Merge pull request #15259 from muniter/muniter/checkhealth-from-lua

feat(checkhealth): support Lua healthchecks
This commit is contained in:
Matthieu Coudron 2021-10-05 11:27:07 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 93a7571fab
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 445 additions and 135 deletions

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@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ endfunction
" Runs all discovered healthchecks if a:plugin_names is empty.
function! health#check(plugin_names) abort
let healthchecks = empty(a:plugin_names)
\ ? s:discover_health_checks()
\ : s:to_fn_names(a:plugin_names)
\ ? s:discover_healthchecks()
\ : s:get_healthcheck(a:plugin_names)
setlocal wrap breakindent linebreak
@ -42,24 +42,28 @@ function! health#check(plugin_names) abort
redraw|echo 'Running healthchecks...'
for c in healthchecks
let output = ''
call append('$', split(printf("\n%s\n%s", c, repeat('=',72)), "\n"))
let [name, func, type] = c
let s:output = []
let output = "\n\n".execute('call '.c.'()')
if func == ''
throw 'healthcheck_not_found'
eval type == 'v' ? call(func, []) : luaeval(func)
if v:exception =~# '^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117.*\V'.c
let output = execute(
\ 'call health#report_error(''No healthcheck found for "'
\ .s:to_plugin_name(c)
\ .'" plugin.'')')
let s:output = [] " Clear the output
if v:exception =~# 'healthcheck_not_found'
call health#report_error('No healthcheck found for "'.name.'" plugin.')
let output = execute(
\ 'call health#report_error(''Failed to run healthcheck for "'
\ .s:to_plugin_name(c)
\ .'" plugin. Exception:''."\n".v:throwpoint."\n".v:exception)')
call health#report_error(printf(
\ "Failed to run healthcheck for \"%s\" plugin. Exception:\n%s\n%s",
\ name, v:throwpoint, v:exception))
call append('$', split(output, "\n") + [''])
let header = [name. ': ' . func, repeat('=', 72)]
" remove empty line after header from report_start
let s:output = s:output[0] == '' ? s:output[1:] : s:output
let s:output = header + s:output + ['']
call append('$', s:output)
@ -71,9 +75,13 @@ function! health#check(plugin_names) abort
redraw|echo ''
function! s:collect_output(output)
let s:output += split(a:output, "\n", 1)
" Starts a new report.
function! health#report_start(name) abort
echo "\n## " . a:name
call s:collect_output("\n## " . a:name)
" Indents lines *except* line 1 of a string if it contains newlines.
@ -119,21 +127,21 @@ endfunction " }}}
" Use {msg} to report information in the current section
function! health#report_info(msg) abort " {{{
echo s:format_report_message('INFO', a:msg)
call s:collect_output(s:format_report_message('INFO', a:msg))
endfunction " }}}
" Reports a successful healthcheck.
function! health#report_ok(msg) abort " {{{
echo s:format_report_message('OK', a:msg)
call s:collect_output(s:format_report_message('OK', a:msg))
