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synced 2024-12-19 10:45:16 -07:00
Merge pull request #31130 from zeertzjq/vim-3780c11
vim-patch: runtime file updates
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
" vim compiler file
" Compiler: cppcheck (C++ static checker)
" Maintainer: Vincent B. (twinside@free.fr)
" Last Change: 2024 oct 17 by @Konfekt
" Last Change: 2024 Nov 08 by @Konfekt
if exists("cppcheck")
if exists("current_compiler") | finish | endif
let current_compiler = "cppcheck"
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo-=C
set cpo&vim
let s:slash = has('win32')? '\' : '/'
@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ let &l:makeprg = 'cppcheck --quiet'
\ (filereadable('compile_commands.json') ? '--project=compile_commands.json' :
\ (!empty(glob('*'..s:slash..'compile_commands.json', 1, 1)) ? '--project='..glob('*'..s:slash..'compile_commands.json', 1, 1)[0] :
\ (empty(&path) ? '' : '-I')..join(map(filter(split(&path, ','), 'isdirectory(v:val)'),'shellescape(v:val)'), ' -I')))))
silent CompilerSet makeprg
exe 'CompilerSet makeprg='..escape(&l:makeprg, ' "')
CompilerSet errorformat=
\%f:%l:%c:\ %tarning:\ %m,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
" Vim compiler file
" Compiler: Mypy (Python static checker)
" Maintainer: @Konfekt
" Last Change: 2024 Nov 07
if exists("current_compiler") | finish | endif
let current_compiler = "mypy"
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" CompilerSet makeprg=mypy
let &l:makeprg = 'mypy --show-column-numbers '
\ ..get(b:, 'mypy_makeprg_params', get(g:, 'mypy_makeprg_params', '--strict --ignore-missing-imports'))
exe 'CompilerSet makeprg='..escape(&l:makeprg, ' "')
CompilerSet errorformat=%f:%l:%c:\ %t%*[^:]:\ %m
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
" Vim compiler file
" Compiler: Pylint for Python
" Maintainer: Daniel Moch <daniel@danielmoch.com>
" Last Change: 2016 May 20
" 2024 Apr 03 by The Vim Project (removed :CompilerSet definition)
" Compiler: Pylint for Python
" Maintainer: Daniel Moch <daniel@danielmoch.com>
" Last Change: 2024 Nov 07 by The Vim Project (added params variable)
if exists("current_compiler")
if exists("current_compiler") | finish | endif
let current_compiler = "pylint"
CompilerSet makeprg=pylint\ --output-format=text\ --msg-template=\"{path}:{line}:{column}:{C}:\ [{symbol}]\ {msg}\"\ --reports=no
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" CompilerSet makeprg=ruff
let &l:makeprg = 'pylint ' .
\ '--output-format=text --msg-template="{path}:{line}:{column}:{C}: [{symbol}] {msg}" --reports=no ' .
\ get(b:, "pylint_makeprg_params", get(g:, "pylint_makeprg_params",
\ (executable('getconf') ? '--jobs='..systemlist('getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN')[0] : '')))
exe 'CompilerSet makeprg='..escape(&l:makeprg, ' "')
CompilerSet errorformat=%A%f:%l:%c:%t:\ %m,%A%f:%l:\ %m,%A%f:(%l):\ %m,%-Z%p^%.%#,%-G%.%#
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
" Vim compiler file
" Compiler: Ruff (Python linter)
" Maintainer: @pbnj-dragon
" Last Change: 2024 Nov 07
if exists("current_compiler") | finish | endif
let current_compiler = "ruff"
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" CompilerSet makeprg=ruff
let &l:makeprg= 'ruff check --output-format=concise '
\ ..get(b:, 'ruff_makeprg_params', get(g:, 'ruff_makeprg_params', '--preview'))
exe 'CompilerSet makeprg='..escape(&l:makeprg, ' "')
CompilerSet errorformat=%f:%l:%c:\ %m,%f:%l:\ %m,%f:%l:%c\ -\ %m,%f:
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
@ -1366,6 +1366,33 @@ being checked. To disable this set g:perl_compiler_force_warnings to a zero
value. For example: >
let g:perl_compiler_force_warnings = 0
MYPY TYPE CHECKER *compiler-mypy*
Commonly used compiler options can be added to 'makeprg' by setting the
b/g:mypy_makeprg_params variable. For example: >
let b:mypy_makeprg_params = "--warn-unused-ignores"
The global default is "--strict --ignore-missing-imports".
RUFF LINTER *compiler-ruff*
Commonly used compiler options can be added to 'makeprg' by setting the
b/g:ruff_makeprg_params variable. For example: >
let b:ruff_makeprg_params = "--max-line-length"..&textwidth
The global default is "--preview".
PYLINT LINTER *compiler-pylint*
Commonly used compiler options can be added to 'makeprg' by setting the
b/g:pylint_makeprg_params variable. For example: >
let b:pylint_makeprg_params = "--max-line-length"..&textwidth
The global default is "--jobs=n" where n is the number of cores as reported
by getconf, if executable. Otherwise it defaults to "".
PYUNIT COMPILER *compiler-pyunit*
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: 8th
" Version: 23.09.01
" Last Change: 2023 Dec 19
" Version: 24.08
" Last Change: 2024 Nov 07
" Maintainer: Ron Aaron <ron@aaron-tech.com>
" URL: https://8th-dev.com/
" Filetypes: *.8th
@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ com! -nargs=+ Builtin syn keyword eighthBuiltin <args>
Builtin gen-secret 2fa:gen-secret gen-url 2fa:gen-url validate-code 2fa:validate-code cb AWS:cb cli AWS:cli
Builtin cmd AWS:cmd cp AWS:cp rc AWS:rc call DBUS:call init DBUS:init + DOM:+ - DOM:- attr! DOM:attr!
Builtin attr@ DOM:attr@ attrs DOM:attrs children DOM:children css-parse DOM:css-parse each DOM:each
Builtin find DOM:find new DOM:new type DOM:type ! G:! !if G:!if #! G:#! ## G:## #if G:#if ' G:' ( G:(
Builtin (* G:(* (:) G:(:) (code) G:(code) (defer) G:(defer) (dump) G:(dump) (getc) G:(getc) (gets) G:(gets)
Builtin cmd AWS:cmd cp AWS:cp rc AWS:rc LIBS DBUS:LIBS call DBUS:call init DBUS:init + DOM:+ - DOM:-
Builtin attr! DOM:attr! attr@ DOM:attr@ attrs DOM:attrs children DOM:children css-parse DOM:css-parse
Builtin each DOM:each find DOM:find new DOM:new type DOM:type ! G:! !if G:!if #! G:#! ## G:## #if G:#if
Builtin ' G:' ( G:( (:) G:(:) (code) G:(code) (defer) G:(defer) (dump) G:(dump) (getc) G:(getc) (gets) G:(gets)
Builtin (interp) G:(interp) (log) G:(log) (needs) G:(needs) (parseln) G:(parseln) (putc) G:(putc) (puts) G:(puts)
Builtin (stat) G:(stat) (with) G:(with) ) G:) +hook G:+hook +ref G:+ref ,# G:,# -- G:-- -----BEGIN G:-----BEGIN
Builtin (stat) G:(stat) (with) G:(with) ) G:) +hook G:+hook +ref G:+ref ,# G:,# -----BEGIN G:-----BEGIN
Builtin -Inf G:-Inf -Inf? G:-Inf? -hook G:-hook -ref G:-ref -rot G:-rot . G:. .# G:.# .hook G:.hook
Builtin .needs G:.needs .r G:.r .s G:.s .s-truncate G:.s-truncate .stats G:.stats .ver G:.ver .with G:.with
Builtin 0; G:0; 2dip G:2dip 2drop G:2drop 2dup G:2dup 2nip G:2nip 2over G:2over 2swap G:2swap 2tuck G:2tuck
Builtin 3drop G:3drop 3drop G:3drop 3dup G:3dup 3rev G:3rev 4drop G:4drop 8thdt? G:8thdt? 8thsku G:8thsku
Builtin 3drop G:3drop 3drop G:3drop 3dup G:3dup 3rev G:3rev 4drop G:4drop 8thdt? G:8thdt? 8thsku? G:8thsku?
Builtin 8thver? G:8thver? 8thvernum? G:8thvernum? : G:: ; G:; ;; G:;; ;;; G:;;; ;with G:;with >clip G:>clip
Builtin >json G:>json >kind G:>kind >n G:>n >r G:>r >s G:>s ?: G:?: ?@ G:?@ @ G:@ BITMAP: G:BITMAP:
@ -59,16 +59,17 @@ Builtin counting-allocations G:counting-allocations cr G:cr critical: G:critica
Builtin curlang G:curlang curry G:curry curry: G:curry: decimal G:decimal default: G:default: defer: G:defer:
Builtin deferred: G:deferred: deg>rad G:deg>rad depth G:depth die G:die dip G:dip drop G:drop dstack G:dstack
Builtin dump G:dump dup G:dup dup>r G:dup>r dup? G:dup? e# G:e# enum: G:enum: error? G:error? eval G:eval
Builtin eval! G:eval! eval0 G:eval0 expect G:expect extra! G:extra! extra@ G:extra@ false G:false fnv G:fnv
Builtin fourth G:fourth free G:free func: G:func: getc G:getc getcwd G:getcwd getenv G:getenv gets G:gets
Builtin handler G:handler header G:header help G:help hex G:hex i: G:i: i; G:i; isa? G:isa? items-used G:items-used
Builtin jcall G:jcall jclass G:jclass jmethod G:jmethod json! G:json! json-8th> G:json-8th> json-nesting G:json-nesting
Builtin json-pretty G:json-pretty json-throw G:json-throw json> G:json> json@ G:json@ k32 G:k32 keep G:keep
Builtin l: G:l: last G:last lib G:lib libbin G:libbin libc G:libc literal G:literal locals: G:locals:
Builtin lock G:lock lock-to G:lock-to locked? G:locked? log G:log log-syslog G:log-syslog log-task G:log-task
Builtin log-time G:log-time log-time-local G:log-time-local long-days G:long-days long-months G:long-months
Builtin longjmp G:longjmp lookup G:lookup loop G:loop loop- G:loop- map? G:map? mark G:mark mark? G:mark?
Builtin mobile? G:mobile? n# G:n# name>os G:name>os name>sem G:name>sem ndrop G:ndrop needs G:needs
Builtin eval! G:eval! eval0 G:eval0 exit G:exit expect G:expect extra! G:extra! extra@ G:extra@ false G:false
Builtin fnv G:fnv fourth G:fourth free G:free func: G:func: getc G:getc getcwd G:getcwd getenv G:getenv
Builtin gets G:gets goto G:goto handler G:handler header G:header help G:help help_db G:help_db here G:here
Builtin hex G:hex i: G:i: i; G:i; isa? G:isa? items-used G:items-used jcall G:jcall jclass G:jclass
Builtin jmethod G:jmethod json! G:json! json-8th> G:json-8th> json-nesting G:json-nesting json-pretty G:json-pretty
Builtin json-throw G:json-throw json> G:json> json@ G:json@ k32 G:k32 keep G:keep l: G:l: last G:last
Builtin lib G:lib libbin G:libbin libc G:libc libimg G:libimg literal G:literal locals: G:locals: lock G:lock
Builtin lock-to G:lock-to locked? G:locked? log G:log log-syslog G:log-syslog log-task G:log-task log-time G:log-time
Builtin log-time-local G:log-time-local long-days G:long-days long-months G:long-months longjmp G:longjmp
Builtin lookup G:lookup loop G:loop loop- G:loop- map? G:map? mark G:mark mark? G:mark? mobile? G:mobile?
