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synced 2024-12-19 02:34:59 -07:00
feat(lua): vim.fs.normalize() resolves ".", ".." #28203
Problem: `vim.fs.normalize` does not resolve `.` and `..` components. This makes no sense as the entire point of normalization is to remove redundancy from the path. The path normalization functions in several other languages (Java, Python, C++, etc.) also resolve `.` and `..` components. Reference: - Python: https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html#os.path.normpath - Java: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/file/Path.html#normalize-- - C++: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/filesystem/path/lexically_normal Solution: Resolve "." and ".." in `vim.fs.normalize`. Before: "~/foo/bar/../baz/./" => "~/foo/bar/../baz/." After: "~/foo/bar/../baz/./" => "~/foo/baz"
This commit is contained in:
@ -2964,26 +2964,40 @@ vim.fs.joinpath({...}) *vim.fs.joinpath()*
vim.fs.normalize({path}, {opts}) *vim.fs.normalize()*
Normalize a path to a standard format. A tilde (~) character at the
beginning of the path is expanded to the user's home directory and
environment variables are also expanded.
environment variables are also expanded. "." and ".." components are also
resolved, except when the path is relative and trying to resolve it would
result in an absolute path.
• "." as the only part in a relative path:
• "." => "."
• "././" => "."
• ".." when it leads outside the current directory
• "foo/../../bar" => "../bar"
• "../../foo" => "../../foo"
• ".." in the root directory returns the root directory.
• "/../../" => "/"
On Windows, backslash (\) characters are converted to forward slashes (/).
Examples: >lua
-- On Windows: 'C:/Users/jdoe'
-- '/home/jdoe/src/neovim'
-- '/Users/jdoe/.config/nvim/init.vim'
[[C:\Users\jdoe]] => "C:/Users/jdoe"
"~/src/neovim" => "/home/jdoe/src/neovim"
"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim" => "/Users/jdoe/.config/nvim/init.vim"
"~/src/nvim/api/../tui/./tui.c" => "/home/jdoe/src/nvim/tui/tui.c"
"./foo/bar" => "foo/bar"
"foo/../../../bar" => "../../bar"
"/home/jdoe/../../../bar" => "/bar"
"C:foo/../../baz" => "C:../baz"
"C:/foo/../../baz" => "C:/baz"
[[\\?\UNC\server\share\foo\..\..\..\bar]] => "//?/UNC/server/share/bar"
Parameters: ~
• {path} (`string`) Path to normalize
• {opts} (`table?`) A table with the following fields:
• {expand_env} (`boolean`, default: `true`) Expand environment
• {expand_env}? (`boolean`, default: `true`) Expand
environment variables.
• {win}? (`boolean`, default: `true` in Windows, `false`
otherwise) Path is a Windows path.
Return: ~
(`string`) Normalized path
@ -334,30 +334,147 @@ function M.find(names, opts)
return matches
--- Split a Windows path into a prefix and a body, such that the body can be processed like a POSIX
--- path. The path must use forward slashes as path separator.
--- Does not check if the path is a valid Windows path. Invalid paths will give invalid results.
--- Examples:
--- - `//./C:/foo/bar` -> `//./C:`, `/foo/bar`
--- - `//?/UNC/server/share/foo/bar` -> `//?/UNC/server/share`, `/foo/bar`
--- - `//./system07/C$/foo/bar` -> `//./system07`, `/C$/foo/bar`
--- - `C:/foo/bar` -> `C:`, `/foo/bar`
--- - `C:foo/bar` -> `C:`, `foo/bar`
--- @param path string Path to split.
--- @return string, string, boolean : prefix, body, whether path is invalid.
local function split_windows_path(path)
local prefix = ''
--- Match pattern. If there is a match, move the matched pattern from the path to the prefix.
--- Returns the matched pattern.
--- @param pattern string Pattern to match.
