mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 10:45:16 -07:00
@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ Decimal, Hexadecimal (starting with 0x or 0X), or Octal (starting with 0).
Floating point numbers can be written in two forms:
{N} and {M} are numbers. Both {N} and {M} must be present and can only
contain digits.
@ -7597,7 +7597,7 @@ This does NOT work: >
:unlet v
< *E741*
If you try to change a locked variable you get an
error message: "E741: Value of {name} is locked"
error message: "E741: Value is locked: {name}"
[depth] is relevant when locking a |List| or
|Dictionary|. It specifies how deep the locking goes:
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ o Keyboard
¡ stands for Farsi PSP (break without space)
¢ stands for Farsi PCN (for HAMZE attribute )
¢ stands for Farsi PCN (for HAMZE attribute)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
*intro.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 May 24
*intro.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2015 Jan 20
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ http://www.vim.org/maillist.php
Bug reports: *bugs* *bug-reports* *bugreport.vim*
Send bug reports to: Vim Developers <vim_dev@vim.org>
Send bug reports to: Vim Developers <vim-dev@vim.org>
This is a maillist, you need to become a member first and many people will see
the message. If you don't want that, e.g. because it is a security issue,
send it to <bugs@vim.org>, this only goes to the Vim maintainer (that's Bram).
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ It is possible to achieve a poor man's version of duplex printing using the PS
utility psselect. This utility has options -e and -o for printing just the
even or odd pages of a PS file respectively.
First generate a PS file with the 'hardcopy' command, then generate a new
First generate a PS file with the 'hardcopy' command, then generate new
files with all the odd and even numbered pages with: >
psselect -o test.ps odd.ps
@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ Hurrah for VIM!! It is "at your fingertips" like vi, and has the extensions
that vi sorely needs: highlighting for executing commands on blocks, an easily
navigable and digestible help screen, and more. (Paul Pax)
The reason WHY I don't have this amazingly useful macro any more, is that I
The reason WHY I don't have this amazingly useful macro anymore, is that I
now use VIM - and this is built in!! (Stephen Riehm, Germany)
I am a user of VIM and I love it. I use it to do all my programming, C,
C++, HTML what ever. (Tim Allwine)
I discovered VIM after years of struggling with the original vi, and I just
can't live without it any more. (Emmanuel Mogenet, USA)
can't live without it anymore. (Emmanuel Mogenet, USA)
Emacs has not a bit of chance to survive so long as VIM is around. Besides,
it also has the most detailed software documentation I have ever seen---much
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ adjust the various t_ codes. This avoids the problem that the xterm can
produce different codes, depending on the mode it is in (8-bit, VT102,
VT220, etc.). The result is that codes like <xF1> are no longer needed.
Note: This is only done on startup. If the xterm options are changed after
Vim has started, the escape sequences may not be recognized any more.
Vim has started, the escape sequences may not be recognized anymore.
Window resizing with xterm only works if the allowWindowOps resource is
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ child, you should have the intention to do this for at least one year.
How do you know that the money will be spent right? First of all you have my
personal guarantee as the author of Vim. I trust the people that are working
at the centre, I know them personally. Further more, the centre has been
at the centre, I know them personally. Furthermore, the centre has been
co-sponsored and inspected by World Vision, Save the Children Fund and is now
under the supervision of Pacific Academy Outreach Society. The centre is
visited about once a year to check the progress (at our own cost). I have
The . (dot) character matches any existing character. For example, the
pattern "c.m" matches a string whose first character is a c, whose second
character is anything, and whose the third character is m. Example:
character is anything, and whose third character is m. Example:
We use a computer that became the cummin winter. ~
xxx xxx xxx
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: Fortran95 (and Fortran90, Fortran77, F and elf90)
" Version: 0.40
" Last Change: 2011 Dec. 28
" Maintainer: Ajit J. Thakkar <ajit@unb.ca>; <http://www.unb.ca/chem/ajit/>
" Language: Fortran 2008 (and earlier versions: 2003, 95, 90, and 77)
" Version: 0.41
" Last Change: 2015 Jan. 15
" Maintainer: Ajit J. Thakkar <ajit@unb.ca>; <http://www2.unb.ca/~ajit/>
" Usage: Do :help fortran-indent from Vim
" Credits:
" Useful suggestions were made by: Albert Oliver Serra.
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
@ -36,8 +38,8 @@ if !exists("b:fortran_fixed_source")
" f90 and f95 allow both fixed and free source form
" assume fixed source form unless signs of free source form
" are detected in the first five columns of the first 250 lines
" Detection becomes more accurate and time-consuming if more lines
" are detected in the first five columns of the first s:lmax lines.
