mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 18:55:14 -07:00
refactor(api): update vimdoc
This commit is contained in:
@ -708,67 +708,6 @@ nvim_create_buf({listed}, {scratch}) *nvim_create_buf()*
See also: ~
nvim_create_user_command({name}, {command}, {*opts})
Create a new user command |user-commands|
{name} is the name of the new command. The name must begin
with an uppercase letter.
{command} is the replacement text or Lua function to execute.
Example: >
:call nvim_create_user_command('SayHello', 'echo "Hello world!"', {})
Hello world!
Parameters: ~
{name} Name of the new user command. Must begin with
an uppercase letter.
{command} Replacement command to execute when this user
command is executed. When called from Lua, the
command can also be a Lua function. The
function is called with a single table argument
that contains the following keys:
• args: (string) The args passed to the
command, if any |<args>|
• fargs: (table) The args split by unescaped
whitespace (when more than one argument is
allowed), if any |<f-args>|
• bang: (boolean) "true" if the command was
executed with a ! modifier |<bang>|
• line1: (number) The starting line of the
command range |<line1>|
• line2: (number) The final line of the command
range |<line2>|
• range: (number) The number of items in the
command range: 0, 1, or 2 |<range>|
• count: (number) Any count supplied |<count>|
• reg: (string) The optional register, if
specified |<reg>|
• mods: (string) Command modifiers, if any
• smods: (table) Command modifiers in a
structured format. Has the same structure as
the "mods" key of |nvim_parse_cmd()|.
{opts} Optional command attributes. See
|command-attributes| for more details. To use
boolean attributes (such as |:command-bang| or
|:command-bar|) set the value to "true". In
addition to the string options listed in
|:command-complete|, the "complete" key also
accepts a Lua function which works like the
"customlist" completion mode
|:command-completion-customlist|. Additional
• desc: (string) Used for listing the command
when a Lua function is used for {command}.
• force: (boolean, default true) Override any
previous definition.
• preview: (function) Preview callback for
'inccommand' |:command-preview|
nvim_del_current_line() *nvim_del_current_line()*
Deletes the current line.
@ -800,12 +739,6 @@ nvim_del_mark({name}) *nvim_del_mark()*
nvim_del_user_command({name}) *nvim_del_user_command()*
Delete a user-defined command.
Parameters: ~
{name} Name of the command to delete.
nvim_del_var({name}) *nvim_del_var()*
Removes a global (g:) variable.
@ -923,15 +856,6 @@ nvim_feedkeys({keys}, {mode}, {escape_ks}) *nvim_feedkeys()*
nvim_get_all_options_info() *nvim_get_all_options_info()*
Gets the option information for all options.
The dictionary has the full option names as keys and option
metadata dictionaries as detailed at |nvim_get_option_info|.
Return: ~
dictionary of all options
nvim_get_api_info() *nvim_get_api_info()*
Returns a 2-tuple (Array), where item 0 is the current channel
id and item 1 is the |api-metadata| map (Dictionary).
@ -996,19 +920,6 @@ nvim_get_color_map() *nvim_get_color_map()*
Return: ~
Map of color names and RGB values.
nvim_get_commands({*opts}) *nvim_get_commands()*
Gets a map of global (non-buffer-local) Ex commands.
Currently only |user-commands| are supported, not builtin Ex
Parameters: ~
{opts} Optional parameters. Currently only supports
Return: ~
Map of maps describing commands.
nvim_get_context({*opts}) *nvim_get_context()*
Gets a map of the current editor state.
@ -1119,56 +1030,6 @@ nvim_get_mode() *nvim_get_mode()*
Attributes: ~
nvim_get_option({name}) *nvim_get_option()*
Gets the global value of an option.
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
Return: ~
Option value (global)
nvim_get_option_info({name}) *nvim_get_option_info()*
Gets the option information for one option
Resulting dictionary has keys:
• name: Name of the option (like 'filetype')
• shortname: Shortened name of the option (like 'ft')
• type: type of option ("string", "number" or "boolean")
• default: The default value for the option
• was_set: Whether the option was set.
• last_set_sid: Last set script id (if any)
• last_set_linenr: line number where option was set
• last_set_chan: Channel where option was set (0 for local)
• scope: one of "global", "win", or "buf"
• global_local: whether win or buf option has a global value
• commalist: List of comma separated values
• flaglist: List of single char flags
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
Return: ~
Option Information
nvim_get_option_value({name}, {*opts}) *nvim_get_option_value()*
Gets the value of an option. The behavior of this function
matches that of |:set|: the local value of an option is
returned if it exists; otherwise, the global value is
returned. Local values always correspond to the current buffer
or window. To get a buffer-local or window-local option for a
specific buffer or window, use |nvim_buf_get_option()| or
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
{opts} Optional parameters
• scope: One of 'global' or 'local'. Analogous to
|:setglobal| and |:setlocal|, respectively.
