docs: Remove 'osfiletype' remnants

Even when this was finally removed 6 months ago in b2b920f, it had
already been disabled for a while. Due to this, just remove all remnants
of the option as opposed to putting a placeholder like what was done for
'shortname'and 'cryptmethod'.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Reed 2014-12-08 20:59:09 -05:00
parent 365cf90efb
commit a08e31368f
7 changed files with 3 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -268,38 +268,6 @@ the 'runtimepath' for a directory to use. If there isn't one, set
'runtimepath' in the |system-vimrc|. Be careful to keep the default 'runtimepath' in the |system-vimrc|. Be careful to keep the default
directories! directories!
NOTE: this code is currently disabled, as the RISC OS implementation was
removed. In the future this will use the 'filetype' option.
On operating systems which support storing a file type with the file, you can
specify that an autocommand should only be executed if the file is of a
certain type.
The actual type checking depends on which platform you are running Vim
on; see your system's documentation for details.
To use osfiletype checking in an autocommand you should put a list of types to
match in angle brackets in place of a pattern, like this: >
:au BufRead *.html,<&faf;HTML> runtime! syntax/html.vim
This will match:
- Any file whose name ends in ".html"
- Any file whose type is "&faf" or "HTML", where the meaning of these types
depends on which version of Vim you are using.
Unknown types are considered NOT to match.
You can also specify a type and a pattern at the same time (in which case they
must both match): >
:au BufRead <&fff>diff*
This will match files of type "&fff" whose names start with "diff".
*plugin-details* *plugin-details*
The "plugin" directory can be in any of the directories in the 'runtimepath' The "plugin" directory can be in any of the directories in the 'runtimepath'
option. All of these directories will be searched for plugins and they are option. All of these directories will be searched for plugins and they are

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@ -5204,14 +5204,6 @@ A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
security reasons. security reasons.
*'osfiletype'* *'oft'*
'osfiletype' 'oft' string (default: "")
local to buffer
{not in Vi}
This option was supported on RISC OS, which has been removed.
*'paragraphs'* *'para'* *'paragraphs'* *'para'*
'paragraphs' 'para' string (default "IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp") 'paragraphs' 'para' string (default "IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp")
global global

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@ -802,7 +802,6 @@ Short explanation of each option: *option-list*
'omnifunc' 'ofu' function for filetype-specific completion 'omnifunc' 'ofu' function for filetype-specific completion
'opendevice' 'odev' allow reading/writing devices on MS-Windows 'opendevice' 'odev' allow reading/writing devices on MS-Windows
'operatorfunc' 'opfunc' function to be called for |g@| operator 'operatorfunc' 'opfunc' function to be called for |g@| operator
'osfiletype' 'oft' no longer supported
'paragraphs' 'para' nroff macros that separate paragraphs 'paragraphs' 'para' nroff macros that separate paragraphs
'paste' allow pasting text 'paste' allow pasting text
'pastetoggle' 'pt' key code that causes 'paste' to toggle 'pastetoggle' 'pt' key code that causes 'paste' to toggle

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@ -3820,8 +3820,6 @@ GUI:
Autocommands: Autocommands:
9 Rework the code from FEAT_OSFILETYPE for autocmd-osfiletypes to use
'filetype'. Only for when the current buffer is known.
- Put autocommand event names in a hashtable for faster lookup? - Put autocommand event names in a hashtable for faster lookup?
8 When the SwapExists event is triggered, provide information about the 8 When the SwapExists event is triggered, provide information about the
swap file, e.g., whether the process is running, file was modified, etc. swap file, e.g., whether the process is running, file was modified, etc.