" Detection becomes more accurate and more time-consuming if more lines
" are checked. Increase the limit below if you keep lots of comments at
" the very top of each file and you have a fast computer
let s:lmax = 500
@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ function FortranGetIndent(lnum)
if getline(v:lnum) =~? '^\s*\(\d\+\s\)\=\s*'
\. '\(else\|else\s*if\|else\s*where\|case\|'
\. 'end\s*\(if\|where\|select\|interface\|'
\. 'type\|forall\|associate\|enum\)\)\>'
\. 'type\|forall\|associate\|enum\|block\)\)\>'
let ind = ind - &sw
" Fix indent for case statement immediately after select
if prevstat =~? '\<select\s\+\(case\|type\)\>'
@ -141,8 +143,11 @@ function FortranGetIndent(lnum)
if prevstat =~ '&\s*$' && prev2stat !~ '&\s*$'
let ind = ind + &sw
if prevstat =~ '&\s*$' && prevstat =~ '\<else\s*if\>'
let ind = ind - &sw
"Line after last continuation line
if prevstat !~ '&\s*$' && prev2stat =~ '&\s*$'
if prevstat !~ '&\s*$' && prev2stat =~ '&\s*$' && prevstat !~? '\<then\>'
let ind = ind - &sw
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: awk, nawk, gawk, mawk
" Maintainer: Antonio Colombo <azc100@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2012 May 18
" Last Change: 2014 Oct 21
" AWK ref. is: Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan, Peter J. Weinberger
" The AWK Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 1988
" GAWK ref. is: Arnold D. Robbins
" Effective AWK Programming, Third Edition, O'Reilly, 2001
" Effective AWK Programming, Fourth Edition, O'Reilly, 2015
" (also available with the gawk source distribution)
" MAWK is a "new awk" meaning it implements AWK ref.
" mawk conforms to the Posix 1003.2 (draft 11.3)
@ -33,17 +35,27 @@ set cpo&vim
syn keyword awkStatement break continue delete exit
syn keyword awkStatement function getline next
syn keyword awkStatement print printf return
" GAWK ref. p. 117
" GAWK ref. Chapter 7
syn keyword awkStatement nextfile
" AWK ref. p. 42, GAWK ref. p. 142-166
syn keyword awkFunction atan2 close cos exp fflush int log rand sin sqrt srand
syn keyword awkFunction gsub index length match split sprintf sub
syn keyword awkFunction substr system
" GAWK ref. p. 142-166
syn keyword awkFunction asort gensub mktime strftime strtonum systime
" GAWK ref. Chapter 9, Functions
" Numeric Functions
syn keyword awkFunction atan2 cos div exp int log rand sin sqrt srand
" String Manipulation Functions
syn keyword awkFunction asort asort1 gensub gsub index length match
syn keyword awkFunction patsplit split sprintf strtonum sub substr
syn keyword awkFunction tolower toupper
syn keyword awkFunction and or xor compl lshift rshift
syn keyword awkFunction dcgettext bindtextdomain
" Input Output Functions
syn keyword awkFunction close fflush system
" Time Functions
syn keyword awkFunction mktime strftime systime
" Bit Manipulation Functions
syn keyword awkFunction and compl lshift or rshift xor
" Getting Type Function
syn keyword awkFunction isarray
" String-Translation Functions
syn keyword awkFunction bindtextdomain dcgettext dcngetext
syn keyword awkConditional if else
syn keyword awkRepeat while for
@ -51,13 +63,16 @@ syn keyword awkRepeat while for
syn keyword awkTodo contained TODO
syn keyword awkPatterns BEGIN END
" AWK ref. p. 36
syn keyword awkVariables ARGC ARGV FILENAME FNR FS NF NR
" GAWK ref. p. 120-126
syn keyword awkVariables RT RLENGTH TEXTDOMAIN
" GAWK ref. Chapter 7
" Built-in Variables That Control awk
syn keyword awkVariables IGNORECASE LINT OFMT OFS ORS PREC
" Built-in Variables That Convey Information
syn keyword awkVariables RT SYMTAB
syn keyword awkRepeat do
@ -115,15 +130,15 @@ syn case match
"syn match awkIdentifier "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>"
" Arithmetic operators: +, and - take care of ++, and --
"syn match awkOperator "+\|-\|\*\|/\|%\|="
"syn match awkOperator "+=\|-=\|\*=\|/=\|%="
"syn match awkOperator "^\|^="
syn match awkOperator "+\|-\|\*\|/\|%\|="
syn match awkOperator "+=\|-=\|\*=\|/=\|%="
syn match awkOperator "^\|^="
" Comparison expressions.