Builtin n# G:n# name>os G:name>os name>sem G:name>sem ndrop G:ndrop needs G:needs needs-throws G:needs-throws
Builtin new G:new next-arg G:next-arg nip G:nip noop G:noop not G:not nothrow G:nothrow ns G:ns ns: G:ns:
Builtin ns>ls G:ns>ls ns>s G:ns>s ns? G:ns? null G:null null; G:null; null? G:null? nullvar G:nullvar
Builtin number? G:number? of: G:of: off G:off on G:on onexit G:onexit only G:only op! G:op! or G:or
@ -76,128 +77,132 @@ Builtin os G:os os-names G:os-names os>long-name G:os>long-name os>name G:os>na
Builtin pack G:pack parse G:parse parse-csv G:parse-csv parse-date G:parse-date parsech G:parsech parseln G:parseln
Builtin parsews G:parsews pick G:pick poke G:poke pool-clear G:pool-clear pool-clear-all G:pool-clear-all
Builtin prior G:prior private G:private process-args G:process-args process-args-fancy G:process-args-fancy
Builtin process-args-help G:process-args-help process-args-vars G:process-args-vars prompt G:prompt
Builtin public G:public putc G:putc puts G:puts quote G:quote r! G:r! r> G:r> r@ G:r@ rad>deg G:rad>deg
Builtin rand-jit G:rand-jit rand-jsf G:rand-jsf rand-native G:rand-native rand-normal G:rand-normal
Builtin rand-pcg G:rand-pcg rand-pcg-seed G:rand-pcg-seed rand-range G:rand-range rand-select G:rand-select
Builtin randbuf-pcg G:randbuf-pcg random G:random rdrop G:rdrop recurse G:recurse recurse-stack G:recurse-stack
Builtin ref@ G:ref@ reg! G:reg! reg@ G:reg@ regbin@ G:regbin@ remaining-args G:remaining-args repeat G:repeat
Builtin required? G:required? requires G:requires reset G:reset roll G:roll rop! G:rop! rot G:rot rpick G:rpick
Builtin rreset G:rreset rroll G:rroll rstack G:rstack rswap G:rswap rusage G:rusage s>ns G:s>ns same? G:same?
Builtin scriptdir G:scriptdir scriptfile G:scriptfile sem G:sem sem-post G:sem-post sem-rm G:sem-rm
Builtin sem-wait G:sem-wait sem-wait? G:sem-wait? sem>name G:sem>name semi-throw G:semi-throw set-wipe G:set-wipe
Builtin setenv G:setenv setjmp G:setjmp settings! G:settings! settings![] G:settings![] settings@ G:settings@
Builtin settings@? G:settings@? settings@[] G:settings@[] sh G:sh sh$ G:sh$ short-days G:short-days
Builtin short-months G:short-months sleep G:sleep sleep-msec G:sleep-msec sleep-until G:sleep-until
Builtin slog G:slog space G:space stack-check G:stack-check stack-size G:stack-size step G:step sthrow G:sthrow
Builtin string? G:string? struct: G:struct: swap G:swap tab-hook G:tab-hook tell-conflict G:tell-conflict
Builtin tempdir G:tempdir tempfilename G:tempfilename third G:third throw G:throw thrownull G:thrownull
Builtin times G:times tlog G:tlog tri G:tri true G:true tuck G:tuck type-check G:type-check typeassert G:typeassert
Builtin uid G:uid uname G:uname unlock G:unlock unpack G:unpack until G:until until! G:until! while G:while
Builtin while! G:while! with: G:with: word? G:word? words G:words words-like G:words-like words/ G:words/
Builtin xchg G:xchg xor G:xor >auth HTTP:>auth (curry) I:(curry) notimpl I:notimpl sh I:sh trace-word I:trace-word
Builtin call JSONRPC:call auth-string OAuth:auth-string gen-nonce OAuth:gen-nonce params OAuth:params
Builtin call SOAP:call ! a:! + a:+ - a:- / a:/ 2each a:2each 2map a:2map 2map+ a:2map+ 2map= a:2map=
Builtin <> a:<> = a:= @ a:@ @? a:@? _@ a:_@ all a:all any a:any bsearch a:bsearch centroid a:centroid
Builtin clear a:clear close a:close cmp a:cmp diff a:diff dot a:dot each a:each each! a:each! each-par a:each-par
Builtin each-slice a:each-slice exists? a:exists? filter a:filter filter-par a:filter-par generate a:generate
Builtin group a:group indexof a:indexof insert a:insert intersect a:intersect join a:join len a:len
Builtin map a:map map+ a:map+ map-par a:map-par map= a:map= maxlen a:maxlen mean a:mean mean&variance a:mean&variance
Builtin merge a:merge new a:new op! a:op! open a:open pigeon a:pigeon pivot a:pivot pop a:pop push a:push
Builtin process-args-help G:process-args-help prompt G:prompt public G:public putc G:putc puts G:puts
Builtin quote G:quote r! G:r! r> G:r> r@ G:r@ rad>deg G:rad>deg rand-jit G:rand-jit rand-jsf G:rand-jsf
Builtin rand-native G:rand-native rand-normal G:rand-normal rand-pcg G:rand-pcg rand-pcg-seed G:rand-pcg-seed
Builtin rand-range G:rand-range rand-select G:rand-select randbuf-pcg G:randbuf-pcg random G:random
Builtin rdrop G:rdrop recurse G:recurse recurse-stack G:recurse-stack ref@ G:ref@ reg! G:reg! reg@ G:reg@
Builtin regbin@ G:regbin@ remaining-args G:remaining-args repeat G:repeat requires G:requires reset G:reset
Builtin roll G:roll rop! G:rop! rot G:rot rpick G:rpick rreset G:rreset rroll G:rroll rstack G:rstack
Builtin rswap G:rswap rusage G:rusage s>ns G:s>ns same? G:same? scriptdir G:scriptdir scriptfile G:scriptfile
Builtin sem G:sem sem-post G:sem-post sem-rm G:sem-rm sem-wait G:sem-wait sem-wait? G:sem-wait? sem>name G:sem>name
Builtin semi-throw G:semi-throw set-wipe G:set-wipe setenv G:setenv setjmp G:setjmp settings! G:settings!
Builtin settings![] G:settings![] settings@ G:settings@ settings@? G:settings@? settings@[] G:settings@[]
Builtin sh G:sh sh$ G:sh$ short-days G:short-days short-months G:short-months sleep G:sleep sleep-msec G:sleep-msec
Builtin sleep-until G:sleep-until slog G:slog space G:space stack-check G:stack-check stack-size G:stack-size
Builtin step G:step sthrow G:sthrow string? G:string? struct: G:struct: swap G:swap tab-hook G:tab-hook
Builtin tell-conflict G:tell-conflict tempdir G:tempdir tempfilename G:tempfilename third G:third throw G:throw
Builtin thrownull G:thrownull times G:times tlog G:tlog toggle G:toggle tri G:tri true G:true tuck G:tuck
Builtin type-check G:type-check typeassert G:typeassert uid G:uid uname G:uname unlock G:unlock unpack G:unpack
Builtin until G:until until! G:until! while G:while while! G:while! with: G:with: word? G:word? words G:words
Builtin words-like G:words-like words/ G:words/ xchg G:xchg xor G:xor >auth HTTP:>auth (curry) I:(curry)
Builtin appopts I:appopts notimpl I:notimpl sh I:sh trace-word I:trace-word call JSONRPC:call auth-string OAuth:auth-string
Builtin gen-nonce OAuth:gen-nonce params OAuth:params call SOAP:call ! a:! + a:+ - a:- / a:/ 2each a:2each
Builtin 2len a:2len 2map a:2map 2map+ a:2map+ 2map= a:2map= <> a:<> = a:= @ a:@ @? a:@? _@ a:_@ _len a:_len
Builtin all a:all any a:any bsearch a:bsearch centroid a:centroid clear a:clear close a:close cmp a:cmp
Builtin diff a:diff dot a:dot each a:each each! a:each! each-par a:each-par each-slice a:each-slice
Builtin exists? a:exists? filter a:filter filter-par a:filter-par generate a:generate group a:group
Builtin indexof a:indexof insert a:insert intersect a:intersect join a:join len a:len map a:map map+ a:map+
Builtin map-par a:map-par map= a:map= maxlen a:maxlen mean a:mean mean&variance a:mean&variance merge a:merge
Builtin new a:new op! a:op! open a:open pigeon a:pigeon pivot a:pivot pop a:pop push a:push push' a:push'
Builtin qsort a:qsort randeach a:randeach reduce a:reduce reduce+ a:reduce+ remove a:remove rev a:rev
Builtin rindexof a:rindexof shift a:shift shuffle a:shuffle slice a:slice slice+ a:slice+ slide a:slide
Builtin smear a:smear sort a:sort split a:split squash a:squash switch a:switch union a:union uniq a:uniq
Builtin unzip a:unzip x a:x x-each a:x-each xchg a:xchg y a:y zip a:zip 8thdir app:8thdir asset app:asset
Builtin atrun app:atrun atrun app:atrun atrun app:atrun basedir app:basedir basename app:basename config-file-name app:config-file-name
Builtin current app:current datadir app:datadir display-moved app:display-moved exename app:exename
Builtin localechanged app:localechanged lowmem app:lowmem main app:main name app:name oncrash app:oncrash
Builtin opts! app:opts! opts@ app:opts@ orientation app:orientation orientation! app:orientation! pid app:pid
Builtin post-main app:post-main pre-main app:pre-main privdir app:privdir raise app:raise read-config app:read-config
Builtin read-config-map app:read-config-map read-config-var app:read-config-var request-perm app:request-perm
Builtin restart app:restart resumed app:resumed signal app:signal standalone app:standalone subdir app:subdir
Builtin suspended app:suspended sysquit app:sysquit terminated app:terminated timeout app:timeout trap app:trap
Builtin dawn astro:dawn do-dawn astro:do-dawn do-dusk astro:do-dusk do-rise astro:do-rise dusk astro:dusk
Builtin latitude astro:latitude location! astro:location! longitude astro:longitude sunrise astro:sunrise
Builtin genkeys auth:genkeys secret auth:secret session-id auth:session-id session-key auth:session-key
Builtin localechanged app:localechanged lowmem app:lowmem main app:main name app:name onback app:onback
Builtin oncrash app:oncrash opts! app:opts! opts@ app:opts@ orientation app:orientation orientation! app:orientation!
