tree-sitter: improve and cleanup tests

This commit is contained in:
Björn Linse 2019-09-28 09:32:55 +02:00
parent c844f986d4
commit 9fa850991d

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@ -7,34 +7,40 @@ local insert = helpers.insert
local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua
local iswin = helpers.iswin
local feed = helpers.feed
local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err
local matches = helpers.matches
describe('tree-sitter API', function()
describe('treesitter API', function()
-- error tests not requiring a parser library
it('handles basic errors', function()
--eq({false, 'Error executing lua: vim.schedule: expected function'},
-- meth_pcall(meths.execute_lua, "parser = vim.treesitter.create_parser(0, 'nosuchlang')", {}))
it('handles missing language', function()
local path_pat = 'Error executing lua: '..(iswin() and '.+\\vim\\' or '.+/vim/')
matches(path_pat..'treesitter.lua:39: no such language: borklang',
pcall_err(exec_lua, "parser = vim.treesitter.create_parser(0, 'borklang')"))
-- actual message depends on platform
matches('Error executing lua: Failed to load parser: uv_dlopen: .+',
pcall_err(exec_lua, "parser = vim.treesitter.add_language('', 'borklang')"))
eq('Error executing lua: [string "<nvim>"]:1: no such language: borklang',
pcall_err(exec_lua, "parser = vim.treesitter.inspect_language('borklang')"))
local ts_path = os.getenv("TREE_SITTER_DIR")
describe('with C parser', function()
if ts_path == nil then
it("works", function() pending("TREE_SITTER_PATH not set, skipping tree-sitter parser tests") end)
it("works", function() pending("TREE_SITTER_PATH not set, skipping treesitter parser tests") end)
-- TODO the .so/.dylib/.dll thingie
local path = ts_path .. '/bin/c'..(iswin() and '.dll' or '.so')
local path = ...
]], path)
@ -48,6 +54,7 @@ describe('tree-sitter API', function()
parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(0, "c")
tree = parser:parse()
root = tree:root()
lang = vim.treesitter.inspect_language('c')
eq("<tree>", exec_lua("return tostring(tree)"))
@ -59,10 +66,21 @@ describe('tree-sitter API', function()
eq("<node function_definition>", exec_lua("return tostring(child)"))
eq({0,0,2,1}, exec_lua("return {child:range()}"))
eq("function_definition", exec_lua("return child:type()"))
eq(true, exec_lua("return child:named()"))
eq("number", type(exec_lua("return child:symbol()")))
eq({'function_definition', true}, exec_lua("return lang.symbols[child:symbol()]"))
exec_lua("anon = root:descendant_for_range(0,8,0,9)")
eq("(", exec_lua("return anon:type()"))
eq(false, exec_lua("return anon:named()"))
eq("number", type(exec_lua("return anon:symbol()")))
eq({'(', false}, exec_lua("return lang.symbols[anon:symbol()]"))
exec_lua("descendant = root:descendant_for_range(1,2,1,12)")
eq("<node declaration>", exec_lua("return tostring(descendant)"))
eq({1,2,1,12}, exec_lua("return {descendant:range()}"))
eq("(declaration (primitive_type) (init_declarator (identifier) (number_literal)))", exec_lua("return descendant:sexpr()"))
eq("(declaration type: (primitive_type) declarator: (init_declarator declarator: (identifier) value: (number_literal)))", exec_lua("return descendant:sexpr()"))
eq(true, exec_lua("return child == child"))
-- separate lua object, but represents same node
@ -89,6 +107,43 @@ describe('tree-sitter API', function()
eq(true, exec_lua("return parser:parse() == tree2"))
it('inspects language', function()
local keys, fields, symbols = unpack(exec_lua([[
local lang = vim.treesitter.inspect_language('c')
local keys, symbols = {}, {}
for k,_ in pairs(lang) do
keys[k] = true
-- symbols array can have "holes" and is thus not a valid msgpack array
-- but we don't care about the numbers here (checked in the parser test)
for _, v in pairs(lang.symbols) do
table.insert(symbols, v)
return {keys, lang.fields, symbols}
eq({fields=true, symbols=true}, keys)
local fset = {}
for _,f in pairs(fields) do
eq("string", type(f))
fset[f] = true
eq(true, fset["directive"])
eq(true, fset["initializer"])
local has_named, has_anonymous
for _,s in pairs(symbols) do
eq("string", type(s[1]))
eq("boolean", type(s[2]))
if s[1] == "for_statement" and s[2] == true then
has_named = true
elseif s[1] == "|=" and s[2] == false then
has_anonymous = true
eq({true,true}, {has_named,has_anonymous})