"syn match awkExpression "==\|>=\|=>\|<=\|=<\|\!="
"syn match awkExpression "\~\|\!\~"
"syn match awkExpression "?\|:"
"syn keyword awkExpression in
syn match awkExpression "==\|>=\|=>\|<=\|=<\|\!="
syn match awkExpression "\~\|\!\~"
syn match awkExpression "?\|:"
syn keyword awkExpression in
" Boolean Logic (OR, AND, NOT)
"syn match awkBoolLogic "||\|&&\|\!"
@ -187,8 +202,8 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_awk_syn_inits")
HiLink awkFloat Float
HiLink awkFileIO Special
"HiLink awkOperator Special
"HiLink awkExpression Special
HiLink awkOperator Special
HiLink awkExpression Special
HiLink awkBoolLogic Special
HiLink awkPatterns Special
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
" License: This file can be redistribued and/or modified under the same terms
" as Vim itself.
" Filenames: /tmp/crontab.* used by "crontab -e"
" Last Change: 2012-05-16
" Last Change: 2015-01-20
" crontab line format:
" Minutes Hours Days Months Days_of_Week Commands # comments
@ -13,11 +13,17 @@
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syntax match crontabNick "^\s*@\(reboot\|yearly\|annually\|monthly\|weekly\|daily\|midnight\|hourly\)\>" nextgroup=crontabCmd skipwhite
syntax match crontabVar "^\s*\k\w*\s*="me=e-1
syntax case ignore
syntax match crontabMin "^\s*[-0-9/,.*]\+" nextgroup=crontabHr skipwhite
syntax match crontabHr "\s[-0-9/,.*]\+" nextgroup=crontabDay skipwhite contained
syntax match crontabDay "\s[-0-9/,.*]\+" nextgroup=crontabMnth skipwhite contained
@ -32,45 +38,41 @@ syntax region crontabCmd start="\S" end="$" skipwhite contained keepend contains
syntax match crontabCmnt "^\s*#.*" contains=@Spell
syntax match crontabPercent "[^\\]%.*"lc=1 contained
syntax match crontabNick "^\s*@\(reboot\|yearly\|annually\|monthly\|weekly\|daily\|midnight\|hourly\)\>" nextgroup=crontabCmd skipwhite
syntax match crontabVar "^\s*\k\w*\s*="me=e-1
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_crontab_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_crontab_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
if version < 508
let did_crontab_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink crontabMin Number
HiLink crontabHr PreProc
HiLink crontabDay Type
HiLink crontabMin Number
HiLink crontabHr PreProc
HiLink crontabDay Type
HiLink crontabMnth Number
HiLink crontabMnth12 Number
HiLink crontabMnthS Number
HiLink crontabMnthN Number
HiLink crontabMnth Number
HiLink crontabMnth12 Number
HiLink crontabMnthS Number
HiLink crontabMnthN Number
HiLink crontabDow PreProc
HiLink crontabDow7 PreProc
HiLink crontabDowS PreProc
HiLink crontabDowN PreProc
HiLink crontabDow PreProc
HiLink crontabDow7 PreProc
HiLink crontabDowS PreProc
HiLink crontabDowN PreProc
HiLink crontabNick Special
HiLink crontabVar Identifier
HiLink crontabPercent Special
HiLink crontabNick Special
HiLink crontabVar Identifier
HiLink crontabPercent Special
" comment out next line for to suppress unix commands coloring.
HiLink crontabCmd Statement
HiLink crontabCmd Statement
HiLink crontabCmnt Comment
HiLink crontabCmnt Comment
delcommand HiLink
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "crontab"
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Fortran 2008 (and earlier versions: 2003, 95, 90, and 77)
" Version: 0.94
" Last Change: 2012 June 18
" Maintainer: Ajit J. Thakkar (ajit AT unb.ca); <http://www.unb.ca/chem/ajit/>
" Version: 0.95
" Last Change: 2015 Jan. 15
" Maintainer: Ajit J. Thakkar <ajit@unb.ca>; <http://www2.unb.ca/~ajit/>
" Usage: For instructions, do :help fortran-syntax from Vim
" Credits:
" Version 0.1 was based on the fortran 77 syntax file by Mario Eusebio and
" Preben Guldberg. Useful suggestions were made by: Andrej Panjkov,
" Bram Moolenaar, Thomas Olsen, Michael Sternberg, Christian Reile,
" Walter Dieudonné, Alexander Wagner, Roman Bertle, Charles Rendleman,
" Andrew Griffiths, Joe Krahn, and Hendrik Merx.