Builtin pid app:pid post-main app:post-main pre-main app:pre-main privdir app:privdir raise app:raise
Builtin read-config app:read-config read-config-map app:read-config-map read-config-var app:read-config-var
Builtin request-perm app:request-perm restart app:restart resumed app:resumed signal app:signal standalone app:standalone
Builtin standalone! app:standalone! subdir app:subdir suspended app:suspended sysquit app:sysquit terminated app:terminated
Builtin ticks app:ticks timeout app:timeout trap app:trap dawn astro:dawn do-dawn astro:do-dawn do-dusk astro:do-dusk
Builtin do-rise astro:do-rise dusk astro:dusk latitude astro:latitude location! astro:location! longitude astro:longitude
Builtin sunrise astro:sunrise genkeys auth:genkeys secret auth:secret session-id auth:session-id session-key auth:session-key
Builtin validate auth:validate ! b:! + b:+ / b:/ 1+ b:1+ 1- b:1- <> b:<> = b:= >base16 b:>base16 >base32 b:>base32
Builtin >base64 b:>base64 >base85 b:>base85 >hex b:>hex >mpack b:>mpack @ b:@ append b:append base16> b:base16>
Builtin base32> b:base32> base64> b:base64> base85> b:base85> bit! b:bit! bit@ b:bit@ clear b:clear
Builtin compress b:compress conv b:conv each b:each each! b:each! each-slice b:each-slice expand b:expand
Builtin fill b:fill getb b:getb hex> b:hex> len b:len mem> b:mem> move b:move mpack-compat b:mpack-compat
Builtin >base64 b:>base64 >base85 b:>base85 >hex b:>hex >mpack b:>mpack @ b:@ ICONVLIBS b:ICONVLIBS
Builtin append b:append base16> b:base16> base32> b:base32> base64> b:base64> base85> b:base85> bit! b:bit!
Builtin bit@ b:bit@ clear b:clear compress b:compress conv b:conv each b:each each! b:each! each-slice b:each-slice
Builtin expand b:expand fill b:fill getb b:getb hex> b:hex> len b:len mem> b:mem> move b:move mpack-compat b:mpack-compat
Builtin mpack-date b:mpack-date mpack-ignore b:mpack-ignore mpack> b:mpack> n! b:n! n+ b:n+ n@ b:n@
Builtin new b:new op b:op op! b:op! pad b:pad rev b:rev search b:search shmem b:shmem slice b:slice
Builtin splice b:splice ungetb b:ungetb unpad b:unpad writable b:writable xor b:xor +block bc:+block
Builtin .blocks bc:.blocks add-block bc:add-block block-hash bc:block-hash block@ bc:block@ first-block bc:first-block
Builtin hash bc:hash last-block bc:last-block load bc:load new bc:new save bc:save set-sql bc:set-sql
Builtin validate bc:validate validate-block bc:validate-block add bloom:add filter bloom:filter in? bloom:in?
Builtin parse bson:parse accept bt:accept ch! bt:ch! ch@ bt:ch@ connect bt:connect disconnect bt:disconnect
Builtin parse bson:parse LIBS bt:LIBS accept bt:accept ch! bt:ch! ch@ bt:ch@ connect bt:connect disconnect bt:disconnect
Builtin init bt:init leconnect bt:leconnect lescan bt:lescan listen bt:listen on? bt:on? read bt:read
Builtin scan bt:scan service? bt:service? services? bt:services? write bt:write * c:* * c:* + c:+ + c:+
Builtin = c:= = c:= >ri c:>ri >ri c:>ri abs c:abs abs c:abs arg c:arg arg c:arg conj c:conj conj c:conj
Builtin im c:im n> c:n> new c:new new c:new re c:re (.hebrew) cal:(.hebrew) (.islamic) cal:(.islamic)
Builtin .hebrew cal:.hebrew .islamic cal:.islamic >hebepoch cal:>hebepoch >jdn cal:>jdn Adar cal:Adar
Builtin Adar2 cal:Adar2 Adar2 cal:Adar2 Av cal:Av Elul cal:Elul Heshvan cal:Heshvan Iyar cal:Iyar Kislev cal:Kislev
Builtin Nissan cal:Nissan Shevat cal:Shevat Sivan cal:Sivan Tammuz cal:Tammuz Tevet cal:Tevet Tishrei cal:Tishrei
Builtin days-in-hebrew-year cal:days-in-hebrew-year displaying-hebrew cal:displaying-hebrew fixed>hebrew cal:fixed>hebrew
Builtin fixed>islamic cal:fixed>islamic gershayim cal:gershayim hanukkah cal:hanukkah hebrew-epoch cal:hebrew-epoch
Builtin hebrew>fixed cal:hebrew>fixed hebrewtoday cal:hebrewtoday hmonth-name cal:hmonth-name islamic.epoch cal:islamic.epoch
Builtin islamic>fixed cal:islamic>fixed islamictoday cal:islamictoday jdn> cal:jdn> last-day-of-hebrew-month cal:last-day-of-hebrew-month
Builtin = c:= = c:= >polar c:>polar >polar c:>polar >ri c:>ri >ri c:>ri ^ c:^ ^ c:^ abs c:abs abs c:abs
Builtin arg c:arg arg c:arg conj c:conj conj c:conj im c:im im c:im log c:log log c:log n> c:n> n> c:n>
Builtin new c:new new c:new polar> c:polar> polar> c:polar> re c:re re c:re (.hebrew) cal:(.hebrew)
Builtin (.islamic) cal:(.islamic) .hebrew cal:.hebrew .islamic cal:.islamic >hebepoch cal:>hebepoch
Builtin >jdn cal:>jdn Adar cal:Adar Adar2 cal:Adar2 Av cal:Av Elul cal:Elul Heshvan cal:Heshvan Iyar cal:Iyar
Builtin Kislev cal:Kislev Nissan cal:Nissan Shevat cal:Shevat Sivan cal:Sivan Tammuz cal:Tammuz Tevet cal:Tevet
Builtin Tishrei cal:Tishrei days-in-hebrew-year cal:days-in-hebrew-year displaying-hebrew cal:displaying-hebrew
Builtin fixed>hebrew cal:fixed>hebrew fixed>islamic cal:fixed>islamic gershayim cal:gershayim hanukkah cal:hanukkah
Builtin hebrew-epoch cal:hebrew-epoch hebrew-leap-year? cal:hebrew-leap-year? hebrew>fixed cal:hebrew>fixed
Builtin hebrewtoday cal:hebrewtoday hmonth-name cal:hmonth-name islamic.epoch cal:islamic.epoch islamic>fixed cal:islamic>fixed
Builtin islamictoday cal:islamictoday jdn> cal:jdn> last-day-of-hebrew-month cal:last-day-of-hebrew-month
Builtin number>hebrew cal:number>hebrew omer cal:omer pesach cal:pesach purim cal:purim rosh-chodesh? cal:rosh-chodesh?
Builtin rosh-hashanah cal:rosh-hashanah shavuot cal:shavuot taanit-esther cal:taanit-esther tisha-beav cal:tisha-beav
Builtin yom-haatsmaut cal:yom-haatsmaut yom-kippur cal:yom-kippur >redir con:>redir accept con:accept
Builtin accept-nl con:accept-nl accept-pwd con:accept-pwd alert con:alert ansi? con:ansi? black con:black
Builtin blue con:blue clreol con:clreol cls con:cls ctrld-empty con:ctrld-empty cyan con:cyan down con:down
Builtin file>history con:file>history free con:free getxy con:getxy gotoxy con:gotoxy green con:green
Builtin history-handler con:history-handler history>file con:history>file key con:key key? con:key?
Builtin left con:left load-history con:load-history magenta con:magenta max-history con:max-history
Builtin onBlack con:onBlack onBlue con:onBlue onCyan con:onCyan onGreen con:onGreen onMagenta con:onMagenta
Builtin onRed con:onRed onWhite con:onWhite onYellow con:onYellow print con:print red con:red redir> con:redir>
Builtin redir? con:redir? right con:right save-history con:save-history size? con:size? up con:up white con:white
Builtin yellow con:yellow >aes128gcm cr:>aes128gcm >aes256gcm cr:>aes256gcm >cp cr:>cp >cpe cr:>cpe
Builtin >decrypt cr:>decrypt >edbox cr:>edbox >encrypt cr:>encrypt >nbuf cr:>nbuf >rsabox cr:>rsabox
Builtin >uuid cr:>uuid aad? cr:aad? aes128box-sig cr:aes128box-sig aes128gcm> cr:aes128gcm> aes256box-sig cr:aes256box-sig
Builtin aes256gcm> cr:aes256gcm> aesgcm cr:aesgcm blakehash cr:blakehash chacha20box-sig cr:chacha20box-sig
Builtin chachapoly cr:chachapoly cipher! cr:cipher! cipher@ cr:cipher@ ciphers cr:ciphers cp> cr:cp>
Builtin cpe> cr:cpe> decrypt cr:decrypt decrypt+ cr:decrypt+ decrypt> cr:decrypt> ebox-sig cr:ebox-sig
Builtin ecc-curves cr:ecc-curves ecc-genkey cr:ecc-genkey ecc-secret cr:ecc-secret ecc-sign cr:ecc-sign
Builtin ecc-verify cr:ecc-verify ed25519 cr:ed25519 ed25519-secret cr:ed25519-secret ed25519-sign cr:ed25519-sign
Builtin ed25519-verify cr:ed25519-verify edbox-sig cr:edbox-sig edbox> cr:edbox> encrypt cr:encrypt
Builtin encrypt+ cr:encrypt+ encrypt> cr:encrypt> ensurekey cr:ensurekey genkey cr:genkey hash cr:hash
Builtin hash! cr:hash! hash+ cr:hash+ hash>b cr:hash>b hash>s cr:hash>s hash@ cr:hash@ hashes cr:hashes
Builtin hmac cr:hmac hotp cr:hotp iv? cr:iv? pem-read cr:pem-read pem-write cr:pem-write pwd-valid? cr:pwd-valid?