Return: ~
Option value
nvim_get_proc({pid}) *nvim_get_proc()*
Gets info describing process `pid`.
@ -1670,33 +1531,6 @@ nvim_set_keymap({mode}, {lhs}, {rhs}, {*opts}) *nvim_set_keymap()*
that takes a Lua function to call when the mapping
is executed.
nvim_set_option({name}, {value}) *nvim_set_option()*
Sets the global value of an option.
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
{value} New option value
nvim_set_option_value({name}, {value}, {*opts})
Sets the value of an option. The behavior of this function
matches that of |:set|: for global-local options, both the
global and local value are set unless otherwise specified with
Note the options {win} and {buf} cannot be used together.
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
{value} New option value
{opts} Optional parameters
• scope: One of 'global' or 'local'. Analogous to
|:setglobal| and |:setlocal|, respectively.
• win: |window-ID|. Used for setting window local
• buf: Buffer number. Used for setting buffer
local option.
nvim_set_var({name}, {value}) *nvim_set_var()*
Sets a global (g:) variable.
@ -1770,36 +1604,6 @@ nvim_call_function({fn}, {args}) *nvim_call_function()*
Return: ~
Result of the function call
nvim_cmd({*cmd}, {*opts}) *nvim_cmd()*
Executes an Ex command.
Unlike |nvim_command()| this command takes a structured
Dictionary instead of a String. This allows for easier
construction and manipulation of an Ex command. This also
allows for things such as having spaces inside a command
argument, expanding filenames in a command that otherwise
doesn't expand filenames, etc.
On execution error: fails with VimL error, updates v:errmsg.
Parameters: ~
{cmd} Command to execute. Must be a Dictionary that can
contain the same values as the return value of
|nvim_parse_cmd()| except "addr", "nargs" and
"nextcmd" which are ignored if provided. All
values except for "cmd" are optional.
{opts} Optional parameters.
• output: (boolean, default false) Whether to
return command output.
Return: ~
Command output (non-error, non-shell |:!|) if `output` is
true, else empty string.
See also: ~
nvim_command({command}) *nvim_command()*
Executes an Ex command.
@ -1850,76 +1654,6 @@ nvim_exec({src}, {output}) *nvim_exec()*
nvim_parse_cmd({str}, {opts}) *nvim_parse_cmd()*
Parse command line.
Doesn't check the validity of command arguments.
Attributes: ~
Parameters: ~
{str} Command line string to parse. Cannot contain "\n".
{opts} Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
Return: ~
Dictionary containing command information, with these
• cmd: (string) Command name.
• range: (array) Command <range>. Can have 0-2 elements
depending on how many items the range contains. Has no
elements if command doesn't accept a range or if no
range was specified, one element if only a single range
item was specified and two elements if both range items
were specified.
• count: (number) Any |<count>| that was supplied to the
command. -1 if command cannot take a count.
• reg: (number) The optional command |<register>|, if
specified. Empty string if not specified or if command
cannot take a register.
• bang: (boolean) Whether command contains a |<bang>| (!)
• args: (array) Command arguments.
• addr: (string) Value of |:command-addr|. Uses short
• nargs: (string) Value of |:command-nargs|.
• nextcmd: (string) Next command if there are multiple
commands separated by a |:bar|. Empty if there isn't a
next command.
• magic: (dictionary) Which characters have special
meaning in the command arguments.
• file: (boolean) The command expands filenames. Which
means characters such as "%", "#" and wildcards are
• bar: (boolean) The "|" character is treated as a
command separator and the double quote character (")
is treated as the start of a comment.
• mods: (dictionary) |:command-modifiers|.
• silent: (boolean) |:silent|.
• emsg_silent: (boolean) |:silent!|.
• sandbox: (boolean) |:sandbox|.
• noautocmd: (boolean) |:noautocmd|.
• browse: (boolean) |:browse|.
• confirm: (boolean) |:confirm|.
• hide: (boolean) |:hide|.
• keepalt: (boolean) |:keepalt|.
• keepjumps: (boolean) |:keepjumps|.
• keepmarks: (boolean) |:keepmarks|.
• keeppatterns: (boolean) |:keeppatterns|.