" Andrew Griffiths, Joe Krahn, Hendrik Merx, and Matt Thompson.
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@ -298,6 +298,41 @@ if b:fortran_dialect == "f08"
syn keyword fortranIntrinsic bge bgt ble blt dshiftl dshiftr findloc iall iany iparity image_index lcobound ucobound maskl maskr num_images parity popcnt poppar shifta shiftl shiftr this_image
syn keyword fortranIO newunit
syn keyword fortranType contiguous
" CUDA fortran
syn match fortranTypeCUDA "\<attributes\>"
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA host global device value
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA shared constant pinned texture
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA dim1 dim2 dim3 dim4
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudadeviceprop cuda_count_kind cuda_stream_kind
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaEvent cudaFuncAttributes cudaArrayPtr
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaSymbol cudaChannelFormatDesc cudaPitchedPtr
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaExtent cudaMemcpy3DParms
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaFuncCachePreferNone cudaFuncCachePreferShared
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaFuncCachePreferL1 cudaLimitStackSize
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaLimitPrintfSize cudaLimitMallocHeapSize
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaSharedMemBankSizeDefault cudaSharedMemBankSizeFourByte cudaSharedMemBankSizeEightByte
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaEventDefault cudaEventBlockingSync cudaEventDisableTiming
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaMemcpyHostToDevice cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaErrorNotReady cudaSuccess cudaErrorInvalidValue
syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA c_devptr
syn match fortranStringCUDA "blockidx%[xyz]"
syn match fortranStringCUDA "blockdim%[xyz]"
syn match fortranStringCUDA "griddim%[xyz]"
syn match fortranStringCUDA "threadidx%[xyz]"
syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA warpsize syncthreads syncthreads_and syncthreads_count syncthreads_or threadfence threadfence_block threadfence_system gpu_time allthreads anythread ballot
syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA atomicadd atomicsub atomicmax atomicmin atomicand atomicor atomicxor atomicexch atomicinc atomicdec atomiccas sizeof __shfl __shfl_up __shfl_down __shfl_xor
syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaChooseDevice cudaDeviceGetCacheConfig cudaDeviceGetLimit cudaDeviceGetSharedMemConfig cudaDeviceReset cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig cudaDeviceSetLimit cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig cudaDeviceSynchronize cudaGetDevice cudaGetDeviceCount cudaGetDeviceProperties cudaSetDevice cudaSetDeviceFlags cudaSetValidDevices
syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaThreadExit cudaThreadSynchronize cudaGetLastError cudaGetErrorString cudaPeekAtLastError cudaStreamCreate cudaStreamDestroy cudaStreamQuery cudaStreamSynchronize cudaStreamWaitEvent cudaEventCreate cudaEventCreateWithFlags cudaEventDestroy cudaEventElapsedTime cudaEventQuery cudaEventRecord cudaEventSynchronize
syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaFuncGetAttributes cudaFuncSetCacheConfig cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfig cudaSetDoubleForDevice cudaSetDoubleForHost cudaFree cudaFreeArray cudaFreeHost cudaGetSymbolAddress cudaGetSymbolSize
syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaHostAlloc cudaHostGetDevicePointer cudaHostGetFlags cudaHostRegister cudaHostUnregister cudaMalloc cudaMallocArray cudaMallocHost cudaMallocPitch cudaMalloc3D cudaMalloc3DArray
syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaMemcpy cudaMemcpyArraytoArray cudaMemcpyAsync cudaMemcpyFromArray cudaMemcpyFromSymbol cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync cudaMemcpyPeer cudaMemcpyPeerAsync cudaMemcpyToArray cudaMemcpyToSymbol cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync cudaMemcpy2D cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray cudaMemcpy2DAsync cudaMemcpy2DFromArray cudaMemcpy2DToArray cudaMemcpy3D cudaMemcpy3DAsync
syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaMemGetInfo cudaMemset cudaMemset2D cudaMemset3D cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess cudaPointerGetAttributes cudaDriverGetVersion cudaRuntimeGetVersion