Builtin pwd/ cr:pwd/ pwd>hash cr:pwd>hash rand cr:rand randbuf cr:randbuf randkey cr:randkey restore cr:restore
Builtin root-certs cr:root-certs rsa_decrypt cr:rsa_decrypt rsa_encrypt cr:rsa_encrypt rsa_sign cr:rsa_sign
Builtin rsa_verify cr:rsa_verify rsabox-sig cr:rsabox-sig rsabox> cr:rsabox> rsagenkey cr:rsagenkey
Builtin yom-haatsmaut cal:yom-haatsmaut yom-kippur cal:yom-kippur >hsva clr:>hsva complement clr:complement
Builtin dist clr:dist gradient clr:gradient hsva> clr:hsva> invert clr:invert nearest-name clr:nearest-name
Builtin parse clr:parse >redir con:>redir accept con:accept accept-nl con:accept-nl accept-pwd con:accept-pwd
Builtin alert con:alert ansi? con:ansi? black con:black blue con:blue clreol con:clreol cls con:cls
Builtin ctrld-empty con:ctrld-empty cyan con:cyan down con:down file>history con:file>history free con:free
Builtin getxy con:getxy gotoxy con:gotoxy green con:green history-handler con:history-handler history>file con:history>file
Builtin init con:init key con:key key? con:key? left con:left load-history con:load-history magenta con:magenta
Builtin max-history con:max-history onBlack con:onBlack onBlue con:onBlue onCyan con:onCyan onGreen con:onGreen
Builtin onMagenta con:onMagenta onRed con:onRed onWhite con:onWhite onYellow con:onYellow print con:print
Builtin red con:red redir> con:redir> redir? con:redir? right con:right save-history con:save-history
Builtin size? con:size? up con:up white con:white yellow con:yellow >aes128gcm cr:>aes128gcm >aes256gcm cr:>aes256gcm
Builtin >cp cr:>cp >cpe cr:>cpe >decrypt cr:>decrypt >edbox cr:>edbox >encrypt cr:>encrypt >nbuf cr:>nbuf
Builtin >rsabox cr:>rsabox >uuid cr:>uuid aad? cr:aad? aes128box-sig cr:aes128box-sig aes128gcm> cr:aes128gcm>
Builtin aes256box-sig cr:aes256box-sig aes256gcm> cr:aes256gcm> aesgcm cr:aesgcm blakehash cr:blakehash
Builtin chacha20box-sig cr:chacha20box-sig chachapoly cr:chachapoly cipher! cr:cipher! cipher@ cr:cipher@
Builtin ciphers cr:ciphers cp> cr:cp> cpe> cr:cpe> decrypt cr:decrypt decrypt+ cr:decrypt+ decrypt> cr:decrypt>
Builtin ebox-sig cr:ebox-sig ecc-curves cr:ecc-curves ecc-genkey cr:ecc-genkey ecc-secret cr:ecc-secret
Builtin ecc-sign cr:ecc-sign ecc-verify cr:ecc-verify ed25519 cr:ed25519 ed25519-secret cr:ed25519-secret
Builtin ed25519-sign cr:ed25519-sign ed25519-verify cr:ed25519-verify edbox-sig cr:edbox-sig edbox> cr:edbox>
Builtin encrypt cr:encrypt encrypt+ cr:encrypt+ encrypt> cr:encrypt> ensurekey cr:ensurekey genkey cr:genkey
Builtin hash cr:hash hash! cr:hash! hash+ cr:hash+ hash>b cr:hash>b hash>s cr:hash>s hash@ cr:hash@
Builtin hashes cr:hashes hmac cr:hmac hotp cr:hotp iv? cr:iv? pem-read cr:pem-read pem-write cr:pem-write
Builtin pwd-valid? cr:pwd-valid? pwd/ cr:pwd/ pwd>hash cr:pwd>hash rand cr:rand randbuf cr:randbuf
Builtin randkey cr:randkey restore cr:restore root-certs cr:root-certs rsa_decrypt cr:rsa_decrypt rsa_encrypt cr:rsa_encrypt
Builtin rsa_sign cr:rsa_sign rsa_verify cr:rsa_verify rsabox-sig cr:rsabox-sig rsabox> cr:rsabox> rsagenkey cr:rsagenkey
Builtin save cr:save sbox-sig cr:sbox-sig sha1-hmac cr:sha1-hmac shard cr:shard tag? cr:tag? totp cr:totp
Builtin totp-epoch cr:totp-epoch totp-time-step cr:totp-time-step unshard cr:unshard uuid cr:uuid uuid> cr:uuid>
Builtin validate-pgp-sig cr:validate-pgp-sig validate-pwd cr:validate-pwd + d:+ +day d:+day +hour d:+hour
Builtin +min d:+min +msec d:+msec - d:- .time d:.time / d:/ = d:= >fixed d:>fixed >hmds d:>hmds >hmds: d:>hmds:
Builtin >msec d:>msec >unix d:>unix >ymd d:>ymd ?= d:?= Fri d:Fri Mon d:Mon Sat d:Sat Sun d:Sun Thu d:Thu
Builtin Tue d:Tue Wed d:Wed adjust-dst d:adjust-dst alarm d:alarm approx! d:approx! approx? d:approx?
Builtin approximates! d:approximates! between d:between cmp d:cmp d. d:d. default-now d:default-now
Builtin validate-pgp-sig cr:validate-pgp-sig validate-pwd cr:validate-pwd (.time) d:(.time) + d:+ +day d:+day
Builtin +hour d:+hour +min d:+min +msec d:+msec - d:- .time d:.time / d:/ = d:= >fixed d:>fixed >hmds d:>hmds
Builtin >hmds: d:>hmds: >msec d:>msec >unix d:>unix >ymd d:>ymd ?= d:?= Fri d:Fri Mon d:Mon Sat d:Sat
Builtin Sun d:Sun Thu d:Thu Tue d:Tue Wed d:Wed adjust-dst d:adjust-dst alarm d:alarm approx! d:approx!
Builtin approx? d:approx? approximates! d:approximates! between d:between cmp d:cmp d. d:d. default-now d:default-now
Builtin doy d:doy dst-ofs d:dst-ofs dst? d:dst? dstinfo d:dstinfo dstquery d:dstquery dstzones? d:dstzones?
Builtin elapsed-timer d:elapsed-timer elapsed-timer-hmds d:elapsed-timer-hmds elapsed-timer-msec d:elapsed-timer-msec
Builtin elapsed-timer-seconds d:elapsed-timer-seconds first-dow d:first-dow fixed> d:fixed> fixed>dow d:fixed>dow
Builtin format d:format join d:join last-dow d:last-dow last-month d:last-month last-week d:last-week
Builtin last-year d:last-year msec d:msec msec> d:msec> new d:new next-dow d:next-dow next-month d:next-month
Builtin next-week d:next-week next-year d:next-year parse d:parse parse-approx d:parse-approx parse-range d:parse-range
Builtin prev-dow d:prev-dow rfc5322 d:rfc5322 start-timer d:start-timer ticks d:ticks ticks/sec d:ticks/sec
Builtin timer d:timer timer-ctrl d:timer-ctrl tzadjust d:tzadjust unix> d:unix> unknown d:unknown unknown? d:unknown?
Builtin updatetz d:updatetz year@ d:year@ ymd d:ymd ymd> d:ymd> add-func db:add-func aes! db:aes! again? db:again?
Builtin last-year d:last-year leap? d:leap? mdays d:mdays msec d:msec msec> d:msec> new d:new next-dow d:next-dow
Builtin next-month d:next-month next-week d:next-week next-year d:next-year parse d:parse parse-approx d:parse-approx
Builtin parse-range d:parse-range prev-dow d:prev-dow rfc5322 d:rfc5322 start-timer d:start-timer ticks d:ticks
Builtin ticks/sec d:ticks/sec timer d:timer timer-ctrl d:timer-ctrl tzadjust d:tzadjust unix> d:unix>
Builtin unknown d:unknown unknown? d:unknown? updatetz d:updatetz year@ d:year@ ymd d:ymd ymd> d:ymd>
Builtin MYSQLLIB db:MYSQLLIB ODBCLIB db:ODBCLIB add-func db:add-func aes! db:aes! again? db:again?
Builtin begin db:begin bind db:bind bind-exec db:bind-exec bind-exec{} db:bind-exec{} close db:close
Builtin col db:col col{} db:col{} commit db:commit db db:db dbpush db:dbpush disuse db:disuse each db:each
Builtin err-handler db:err-handler exec db:exec exec-cb db:exec-cb exec-name db:exec-name exec{} db:exec{}
Builtin get db:get get-sub db:get-sub key db:key kind? db:kind? last-rowid db:last-rowid mysql? db:mysql?
Builtin odbc? db:odbc? open db:open open? db:open? prep-name db:prep-name prepare db:prepare query db:query
Builtin query-all db:query-all rekey db:rekey rollback db:rollback set db:set set-sub db:set-sub sql@ db:sql@
Builtin sql[] db:sql[] sql[np] db:sql[np] sql{np} db:sql{np} sql{} db:sql{} use db:use zip db:zip bp dbg:bp
Builtin bt dbg:bt except-task@ dbg:except-task@ go dbg:go line-info dbg:line-info prompt dbg:prompt
Builtin stop dbg:stop trace dbg:trace trace-enter dbg:trace-enter trace-leave dbg:trace-leave / f:/
Builtin >posix f:>posix abspath f:abspath absrel f:absrel append f:append associate f:associate atime f:atime
Builtin autodel f:autodel canwrite? f:canwrite? chmod f:chmod close f:close copy f:copy copydir f:copydir
Builtin create f:create ctime f:ctime dir? f:dir? dname f:dname eachbuf f:eachbuf eachline f:eachline
Builtin enssep f:enssep eof? f:eof? exec f:exec exists? f:exists? flush f:flush fname f:fname getb f:getb
Builtin getc f:getc getline f:getline getmod f:getmod glob f:glob glob-links f:glob-links glob-nocase f:glob-nocase
Builtin sql[] db:sql[] sql[np] db:sql[np] sql{np} db:sql{np} sql{} db:sql{} use db:use zip db:zip .state dbg:.state
Builtin bp dbg:bp bt dbg:bt except-task@ dbg:except-task@ go dbg:go prompt dbg:prompt see dbg:see stop dbg:stop
Builtin trace dbg:trace trace-enter dbg:trace-enter trace-leave dbg:trace-leave pso ds:pso / f:/ >posix f:>posix
Builtin abspath f:abspath absrel f:absrel append f:append associate f:associate atime f:atime autodel f:autodel
Builtin canwrite? f:canwrite? chmod f:chmod close f:close copy f:copy copydir f:copydir create f:create
Builtin ctime f:ctime dir? f:dir? dname f:dname eachbuf f:eachbuf eachline f:eachline enssep f:enssep
Builtin eof? f:eof? exec f:exec exists? f:exists? flush f:flush fname f:fname getb f:getb getc f:getc
Builtin getline f:getline getmod f:getmod glob f:glob glob-links f:glob-links glob-nocase f:glob-nocase
Builtin gunz f:gunz homedir f:homedir homedir! f:homedir! include f:include ioctl f:ioctl join f:join
Builtin launch f:launch link f:link link> f:link> link? f:link? lock f:lock mkdir f:mkdir mmap f:mmap
Builtin mmap-range f:mmap-range mmap-range? f:mmap-range? mtime f:mtime mv f:mv name@ f:name@ open f:open
@ -209,9 +214,9 @@ Builtin ungetc f:ungetc unzip f:unzip unzip-entry f:unzip-entry watch f:watch w
Builtin zip+ f:zip+ zip@ f:zip@ zipentry f:zipentry zipnew f:zipnew zipopen f:zipopen zipsave f:zipsave
Builtin atlas! font:atlas! atlas@ font:atlas@ default-size font:default-size default-size@ font:default-size@
Builtin info font:info ls font:ls measure font:measure new font:new oversample font:oversample pixels font:pixels
Builtin pixels? font:pixels? system font:system system font:system distance geo:distance km/deg-lat geo:km/deg-lat
Builtin km/deg-lon geo:km/deg-lon nearest geo:nearest +edge gr:+edge +edge+w gr:+edge+w +node gr:+node
Builtin connect gr:connect edges gr:edges edges! gr:edges! m! gr:m! m@ gr:m@ neighbors gr:neighbors
Builtin pixels? font:pixels? system font:system system font:system media? g:media? distance geo:distance
Builtin km/deg-lat geo:km/deg-lat km/deg-lon geo:km/deg-lon nearest geo:nearest +edge gr:+edge +edge+w gr:+edge+w
Builtin +node gr:+node connect gr:connect edges gr:edges edges! gr:edges! m! gr:m! m@ gr:m@ neighbors gr:neighbors
Builtin new gr:new node-edges gr:node-edges nodes gr:nodes traverse gr:traverse weight! gr:weight!
