fix(column): avoid drawing columns for virt_lines_leftcol

Problem:    The default fold column, as well as the 'statuscolumn', were
            drawn unnecessarily/unexpectedly for virtual lines placed
            with `virt_lines_leftcol` set.
Solution:   Skip the column states if a virtual line with
            `virt_lines_leftcol` set will be drawn.
This commit is contained in:
Luuk van Baal 2023-01-16 01:24:33 +01:00
parent 85111ca0f4
commit 54470336ff
2 changed files with 72 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "nvim/decoration_provider.h"
#include "nvim/diff.h"
#include "nvim/drawline.h"
#include "nvim/eval.h"
#include "nvim/extmark_defs.h"
#include "nvim/fold.h"
#include "nvim/garray.h"
@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ static void get_statuscol_str(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum, int row, int startrow, i
set_vim_var_nr(VV_VIRTNUM, virtnum);
// When called the first time for line "lnum" set num_attr
if (row == startrow) {
if (stcp->num_attr == 0) {
stcp->num_attr = sign_num_attr ? sign_num_attr
: get_line_number_attr(wp, lnum, row, startrow, filler_lines);
@ -1203,6 +1204,8 @@ int win_line(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum, int startrow, int endrow, bool nochange,
int sign_idx = 0;
int virt_line_index;
int virt_line_offset = -1;
// Repeat for the whole displayed line.
for (;;) {
int has_match_conc = 0; ///< match wants to conceal
@ -1229,9 +1232,22 @@ int win_line(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum, int startrow, int endrow, bool nochange,
// Skip fold, sign and number states if 'statuscolumn' is set.
if (draw_state == WL_FOLD - 1 && n_extra == 0 && statuscol.draw) {
draw_state = WL_STC - 1;
if (draw_state == WL_FOLD - 1 && n_extra == 0) {
if (filler_todo > 0) {
int index = filler_todo - (filler_lines - n_virt_lines);
if (index > 0) {
virt_line_index = (int)kv_size(virt_lines) - index;
assert(virt_line_index >= 0);
virt_line_offset = kv_A(virt_lines, virt_line_index).left_col ? 0 : win_col_off(wp);
if (!virt_line_offset) {
// Skip the column states if there is a "virt_left_col" line.
draw_state = WL_BRI - 1;
} else if (statuscol.draw) {
// Skip fold, sign and number states if 'statuscolumn' is set.
draw_state = WL_STC - 1;
if (draw_state == WL_FOLD - 1 && n_extra == 0) {
@ -2754,15 +2770,9 @@ int win_line(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum, int startrow, int endrow, bool nochange,
&& !wp->w_p_rl; // Not right-to-left.
int draw_col = col - boguscols;
if (filler_todo > 0) {
int index = filler_todo - (filler_lines - n_virt_lines);
if (index > 0) {
int i = (int)kv_size(virt_lines) - index;
assert(i >= 0);
int offset = kv_A(virt_lines, i).left_col ? 0 : win_col_offset;
draw_virt_text_item(buf, offset, kv_A(virt_lines, i).line,
kHlModeReplace, grid->cols, 0);
if (virt_line_offset >= 0) {
draw_virt_text_item(buf, virt_line_offset, kv_A(virt_lines, virt_line_index).line,
kHlModeReplace, grid->cols, 0);
} else {
draw_virt_text(wp, buf, win_col_offset, &draw_col, grid->cols, row);
@ -2825,13 +2835,15 @@ int win_line(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum, int startrow, int endrow, bool nochange,
if (row == startrow + filler_lines + 1 || row == startrow + filler_lines) {
// Re-evaluate 'statuscolumn' for the first wrapped row and non filler line
statuscol.textp = NULL;
} else { // Otherwise just reset the text/hlrec pointers
} else if (statuscol.textp) {
// Draw the already built 'statuscolumn' on the next wrapped or filler line
statuscol.textp = statuscol.text;
statuscol.hlrecp = statuscol.hlrec;
} // Fall back to default columns if the 'n' flag isn't in 'cpo'
statuscol.draw = vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_NUMCOL) == NULL;
virt_line_offset = -1;
// When the filler lines are actually below the last line of the
// file, don't draw the line itself, break here.