--- @return string|nil Matched pattern
local function match_to_prefix(pattern)
local match = path:match(pattern)
if match then
prefix = prefix .. match --[[ @as string ]]
path = path:sub(#match + 1)
return match
local function process_unc_path()
return match_to_prefix('[^/]+/+[^/]+/+')
if match_to_prefix('^//[?.]/') then
-- Device paths
local device = match_to_prefix('[^/]+/+')
-- Return early if device pattern doesn't match, or if device is UNC and it's not a valid path
if not device or (device:match('^UNC/+$') and not process_unc_path()) then
return prefix, path, false
elseif match_to_prefix('^//') then
-- Process UNC path, return early if it's invalid
if not process_unc_path() then
return prefix, path, false
elseif path:match('^%w:') then
-- Drive paths
prefix, path = path:sub(1, 2), path:sub(3)
-- If there are slashes at the end of the prefix, move them to the start of the body. This is to
-- ensure that the body is treated as an absolute path. For paths like C:foo/bar, there are no
-- slashes at the end of the prefix, so it will be treated as a relative path, as it should be.
local trailing_slash = prefix:match('/+$')
if trailing_slash then
prefix = prefix:sub(1, -1 - #trailing_slash)
path = trailing_slash .. path --[[ @as string ]]
return prefix, path, true
--- Resolve `.` and `..` components in a POSIX-style path. This also removes extraneous slashes.
--- `..` is not resolved if the path is relative and resolving it requires the path to be absolute.
--- If a relative path resolves to the current directory, an empty string is returned.
--- @see M.normalize()
--- @param path string Path to resolve.
--- @return string Resolved path.
local function path_resolve_dot(path)
local is_path_absolute = vim.startswith(path, '/')
-- Split the path into components and process them
local path_components = vim.split(path, '/')
local new_path_components = {}
for _, component in ipairs(path_components) do
if component == '.' or component == '' then -- luacheck: ignore 542
-- Skip `.` components and empty components
elseif component == '..' then
if #new_path_components > 0 and new_path_components[#new_path_components] ~= '..' then
-- For `..`, remove the last component if we're still inside the current directory, except
-- when the last component is `..` itself
elseif is_path_absolute then -- luacheck: ignore 542
-- Reached the root directory in absolute path, do nothing
-- Reached current directory in relative path, add `..` to the path
table.insert(new_path_components, component)
table.insert(new_path_components, component)
return (is_path_absolute and '/' or '') .. table.concat(new_path_components, '/')
--- @class vim.fs.normalize.Opts
--- @inlinedoc
--- Expand environment variables.
--- (default: `true`)
--- @field expand_env boolean
--- @field expand_env? boolean
--- Path is a Windows path.
--- (default: `true` in Windows, `false` otherwise)
--- @field win? boolean
--- Normalize a path to a standard format. A tilde (~) character at the
--- beginning of the path is expanded to the user's home directory and
--- environment variables are also expanded.
--- Normalize a path to a standard format. A tilde (~) character at the beginning of the path is
--- expanded to the user's home directory and environment variables are also expanded. "." and ".."
--- components are also resolved, except when the path is relative and trying to resolve it would
--- result in an absolute path.
--- - "." as the only part in a relative path:
--- - "." => "."
--- - "././" => "."
--- - ".." when it leads outside the current directory
--- - "foo/../../bar" => "../bar"
--- - "../../foo" => "../../foo"
--- - ".." in the root directory returns the root directory.
--- - "/../../" => "/"
--- On Windows, backslash (\) characters are converted to forward slashes (/).
--- Examples:
--- ```lua
--- vim.fs.normalize('C:\\\\Users\\\\jdoe')
--- -- On Windows: 'C:/Users/jdoe'
--- vim.fs.normalize('~/src/neovim')
--- -- '/home/jdoe/src/neovim'
--- vim.fs.normalize('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim')
--- -- '/Users/jdoe/.config/nvim/init.vim'
--- [[C:\Users\jdoe]] => "C:/Users/jdoe"
--- "~/src/neovim" => "/home/jdoe/src/neovim"
--- "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim" => "/Users/jdoe/.config/nvim/init.vim"
--- "~/src/nvim/api/../tui/./tui.c" => "/home/jdoe/src/nvim/tui/tui.c"
--- "./foo/bar" => "foo/bar"
--- "foo/../../../bar" => "../../bar"
--- "/home/jdoe/../../../bar" => "/bar"
--- "C:foo/../../baz" => "C:../baz"
--- "C:/foo/../../baz" => "C:/baz"
--- [[\\?\UNC\server\share\foo\..\..\..\bar]] => "//?/UNC/server/share/bar"
--- ```
---@param path (string) Path to normalize
@ -369,12 +486,21 @@ function M.normalize(path, opts)
path = { path, { 'string' } },
expand_env = { opts.expand_env, { 'boolean' }, true },
win = { opts.win, { 'boolean' }, true },
local win = opts.win == nil and iswin or not not opts.win
local os_sep_local = win and '\\' or '/'
-- Empty path is already normalized
if path == '' then
return ''
-- Expand ~ to users home directory
if vim.startswith(path, '~') then
local home = vim.uv.os_homedir() or '~'
if home:sub(-1) == os_sep then
if home:sub(-1) == os_sep_local then
home = home:sub(1, -2)
path = home .. path:sub(2)
@ -386,24 +512,35 @@ function M.normalize(path, opts)
-- Convert path separator to `/`
path = path:gsub(os_sep, '/')
path = path:gsub(os_sep_local, '/')
-- Don't modify leading double slash as those have implementation-defined behavior according to
-- POSIX. They are also valid UNC paths. Three or more leading slashes are however collapsed to
-- a single slash.