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@ -1099,13 +1099,8 @@ if has("quickfix")
endif endif
if has("msdos") || has("win16") || has("win32") || has("osfiletype") if has("msdos") || has("win16") || has("win32")
call <SID>Header("system specific") call <SID>Header("system specific")
if has("osfiletype")
call append("$", "osfiletype\tOS-specific information about the type of file")
call append("$", "\t(local to buffer)")
call <SID>OptionL("oft")
if has("msdos") || has("win16") || has("win32") if has("msdos") || has("win16") || has("win32")
call append("$", "shellslash\tuse forward slashes in file names; for Unix-like shells") call append("$", "shellslash\tuse forward slashes in file names; for Unix-like shells")
call <SID>BinOptionG("ssl", &ssl) call <SID>BinOptionG("ssl", &ssl)

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@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ syn keyword vimOption contained ai ambw ari aw backupext beval brk buflisted cdp
syn keyword vimOption contained akm anti arshape awa backupskip bex browsedir buftype cedit cindent clipboard cole complete crb cscopetagorder csto cwh dg dip eadirection ek equalprg ex fdi fen fileencoding fk foldcolumn foldmethod formatoptions gd go guifont guitabtooltip hid hkp iconstring imc imsearch inde insertmode iskeyword keymodel laststatus lisp lpl magic maxfuncdepth menuitems mm modifiable mousem mps number opendevice paste pex pmbcs printencoding prompt rdt report rlc ruler scb scs sessionoptions shellquote shiftround showfulltag sidescrolloff smarttab sp spf srr startofline suffixes switchbuf ta tagrelative tbis textauto timeout tm ts ttybuiltin tx undolevels vbs viewdir wak weirdinvert wic wildmenu winfixheight wiv wop writebackup syn keyword vimOption contained akm anti arshape awa backupskip bex browsedir buftype cedit cindent clipboard cole complete crb cscopetagorder csto cwh dg dip eadirection ek equalprg ex fdi fen fileencoding fk foldcolumn foldmethod formatoptions gd go guifont guitabtooltip hid hkp iconstring imc imsearch inde insertmode iskeyword keymodel laststatus lisp lpl magic maxfuncdepth menuitems mm modifiable mousem mps number opendevice paste pex pmbcs printencoding prompt rdt report rlc ruler scb scs sessionoptions shellquote shiftround showfulltag sidescrolloff smarttab sp spf srr startofline suffixes switchbuf ta tagrelative tbis textauto timeout tm ts ttybuiltin tx undolevels vbs viewdir wak weirdinvert wic wildmenu winfixheight wiv wop writebackup
syn keyword vimOption contained al antialias autochdir background balloondelay bexpr bk bs casemap cf cink cmdheight colorcolumn completefunc copyindent cscopeverbose csverb debug dict dir eb enc errorbells expandtab fdl fenc fileencodings fkmap foldenable foldminlines formatprg gdefault gp guifontset helpfile hidden hl ignorecase imcmdline imsf indentexpr is isp keywordprg lazyredraw lispwords ls makeef maxmapdepth mfd mmd modified mousemodel msm numberwidth operatorfunc pastetoggle pexpr pmbfn printexpr pt re restorescreen rnu rulerformat scr sect sft shellredir shiftwidth showmatch siso smc spc spl ss statusline suffixesadd sws tabline tags tbs textmode timeoutlen to tsl ttyfast uc undoreload vdir viewoptions warn wfh wig wildmode winfixwidth wiw wrap writedelay syn keyword vimOption contained al antialias autochdir background balloondelay bexpr bk bs casemap cf cink cmdheight colorcolumn completefunc copyindent cscopeverbose csverb debug dict dir eb enc errorbells expandtab fdl fenc fileencodings fkmap foldenable foldminlines formatprg gdefault gp guifontset helpfile hidden hl ignorecase imcmdline imsf indentexpr is isp keywordprg lazyredraw lispwords ls makeef maxmapdepth mfd mmd modified mousemodel msm numberwidth operatorfunc pastetoggle pexpr pmbfn printexpr pt re restorescreen rnu rulerformat scr sect sft shellredir shiftwidth showmatch siso smc spc spl ss statusline suffixesadd sws tabline tags tbs textmode timeoutlen to tsl ttyfast uc undoreload vdir viewoptions warn wfh wig wildmode winfixwidth wiw wrap writedelay