endfunction " }}}
" Reports a health warning.
" a:1: Optional advice (string or list)
function! health#report_warn(msg, ...) abort " {{{
if a:0 > 0
echo s:format_report_message('WARNING', a:msg, a:1)
call s:collect_output(s:format_report_message('WARNING', a:msg, a:1))
echo s:format_report_message('WARNING', a:msg)
call s:collect_output(s:format_report_message('WARNING', a:msg))
endfunction " }}}
@ -141,37 +149,52 @@ endfunction " }}}
" a:1: Optional advice (string or list)
function! health#report_error(msg, ...) abort " {{{
if a:0 > 0
echo s:format_report_message('ERROR', a:msg, a:1)
call s:collect_output(s:format_report_message('ERROR', a:msg, a:1))
echo s:format_report_message('ERROR', a:msg)
call s:collect_output(s:format_report_message('ERROR', a:msg))
endfunction " }}}
function! s:filepath_to_function(name) abort
return substitute(substitute(substitute(a:name, '.*autoload[\/]', '', ''),
\ '\.vim', '#check', ''), '[\/]', '#', 'g')
" From a path return a list [{name}, {func}, {type}] representing a healthcheck
function! s:filepath_to_healthcheck(path) abort
if a:path =~# 'vim$'
let name = matchstr(a:path, '\zs[^\/]*\ze\.vim$')
let func = 'health#'.name.'#check'
let type = 'v'
let base_path = substitute(a:path,
\ '.*lua[\/]\(.\{-}\)[\/]health\([\/]init\)\?\.lua$',
\ '\1', '')
let name = substitute(base_path, '[\/]', '.', 'g')
let func = 'require("'.name.'.health").check()'
let type = 'l'
return [name, func, type]
function! s:discover_health_checks() abort
let healthchecks = globpath(&runtimepath, 'autoload/health/*.vim', 1, 1)
let healthchecks = map(healthchecks, '<SID>filepath_to_function(v:val)')
return healthchecks
function! s:discover_healthchecks() abort
return s:get_healthcheck('*')
" Translates a list of plugin names to healthcheck function names.
function! s:to_fn_names(plugin_names) abort
" Returns list of lists [ [{name}, {func}, {type}] ] representing healthchecks
function! s:get_healthcheck(plugin_names) abort
let healthchecks = []
let plugin_names = type('') ==# type(a:plugin_names)
\ ? split(a:plugin_names, '', v:false)
let plugin_names = type('') == type(a:plugin_names)
\ ? split(a:plugin_names, ' ', v:false)
\ : a:plugin_names
for p in plugin_names
call add(healthchecks, 'health#'.p.'#check')
" support vim/lsp/health{/init/}.lua as :checkhealth vim.lsp
let p = substitute(p, '\.', '/', 'g')
let p = substitute(p, '*$', '**', 'g') " find all submodule e.g vim*
let paths = nvim_get_runtime_file('autoload/health/'.p.'.vim', v:true)
\ + nvim_get_runtime_file('lua/**/'.p.'/health/init.lua', v:true)
\ + nvim_get_runtime_file('lua/**/'.p.'/health.lua', v:true)
if len(paths) == 0
let healthchecks += [[p, '', '']] " healthchek not found
let healthchecks += map(uniq(sort(paths)),
return healthchecks
" Extracts 'foo' from 'health#foo#check'.
function! s:to_plugin_name(fn_name) abort
return substitute(a:fn_name,
\ '\v.*health\#(.+)\#check.*', '\1', '')

