man.vim: when completing a fpage, always show section

This commit is contained in:
Anmol Sethi 2016-12-26 18:26:00 -05:00
parent 4431975210
commit 7f9a95e5ea

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@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ function! man#complete(arg_lead, cmd_line, cursor_pos) abort
let tmp = split(a:arg_lead, '(')
let name = tmp[0]
let sect = tolower(get(tmp, 1, ''))
return s:complete(sect, '', name)
elseif args[1] !~# '^[^()]\+$'
" cursor (|) is at ':Man 3() |' or ':Man (3|' or ':Man 3() pri|'
" or ':Man 3() pri |'
@ -242,18 +243,22 @@ function! man#complete(arg_lead, cmd_line, cursor_pos) abort
let name = a:arg_lead
let sect = tolower(args[1])
" We remove duplicates incase the same manpage in different languages was found.
return uniq(sort(map(globpath(s:mandirs,'man?/'.name.'*.'.sect.'*', 0, 1), 's:format_candidate(v:val, sect)'), 'i'))
return s:complete(sect, sect, name)
function! s:format_candidate(path, sect) abort
function! s:complete(sect, psect, name) abort
" We remove duplicates incase the same manpage in different languages was found.
return uniq(sort(map(globpath(s:mandirs,'man?/'.a:name.'*.'.a:sect.'*', 0, 1), 's:format_candidate(v:val, a:psect)'), 'i'))
function! s:format_candidate(path, psect) abort
if a:path =~# '\.\%(pdf\|in\)$' " invalid extensions
let [sect, name] = s:extract_sect_and_name_path(a:path)
if sect ==# a:sect
if sect ==# a:psect
return name
elseif sect =~# a:sect.'.\+$'
elseif sect =~# a:psect.'.\+$'
" We include the section if the user provided section is a prefix
" of the actual section.
return name.'('.sect.')'