Builtin + h:+ clear h:clear cmp! h:cmp! len h:len max! h:max! new h:new peek h:peek pop h:pop push h:push
Builtin unique h:unique parse html:parse arm? hw:arm? camera hw:camera camera-img hw:camera-img camera-limits hw:camera-limits
@ -219,163 +224,171 @@ Builtin camera? hw:camera? cpu? hw:cpu? device? hw:device? displays? hw:display
Builtin finger-match hw:finger-match finger-support hw:finger-support gpio hw:gpio gpio! hw:gpio! gpio-mmap hw:gpio-mmap
Builtin gpio@ hw:gpio@ i2c hw:i2c i2c! hw:i2c! i2c!reg hw:i2c!reg i2c@ hw:i2c@ i2c@reg hw:i2c@reg isround? hw:isround?
Builtin iswatch? hw:iswatch? mac? hw:mac? mem? hw:mem? model? hw:model? poll hw:poll sensor hw:sensor
Builtin start hw:start stop hw:stop uid? hw:uid? fetch-full imap:fetch-full fetch-uid-mail imap:fetch-uid-mail
Builtin start hw:start stop hw:stop touch? hw:touch? uid? hw:uid? fetch-full imap:fetch-full fetch-uid-mail imap:fetch-uid-mail
Builtin login imap:login logout imap:logout new imap:new search imap:search select-inbox imap:select-inbox
Builtin >file img:>file >fmt img:>fmt copy img:copy crop img:crop data img:data desat img:desat draw img:draw
Builtin draw-sub img:draw-sub fill img:fill fillrect img:fillrect filter img:filter flip img:flip from-svg img:from-svg
Builtin line img:line new img:new pikchr img:pikchr pix! img:pix! pix@ img:pix@ qr-gen img:qr-gen qr-parse img:qr-parse
Builtin rect img:rect rotate img:rotate scale img:scale scroll img:scroll size img:size countries iso:countries
Builtin languages iso:languages utils/help library:utils/help find loc:find sort loc:sort ! m:! !? m:!?
Builtin + m:+ +? m:+? - m:- <> m:<> = m:= >arr m:>arr @ m:@ @? m:@? _! m:_! _@ m:_@ alias m:alias arr> m:arr>
Builtin bitmap m:bitmap clear m:clear data m:data each m:each exists? m:exists? filter m:filter ic m:ic
Builtin iter m:iter iter-all m:iter-all keys m:keys len m:len map m:map merge m:merge new m:new op! m:op!
Builtin open m:open slice m:slice vals m:vals xchg m:xchg zip m:zip ! mat:! * mat:* + mat:+ = mat:=
Builtin @ mat:@ affine mat:affine col mat:col data mat:data det mat:det dim? mat:dim? get-n mat:get-n
Builtin ident mat:ident inv mat:inv m. mat:m. minor mat:minor n* mat:n* new mat:new new-minor mat:new-minor
Builtin rotate mat:rotate row mat:row same-size? mat:same-size? scale mat:scale shear mat:shear trans mat:trans
Builtin translate mat:translate xform mat:xform 2console md:2console 2html md:2html 2nk md:2nk color meta:color
Builtin console meta:console gui meta:gui meta meta:meta ! n:! * n:* */ n:*/ + n:+ +! n:+! - n:- / n:/
Builtin /mod n:/mod 1+ n:1+ 1- n:1- < n:< = n:= > n:> >bool n:>bool BIGE n:BIGE BIGPI n:BIGPI E n:E
Builtin PI n:PI ^ n:^ _mod n:_mod abs n:abs acos n:acos acos n:acos andor n:andor asin n:asin asin n:asin
Builtin atan n:atan atan n:atan atan2 n:atan2 band n:band between n:between bfloat n:bfloat bic n:bic
Builtin languages iso:languages utils/help library:utils/help bearing loc:bearing find loc:find sort loc:sort
Builtin ! m:! !? m:!? + m:+ +? m:+? - m:- <> m:<> = m:= >arr m:>arr @ m:@ @? m:@? _! m:_! _@ m:_@ _@? m:_@?
Builtin alias m:alias arr> m:arr> bitmap m:bitmap clear m:clear data m:data each m:each exists? m:exists?
Builtin filter m:filter ic m:ic iter m:iter iter-all m:iter-all keys m:keys len m:len map m:map merge m:merge
Builtin new m:new op! m:op! open m:open slice m:slice vals m:vals xchg m:xchg zip m:zip ! mat:! * mat:*
Builtin + mat:+ = mat:= @ mat:@ affine mat:affine col mat:col data mat:data det mat:det dim? mat:dim?
Builtin get-n mat:get-n ident mat:ident inv mat:inv m. mat:m. minor mat:minor n* mat:n* new mat:new
Builtin new-minor mat:new-minor rotate mat:rotate row mat:row same-size? mat:same-size? scale mat:scale
Builtin shear mat:shear trans mat:trans translate mat:translate xform mat:xform 2console md:2console
Builtin 2html md:2html 2nk md:2nk color meta:color console meta:console gui meta:gui meta meta:meta
Builtin ! n:! * n:* */ n:*/ + n:+ +! n:+! - n:- / n:/ /mod n:/mod 1+ n:1+ 1- n:1- < n:< = n:= > n:>
Builtin >bool n:>bool BIGE n:BIGE BIGPI n:BIGPI E n:E PI n:PI ^ n:^ _mod n:_mod abs n:abs acos n:acos
Builtin acosd n:acosd acosh n:acosh andor n:andor asin n:asin asind n:asind asinh n:asinh atan n:atan
Builtin atan2 n:atan2 atand n:atand atanh n:atanh band n:band between n:between bfloat n:bfloat bic n:bic
Builtin bint n:bint binv n:binv bnot n:bnot bor n:bor bxor n:bxor cast n:cast ceil n:ceil clamp n:clamp
Builtin cmp n:cmp comb n:comb cos n:cos cosd n:cosd emod n:emod exp n:exp expm1 n:expm1 expmod n:expmod
Builtin float n:float floor n:floor fmod n:fmod frac n:frac gcd n:gcd int n:int invmod n:invmod kind? n:kind?
Builtin lcm n:lcm lerp n:lerp ln n:ln ln1p n:ln1p lnerp n:lnerp max n:max median n:median min n:min
Builtin mod n:mod neg n:neg odd? n:odd? perm n:perm prime? n:prime? quantize n:quantize quantize! n:quantize!
Builtin r+ n:r+ range n:range rot32l n:rot32l rot32r n:rot32r round n:round round2 n:round2 rounding n:rounding
Builtin running-variance n:running-variance running-variance-finalize n:running-variance-finalize sgn n:sgn
Builtin shl n:shl shr n:shr sin n:sin sind n:sind sqr n:sqr sqrt n:sqrt tan n:tan tand n:tand trunc n:trunc
Builtin ~= n:~= ! net:! !? net:!? - net:- >base64url net:>base64url >url net:>url @ net:@ @? net:@?
Builtin REMOTE_IP net:REMOTE_IP STREAM net:STREAM accept net:accept active? net:active? addrinfo>o net:addrinfo>o
Builtin again? net:again? alloc-and-read net:alloc-and-read alloc-buf net:alloc-buf base64url> net:base64url>
Builtin bind net:bind cgi-get net:cgi-get cgi-http-header net:cgi-http-header cgi-init net:cgi-init
Builtin cgi-init-stunnel net:cgi-init-stunnel cgi-out net:cgi-out close net:close closed? net:closed?
Builtin connect net:connect curnet net:curnet debug? net:debug? delete net:delete get net:get getaddrinfo net:getaddrinfo
Builtin getpeername net:getpeername head net:head ifaces? net:ifaces? ipv6? net:ipv6? listen net:listen
Builtin map>url net:map>url mime-type net:mime-type net-socket net:net-socket opts net:opts port-is-ssl? net:port-is-ssl?
Builtin cmp n:cmp comb n:comb cos n:cos cosd n:cosd cosh n:cosh emod n:emod erf n:erf erfc n:erfc exp n:exp
Builtin expm1 n:expm1 expmod n:expmod float n:float floor n:floor fmod n:fmod frac n:frac gcd n:gcd
Builtin int n:int invmod n:invmod kind? n:kind? lcm n:lcm lerp n:lerp ln n:ln ln1p n:ln1p lnerp n:lnerp
Builtin logistic n:logistic max n:max median n:median min n:min mod n:mod neg n:neg odd? n:odd? perm n:perm
Builtin prime? n:prime? quantize n:quantize quantize! n:quantize! r+ n:r+ range n:range rot32l n:rot32l
Builtin rot32r n:rot32r round n:round round2 n:round2 rounding n:rounding running-variance n:running-variance
Builtin running-variance-finalize n:running-variance-finalize sgn n:sgn shl n:shl shr n:shr sin n:sin
Builtin sincos n:sincos sind n:sind sinh n:sinh sqr n:sqr sqrt n:sqrt tan n:tan tand n:tand tanh n:tanh
Builtin trunc n:trunc ~= n:~= ! net:! !? net:!? - net:- >base64url net:>base64url >url net:>url @ net:@
Builtin @? net:@? CGI net:CGI DGRAM net:DGRAM INET4 net:INET4 INET6 net:INET6 PROTO_TCP net:PROTO_TCP
Builtin active? net:active? addrinfo>o net:addrinfo>o again? net:again? alloc-and-read net:alloc-and-read
Builtin alloc-buf net:alloc-buf avail? net:avail? base64url> net:base64url> bind net:bind cgi-get net:cgi-get
Builtin cgi-http-header net:cgi-http-header cgi-init net:cgi-init cgi-init-stunnel net:cgi-init-stunnel
Builtin cgi-out net:cgi-out close net:close closed? net:closed? connect net:connect curnet net:curnet
Builtin debug? net:debug? delete net:delete dns net:dns get net:get getaddrinfo net:getaddrinfo getpeername net:getpeername
Builtin head net:head ifaces? net:ifaces? ipv6? net:ipv6? launch net:launch listen net:listen map>url net:map>url
Builtin mime-type net:mime-type net-socket net:net-socket opts net:opts port-is-ssl? net:port-is-ssl?