if vim.startswith(path, '//') and not vim.startswith(path, '///') then
path = '/' .. path:gsub('/+', '/')
path = path:gsub('/+', '/')
-- Check for double slashes at the start of the path because they have special meaning
local double_slash = vim.startswith(path, '//') and not vim.startswith(path, '///')
local prefix = ''
if win then
local is_valid --- @type boolean
-- Split Windows paths into prefix and body to make processing easier
prefix, path, is_valid = split_windows_path(path)
-- If path is not valid, return it as-is
if not is_valid then
return prefix .. path
-- Remove extraneous slashes from the prefix
prefix = prefix:gsub('/+', '/')
-- Ensure last slash is not truncated from root drive on Windows
if iswin and path:match('^%w:/$') then
return path
-- Resolve `.` and `..` components and remove extraneous slashes from path, then recombine prefix
-- and path. Preserve leading double slashes as they indicate UNC paths and DOS device paths in
-- Windows and have implementation-defined behavior in POSIX.
path = (double_slash and '/' or '') .. prefix .. path_resolve_dot(path)
-- Remove trailing slashes
path = path:gsub('(.)/$', '%1')
-- Change empty path to `.`
if path == '' then
path = '.'
return path
@ -308,26 +308,112 @@ describe('vim.fs', function()
it('works with UNC paths', function()
eq('//foo', vim.fs.normalize('//foo')) -- UNC path
eq('//foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize('//foo//bar////')) -- UNC path
eq('/foo', vim.fs.normalize('///foo')) -- Not a UNC path
eq('/', vim.fs.normalize('//')) -- Not a UNC path
eq('/', vim.fs.normalize('///')) -- Not a UNC path
eq('/foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize('/foo//bar////')) -- Not a UNC path
-- Opts required for testing posix paths and win paths
local posix_opts = is_os('win') and { win = false } or {}
local win_opts = is_os('win') and {} or { win = true }
it('preserves leading double slashes in POSIX paths', function()
eq('//foo', vim.fs.normalize('//foo', posix_opts))
eq('//foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize('//foo//bar////', posix_opts))
eq('/foo', vim.fs.normalize('///foo', posix_opts))
eq('//', vim.fs.normalize('//', posix_opts))
eq('/', vim.fs.normalize('///', posix_opts))
eq('/foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize('/foo//bar////', posix_opts))
if is_os('win') then
it('Last slash is not truncated from root drive', function()
eq('C:/', vim.fs.normalize('C:/'))
it('allows backslashes on unix-based os', function()
eq('/home/user/hello\\world', vim.fs.normalize('/home/user/hello\\world', posix_opts))
it('preserves / after drive letters', function()
eq('C:/', vim.fs.normalize([[C:\]], win_opts))
it('works with UNC and DOS device paths', function()
eq('//server/share/foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize([[\\server\\share\\\foo\bar\\\]], win_opts))
eq('//system07/C$/', vim.fs.normalize([[\\system07\C$\\\\]], win_opts))
eq('//./C:/foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\\C:\foo\\\\bar]], win_opts))
eq('//?/C:/foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize([[\\?\C:\\\foo\bar\\\\]], win_opts))
vim.fs.normalize([[\\?\UNC\server\\\share\\\\foo\\\bar]], win_opts)
eq('//./BootPartition/foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\BootPartition\\foo\bar]], win_opts))
vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\Volume{12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB}\\\foo\bar\\]], win_opts)
