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synced 2024-12-20 03:05:11 -07:00
feat(treesitter): add offset predicate for language injection
refactor(treesitter): add directives to queries
This commit is contained in:
@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ query:iter_captures({node}, {bufnr}, {start_row}, {end_row})
as the node, i e to get syntax highlight matches in the current
The iterator returns two values, a numeric id identifying the capture
and the captured node. The following example shows how to get captures
by name:
The iterator returns three values, a numeric id identifying the capture,
the captured node, and metadata from any directives processing the match.
The following example shows how to get captures by name:
for id, node in query:iter_captures(tree:root(), bufnr, first, last) do
for id, node, metadata in query:iter_captures(tree:root(), bufnr, first, last) do
local name = query.captures[id] -- name of the capture in the query
-- typically useful info about the node:
local type = node:type() -- type of the captured node
@ -213,16 +213,19 @@ query:iter_matches({node}, {bufnr}, {start_row}, {end_row})
Iterate over all matches within a node. The arguments are the same as
for |query:iter_captures()| but the iterated values are different:
an (1-based) index of the pattern in the query, and a table mapping
capture indices to nodes. If the query has more than one pattern
the capture table might be sparse, and e.g. `pairs` should be used and not
`ipairs`. Here an example iterating over all captures in
every match:
an (1-based) index of the pattern in the query, a table mapping
capture indices to nodes, and metadata from any directives processing the match.
If the query has more than one pattern the capture table might be sparse,
and e.g. `pairs()` method should be used over `ipairs`.
Here an example iterating over all captures in every match:
for pattern, match in cquery:iter_matches(tree:root(), bufnr, first, last) do
for id,node in pairs(match) do
for pattern, match, metadata in cquery:iter_matches(tree:root(), bufnr, first, last) do
for id, node in pairs(match) do
local name = query.captures[id]
-- `node` was captured by the `name` capture in the match
local node_data = metadata[id] -- Node level metadata
... use the info here ...
@ -265,6 +268,29 @@ Here is a list of built-in predicates :
Each predicate has a `not-` prefixed predicate that is just the negation of
the predicate.
Treesitter Query Directive *lua-treesitter-directives*
Treesitter queries can also contain `directives`. Directives store metadata for a node
or match and perform side effects. for example, the |set!| predicate sets metadata on
the match or node : >
((identifier) @foo (#set! "type" "parameter"))
Here is a list of built-in directives:
`set!` *ts-directive-set!*
Sets key/value metadata for a specific node or match : >
((identifier) @foo (#set! @foo "kind" "parameter"))
((node1) @left (node2) @right (#set! "type" "pair"))
`offset!` *ts-predicate-offset!*
Takes the range of the captured node and applies the offsets
to it's range : >
((idenfitier) @constant (#offset! @constant 0 1 0 -1))
< This will generate a range object for the captured node with the
offsets applied. The arguments are
`({capture_id}, {start_row}, {start_col}, {end_row}, {end_col}, {key?})`
The default key is "offset".
vim.treesitter.query.add_predicate({name}, {handler})
@ -277,6 +303,16 @@ vim.treesitter.query.list_predicates()
This lists the currently available predicates to use in queries.
vim.treesitter.query.add_directive({name}, {handler})
This adds a directive with the name {name} to be used in queries.
{handler} should be a function whose signature will be : >
handler(match, pattern, bufnr, predicate, metadata)
Handlers can set match level data by setting directly on the metadata object `metadata.key = value`
Handlers can set node level data by using the capture id on the metadata table
`metadata[capture_id].key = value`
Treesitter syntax highlighting (WIP) *lua-treesitter-highlight*
NOTE: This is a partially implemented feature, and not usable as a default
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ function LanguageTree:_get_injections()
local root_node = tree:root()
local start_line, _, end_line, _ = root_node:range()
for pattern, match in self._injection_query:iter_matches(root_node, self._source, start_line, end_line+1) do
for pattern, match, metadata in self._injection_query:iter_matches(root_node, self._source, start_line, end_line+1) do
local lang = nil
local injection_node = nil
local combined = false
@ -298,9 +298,9 @@ function LanguageTree:_get_injections()
-- using a tag with the language, for example
-- @javascript
for id, node in pairs(match) do
local data = metadata[id]
local name = self._injection_query.captures[id]
-- TODO add a way to offset the content passed to the parser.