• lockmarks: (boolean) |:lockmarks|.
• noswapfile: (boolean) |:noswapfile|.
• tab: (integer) |:tab|.
• verbose: (integer) |:verbose|. -1 when omitted.
• vertical: (boolean) |:vertical|.
• split: (string) Split modifier string, is an empty
string when there's no split modifier. If there is a
split modifier it can be one of:
• "aboveleft": |:aboveleft|.
• "belowright": |:belowright|.
• "topleft": |:topleft|.
• "botright": |:botright|.
nvim_parse_expression({expr}, {flags}, {highlight})
Parse a VimL expression.
@ -2019,6 +1753,350 @@ nvim_parse_expression({expr}, {flags}, {highlight})
"DoubleQuotedString" nodes.
Command Functions *api-command*
nvim_buf_create_user_command({buffer}, {name}, {command}, {*opts})
Create a new user command |user-commands| in the given buffer.
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer.
See also: ~
nvim_buf_del_user_command({buffer}, {name})
Delete a buffer-local user-defined command.
Only commands created with |:command-buffer| or
|nvim_buf_create_user_command()| can be deleted with this
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer.
{name} Name of the command to delete.
nvim_buf_get_commands({buffer}, {*opts}) *nvim_buf_get_commands()*
Gets a map of buffer-local |user-commands|.
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
{opts} Optional parameters. Currently not used.
Return: ~
Map of maps describing commands.
nvim_cmd({*cmd}, {*opts}) *nvim_cmd()*
Executes an Ex command.
Unlike |nvim_command()| this command takes a structured
Dictionary instead of a String. This allows for easier
construction and manipulation of an Ex command. This also
allows for things such as having spaces inside a command
argument, expanding filenames in a command that otherwise
doesn't expand filenames, etc.
On execution error: fails with VimL error, updates v:errmsg.
Parameters: ~
{cmd} Command to execute. Must be a Dictionary that can
contain the same values as the return value of
|nvim_parse_cmd()| except "addr", "nargs" and
"nextcmd" which are ignored if provided. All
values except for "cmd" are optional.
{opts} Optional parameters.
• output: (boolean, default false) Whether to
return command output.
Return: ~
Command output (non-error, non-shell |:!|) if `output` is
true, else empty string.
See also: ~
nvim_create_user_command({name}, {command}, {*opts})
Create a new user command |user-commands|
{name} is the name of the new command. The name must begin
with an uppercase letter.
{command} is the replacement text or Lua function to execute.
Example: >
:call nvim_create_user_command('SayHello', 'echo "Hello world!"', {})
Hello world!
Parameters: ~
{name} Name of the new user command. Must begin with
an uppercase letter.
{command} Replacement command to execute when this user
command is executed. When called from Lua, the
command can also be a Lua function. The
function is called with a single table argument
that contains the following keys:
• args: (string) The args passed to the
command, if any |<args>|
• fargs: (table) The args split by unescaped
whitespace (when more than one argument is
allowed), if any |<f-args>|
• bang: (boolean) "true" if the command was
executed with a ! modifier |<bang>|
• line1: (number) The starting line of the
command range |<line1>|
• line2: (number) The final line of the command
range |<line2>|
• range: (number) The number of items in the
command range: 0, 1, or 2 |<range>|
• count: (number) Any count supplied |<count>|
• reg: (string) The optional register, if
specified |<reg>|
• mods: (string) Command modifiers, if any
• smods: (table) Command modifiers in a
structured format. Has the same structure as
the "mods" key of |nvim_parse_cmd()|.
{opts} Optional command attributes. See
|command-attributes| for more details. To use
boolean attributes (such as |:command-bang| or
|:command-bar|) set the value to "true". In
addition to the string options listed in
|:command-complete|, the "complete" key also
accepts a Lua function which works like the
"customlist" completion mode
|:command-completion-customlist|. Additional
• desc: (string) Used for listing the command
when a Lua function is used for {command}.
• force: (boolean, default true) Override any
previous definition.
• preview: (function) Preview callback for
'inccommand' |:command-preview|
nvim_del_user_command({name}) *nvim_del_user_command()*
Delete a user-defined command.
Parameters: ~
{name} Name of the command to delete.
nvim_get_commands({*opts}) *nvim_get_commands()*
Gets a map of global (non-buffer-local) Ex commands.
Currently only |user-commands| are supported, not builtin Ex
Parameters: ~
{opts} Optional parameters. Currently only supports
Return: ~
Map of maps describing commands.
nvim_parse_cmd({str}, {opts}) *nvim_parse_cmd()*
Parse command line.
