always use git log, not version.c

This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2017-12-04 09:08:07 +01:00
parent ad9c2d3cb9
commit 5bd8827431

View File

@ -327,6 +327,11 @@ list_vim_patches() {
local vim_commits
vim_commits="$(cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git log --reverse --format='%H' v8.0.0000..HEAD)"
# Find all "vim-patch:xxx" tokens in the Nvim git log.
local tokens
tokens="$(cd "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git log -E --grep='vim-patch:[^ ]+' | grep 'vim-patch')"
tokens="$(for i in $tokens ; do echo "$i" | grep -E 'vim-patch:[^ ]{7}' | sed 's/.*\(vim-patch:[.0-9a-z]\+\).*/\1/' ; done)"
local vim_commit
for vim_commit in ${vim_commits}; do
local is_missing
@ -334,22 +339,21 @@ list_vim_patches() {
# This fails for untagged commits (e.g., runtime file updates) so mask the return status
vim_tag="$(cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git describe --tags --exact-match "${vim_commit}" 2>/dev/null)" || true
if [[ -n "${vim_tag}" ]]; then
local patch_number="${vim_tag:5}" # Remove prefix like "v7.4."
patch_number="$(echo ${patch_number} | sed 's/^0*//g')" # Remove prefix "0"
# Tagged Vim patch, check version.c:
is_missing="$(sed -n '/static const int included_patches/,/}/p' "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/src/nvim/version.c" |
grep -x -e "[[:space:]]*//[[:space:]]${patch_number} NA.*" -e "[[:space:]]*${patch_number}," >/dev/null && echo "false" || echo "true")"
# Vim version number (not commit hash).
local patch_number="${vim_tag:1}" # "v7.4.0001" => "7.4.0001"
is_missing="$(echo "$tokens" | >/dev/null 2>&1 grep "vim\-patch:${patch_number}" && echo false || echo true)"
if (cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git --no-pager show --color=never --name-only "v${vim_commit}" 2>/dev/null) | grep -q ^runtime; then
vim_commit="${vim_commit} (+runtime)"
if ! [ "$is_missing" = "false" ] ; then
if (cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git --no-pager show --color=never --name-only "v${vim_commit}" 2>/dev/null) | grep -q ^runtime; then
vim_commit="${vim_commit} (+runtime)"
# Untagged Vim patch (e.g. runtime updates), check the Neovim git log:
is_missing="$(cd "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" &&
git log -1 --no-merges --grep="vim\-patch:${vim_commit:0:7}" --pretty=format:false)"
# Untagged Vim patch (e.g. runtime updates).
is_missing="$(echo "$tokens" | >/dev/null 2>&1 grep "vim\-patch:${vim_commit:0:7}" && echo false || echo true)"
if [[ ${is_missing} != "false" ]]; then
if ! [ "$is_missing" = "false" ]; then
echo "${vim_commit}"