-- Needed to shave off leading quotes and things of that nature.
local offset_range = data and data.offset
-- Lang should override any other language tag
if name == "language" then
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ function LanguageTree:_get_injections()
elseif name == "combined" then
combined = true
elseif name == "content" then
injection_node = node
injection_node = offset_range or node
-- Ignore any tags that start with "_"
-- Allows for other tags to be used in matches
elseif string.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= "_" then
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ function LanguageTree:_get_injections()
if not injection_node then
injection_node = node
injection_node = offset_range or node
@ -92,6 +92,17 @@ local function read_query_files(filenames)
return table.concat(contents, '\n')
local match_metatable = {
__index = function(tbl, key)
rawset(tbl, key, {})
return tbl[key]
local function new_match_metadata()
return setmetatable({}, match_metatable)
--- Returns the runtime query {query_name} for {lang}.
-- @param lang The language to use for the query
@ -222,6 +233,44 @@ local predicate_handlers = {
-- As we provide lua-match? also expose vim-match?
predicate_handlers["vim-match?"] = predicate_handlers["match?"]
-- Directives store metadata or perform side effects against a match.
-- Directives should always end with a `!`.
-- Directive handler receive the following arguments
-- (match, pattern, bufnr, predicate)
local directive_handlers = {
["set!"] = function(_, _, _, pred, metadata)
if #pred == 4 then
-- (set! @capture "key" "value")
metadata[pred[2]][pred[3]] = pred[4]
-- (set! "key" "value")
metadata[pred[2]] = pred[3]
-- Shifts the range of a node.
-- Example: (#offset! @_node 0 1 0 -1)
["offset!"] = function(match, _, _, pred, metadata)
local offset_node = match[pred[2]]
local range = {offset_node:range()}
local start_row_offset = pred[3] or 0
local start_col_offset = pred[4] or 0
local end_row_offset = pred[5] or 0
local end_col_offset = pred[6] or 0
local key = pred[7] or "offset"
range[1] = range[1] + start_row_offset
range[2] = range[2] + start_col_offset
range[3] = range[3] + end_row_offset
range[4] = range[4] + end_col_offset
-- If this produces an invalid range, we just skip it.
if range[1] < range[3] or (range[1] == range[3] and range[2] <= range[4]) then
metadata[pred[2]][key] = range
--- Adds a new predicates to be used in queries
-- @param name the name of the predicate, without leading #
@ -229,12 +278,25 @@ predicate_handlers["vim-match?"] = predicate_handlers["match?"]
-- signature will be (match, pattern, bufnr, predicate)
function M.add_predicate(name, handler, force)
if predicate_handlers[name] and not force then
a.nvim_err_writeln(string.format("Overriding %s", name))
error(string.format("Overriding %s", name))
predicate_handlers[name] = handler
--- Adds a new directive to be used in queries
-- @param name the name of the directive, without leading #
-- @param handler the handler function to be used
-- signature will be (match, pattern, bufnr, predicate)
function M.add_directive(name, handler, force)
if directive_handlers[name] and not force then
error(string.format("Overriding %s", name))
directive_handlers[name] = handler
--- Returns the list of currently supported predicates
function M.list_predicates()
return vim.tbl_keys(predicate_handlers)
@ -244,6 +306,10 @@ local function xor(x, y)
return (x or y) and not (x and y)
local function is_directive(name)
return string.sub(name, -1) == "!"
function Query:match_preds(match, pattern, source)
local preds = self.info.patterns[pattern]
@ -254,30 +320,52 @@ function Query:match_preds(match, pattern, source)
-- Also, tree-sitter strips the leading # from predicates for us.
local pred_name
local is_not
if string.sub(pred[1], 1, 4) == "not-" then
pred_name = string.sub(pred[1], 5)
is_not = true
pred_name = pred[1]
is_not = false
local handler = predicate_handlers[pred_name]
-- Skip over directives... they will get processed after all the predicates.
if not is_directive(pred[1]) then
if string.sub(pred[1], 1, 4) == "not-" then
pred_name = string.sub(pred[1], 5)
is_not = true
pred_name = pred[1]
is_not = false
if not handler then
a.nvim_err_writeln(string.format("No handler for %s", pred[1]))
return false
local handler = predicate_handlers[pred_name]
local pred_matches = handler(match, pattern, source, pred)
if not handler then
error(string.format("No handler for %s", pred[1]))
return false
if not xor(is_not, pred_matches) then
return false
local pred_matches = handler(match, pattern, source, pred)
if not xor(is_not, pred_matches) then
return false
return true
--- Applies directives against a match and pattern.
function Query:apply_directives(match, pattern, source, metadata)
local preds = self.info.patterns[pattern]
for _, pred in pairs(preds or {}) do
if is_directive(pred[1]) then
local handler = directive_handlers[pred[1]]
if not handler then
error(string.format("No handler for %s", pred[1]))
handler(match, pattern, source, pred, metadata)
--- Iterates of the captures of self on a given range.