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ python support, ruby support, clipboard support, and more.
To run the healthchecks, use this command: >
Plugin authors are encouraged to write new healthchecks. |health-dev|
@ -23,32 +23,107 @@ Commands *health-commands*
*:checkhealth* *:CheckHealth*
:checkhealth Run all healthchecks.
Nvim depends on |$VIMRUNTIME| and 'runtimepath' to find
the standard "runtime files" for syntax highlighting,
filetype-specific behavior, and standard plugins
(including :checkhealth). If the runtime files cannot
be found then those features will not work.
Nvim depends on |$VIMRUNTIME|, 'runtimepath' and 'packpath' to
find the standard "runtime files" for syntax highlighting,
filetype-specific behavior, and standard plugins (including
:checkhealth). If the runtime files cannot be found then
those features will not work.
:checkhealth {plugins}
Run healthcheck(s) for one or more plugins. E.g. to run
only the standard Nvim healthcheck: >
:checkhealth nvim
< To run the healthchecks for the "foo" and "bar" plugins
(assuming these plugins are on your 'runtimepath' and
they have implemented health#foo#check() and
health#bar#check(), respectively): >
:checkhealth foo bar
Run healthcheck(s) for one or more plugins. E.g. to run only
the standard Nvim healthcheck: >
:checkhealth nvim
To run the healthchecks for the "foo" and "bar" plugins
(assuming these plugins are on 'runtimepath' or 'packpath' and
they have implemented the Lua or Vimscript interface
require("").check() and health#bar#check(),
respectively): >
:checkhealth foo bar
To run healthchecks for lua submodules, use dot notation or
"*" to refer to all submodules. For example nvim provides
`vim.lsp` and `vim.treesitter` >
:checkhealth vim.lsp vim.treesitter
:checkhealth vim*
Functions *health-functions*
Lua Functions *health-functions-lua* *health-lua*
health.vim functions are for creating new healthchecks. They mostly just do
some layout and formatting, to give users a consistent presentation.
The Lua "health" module can be used to create new healthchecks (see also
|health-functions-vim|). To get started, simply use: >
local health = require('health')
health.report_start({name}) *health.report_start()*
Starts a new report. Most plugins should call this only once, but if
you want different sections to appear in your report, call this once
per section.
health.report_info({msg}) *health.report_info()*
Reports an informational message.
health.report_ok({msg}) *health.report_ok()*
Reports a "success" message.
health.report_warn({msg} [, {advice}]) *health.report_warn()*
Reports a warning. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
health.report_error({msg} [, {advice}]) *health.report_error()*
Reports an error. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
Create a Lua healthcheck *health-dev-lua*
Healthchecks are functions that check the user environment, configuration,
etc. Nvim has built-in healthchecks in $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/health/.
To add a new healthcheck for your own plugin, simply define a Lua module in
your plugin that returns a table with a "check()" function. |:checkhealth|
will automatically find and invoke this function.
If your plugin is named "foo", then its healthcheck module should be a file in
one of these locations on 'runtimepath' or 'packpath':
- `lua/foo/health/init.lua`
- `lua/foo/health.lua`
If your plugin provides a submodule named "bar" for which you want a separate
healthcheck, define the healthcheck at one of these locations on 'runtimepath'
or 'packpath':
- `lua/foo/bar/health/init.lua`
- `lua/foo/bar/health.lua`
All submodules should return a Lua table containing the method `check()`.
Copy this sample code into `lua/foo/health/init.lua` or `lua/foo/health.lua`,
replacing "foo" in the path with your plugin name: >
local M = {}
local health = require("health")
M.check = function()
health.report_start("my_plugin report")
-- make sure setup function parameters are ok
if check_setup() then
health.report_ok("Setup function is correct")
health.report_error("Setup function is incorrect")
-- do some more checking
-- ...
return M
Vimscript Functions *health-functions-vimscript* *health-vimscript*
health.vim functions are for creating new healthchecks. (See also
health#report_start({name}) *health#report_start*
Starts a new report. Most plugins should call this only once, but if
you want different sections to appear in your report, call this once
per section.
you want different sections to appear in your report, call this once
per section.
health#report_info({msg}) *health#report_info*
Reports an informational message.
@ -56,27 +131,23 @@ health#report_info({msg}) *health#report_info*
health#report_ok({msg}) *health#report_ok*
Reports a "success" message.
health#report_warn({msg}, [{advice}]) *health#report_warn*
Reports a warning. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
health#report_warn({msg} [, {advice}]) *health#report_warn*
Reports a warning. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
health#report_error({msg}, [{advice}]) *health#report_error*
Reports an error. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
health#report_error({msg} [, {advice}]) *health#report_error*
Reports an error. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
health#{plugin}#check() *health.user_checker*
Healthcheck function for {plugin}. Called by |:checkhealth|
automatically. Example: >
Healthcheck function for {plugin}. Called by |:checkhealth|
automatically. Example: >
function! health#my_plug#check() abort
silent call s:check_environment_vars()
silent call s:check_python_configuration()
function! health#my_plug#check() abort
silent call s:check_environment_vars()
silent call s:check_python_configuration()
All output will be captured from the healthcheck. Use the
health#report_* functions so that your healthcheck has a format
consistent with the standard healthchecks.
Create a healthcheck *health-dev*
Create a healthcheck *health-dev-vim*
Healthchecks are functions that check the user environment, configuration,
etc. Nvim has built-in healthchecks in $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/health/.
@ -86,26 +157,24 @@ health#{plugin}#check() function in autoload/health/{plugin}.vim.
|:checkhealth| automatically finds and invokes such functions.
If your plugin is named "foo", then its healthcheck function must be >
defined in this file on 'runtimepath': >
defined in this file on 'runtimepath' or 'packpath': >
Copy this sample code into autoload/health/foo.vim and replace "foo" with your
plugin name: >
function! health#foo#check() abort
call health#report_start('sanity checks')
" perform arbitrary checks
" ...
function! health#foo#check() abort
call health#report_start('sanity checks')
" perform arbitrary checks
" ...
if looks_good
call health#report_ok('found required dependencies')
call health#report_error('cannot find foo',
\ ['npm install --save foo'])
if looks_good
call health#report_ok('found required dependencies')
call health#report_error('cannot find foo',
\ ['npm install --save foo'])
vim:noet tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:fdm=marker

