ex_cmds: verify invalid command name

This commit is contained in:
Björn Linse 2021-06-16 21:15:02 +02:00
parent 7685fc9ecd
commit b6ff02e27b

View File

@ -1464,17 +1464,15 @@ static char_u * do_one_cmd(char_u **cmdlinep,
if (ea.cmdidx == CMD_SIZE) { if (ea.cmdidx == CMD_SIZE) {
if (!ea.skip) { if (!ea.skip) {
STRCPY(IObuff, _("E492: Not an editor command")); STRCPY(IObuff, _("E492: Not an editor command"));
// If the modifier was parsed OK the error must be in the following
// command
char_u *cmdname = after_modifier ? after_modifier : *cmdlinep;
if (!(flags & DOCMD_VERBOSE)) { if (!(flags & DOCMD_VERBOSE)) {
// If the modifier was parsed OK the error must be in the following append_command(cmdname);
// command
if (after_modifier != NULL) {
} else {
} }
errormsg = IObuff; errormsg = IObuff;
did_emsg_syntax = TRUE; did_emsg_syntax = true;
} }
goto doend; goto doend;
} }
@ -9626,3 +9624,293 @@ Dictionary commands_array(buf_T *buf)
} }
return rv; return rv;
} }
void verify_command(char_u *cmd)
if (strcmp("smile", (char *)cmd)) {
return; // acceptable non-existing command
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