Doesn't check the validity of command arguments.
Attributes: ~
Parameters: ~
{str} Command line string to parse. Cannot contain "\n".
{opts} Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
Return: ~
Dictionary containing command information, with these
• cmd: (string) Command name.
• range: (array) Command <range>. Can have 0-2 elements
depending on how many items the range contains. Has no
elements if command doesn't accept a range or if no
range was specified, one element if only a single range
item was specified and two elements if both range items
were specified.
• count: (number) Any |<count>| that was supplied to the
command. -1 if command cannot take a count.
• reg: (number) The optional command |<register>|, if
specified. Empty string if not specified or if command
cannot take a register.
• bang: (boolean) Whether command contains a |<bang>| (!)
• args: (array) Command arguments.
• addr: (string) Value of |:command-addr|. Uses short
• nargs: (string) Value of |:command-nargs|.
• nextcmd: (string) Next command if there are multiple
commands separated by a |:bar|. Empty if there isn't a
next command.
• magic: (dictionary) Which characters have special
meaning in the command arguments.
• file: (boolean) The command expands filenames. Which
means characters such as "%", "#" and wildcards are
• bar: (boolean) The "|" character is treated as a
command separator and the double quote character (")
is treated as the start of a comment.
• mods: (dictionary) |:command-modifiers|.
• silent: (boolean) |:silent|.
• emsg_silent: (boolean) |:silent!|.
• sandbox: (boolean) |:sandbox|.
• noautocmd: (boolean) |:noautocmd|.
• browse: (boolean) |:browse|.
• confirm: (boolean) |:confirm|.
• hide: (boolean) |:hide|.
• keepalt: (boolean) |:keepalt|.
• keepjumps: (boolean) |:keepjumps|.
• keepmarks: (boolean) |:keepmarks|.
• keeppatterns: (boolean) |:keeppatterns|.
• lockmarks: (boolean) |:lockmarks|.
• noswapfile: (boolean) |:noswapfile|.
• tab: (integer) |:tab|.
• verbose: (integer) |:verbose|. -1 when omitted.
• vertical: (boolean) |:vertical|.
• split: (string) Split modifier string, is an empty
string when there's no split modifier. If there is a
split modifier it can be one of:
• "aboveleft": |:aboveleft|.
• "belowright": |:belowright|.
• "topleft": |:topleft|.
• "botright": |:botright|.
Options Functions *api-options*
nvim_buf_get_option({buffer}, {name}) *nvim_buf_get_option()*
Gets a buffer option value
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
{name} Option name
Return: ~
Option value
nvim_buf_set_option({buffer}, {name}, {value}) *nvim_buf_set_option()*
Sets a buffer option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the
option (only works if there's a global fallback)
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
{name} Option name
{value} Option value
nvim_get_all_options_info() *nvim_get_all_options_info()*
Gets the option information for all options.
The dictionary has the full option names as keys and option
metadata dictionaries as detailed at |nvim_get_option_info|.
Return: ~
dictionary of all options
nvim_get_option({name}) *nvim_get_option()*
Gets the global value of an option.
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
Return: ~
Option value (global)
nvim_get_option_info({name}) *nvim_get_option_info()*
Gets the option information for one option
Resulting dictionary has keys:
• name: Name of the option (like 'filetype')
• shortname: Shortened name of the option (like 'ft')
• type: type of option ("string", "number" or "boolean")
• default: The default value for the option
• was_set: Whether the option was set.
• last_set_sid: Last set script id (if any)
• last_set_linenr: line number where option was set
• last_set_chan: Channel where option was set (0 for local)
• scope: one of "global", "win", or "buf"
• global_local: whether win or buf option has a global value
• commalist: List of comma separated values
• flaglist: List of single char flags
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
Return: ~
Option Information
nvim_get_option_value({name}, {*opts}) *nvim_get_option_value()*
Gets the value of an option. The behavior of this function
matches that of |:set|: the local value of an option is
returned if it exists; otherwise, the global value is
returned. Local values always correspond to the current buffer
or window. To get a buffer-local or window-local option for a
specific buffer or window, use |nvim_buf_get_option()| or
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
{opts} Optional parameters
• scope: One of 'global' or 'local'. Analogous to
|:setglobal| and |:setlocal|, respectively.
Return: ~
Option value
nvim_set_option({name}, {value}) *nvim_set_option()*
Sets the global value of an option.