syn keyword vimOption contained aleph ar autoindent backspace ballooneval bg bkc bsdir cb cfu cinkeys cmdwinheight columns completeopt cot cscopepathcomp cspc cuc deco dictionary directory ed encoding errorfile exrc fdls fencs fileformat flp foldexpr foldnestmax fp gfm grepformat guifontwide helpheight highlight hlg im imd imstatusfunc indentkeys isf isprint km lbr list lsp makeprg maxmem mh mmp more mouses mzq nuw opfunc patchexpr pfn popt printfont pumheight readonly revins ro runtimepath scroll sections sh shellslash shm showmode sj smd spell splitbelow ssl stl sw sxe tabpagemax tagstack tenc textwidth title toolbar tsr ttym udf updatecount ve viminfo wb wfw wildchar wildoptions winheight wm wrapmargin ws syn keyword vimOption contained aleph ar autoindent backspace ballooneval bg bkc bsdir cb cfu cinkeys cmdwinheight columns completeopt cot cscopepathcomp cspc cuc deco dictionary directory ed encoding errorfile exrc fdls fencs fileformat flp foldexpr foldnestmax fp gfm grepformat guifontwide helpheight highlight hlg im imd imstatusfunc indentkeys isf isprint km lbr list lsp makeprg maxmem mh mmp more mouses mzq nuw opfunc patchexpr pfn popt printfont pumheight readonly revins ro runtimepath scroll sections sh shellslash shm showmode sj smd spell splitbelow ssl stl sw sxe tabpagemax tagstack tenc textwidth title toolbar tsr ttym udf updatecount ve viminfo wb wfw wildchar wildoptions winheight wm wrapmargin ws
syn keyword vimOption contained allowrevins arab autoread backup balloonexpr bh bl bsk cc ch cino cmp com concealcursor cp cscopeprg csprg cul def diff display edcompatible endofline errorformat fcl fdm fex fileformats fml foldignore foldopen fs gfn grepprg guiheadroom helplang history hls imactivatefunc imdisable inc indk isfname joinspaces kmp lcs listchars lw mat maxmempattern mis mmt mouse mouseshape mzquantum odev osfiletype patchmode ph preserveindent printheader pvh redrawtime ri rs sb scrollbind secure shcf shelltemp shortmess showtabline slm spellcapcheck splitright ssop stmp swapfile sxq tabstop tal term tf titlelen toolbariconsize ttimeout ttymouse udir updatetime verbose virtualedit wc wh wildcharm wim winminheight wmh wrapscan ww syn keyword vimOption contained allowrevins arab autoread backup balloonexpr bh bl bsk cc ch cino cmp com concealcursor cp cscopeprg csprg cul def diff display edcompatible endofline errorformat fcl fdm fex fileformats fml foldignore foldopen fs gfn grepprg guiheadroom helplang history hls imactivatefunc imdisable inc indk isfname joinspaces kmp lcs listchars lw mat maxmempattern mis mmt mouse mouseshape mzquantum odev patchmode ph preserveindent printheader pvh redrawtime ri rs sb scrollbind secure shcf shelltemp shortmess showtabline slm spellcapcheck splitright ssop stmp swapfile sxq tabstop tal term tf titlelen toolbariconsize ttimeout ttymouse udir updatetime verbose virtualedit wc wh wildcharm wim winminheight wmh wrapscan ww