-- @param node The node under witch the search will occur
@ -294,14 +382,18 @@ function Query:iter_captures(node, source, start, stop)
local raw_iter = node:_rawquery(self.query, true, start, stop)
local function iter()
local capture, captured_node, match = raw_iter()
local metadata = new_match_metadata()
if match ~= nil then
local active = self:match_preds(match, match.pattern, source)
match.active = active
if not active then
return iter() -- tail call: try next match
self:apply_directives(match, match.pattern, source, metadata)
return capture, captured_node
return capture, captured_node, metadata
return iter
@ -322,13 +414,17 @@ function Query:iter_matches(node, source, start, stop)
local raw_iter = node:_rawquery(self.query, false, start, stop)
local function iter()
local pattern, match = raw_iter()
local metadata = new_match_metadata()
if match ~= nil then
local active = self:match_preds(match, pattern, source)
if not active then
return iter() -- tail call: try next match
self:apply_directives(match, pattern, source, metadata)
return pattern, match
return pattern, match, metadata
return iter
@ -871,12 +871,12 @@ local hl_query = [[
int x = INT_MAX;
#define READ_STRING(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
#define READ_STRING_OK(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
#define VALUE 0
#define VALUE1 1
#define VALUE2 2
int x = INT_MAX;
#define READ_STRING(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
#define READ_STRING_OK(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
#define VALUE 123
#define VALUE1 123
#define VALUE2 123
@ -891,12 +891,12 @@ local hl_query = [[
eq("table", exec_lua("return type(parser:children().c)"))
eq(5, exec_lua("return #parser:children().c:trees()"))
{0, 2, 7, 0}, -- root tree
{3, 16, 3, 17}, -- VALUE 0
{4, 17, 4, 18}, -- VALUE1 1
{5, 17, 5, 18}, -- VALUE2 2
{1, 28, 1, 67}, -- READ_STRING(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
{2, 31, 2, 70} -- READ_STRING_OK(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
{0, 0, 7, 0}, -- root tree
{3, 14, 3, 17}, -- VALUE 123
{4, 15, 4, 18}, -- VALUE1 123
{5, 15, 5, 18}, -- VALUE2 123
{1, 26, 1, 65}, -- READ_STRING(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
{2, 29, 2, 68} -- READ_STRING_OK(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
}, get_ranges())
@ -912,15 +912,35 @@ local hl_query = [[
eq("table", exec_lua("return type(parser:children().c)"))
eq(2, exec_lua("return #parser:children().c:trees()"))
{0, 2, 7, 0}, -- root tree
{3, 16, 5, 18}, -- VALUE 0
-- VALUE1 1
-- VALUE2 2
{1, 28, 2, 70} -- READ_STRING(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
{0, 0, 7, 0}, -- root tree
{3, 14, 5, 18}, -- VALUE 123
-- VALUE1 123
-- VALUE2 123
{1, 26, 2, 68} -- READ_STRING(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
-- READ_STRING_OK(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
}, get_ranges())
describe("when using the offset directive", function()
it("should shift the range by the directive amount", function()
parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(0, "c", {
queries = {
c = "(preproc_def ((preproc_arg) @c (#offset! @c 0 2 0 -1))) (preproc_function_def value: (preproc_arg) @c)"}})
eq("table", exec_lua("return type(parser:children().c)"))
{0, 0, 7, 0}, -- root tree
{3, 15, 3, 16}, -- VALUE 123
{4, 16, 4, 17}, -- VALUE1 123
{5, 16, 5, 17}, -- VALUE2 123
{1, 26, 1, 65}, -- READ_STRING(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
{2, 29, 2, 68} -- READ_STRING_OK(x, y) (char_u *)read_string((x), (size_t)(y))
}, get_ranges())
describe("when getting the language for a range", function()
@ -944,4 +964,52 @@ int x = INT_MAX;
eq(result, true)
describe("when getting/setting match data", function()
describe("when setting for the whole match", function()
it("should set/get the data correctly", function()
int x = 3;
local result = exec_lua([[
local result
query = vim.treesitter.parse_query("c", '((number_literal) @number (#set! "key" "value"))')
parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(0, "c")
for pattern, match, metadata in query:iter_matches(parser:parse()[1]:root(), 0, 0, 1) do
result = metadata.key
return result
eq(result, "value")
describe("when setting for a capture match", function()
it("should set/get the data correctly", function()
int x = 3;
local result = exec_lua([[
local result
query = vim.treesitter.parse_query("c", '((number_literal) @number (#set! @number "key" "value"))')
parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(0, "c")
for pattern, match, metadata in query:iter_matches(parser:parse()[1]:root(), 0, 0, 1) do
result = metadata[pattern].key
return result
eq(result, "value")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user