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
{value} New option value
nvim_set_option_value({name}, {value}, {*opts})
Sets the value of an option. The behavior of this function
matches that of |:set|: for global-local options, both the
global and local value are set unless otherwise specified with
Note the options {win} and {buf} cannot be used together.
Parameters: ~
{name} Option name
{value} New option value
{opts} Optional parameters
• scope: One of 'global' or 'local'. Analogous to
|:setglobal| and |:setlocal|, respectively.
• win: |window-ID|. Used for setting window local
• buf: Buffer number. Used for setting buffer
local option.
nvim_win_get_option({window}, {name}) *nvim_win_get_option()*
Gets a window option value
Parameters: ~
{window} Window handle, or 0 for current window
{name} Option name
Return: ~
Option value
nvim_win_set_option({window}, {name}, {value}) *nvim_win_set_option()*
Sets a window option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the
option(only works if there's a global fallback)
Parameters: ~
{window} Window handle, or 0 for current window
{name} Option name
{value} Option value
Buffer Functions *api-buffer*
@ -2157,16 +2235,6 @@ nvim_buf_call({buffer}, {fun}) *nvim_buf_call()*
Return value of function. NB: will deepcopy lua values
currently, use upvalues to send lua references in and out.
nvim_buf_create_user_command({buffer}, {name}, {command}, {*opts})
Create a new user command |user-commands| in the given buffer.
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer.
See also: ~
nvim_buf_del_keymap({buffer}, {mode}, {lhs}) *nvim_buf_del_keymap()*
Unmaps a buffer-local |mapping| for the given mode.
@ -2194,18 +2262,6 @@ nvim_buf_del_mark({buffer}, {name}) *nvim_buf_del_mark()*
nvim_buf_del_user_command({buffer}, {name})
Delete a buffer-local user-defined command.
Only commands created with |:command-buffer| or
|nvim_buf_create_user_command()| can be deleted with this
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer.
{name} Name of the command to delete.
nvim_buf_del_var({buffer}, {name}) *nvim_buf_del_var()*
Removes a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
@ -2253,16 +2309,6 @@ nvim_buf_get_changedtick({buffer}) *nvim_buf_get_changedtick()*
Return: ~
`b:changedtick` value.
nvim_buf_get_commands({buffer}, {*opts}) *nvim_buf_get_commands()*
Gets a map of buffer-local |user-commands|.
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
{opts} Optional parameters. Currently not used.
Return: ~
Map of maps describing commands.
nvim_buf_get_keymap({buffer}, {mode}) *nvim_buf_get_keymap()*
Gets a list of buffer-local |mapping| definitions.
@ -2341,16 +2387,6 @@ nvim_buf_get_offset({buffer}, {index}) *nvim_buf_get_offset()*
Return: ~
Integer byte offset, or -1 for unloaded buffer.
nvim_buf_get_option({buffer}, {name}) *nvim_buf_get_option()*
Gets a buffer option value
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
{name} Option name
Return: ~
Option value
nvim_buf_get_text({buffer}, {start_row}, {start_col}, {end_row}, {end_col},
@ -2486,15 +2522,6 @@ nvim_buf_set_name({buffer}, {name}) *nvim_buf_set_name()*
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
{name} Buffer name
nvim_buf_set_option({buffer}, {name}, {value}) *nvim_buf_set_option()*
Sets a buffer option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the
option (only works if there's a global fallback)
Parameters: ~
{buffer} Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
{name} Option name
{value} Option value
nvim_buf_set_text({buffer}, {start_row}, {start_col}, {end_row}, {end_col},
@ -2968,16 +2995,6 @@ nvim_win_get_number({window}) *nvim_win_get_number()*
Return: ~
Window number
nvim_win_get_option({window}, {name}) *nvim_win_get_option()*
Gets a window option value
Parameters: ~
{window} Window handle, or 0 for current window
{name} Option name
Return: ~
Option value
nvim_win_get_position({window}) *nvim_win_get_position()*
Gets the window position in display cells. First position is
@ -3066,15 +3083,6 @@ nvim_win_set_height({window}, {height}) *nvim_win_set_height()*
{window} Window handle, or 0 for current window
{height} Height as a count of rows
nvim_win_set_option({window}, {name}, {value}) *nvim_win_set_option()*
Sets a window option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the
option(only works if there's a global fallback)
Parameters: ~
{window} Window handle, or 0 for current window
{name} Option name
{value} Option value
nvim_win_set_var({window}, {name}, {value}) *nvim_win_set_var()*
Sets a window-scoped (w:) variable
@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ CONFIG = {
'section_order': [
Reference in New Issue
Block a user