Builtin post net:post proxy! net:proxy! put net:put read net:read read-all net:read-all read-buf net:read-buf
Builtin recvfrom net:recvfrom s>url net:s>url sendto net:sendto server net:server setsockopt net:setsockopt
Builtin socket net:socket tcp-connect net:tcp-connect tlserr net:tlserr tlshello net:tlshello udp-connect net:udp-connect
Builtin url> net:url> user-agent net:user-agent vpncheck net:vpncheck wait net:wait webserver net:webserver
Builtin write net:write (begin) nk:(begin) (chart-begin) nk:(chart-begin) (chart-begin-colored) nk:(chart-begin-colored)
Builtin (chart-end) nk:(chart-end) (end) nk:(end) (group-begin) nk:(group-begin) (group-end) nk:(group-end)
Builtin (property) nk:(property) >img nk:>img addfont nk:addfont anti-alias nk:anti-alias any-clicked? nk:any-clicked?
Builtin bounds nk:bounds bounds! nk:bounds! button nk:button button-color nk:button-color button-label nk:button-label
Builtin button-set-behavior nk:button-set-behavior button-symbol nk:button-symbol button-symbol-label nk:button-symbol-label
Builtin center-rect nk:center-rect chart-add-slot nk:chart-add-slot chart-add-slot-colored nk:chart-add-slot-colored
Builtin chart-push nk:chart-push chart-push-slot nk:chart-push-slot checkbox nk:checkbox circle nk:circle
Builtin clicked? nk:clicked? close-this! nk:close-this! close-this? nk:close-this? close? nk:close?
Builtin color-picker nk:color-picker combo nk:combo combo-begin-color nk:combo-begin-color combo-begin-label nk:combo-begin-label
Builtin combo-cb nk:combo-cb combo-end nk:combo-end contextual-begin nk:contextual-begin contextual-close nk:contextual-close
Builtin url> net:url> user-agent net:user-agent valid-email? net:valid-email? vpncheck net:vpncheck
Builtin wait net:wait webserver net:webserver write net:write (begin) nk:(begin) (chart-begin) nk:(chart-begin)
Builtin (chart-begin-colored) nk:(chart-begin-colored) (chart-end) nk:(chart-end) (end) nk:(end) (group-begin) nk:(group-begin)
Builtin (group-end) nk:(group-end) (property) nk:(property) >img nk:>img GLLIBS nk:GLLIBS GLXLIBS nk:GLXLIBS
Builtin addfont nk:addfont anti-alias nk:anti-alias any-clicked? nk:any-clicked? bounds nk:bounds bounds! nk:bounds!
Builtin button nk:button button-color nk:button-color button-label nk:button-label button-set-behavior nk:button-set-behavior
Builtin button-symbol nk:button-symbol button-symbol-label nk:button-symbol-label chart-add-slot nk:chart-add-slot
Builtin chart-add-slot-colored nk:chart-add-slot-colored chart-push nk:chart-push chart-push-slot nk:chart-push-slot
Builtin checkbox nk:checkbox circle nk:circle clicked? nk:clicked? close-this! nk:close-this! close-this? nk:close-this?
Builtin close? nk:close? color-chooser nk:color-chooser color-picker nk:color-picker combo nk:combo
Builtin combo-begin-color nk:combo-begin-color combo-begin-label nk:combo-begin-label combo-cb nk:combo-cb
Builtin combo-end nk:combo-end contextual-begin nk:contextual-begin contextual-close nk:contextual-close
Builtin contextual-end nk:contextual-end contextual-item-image-text nk:contextual-item-image-text contextual-item-symbol-text nk:contextual-item-symbol-text
Builtin contextual-item-text nk:contextual-item-text cp! nk:cp! cp@ nk:cp@ curpos nk:curpos cursor-load nk:cursor-load
Builtin cursor-set nk:cursor-set cursor-show nk:cursor-show display-info nk:display-info display@ nk:display@
Builtin do nk:do down? nk:down? draw-image nk:draw-image draw-image-at nk:draw-image-at draw-image-centered nk:draw-image-centered
Builtin draw-sub-image nk:draw-sub-image draw-text nk:draw-text draw-text-centered nk:draw-text-centered
Builtin draw-text-high nk:draw-text-high draw-text-wrap nk:draw-text-wrap drivers nk:drivers edit-focus nk:edit-focus
Builtin edit-string nk:edit-string event nk:event event-boost nk:event-boost event-msec nk:event-msec
Builtin event-wait nk:event-wait event? nk:event? fill-arc nk:fill-arc fill-circle nk:fill-circle fill-color nk:fill-color
Builtin fill-poly nk:fill-poly fill-rect nk:fill-rect fill-rect-color nk:fill-rect-color fill-triangle nk:fill-triangle
Builtin finger nk:finger flags! nk:flags! flags@ nk:flags@ flash nk:flash fullscreen nk:fullscreen
Builtin gesture nk:gesture get nk:get get-row-height nk:get-row-height getfont nk:getfont getmap nk:getmap
Builtin getmap! nk:getmap! gl? nk:gl? grid nk:grid grid-push nk:grid-push group-scroll-ofs nk:group-scroll-ofs
Builtin group-scroll-ofs! nk:group-scroll-ofs! hovered? nk:hovered? hrule nk:hrule image nk:image init nk:init
Builtin input-button nk:input-button input-key nk:input-key input-motion nk:input-motion input-scroll nk:input-scroll
Builtin input-string nk:input-string key-down? nk:key-down? key-pressed? nk:key-pressed? key-released? nk:key-released?
Builtin label nk:label label-colored nk:label-colored label-wrap nk:label-wrap label-wrap-colored nk:label-wrap-colored
Builtin layout-bounds nk:layout-bounds layout-grid-begin nk:layout-grid-begin layout-grid-end nk:layout-grid-end
Builtin layout-push-dynamic nk:layout-push-dynamic layout-push-static nk:layout-push-static layout-push-variable nk:layout-push-variable
Builtin layout-ratio-from-pixel nk:layout-ratio-from-pixel layout-reset-row-height nk:layout-reset-row-height
Builtin layout-row nk:layout-row layout-row-begin nk:layout-row-begin layout-row-dynamic nk:layout-row-dynamic
Builtin layout-row-end nk:layout-row-end layout-row-height nk:layout-row-height layout-row-push nk:layout-row-push
Builtin layout-row-static nk:layout-row-static layout-row-template-begin nk:layout-row-template-begin
Builtin draw-text-high nk:draw-text-high draw-text-wrap nk:draw-text-wrap driver nk:driver drivers nk:drivers
Builtin dropped nk:dropped dropping nk:dropping edit-focus nk:edit-focus edit-string nk:edit-string
Builtin event nk:event event-boost nk:event-boost event-msec nk:event-msec event-wait nk:event-wait
Builtin event? nk:event? fill-arc nk:fill-arc fill-circle nk:fill-circle fill-color nk:fill-color fill-poly nk:fill-poly
Builtin fill-rect nk:fill-rect fill-rect-color nk:fill-rect-color fill-triangle nk:fill-triangle finger nk:finger
Builtin flags! nk:flags! flags@ nk:flags@ flash nk:flash fullscreen nk:fullscreen gesture nk:gesture
Builtin get nk:get get-row-height nk:get-row-height getfont nk:getfont getmap nk:getmap getmap! nk:getmap!
Builtin gl? nk:gl? grid nk:grid grid-peek nk:grid-peek grid-push nk:grid-push group-scroll-ofs nk:group-scroll-ofs
Builtin group-scroll-ofs! nk:group-scroll-ofs! hints nk:hints hovered? nk:hovered? hrule nk:hrule image nk:image
Builtin init nk:init input-button nk:input-button input-key nk:input-key input-motion nk:input-motion
Builtin input-scroll nk:input-scroll input-string nk:input-string key-down? nk:key-down? key-pressed? nk:key-pressed?
Builtin key-released? nk:key-released? knob nk:knob label nk:label label-colored nk:label-colored label-wrap nk:label-wrap
Builtin label-wrap-colored nk:label-wrap-colored layout-bounds nk:layout-bounds layout-grid-begin nk:layout-grid-begin
Builtin layout-grid-end nk:layout-grid-end layout-push-dynamic nk:layout-push-dynamic layout-push-static nk:layout-push-static
Builtin layout-push-variable nk:layout-push-variable layout-ratio-from-pixel nk:layout-ratio-from-pixel
Builtin layout-reset-row-height nk:layout-reset-row-height layout-row nk:layout-row layout-row-begin nk:layout-row-begin
Builtin layout-row-dynamic nk:layout-row-dynamic layout-row-end nk:layout-row-end layout-row-height nk:layout-row-height
Builtin layout-row-push nk:layout-row-push layout-row-static nk:layout-row-static layout-row-template-begin nk:layout-row-template-begin
Builtin layout-row-template-end nk:layout-row-template-end layout-space-begin nk:layout-space-begin
Builtin layout-space-end nk:layout-space-end layout-space-push nk:layout-space-push layout-widget-bounds nk:layout-widget-bounds
Builtin line-rel nk:line-rel line-to nk:line-to list-begin nk:list-begin list-end nk:list-end list-new nk:list-new
Builtin list-range nk:list-range m! nk:m! m@ nk:m@ make-style nk:make-style max-vertex-element nk:max-vertex-element
Builtin list-ofs nk:list-ofs list-range nk:list-range m! nk:m! m@ nk:m@ make-style nk:make-style max-vertex-element nk:max-vertex-element
Builtin maximize nk:maximize measure nk:measure measure-font nk:measure-font menu-begin nk:menu-begin
Builtin menu-close nk:menu-close menu-end nk:menu-end menu-item-image nk:menu-item-image menu-item-label nk:menu-item-label
Builtin menu-item-symbol nk:menu-item-symbol menubar-begin nk:menubar-begin menubar-end nk:menubar-end
Builtin minimize nk:minimize mouse-pos nk:mouse-pos move-back nk:move-back move-rel nk:move-rel move-to nk:move-to
Builtin msg nk:msg msgdlg nk:msgdlg ontop nk:ontop option nk:option pen-color nk:pen-color pen-width nk:pen-width
Builtin plot nk:plot plot-fn nk:plot-fn pop-font nk:pop-font popup-begin nk:popup-begin popup-close nk:popup-close
Builtin popup-end nk:popup-end popup-scroll-ofs nk:popup-scroll-ofs popup-scroll-ofs! nk:popup-scroll-ofs!