syn keyword vimOption contained altkeymap arabic autowrite backupcopy bdir bin bomb bt ccv charconvert cinoptions cms comments conceallevel cpo cscopequickfix csqf cursorbind define diffexpr dy ef eol esckeys fcs fdn ff fileignorecase fmr foldlevel foldtext fsync gfs gtl guioptions hf hk hlsearch imactivatekey imi include inex isi js kp linebreak lm lz matchpairs maxmemtot mkspellmem mod mousef mouset nf oft pa path pheader previewheight printmbcharset pvw regexpengine rightleft rtp sbo scrolljump sel shell shq sm so spellfile spr st sts swapsync syn tag tb termbidi tgst titleold top ttimeoutlen ttyscroll ul ur unnamedclip unc verbosefile visualbell syn keyword vimOption contained altkeymap arabic autowrite backupcopy bdir bin bomb bt ccv charconvert cinoptions cms comments conceallevel cpo cscopequickfix csqf cursorbind define diffexpr dy ef eol esckeys fcs fdn ff fileignorecase fmr foldlevel foldtext fsync gfs gtl guioptions hf hk hlsearch imactivatekey imi include inex isi js kp linebreak lm lz matchpairs maxmemtot mkspellmem mod mousef mouset nf pa path pheader previewheight printmbcharset pvw regexpengine rightleft rtp sbo scrolljump sel shell shq sm so spellfile spr st sts swapsync syn tag tb termbidi tgst titleold top ttimeoutlen ttyscroll ul ur unnamedclip unc verbosefile visualbell
" vimOptions: These are the turn-off setting variants {{{2 " vimOptions: These are the turn-off setting variants {{{2
syn keyword vimOption contained noacd noallowrevins noantialias noarabic noarshape noautoread noaw noballooneval nobinary nobk nobuflisted nocin noconfirm nocopyindent nocscoperelative nocsre nocuc nocursorcolumn nodelcombine nodigraph noed noendofline noerrorbells noex nofen nofk nogd nohid nohkmap nohkp nohlsearch noicon noim noimcmdline noimdisable noinf noinsertmode nojoinspaces nolazyredraw nolinebreak nolist nolpl noma nomagic noml nomodeline nomodified nomousef nomousehide nonumber noopendevice nopi nopreviewwindow nopvw norelativenumber norestorescreen nori norl noro noru nosb noscb noscs nosft noshelltemp noshowfulltag noshowmode nosm nosmartindent nosmd nosol nosplitbelow nospr nossl nostartofline noswapfile nota notagrelative notbi notbs noterse notextmode notgst notimeout noto notr nottybuiltin notx noundofile novisualbell nowarn noweirdinvert nowfw nowildignorecase nowinfixheight nowiv nowrap nowrite nowritebackup syn keyword vimOption contained noacd noallowrevins noantialias noarabic noarshape noautoread noaw noballooneval nobinary nobk nobuflisted nocin noconfirm nocopyindent nocscoperelative nocsre nocuc nocursorcolumn nodelcombine nodigraph noed noendofline noerrorbells noex nofen nofk nogd nohid nohkmap nohkp nohlsearch noicon noim noimcmdline noimdisable noinf noinsertmode nojoinspaces nolazyredraw nolinebreak nolist nolpl noma nomagic noml nomodeline nomodified nomousef nomousehide nonumber noopendevice nopi nopreviewwindow nopvw norelativenumber norestorescreen nori norl noro noru nosb noscb noscs nosft noshelltemp noshowfulltag noshowmode nosm nosmartindent nosmd nosol nosplitbelow nospr nossl nostartofline noswapfile nota notagrelative notbi notbs noterse notextmode notgst notimeout noto notr nottybuiltin notx noundofile novisualbell nowarn noweirdinvert nowfw nowildignorecase nowinfixheight nowiv nowrap nowrite nowritebackup

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@ -1179,9 +1179,6 @@ static struct vimoption
{"optimize", "opt", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, {"optimize", "opt", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF,
(char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
{(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT},
{"osfiletype", "oft", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF,
(char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
{(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT},
{"paragraphs", "para", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, {"paragraphs", "para", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF,
(char_u *)&p_para, PV_NONE, (char_u *)&p_para, PV_NONE,
{(char_u *)"IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp", {(char_u *)"IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp",