doc: Add example plugin

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ZyX 2017-05-23 22:49:08 +03:00
parent 97602371e6
commit 643d620164

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@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ according to effective &runtimepath value. Adjustment happens after each time
prepending directories from 'runtimepath' each suffixed by `/lua` and
`?`-containing suffixes from `package.path` and `package.cpath`. I.e. when
'runtimepath' option contains `/foo` and `package.path` contains only
`./a?d/j/g.nlua;./?.lua;/bar/?.lua` the resulting `package.path` after
`./?.lua;./a?d/j/g.nlua;/bar/?.lua` the resulting `package.path` after
adjustments will look like this: >
Note that code have taken everything starting from the last path component
from existing paths containing a question mark as a `?`-containing suffix, but
@ -33,6 +33,83 @@ some paths from there you need to reset 'runtimepath' to make them readded.
Note 3: paths from 'runtimepath' which contain semicolons cannot be put into
`package.[c]path` and thus are ignored.
1.1. Example of the plugin which uses lua modules: *lua-require-example*
The following example plugin adds a command `:MakeCharBlob` which transforms
current buffer into a long `unsigned char` array. Lua contains transformation
function in a module `lua/charblob.lua` which is imported in
`autoload/charblob.vim` (`require("charblob")`). Example plugin is supposed
to be put into any directory from 'runtimepath', e.g. `~/.config/nvim` (in
this case `lua/charblob.lua` means `~/.config/nvim/lua/charblob.lua`).
autoload/charblob.vim: >
function charblob#encode_buffer()
call setline(1, luaeval(
\ 'require("charblob").encode(unpack(_A))',
\ [getline(1, '$'), &textwidth, ' ']))
plugin/charblob.vim: >
if exists('g:charblob_loaded')
let g:charblob_loaded = 1
command MakeCharBlob :call charblob#encode_buffer()
lua/charblob.lua: >
local function charblob_bytes_iter(lines)
local init_s = {
next_line_idx = 1,
next_byte_idx = 1,
lines = lines,
local function next(s, _)
if lines[s.next_line_idx] == nil then
return nil
if s.next_byte_idx > #(lines[s.next_line_idx]) then
s.next_line_idx = s.next_line_idx + 1
s.next_byte_idx = 1
return ('\n'):byte()
local ret = lines[s.next_line_idx]:byte(s.next_byte_idx)
if ret == ('\n'):byte() then
ret = 0 -- See :h NL-used-for-NUL.
s.next_byte_idx = s.next_byte_idx + 1
return ret
return next, init_s, nil
local function charblob_encode(lines, textwidth, indent)
local ret = {
'const unsigned char blob[] = {',
for byte in charblob_bytes_iter(lines) do
-- .- space + number (width 3) + comma
if #(ret[#ret]) + 5 > textwidth then
ret[#ret + 1] = indent
ret[#ret] = ret[#ret] .. ' '
ret[#ret] = ret[#ret] .. (('%3u,'):format(byte))
ret[#ret + 1] = '};'
return ret
return {
bytes_iter = charblob_bytes_iter,
encode = charblob_encode,
2. Commands *lua-commands*