Builtin progress nk:progress prop-int nk:prop-int pt-in? nk:pt-in? pt-open nk:pt-open pt>local nk:pt>local
Builtin pt>rect nk:pt>rect pt>screen nk:pt>screen pt>x nk:pt>x pts>rect nk:pts>rect push-font nk:push-font
Builtin raise nk:raise rect! nk:rect! rect-center nk:rect-center rect-intersect nk:rect-intersect rect-ofs nk:rect-ofs
Builtin rect-open nk:rect-open rect-pad nk:rect-pad rect-rel nk:rect-rel rect-shrink nk:rect-shrink
Builtin rect-to nk:rect-to rect-union nk:rect-union rect/high nk:rect/high rect/wide nk:rect/wide rect= nk:rect=
Builtin rect>local nk:rect>local rect>pos nk:rect>pos rect>pts nk:rect>pts rect>pts4 nk:rect>pts4 rect>screen nk:rect>screen
Builtin rect>size nk:rect>size rect>x nk:rect>x rect@ nk:rect@ released? nk:released? render nk:render
Builtin render-timed nk:render-timed restore nk:restore rotate nk:rotate rotate-rel nk:rotate-rel save nk:save
Builtin scale nk:scale scancode? nk:scancode? screen-saver nk:screen-saver screen-size nk:screen-size
Builtin screen-win-close nk:screen-win-close selectable nk:selectable set nk:set set-font nk:set-font
Builtin set-num-vertices nk:set-num-vertices set-radius nk:set-radius setpos nk:setpos setwin nk:setwin
Builtin show nk:show slider nk:slider slider-int nk:slider-int space nk:space spacing nk:spacing stroke-arc nk:stroke-arc
Builtin stroke-circle nk:stroke-circle stroke-curve nk:stroke-curve stroke-line nk:stroke-line stroke-polygon nk:stroke-polygon
Builtin stroke-polyline nk:stroke-polyline stroke-rect nk:stroke-rect stroke-tri nk:stroke-tri style-from-table nk:style-from-table
Builtin swipe nk:swipe swipe-dir-threshold nk:swipe-dir-threshold swipe-threshold nk:swipe-threshold
Builtin text nk:text text-align nk:text-align text-font nk:text-font text-pad nk:text-pad text? nk:text?
Builtin timer-delay nk:timer-delay timer? nk:timer? tooltip nk:tooltip translate nk:translate tree-pop nk:tree-pop
Builtin tree-state-push nk:tree-state-push use-style nk:use-style vsync nk:vsync widget nk:widget widget-bounds nk:widget-bounds
Builtin pix! nk:pix! plot nk:plot plot-fn nk:plot-fn polygon nk:polygon pop-font nk:pop-font popup-begin nk:popup-begin
Builtin popup-close nk:popup-close popup-end nk:popup-end popup-scroll-ofs nk:popup-scroll-ofs popup-scroll-ofs! nk:popup-scroll-ofs!
Builtin progress nk:progress prop-int nk:prop-int pt-in? nk:pt-in? pt>local nk:pt>local pt>screen nk:pt>screen
Builtin push-font nk:push-font raise nk:raise rect-rel nk:rect-rel rect-to nk:rect-to rect>local nk:rect>local
Builtin rect>screen nk:rect>screen released? nk:released? render nk:render render-timed nk:render-timed
Builtin rendering nk:rendering restore nk:restore rotate nk:rotate rotate-rel nk:rotate-rel rtl! nk:rtl!
Builtin rtl? nk:rtl? save nk:save scale nk:scale scancode? nk:scancode? screen-saver nk:screen-saver
Builtin screen-size nk:screen-size screen-win-close nk:screen-win-close selectable nk:selectable set nk:set
Builtin set-font nk:set-font set-num-vertices nk:set-num-vertices set-radius nk:set-radius setpos nk:setpos
Builtin setwin nk:setwin show nk:show slider nk:slider slider-int nk:slider-int space nk:space spacing nk:spacing
Builtin stroke-arc nk:stroke-arc stroke-circle nk:stroke-circle stroke-curve nk:stroke-curve stroke-line nk:stroke-line
Builtin stroke-polygon nk:stroke-polygon stroke-polyline nk:stroke-polyline stroke-rect nk:stroke-rect
Builtin stroke-tri nk:stroke-tri style-from-table nk:style-from-table swipe nk:swipe swipe-dir-threshold nk:swipe-dir-threshold
Builtin swipe-threshold nk:swipe-threshold text nk:text text-align nk:text-align text-font nk:text-font
Builtin text-pad nk:text-pad text? nk:text? timer-delay nk:timer-delay timer? nk:timer? toast nk:toast
Builtin tooltip nk:tooltip translate nk:translate tree-pop nk:tree-pop tree-state-push nk:tree-state-push
Builtin triangle nk:triangle use-style nk:use-style vsync nk:vsync widget nk:widget widget-bounds nk:widget-bounds
Builtin widget-disable nk:widget-disable widget-fitting nk:widget-fitting widget-high nk:widget-high
Builtin widget-hovered? nk:widget-hovered? widget-mouse-click-down? nk:widget-mouse-click-down? widget-mouse-clicked? nk:widget-mouse-clicked?
Builtin widget-pos nk:widget-pos widget-size nk:widget-size widget-size nk:widget-size widget-wide nk:widget-wide
Builtin win nk:win win-bounds nk:win-bounds win-bounds! nk:win-bounds! win-close nk:win-close win-closed? nk:win-closed?
Builtin win-collapse nk:win-collapse win-collapsed? nk:win-collapsed? win-content-bounds nk:win-content-bounds
Builtin widget-pos nk:widget-pos widget-size nk:widget-size widget-size-allot nk:widget-size-allot
Builtin widget-wide nk:widget-wide win nk:win win-bounds nk:win-bounds win-bounds! nk:win-bounds! win-close nk:win-close
Builtin win-closed? nk:win-closed? win-collapse nk:win-collapse win-collapsed? nk:win-collapsed? win-content-bounds nk:win-content-bounds
Builtin win-focus nk:win-focus win-focused? nk:win-focused? win-hidden? nk:win-hidden? win-high nk:win-high
Builtin win-hovered? nk:win-hovered? win-pos nk:win-pos win-scroll-ofs nk:win-scroll-ofs win-scroll-ofs! nk:win-scroll-ofs!
Builtin win-show nk:win-show win-size nk:win-size win-wide nk:win-wide win? nk:win? x>pt nk:x>pt x>rect nk:x>rect
Builtin MAX ns:MAX ! o:! + o:+ +? o:+? ??? o:??? @ o:@ class o:class exec o:exec isa o:isa method o:method
Builtin mutate o:mutate new o:new super o:super chroot os:chroot devname os:devname docker? os:docker?
Builtin env os:env lang os:lang locales os:locales notify os:notify power-state os:power-state region os:region
Builtin waitpid os:waitpid bezier pdf:bezier bezierq pdf:bezierq circle pdf:circle color pdf:color
Builtin ellipse pdf:ellipse font pdf:font img pdf:img line pdf:line new pdf:new page pdf:page page-size pdf:page-size
Builtin rect pdf:rect save pdf:save size pdf:size text pdf:text text-rotate pdf:text-rotate text-size pdf:text-size
Builtin text-width pdf:text-width text-wrap pdf:text-wrap text-wrap-rotate pdf:text-wrap-rotate cast ptr:cast
Builtin win-hovered? nk:win-hovered? win-icon! nk:win-icon! win-pos nk:win-pos win-scroll-ofs nk:win-scroll-ofs
Builtin win-scroll-ofs! nk:win-scroll-ofs! win-show nk:win-show win-size nk:win-size win-title! nk:win-title!
Builtin win-wide nk:win-wide win? nk:win? MAX ns:MAX ! o:! + o:+ +? o:+? ??? o:??? @ o:@ class o:class
Builtin exec o:exec isa o:isa method o:method mutate o:mutate new o:new super o:super POSIX os:POSIX
Builtin chroot os:chroot devname os:devname docker? os:docker? env os:env lang os:lang locales os:locales
Builtin notify os:notify power-state os:power-state region os:region waitpid os:waitpid bezier pdf:bezier
Builtin bezierq pdf:bezierq circle pdf:circle color pdf:color ellipse pdf:ellipse font pdf:font img pdf:img
Builtin line pdf:line new pdf:new page pdf:page page-size pdf:page-size rect pdf:rect save pdf:save
Builtin size pdf:size text pdf:text text-rotate pdf:text-rotate text-size pdf:text-size text-width pdf:text-width
Builtin text-wrap pdf:text-wrap text-wrap-rotate pdf:text-wrap-rotate cast ptr:cast deref ptr:deref
Builtin len ptr:len null? ptr:null? pack ptr:pack unpack ptr:unpack unpack_orig ptr:unpack_orig publish pubsub:publish
Builtin qsize pubsub:qsize subscribe pubsub:subscribe + q:+ clear q:clear len q:len new q:new notify q:notify
Builtin overwrite q:overwrite peek q:peek pick q:pick pop q:pop push q:push remove q:remove shift q:shift
Builtin size q:size slide q:slide throwing q:throwing wait q:wait ++match r:++match +/ r:+/ +match r:+match
Builtin / r:/ @ r:@ len r:len match r:match new r:new rx r:rx str r:str * rat:* + rat:+ - rat:- / rat:/
Builtin >n rat:>n >s rat:>s new rat:new proper rat:proper ! s:! * s:* + s:+ - s:- / s:/ /scripts s:/scripts
Builtin <+ s:<+ <> s:<> = s:= =ic s:=ic >base64 s:>base64 >ucs2 s:>ucs2 @ s:@ append s:append base64> s:base64>
Builtin clear s:clear cmp s:cmp cmpi s:cmpi compress s:compress count-match s:count-match days! s:days!
Builtin dist s:dist each s:each each! s:each! eachline s:eachline escape s:escape expand s:expand fill s:fill
Builtin fold s:fold globmatch s:globmatch hexupr s:hexupr insert s:insert intl s:intl intl! s:intl!
Builtin lang s:lang lc s:lc lc? s:lc? len s:len lsub s:lsub ltrim s:ltrim map s:map months! s:months!
Builtin n> s:n> new s:new norm s:norm reduce s:reduce repinsert s:repinsert replace s:replace replace! s:replace!
Builtin rev s:rev rsearch s:rsearch rsub s:rsub rtrim s:rtrim scan-match s:scan-match script? s:script?
Builtin search s:search size s:size slice s:slice soundex s:soundex strfmap s:strfmap strfmt s:strfmt
Builtin term s:term text-wrap s:text-wrap tr s:tr translate s:translate trim s:trim tsub s:tsub uc s:uc
Builtin uc? s:uc? ucs2> s:ucs2> utf8? s:utf8? zt s:zt close sio:close enum sio:enum open sio:open opts! sio:opts!
Builtin opts@ sio:opts@ read sio:read write sio:write @ slv:@ auto slv:auto build slv:build constraint slv:constraint
Builtin dump slv:dump edit slv:edit named-variable slv:named-variable new slv:new relation slv:relation
Builtin reset slv:reset suggest slv:suggest term slv:term update slv:update v[] slv:v[] variable slv:variable
Builtin v{} slv:v{} new smtp:new send smtp:send apply-filter snd:apply-filter devices? snd:devices?
Builtin end-record snd:end-record filter snd:filter freq snd:freq gain snd:gain gain? snd:gain? init snd:init
Builtin len snd:len loop snd:loop loop? snd:loop? mix snd:mix new snd:new pause snd:pause play snd:play
Builtin played snd:played rate snd:rate ready? snd:ready? record snd:record resume snd:resume seek snd:seek
Builtin stop snd:stop stopall snd:stopall volume snd:volume volume? snd:volume? + st:+ . st:. clear st:clear
Builtin len st:len ndrop st:ndrop new st:new op! st:op! peek st:peek pick st:pick pop st:pop push st:push
Builtin roll st:roll shift st:shift size st:size slide st:slide swap st:swap throwing st:throwing >buf struct:>buf
Builtin arr> struct:arr> buf struct:buf buf> struct:buf> byte struct:byte double struct:double field! struct:field!