syn region none matchgroup=fortranType start="<<<" end=">>>" contains=ALLBUT,none
syn cluster fortranCommentGroup contains=fortranTodo
@ -453,6 +488,11 @@ else
hi! def link fortranConditionalR fortranConditional
hi def link fortranIntrinsicCUDA fortranIntrinsic
hi def link fortranTypeCUDA fortranType
hi def link fortranStringCUDA fortranString
hi def link fortranFormatSpec Identifier
hi def link fortranFloat Float
hi def link fortranPreCondit PreCondit
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: mplayer(1) configuration file
" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
" Latest Revision: 2007-06-17
" Language: mplayer(1) configuration file
" Maintainer: Dmitri Vereshchagin <dmitri.vereshchagin@gmail.com>
" Previous Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
" Latest Revision: 2015-01-24
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ syn region mplayerconfComment display oneline start='#' end='$'
syn keyword mplayerconfPreProc include
syn keyword mplayerconfBoolean yes no
syn keyword mplayerconfBoolean yes no true false
syn match mplayerconfNumber '\<\d\+\>'
@ -68,7 +69,49 @@ syn keyword mplayerconfOption hardframedrop nomouseinput bandwidth dumpstream
\ audio-delay audio-preload endpos ffourcc
\ include info noautoexpand noskip o oac of
\ ofps ovc skiplimit v vobsubout vobsuboutid
\ lameopts lavcopts nuvopts xvidencopts
\ lameopts lavcopts nuvopts xvidencopts a52drc
\ adapter af-add af-clr af-del af-pre
\ allow-dangerous-playlist-parsing ass
\ ass-border-color ass-bottom-margin ass-color
\ ass-font-scale ass-force-style ass-hinting
\ ass-line-spacing ass-styles ass-top-margin
\ ass-use-margins ausid bluray-angle
\ bluray-device border border-pos-x border-pos-y
\ cache-min cache-seek-min capture codecpath
\ codecs-file correct-pts crash-debug
\ doubleclick-time dvd-speed edl-backward-delay
\ edl-start-pts embeddedfonts fafmttag
\ field-dominance fontconfig force-avi-aspect
\ force-key-frames frameno-file fullscreen gamma
\ gui gui-include gui-wid heartbeat-cmd
\ heartbeat-interval hr-edl-seek
\ http-header-fields idle ignore-start
\ key-fifo-size list-properties menu-chroot
\ menu-keepdir menu-startup mixer-channel
\ monitor-orientation monitorpixelaspect
\ mouse-movements msgcharset msgcolor msglevel
\ msgmodule name noar nocache noconfig
\ noconsolecontrols nocorrect-pts nodouble
\ noedl-start-pts noencodedups
\ noflip-hebrew-commas nogui noidx noodml
\ nostop-xscreensaver nosub noterm-osd
\ osd-duration osd-fractions panscanrange
\ pausing playing-msg priority profile
\ progbar-align psprobe pvr radio referrer
\ refreshrate reuse-socket rtc rtc-device
\ rtsp-destination rtsp-port
\ rtsp-stream-over-http screenh show-profile
\ softvol softvol-max sub-paths subfont
\ term-osd-esc title tvscan udp-ip udp-master
\ udp-port udp-seek-threshold udp-slave
\ unrarexec use-filedir-conf use-filename-title
\ vf-add vf-clr vf-del vf-pre volstep volume
\ zrhdec zrydoff
syn region mplayerconfString display oneline start=+"+ end=+"+
syn region mplayerconfString display oneline start=+'+ end=+'+
syn region mplayerconfProfile display oneline start='^\s*\[' end='\]'
hi def link mplayerconfTodo Todo
hi def link mplayerconfComment Comment
@ -76,6 +119,8 @@ hi def link mplayerconfPreProc PreProc
hi def link mplayerconfBoolean Boolean
hi def link mplayerconfNumber Number
hi def link mplayerconfOption Keyword
hi def link mplayerconfString String
hi def link mplayerconfProfile Special
let b:current_syntax = "mplayerconf"
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" This is a GENERATED FILE. Please always refer to source file at the URI below.
" Language: strace output
" Maintainer: David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
" Last Change: 2002-10-10
" URL: http://trific.ath.cx/Ftp/vim/syntax/strace.vim
" Maintainer: David Necas (Yeti) <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
" Last Change: 2015-01-16
" Setup
if version >= 600
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ endif
syn case match
" Parse the line
syn match straceSpecialChar "\\\d\d\d\|\\." contained
syn match straceSpecialChar "\\\o\{1,3}\|\\." contained
syn region straceString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=straceSpecialChar oneline
syn match straceNumber "\W[+-]\=\(\d\+\)\=\.\=\d\+\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\="lc=1
syn match straceNumber "\W0x\x\+"lc=1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user