiple lines.
exec 'syn match javaLambdaDef "\k\@' . s:ff.Peek('4', '') . '<!([[:space:]\n]*\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\%((\_.\{-1,})\)\{-,1}[[:space:]\n]\+\)*\%(final[[:space:]\n]\+\)\=\%(\<\K\k*\>\.\)*\<\K\k*\>\%(<[^(){}]*[[:space:]-]\@' . s:ff.Peek('1', '') . '<!>\)\=\%(\%(\%(\[\]\)\+\|\.\.\.\)\)\=[[:space:]\n]\+\<\K\k*\>\%(\[\]\)*\%(,[[:space:]\n]*\)\=\)\+)[[:space:]\n]*->" contains=javaAnnotation,javaParamModifier,javaLambdaVarType,javaType,@javaClasses,javaGenerics,javaVarArg'
exec 'syn ' . s:ff.LambdaDef('region javaLambdaDef transparent matchgroup=javaLambdaDefStart start=/', 'match javaLambdaDef "') . '\k\@' . s:ff.Peek('4', '') . '<!(' . s:ff.LambdaDef('\%(', '') . '[[:space:]\n]*\%(\%(@\%(\K\k*\.\)*\K\k*\>\%((\_.\{-1,})\)\{-,1}[[:space:]\n]\+\)*\%(final[[:space:]\n]\+\)\=\%(\<\K\k*\>\.\)*\<\K\k*\>\%(<[^(){}]*[[:space:]-]\@' . s:ff.Peek('1', '') . '<!>\)\=\%(\%(\%(\[\]\)\+\|\.\.\.\)\)\=[[:space:]\n]\+\<\K\k*\>\%(\[\]\)*\%(,[[:space:]\n]*\)\=\)\+)[[:space:]\n]*' . s:ff.LambdaDef('\z(->\)\)\@=/ end=/)[[:space:]\n]*\z1/', '->"') . ' contains=javaAnnotation,javaParamModifier,javaLambdaVarType,javaType,@javaClasses,javaGenerics,javaVarArg'
" Match: () ->
" | (a[, b, ...]) ->
exec 'syn match javaLambdaDef "\k\@' . s:ff.Peek('4', '') . '<!([[:space:]\n]*\%(\<\K\k*\>\%(,[[:space:]\n]*\)\=\)*)[[:space:]\n]*->"'
exec 'syn ' . s:ff.LambdaDef('region javaLambdaDef transparent matchgroup=javaLambdaDefStart start=/', 'match javaLambdaDef "') . '\k\@' . s:ff.Peek('4', '') . '<!(' . s:ff.LambdaDef('\%(', '') . '[[:space:]\n]*\%(\<\K\k*\>\%(,[[:space:]\n]*\)\=\)*)[[:space:]\n]*' . s:ff.LambdaDef('\z(->\)\)\@=/ end=/)[[:space:]\n]*\z1/', '->"')
" Match: a ->
exec 'syn match javaLambdaDef "\<\K\k*\>\%(\<default\>\)\@' . s:ff.Peek('7', '') . '<![[:space:]\n]*->"'
exec 'syn ' . s:ff.LambdaDef('region javaLambdaDef transparent start=/', 'match javaLambdaDef "') . '\<\K\k*\>\%(\<default\>\)\@' . s:ff.Peek('7', '') . '<!' . s:ff.LambdaDef('\%([[:space:]\n]*\z(->\)\)\@=/ matchgroup=javaLambdaDefStart end=/\z1/', '[[:space:]\n]*->"')
syn keyword javaParamModifier contained final
hi def link javaParamModifier javaConceptKind
@ -488,7 +531,7 @@ endif
" The @javaTop cluster comprises non-contained Java syntax groups.
" Note that the syntax file "aidl.vim" relies on its availability.
syn cluster javaTop contains=TOP
syn cluster javaTop contains=TOP,javaTopEnumDeclaration
if !exists("java_minlines")
let java_minlines = 10
@ -504,7 +547,8 @@ exec "syn sync ccomment javaComment minlines=" . java_minlines
" The default highlighting.
hi def link javaLambdaDef Function
hi def link javaFuncDef Function
hi def link javaLambdaDefStart Function
hi def link javaFuncDef Function
hi def link javaVarArg Function
hi def link javaBranch Conditional
hi def link javaUserLabelRef javaUserLabel
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