Builtin / r:/ @ r:@ len r:len match r:match match[] r:match[] matchall[] r:matchall[] new r:new rx r:rx
Builtin str r:str * rat:* + rat:+ - rat:- / rat:/ >n rat:>n >s rat:>s new rat:new proper rat:proper
Builtin ! rect:! /high rect:/high /wide rect:/wide = rect:= >a rect:>a >pts rect:>pts >pts4 rect:>pts4
Builtin @ rect:@ center rect:center center-pt rect:center-pt intersect rect:intersect new rect:new
Builtin new-pt rect:new-pt ofs rect:ofs open rect:open pad rect:pad pos rect:pos pt-open rect:pt-open
Builtin pt>a rect:pt>a pt>rect rect:pt>rect pts> rect:pts> restrict rect:restrict shrink rect:shrink
Builtin size rect:size union rect:union ! s:! * s:* + s:+ - s:- / s:/ /scripts s:/scripts /ws s:/ws
Builtin 2len s:2len <+ s:<+ <> s:<> = s:= =ic s:=ic >base64 s:>base64 >ucs2 s:>ucs2 @ s:@ _len s:_len
Builtin append s:append base64> s:base64> clear s:clear cmp s:cmp cmpi s:cmpi compress s:compress count-match s:count-match
Builtin days! s:days! dist s:dist each s:each each! s:each! eachline s:eachline escape s:escape expand s:expand
Builtin fill s:fill fold s:fold gen-uid s:gen-uid globmatch s:globmatch hexupr s:hexupr insert s:insert
Builtin intl s:intl intl! s:intl! lang s:lang lc s:lc lc? s:lc? len s:len lsub s:lsub ltrim s:ltrim
Builtin map s:map months! s:months! n> s:n> new s:new norm s:norm reduce s:reduce repinsert s:repinsert
Builtin replace s:replace replace! s:replace! rev s:rev rsearch s:rsearch rsub s:rsub rtl s:rtl rtrim s:rtrim
Builtin scan-match s:scan-match script? s:script? search s:search size s:size slice s:slice soundex s:soundex
Builtin strfmap s:strfmap strfmt s:strfmt term s:term text-wrap s:text-wrap tr s:tr translate s:translate
Builtin trim s:trim tsub s:tsub uc s:uc uc? s:uc? ucs2> s:ucs2> utf8? s:utf8? zt s:zt close sio:close
Builtin enum sio:enum open sio:open opts! sio:opts! opts@ sio:opts@ read sio:read write sio:write @ slv:@
Builtin auto slv:auto build slv:build constraint slv:constraint dump slv:dump edit slv:edit named-variable slv:named-variable
Builtin new slv:new relation slv:relation reset slv:reset suggest slv:suggest term slv:term update slv:update
Builtin v[] slv:v[] variable slv:variable v{} slv:v{} new smtp:new send smtp:send apply-filter snd:apply-filter
Builtin devices? snd:devices? end-record snd:end-record filter snd:filter freq snd:freq gain snd:gain
Builtin gain? snd:gain? init snd:init len snd:len loop snd:loop loop? snd:loop? mix snd:mix new snd:new
Builtin pause snd:pause play snd:play played snd:played rate snd:rate ready? snd:ready? record snd:record
Builtin resume snd:resume seek snd:seek stop snd:stop stopall snd:stopall volume snd:volume volume? snd:volume?
Builtin + st:+ . st:. clear st:clear dot-depth st:dot-depth len st:len list st:list ndrop st:ndrop
Builtin new st:new op! st:op! peek st:peek pick st:pick pop st:pop push st:push roll st:roll shift st:shift
Builtin size st:size slide st:slide swap st:swap throwing st:throwing >buf struct:>buf arr> struct:arr>
Builtin buf struct:buf buf> struct:buf> byte struct:byte double struct:double field! struct:field!
Builtin field@ struct:field@ float struct:float ignore struct:ignore int struct:int long struct:long
Builtin struct; struct:struct; word struct:word ! t:! @ t:@ by-name t:by-name cor t:cor cor-drop t:cor-drop
Builtin curtask t:curtask def-queue t:def-queue def-stack t:def-stack done? t:done? dtor t:dtor err! t:err!
Builtin err? t:err? errno? t:errno? extra t:extra getq t:getq handler t:handler handler@ t:handler@
Builtin kill t:kill list t:list main t:main max-exceptions t:max-exceptions name! t:name! name@ t:name@
Builtin notify t:notify parent t:parent pop t:pop priority t:priority push t:push push! t:push! q-notify t:q-notify
Builtin q-wait t:q-wait qlen t:qlen result t:result set-affinity t:set-affinity setq t:setq start t:start
Builtin task t:task task-n t:task-n task-stop t:task-stop ticks t:ticks wait t:wait yield t:yield yield! t:yield!
Builtin add tree:add binary tree:binary bk tree:bk btree tree:btree cmp! tree:cmp! data tree:data del tree:del
Builtin find tree:find iter tree:iter next tree:next nodes tree:nodes parent tree:parent parse tree:parse
Builtin prev tree:prev root tree:root search tree:search trie tree:trie ! w:! (is) w:(is) @ w:@ alias: w:alias:
Builtin cb w:cb deprecate w:deprecate dlcall w:dlcall dlopen w:dlopen dlsym w:dlsym exec w:exec exec? w:exec?
Builtin ffifail w:ffifail find w:find forget w:forget is w:is name w:name undo w:undo close ws:close
Builtin decode ws:decode encode ws:encode encode-nomask ws:encode-nomask gen-accept-header ws:gen-accept-header
Builtin struct; struct:struct; word struct:word ! t:! @ t:@ by-name t:by-name curtask t:curtask def-queue t:def-queue
Builtin def-stack t:def-stack done? t:done? dtor t:dtor err! t:err! err? t:err? errno? t:errno? extra t:extra
Builtin getq t:getq handler t:handler handler@ t:handler@ kill t:kill list t:list main t:main max-exceptions t:max-exceptions
Builtin name! t:name! name@ t:name@ notify t:notify parent t:parent pop t:pop priority t:priority push t:push
Builtin push! t:push! q-notify t:q-notify q-wait t:q-wait qlen t:qlen result t:result set-affinity t:set-affinity
Builtin setq t:setq task t:task task-n t:task-n task-stop t:task-stop ticks t:ticks wait t:wait add tree:add
Builtin binary tree:binary bk tree:bk btree tree:btree cmp! tree:cmp! data tree:data del tree:del find tree:find
Builtin iter tree:iter next tree:next nodes tree:nodes parent tree:parent parse tree:parse prev tree:prev
Builtin root tree:root search tree:search trie tree:trie ! w:! (is) w:(is) @ w:@ alias: w:alias: cb w:cb
Builtin deprecate w:deprecate dlcall w:dlcall dlopen w:dlopen dlsym w:dlsym exec w:exec exec? w:exec?
Builtin ffifail w:ffifail find w:find forget w:forget is w:is name w:name undo w:undo xt w:xt xt> w:xt>
Builtin close ws:close decode ws:decode encode ws:encode encode-nomask ws:encode-nomask gen-accept-header ws:gen-accept-header
Builtin gen-accept-key ws:gen-accept-key opcodes ws:opcodes open ws:open >s xml:>s >txt xml:>txt md-init xml:md-init
Builtin md-parse xml:md-parse parse xml:parse parse-html xml:parse-html parse-stream xml:parse-stream
Builtin getmsg[] zmq:getmsg[] sendmsg[] zmq:sendmsg[]
@ -413,8 +426,9 @@ syn match eighthBuiltin /db:bind-exec\[]/
syn match eighthBuiltin /db:exec\[]/
syn match eighthBuiltin /db:col\[]/
syn region eighthComment start="\zs\\" end="$" contains=eighthTodo
syn region eighthComment start="\zs\\" end="$" contains=eighthTodo,@Spell
syn region eighthComment start="\zs--\s" end="$" contains=eighthTodo,@Spell
syn region eighthComment start="\zs(\*\_[:space:]" end="\_[:space:]\*)\ze" contains=eightTodo,@Spell
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overriden later.
hi def link eighthTodo Todo
@ -452,6 +466,7 @@ hi def link jsonArray Special
hi def link jsonNull Function
hi def link jsonBool Boolean
delcommand Builtin
let b:current_syntax = "8th"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Structurizr DSL
" Maintainer: Bastian Venthur <venthur@debian.org>
" Last Change: 2022-05-22
" Last Change: 2024-11-06
" Remark: For a language reference, see
" https://github.com/structurizr/dsl
" https://docs.structurizr.com/dsl/language
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@ -20,7 +19,11 @@ syn region scomment start="/\*" end="\*/"
" keywords
syn keyword skeyword animation
syn keyword skeyword autoLayout
syn keyword skeyword background
syn keyword skeyword border
syn keyword skeyword branding
syn keyword skeyword color
syn keyword skeyword colour
syn keyword skeyword component
syn keyword skeyword configuration
syn keyword skeyword container
@ -37,48 +40,74 @@ syn keyword skeyword element
syn keyword skeyword enterprise
syn keyword skeyword exclude
syn keyword skeyword filtered
syn keyword skeyword font
syn keyword skeyword fontsize
syn keyword skeyword group
syn keyword skeyword healthcheck
syn keyword skeyword height
syn keyword skeyword icon
syn keyword skeyword image
syn keyword skeyword include
syn keyword skeyword infrastructurenode
syn keyword skeyword instances
syn keyword skeyword logo
syn keyword skeyword metadata
syn keyword skeyword model
syn keyword skeyword opacity
syn keyword skeyword person
syn keyword skeyword perspectives
syn keyword skeyword properties
syn keyword skeyword relationship
syn keyword skeyword routing
syn keyword skeyword scope
syn keyword skeyword shape
syn keyword skeyword softwaresystem
syn keyword skeyword softwaresysteminstance
syn keyword skeyword stroke
syn keyword skeyword strokewidth
syn keyword skeyword styles
syn keyword skeyword systemcontext
syn keyword skeyword systemlandscape
syn keyword skeyword tag
syn keyword skeyword tags
syn keyword skeyword technology
syn keyword skeyword terminology
syn keyword skeyword theme
syn keyword skeyword themes
syn keyword skeyword thickness
syn keyword skeyword this
syn keyword skeyword title
syn keyword skeyword url
syn keyword skeyword users
syn keyword skeyword views
syn keyword skeyword visibility
syn keyword skeyword width
syn keyword skeyword workspace
syn match skeyword "\!adrs\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!constant\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!components\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!docs\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!element\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!elements\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!extend\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!identifiers\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!impliedrelationships\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!include\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!plugin\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!ref\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!relationship\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!relationships\s\+"
syn match skeyword "\!script\s\+"
syn region sstring oneline start='"' end='"'
syn region sblock start='{' end='}' fold transparent
syn match soperator "\->\s+"
hi def link sstring string
hi def link scomment comment
hi def link skeyword keyword
hi def link soperator operator
let b:current_syntax = "structurizr"
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