docs(lsp): do not use | as argument separator

This translates into a tag in the help doc.
This commit is contained in:
Gregory Anders 2021-11-29 22:11:33 -07:00 committed by Dundar Göc
parent b6e531c1d9
commit 5a24c2c83d
2 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -1347,18 +1347,18 @@ buf_clear_references({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.util.buf_clear_references()*
Removes document highlights from a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} buffer id
{bufnr} number Buffer id
buf_highlight_references({bufnr}, {references}, {offset_encoding})
Shows a list of document highlights for a certain buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} buffer id
{references} List of `DocumentHighlight` objects to
{offset_encoding} string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults
to utf-16
{bufnr} number Buffer id
{references} table List of `DocumentHighlight`
objects to highlight
{offset_encoding} string One of "utf-8", "utf-16",
"utf-32", or nil. Defaults to utf-16
See also: ~

View File

@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ do --[[ References ]]
--- Removes document highlights from a buffer.
---@param bufnr buffer id
---@param bufnr number Buffer id
function M.buf_clear_references(bufnr)
validate { bufnr = {bufnr, 'n', true} }
api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, reference_ns, 0, -1)
@ -1424,9 +1424,9 @@ do --[[ References ]]
--- Shows a list of document highlights for a certain buffer.
---@param bufnr buffer id
---@param references List of `DocumentHighlight` objects to highlight
---@param offset_encoding string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to utf-16
---@param bufnr number Buffer id
---@param references table List of `DocumentHighlight` objects to highlight
---@param offset_encoding string One of "utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-32", or nil. Defaults to utf-16
function M.buf_highlight_references(bufnr, references, offset_encoding)
validate { bufnr = {bufnr, 'n', true} }