runtime/lua/health.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
local M = {}
function M.report_start(msg)
function M.report_info(msg)
function M.report_ok(msg)
function M.report_warn(msg, ...)
vim.fn['health#report_warn'](msg, ...)
function M.report_error(msg, ...)
vim.fn['health#report_error'](msg, ...)
return M

View File

@ -230,7 +230,22 @@ static int compl_match_arraysize;
static int compl_startcol;
static int compl_selected;
/// |:checkhealth| completion items
/// Regenerates on every new command line prompt, to accomodate changes on the
/// runtime files.
typedef struct {
garray_T names; // healthcheck names
unsigned last_gen; // last_prompt_id where names were generated
} CheckhealthComp;
/// Cookie used when converting filepath to name
struct healthchecks_cookie {
garray_T *names; // global healthchecks
bool is_lua; // true if the current entry is a Lua healthcheck
static CheckhealthComp healthchecks = { GA_INIT(sizeof(char_u *), 10), 0 };
# include "ex_getln.c.generated.h"
@ -273,6 +288,68 @@ static void init_incsearch_state(incsearch_state_T *s)
/// Completion for |:checkhealth| command.
/// Given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain all available heathcheck names.
/// @param[in] idx Index of the healthcheck item.
/// @param[in] xp Not used.
static char_u *get_healthcheck_names(expand_T *xp, int idx)
// Generate the first time or on new prompt.
if (healthchecks.last_gen == 0 || healthchecks.last_gen != last_prompt_id) {
char *patterns[3] = { "autoload/health/**.vim", "lua/**/**/health/init.lua", // NOLINT
"lua/**/**/health.lua" }; // NOLINT
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
struct healthchecks_cookie hcookie = { .names = &healthchecks.names, .is_lua = i != 0 };
do_in_runtimepath((char_u *)patterns[i], DIP_ALL, get_healthcheck_cb, &hcookie);
if (healthchecks.names.ga_len > 0) {
// Tracked to regenerate items on next prompt.
healthchecks.last_gen = last_prompt_id;
return idx <
(int)healthchecks.names.ga_len ? ((char_u **)(healthchecks.names.ga_data))[idx] : NULL;
/// Transform healthcheck file path into it's name.
/// Used as a callback for do_in_runtimepath
/// @param[in] path Expanded path to a possible healthcheck.
/// @param[out] cookie Array where names will be inserted.
static void get_healthcheck_cb(char_u *path, void *cookie)
if (path != NULL) {
struct healthchecks_cookie *hcookie = (struct healthchecks_cookie *)cookie;
char *pattern;
char *sub = "\\1";
char_u *res;
if (hcookie->is_lua) {
// Lua: transform "../lua/vim/lsp/health.lua" into "vim.lsp"
pattern = ".*lua[\\/]\\(.\\{-}\\)[\\/]health\\([\\/]init\\)\\?\\.lua$";
} else {
// Vim: transform "../autoload/health/provider.vim" into "provider"
pattern = ".*[\\/]\\([^\\/]*\\)\\.vim$";
res = do_string_sub(path, (char_u *)pattern, (char_u *)sub, NULL, (char_u *)"g");
if (hcookie->is_lua && res != NULL) {
// Replace slashes with dots as represented by the healthcheck plugin.
char_u *ares = do_string_sub(res, (char_u *)"[\\/]", (char_u *)".", NULL, (char_u *)"g");
res = ares;
if (res != NULL) {
GA_APPEND(char_u *, hcookie->names, res);
// Return true when 'incsearch' highlighting is to be done.
// Sets search_first_line and search_last_line to the address range.
static bool do_incsearch_highlighting(int firstc, int *search_delim, incsearch_state_T *s,
@ -4902,10 +4979,6 @@ static int ExpandFromContext(expand_T *xp, char_u *pat, int *num_file, char_u **
char *directories[] = { "syntax", "indent", "ftplugin", NULL };
return ExpandRTDir(pat, DIP_LUA, num_file, file, directories);
if (xp->xp_context == EXPAND_CHECKHEALTH) {
char *directories[] = { "autoload/health", NULL };
return ExpandRTDir(pat, 0, num_file, file, directories);
if (xp->xp_context == EXPAND_USER_LIST) {
return ExpandUserList(xp, num_file, file);
@ -4982,6 +5055,7 @@ static int ExpandFromContext(expand_T *xp, char_u *pat, int *num_file, char_u **
{ EXPAND_ENV_VARS, get_env_name, true, true },
{ EXPAND_USER, get_users, true, false },
{ EXPAND_ARGLIST, get_arglist_name, true, false },
{ EXPAND_CHECKHEALTH, get_healthcheck_names, true, false },
int i;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function! health#full_render#check()
call health#report_start("report 1")
call health#report_ok("life is fine")
call health#report_warn("no what installed", ["pip what", "make what"])
call health#report_start("report 2")
call health#report_info("stuff is stable")
call health#report_error("why no hardcopy", [":h :hardcopy", ":h :TOhtml"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
local M = {}
local health = require("health")
M.check = function()
health.report_start("report 1")
health.report_ok("everything is fine")
health.report_start("report 2")
health.report_ok("nothing to see here")
return M

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
local M = {}
local health = require("health")
M.check = function()
health.report_start("report 1")
health.report_ok("everything is fine")
health.report_start("report 2")
health.report_ok("nothing to see here")
return M

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
local M = {}
local health = require("health")
M.check = function()
health.report_start("report 1")
health.report_ok("everything is fine")
health.report_warn("About to add a number to nil")
local a = nil + 2
return a
return M