it('handles invalid UNC and DOS device paths', function()
eq('//server/share', vim.fs.normalize([[\\server\share]], win_opts))
eq('//server/', vim.fs.normalize([[\\server\]], win_opts))
eq('//./UNC/server/share', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\UNC\server\share]], win_opts))
eq('//?/UNC/server/', vim.fs.normalize([[\\?\UNC\server\]], win_opts))
eq('//?/UNC/server/..', vim.fs.normalize([[\\?\UNC\server\..]], win_opts))
eq('//./', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\]], win_opts))
eq('//./foo', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\foo]], win_opts))
eq('//./BootPartition', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\BootPartition]], win_opts))
it('converts backward slashes', function()
eq('C:/Users/jdoe', vim.fs.normalize([[C:\Users\jdoe]], win_opts))
describe('. and .. component resolving', function()
it('works', function()
-- Windows paths
eq('C:/Users', vim.fs.normalize([[C:\Users\jdoe\Downloads\.\..\..\]], win_opts))
eq('C:/Users/jdoe', vim.fs.normalize([[C:\Users\jdoe\Downloads\.\..\.\.\]], win_opts))
eq('C:/', vim.fs.normalize('C:/Users/jdoe/Downloads/./../../../', win_opts))
eq('C:foo', vim.fs.normalize([[C:foo\bar\.\..\.]], win_opts))
-- POSIX paths
eq('/home', vim.fs.normalize('/home/jdoe/Downloads/./../..', posix_opts))
eq('/home/jdoe', vim.fs.normalize('/home/jdoe/Downloads/./../././', posix_opts))
eq('/', vim.fs.normalize('/home/jdoe/Downloads/./../../../', posix_opts))
-- OS-agnostic relative paths
eq('foo/bar/baz', vim.fs.normalize('foo/bar/foobar/../baz/./'))
eq('foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize('foo/bar/foobar/../baz/./../../bar/./.'))
it('converts backward slashes', function()
eq('C:/Users/jdoe', vim.fs.normalize('C:\\Users\\jdoe'))
it('works when relative path reaches current directory', function()
eq('C:', vim.fs.normalize('C:foo/bar/../../.', win_opts))
eq('.', vim.fs.normalize('.'))
eq('.', vim.fs.normalize('././././'))
eq('.', vim.fs.normalize('foo/bar/../../.'))
it('allows backslashes on unix-based os', function()
eq('/home/user/hello\\world', vim.fs.normalize('/home/user/hello\\world'))
it('works when relative path goes outside current directory', function()
eq('../../foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize('../../foo/bar'))
eq('../foo', vim.fs.normalize('foo/bar/../../../foo'))
eq('C:../foo', vim.fs.normalize('C:../foo', win_opts))
eq('C:../../foo/bar', vim.fs.normalize('C:foo/../../../foo/bar', win_opts))
it('.. in root directory resolves to itself', function()
eq('C:/', vim.fs.normalize('C:/../../', win_opts))
eq('C:/foo', vim.fs.normalize('C:/foo/../../foo', win_opts))
eq('//server/share/', vim.fs.normalize([[\\server\share\..\..]], win_opts))
eq('//server/share/foo', vim.fs.normalize([[\\server\\share\foo\..\..\foo]], win_opts))
eq('//./C:/', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\C:\..\..]], win_opts))
eq('//?/C:/foo', vim.fs.normalize([[\\?\C:\..\..\foo]], win_opts))
eq('//./UNC/server/share/', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\UNC\\server\share\..\..\]], win_opts))
vim.fs.normalize([[\\?\UNC\server\\share\..\..\foo]], win_opts)
eq('//?/BootPartition/', vim.fs.normalize([[\\?\BootPartition\..\..]], win_opts))
eq('//./BootPartition/foo', vim.fs.normalize([[\\.\BootPartition\..\..\foo]], win_opts))
eq('/', vim.fs.normalize('/../../', posix_opts))
eq('/foo', vim.fs.normalize('/foo/../../foo', posix_opts))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user