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
local global_helpers = require('test.helpers')
local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
local clear = helpers.clear
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ describe(':checkhealth', function()
eq('nvim', getcompletion('nvim', 'checkhealth')[1])
eq('provider', getcompletion('prov', 'checkhealth')[1])
eq('vim.lsp', getcompletion('', 'checkhealth')[1])
@ -48,42 +50,34 @@ describe('health.vim', function()
command("set runtimepath+=test/functional/fixtures")
it("health#report_*()", function()
let g:health_report = execute([
\ "call health#report_start('Check Bar')",
\ "call health#report_ok('Bar status')",
\ "call health#report_ok('Other Bar status')",
\ "call health#report_warn('Zub')",
\ "call health#report_start('Baz')",
\ "call health#report_warn('Zim', ['suggestion 1', 'suggestion 2'])"
\ ])
local result = helpers.eval("g:health_report")
## Check Bar
- OK: Bar status
- OK: Other Bar status
## Baz
- suggestion 1
- suggestion 2]]),
describe(":checkhealth", function()
it("concatenates multiple reports", function()
command("checkhealth success1 success2")
it("functions health#report_*() render correctly", function()
command("checkhealth full_render")
full_render: health#full_render#check
## report 1
- OK: life is fine
- WARNING: no what installed
- pip what
- make what
## report 2
- INFO: stuff is stable
- ERROR: why no hardcopy
- :help |:hardcopy|
- :help |:TOhtml|
it("concatenates multiple reports", function()
command("checkhealth success1 success2 test_plug")
success1: health#success1#check
## report 1
- OK: everything is fine
@ -91,25 +85,109 @@ describe('health.vim', function()
## report 2
- OK: nothing to see here
success2: health#success2#check
## another 1
- OK: ok
test_plug: require("").check()
## report 1
- OK: everything is fine
## report 2
- OK: nothing to see here
it("lua plugins", function()
command("checkhealth test_plug")
test_plug: require("").check()
## report 1
- OK: everything is fine
## report 2
- OK: nothing to see here
it("lua plugins submodules", function()
command("checkhealth test_plug.submodule")
test_plug.submodule: require("").check()
## report 1
- OK: everything is fine
## report 2
- OK: nothing to see here
it("lua plugins submodules with expression '*'", function()
command("checkhealth test_plug*")
local buf_lines = helpers.curbuf('get_lines', 0, -1, true)
-- avoid dealing with path separators
local received = table.concat(buf_lines, '\n', 1, #buf_lines - 2)
local expected = helpers.dedent([[
test_plug: require("").check()
## report 1
- OK: everything is fine
## report 2
- OK: nothing to see here
test_plug.submodule: require("").check()
## report 1
- OK: everything is fine
## report 2
- OK: nothing to see here
test_plug.submodule_failed: require("").check()
- ERROR: Failed to run healthcheck for "test_plug.submodule_failed" plugin. Exception:
function health#check, line 24]])
eq(expected, received)
it("gracefully handles broken healthcheck", function()
command("checkhealth broken")
broken: health#broken#check
- ERROR: Failed to run healthcheck for "broken" plugin. Exception:
function health#check[21], line 1
function health#check[24], line 1
caused an error
it("gracefully handles broken lua healthcheck", function()
command("checkhealth test_plug.submodule_failed")
local buf_lines = helpers.curbuf('get_lines', 0, -1, true)
local received = table.concat(buf_lines, '\n', 1, #buf_lines - 2)
-- avoid dealing with path separators
local lua_err = "attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value"
local last_line = buf_lines[#buf_lines - 1]
assert(string.find(last_line, lua_err) ~= nil, "Lua error not present")
local expected = global_helpers.dedent([[
test_plug.submodule_failed: require("").check()
- ERROR: Failed to run healthcheck for "test_plug.submodule_failed" plugin. Exception:
function health#check, line 24]])
eq(expected, received)
it("highlights OK, ERROR", function()
local screen =, 10)
@ -126,11 +204,11 @@ describe('health.vim', function()
command("set laststatus=0")
^ |
{Heading:health#foo#check} |
{Heading:foo: } |
{Bullet: -} {Error:ERROR:} No healthcheck found for "foo" plugin. |
{Heading:health#success1#check} |
{Heading:success1: health#success1#check} |
{Heading2:##}{Heading: report 1} |
{Bullet: -} {Ok:OK:} everything is fine |
@ -140,9 +218,10 @@ describe('health.vim', function()
it("gracefully handles invalid healthcheck", function()
command("checkhealth non_existent_healthcheck")
-- luacheck: ignore 613
- ERROR: No healthcheck found for "non_existent_healthcheck" plugin.