if (filler_todo == 0 && (wp->w_botfill || end_fill)) {

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local clear = helpers.clear
local command = helpers.command
local eq = helpers.eq
local eval = helpers.eval
local exec = helpers.exec_lua
local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua
local meths = helpers.meths
local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
it('fails with invalid \'statuscolumn\'', function()
command('set stc=%{v:relnum?v:relnum:(v:lnum==5?invalid:v:lnum)}\\ ')
it("fails with invalid 'statuscolumn'", function()
command([[set stc=%{v:relnum?v:relnum:(v:lnum==5?invalid:v:lnum)}\ ]])
4 aaaaa |
3 aaaaa |
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
eq('', eval('&statuscolumn'))
it('widens with irregular \'statuscolumn\' width', function()
command('set stc=%{v:relnum?v:relnum:(v:lnum==5?\'bbbbb\':v:lnum)}')
it("widens with irregular 'statuscolumn' width", function()
command([[set stc=%{v:relnum?v:relnum:(v:lnum==5?'bbbbb':v:lnum)}]])
command('norm 5G | redraw!')
1 aaaaa |
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
it('works with \'statuscolumn\'', function()
it("works with 'statuscolumn'", function()
command([[set stc=%{&nu?v:lnum:''}%=%{&rnu?'\ '.v:relnum:''}│]])
4 aaaaa |
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
command([[set stc=%{&nu?v:lnum:''}%=%{&rnu?'\ '.v:relnum:''}│]])
it('works with highlighted \'statuscolumn\'', function()
it("works with highlighted 'statuscolumn'", function()
command([[set stc=%#NonText#%{&nu?v:lnum:''}]] ..
[[%=%{&rnu&&(v:lnum%2)?'\ '.v:relnum:''}]] ..
[[%#LineNr#%{&rnu&&!(v:lnum%2)?'\ '.v:relnum:''}│]])
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
it('works with wrapped lines, signs and folds', function()
command("set stc=%C%s%=%{v:virtnum?'':v:lnum}│\\ ")
command([[set stc=%C%s%=%{v:virtnum?'':v:lnum}│\ ]])
command("call setline(1,repeat([repeat('aaaaa',10)],16))")
[0] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue},
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
command('norm zf$')
-- Check that alignment works properly with signs after %=
command("set stc=%C%=%{v:virtnum?'':v:lnum}│%s\\ ")
command([[set stc=%C%=%{v:virtnum?'':v:lnum}│%s\ ]])
{2: }{1: 4>>}{2: }{1: }aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
{2: }{1: }{2: }{1: }aaaaaa |
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
-- v:lnum is the same value on wrapped lines
command("set stc=%C%=%{v:lnum}│%s\\ ")
command([[set stc=%C%=%{v:lnum}│%s\ ]])
{2: }{1: 4>>}{2: }{1: }aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
{2: }{1: 4}{2: }{1: }aaaaaa |
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
-- v:relnum is the same value on wrapped lines
command("set stc=%C%=\\ %{v:relnum}│%s\\ ")
command([[set stc=%C%=\ %{v:relnum}│%s\ ]])
{2: }{1: 4>>}{2: }{1: }aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
{2: }{1: 4}{2: }{1: }aaaaaa |
@ -348,14 +348,11 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
-- Status column is re-evaluated for virt_lines, buffer line, and wrapped line
local ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("ns")
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, 4, 0, {
virt_lines = {{{"virt_line", ""}}, {{"virt_line", ""}}}
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, 5, 0, {
virt_lines_above = true, virt_lines = {{{"virt_line above", ""}}, {{"virt_line above", ""}}}
virt_lines_above = true, virt_lines = {{{"virt_line above", ""}}} })
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, 4, 0, { virt_lines = {{{"virt_line", ""}}} })
command('set foldcolumn=0 signcolumn=no')
command([[set stc=%{v:virtnum<0?'virtual':(!v:virtnum?'buffer':'wrapped')}%=%{'\ '.v:virtnum.'\ '.v:lnum}]])
@ -364,20 +361,20 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
{1:wrapped 1 4}aaaaaaaa |
{1:buffer 0 5}aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
{1:wrapped 1 5}aaaaaaaa |
{1:virtual-4 5}virt_line |
{1:virtual-4 5}virt_line |
{1:virtual-4 5}virt_line above |
{1:virtual-4 5}virt_line above |
{1:virtual-2 5}virt_line |
{1:virtual-2 5}virt_line above |
{1:buffer 0 6}aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
{1:wrapped 1 6}aaaaaaaa |
{1:buffer 0 7}aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
{1:wrapped 1 7}aaaaaaaa |
{4:buffer 0 8}{5:^+-- 1 line: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}|
{1:buffer 0 9}aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
{1:wrapped 1 9}aaaaaaaa |
it('works with \'statuscolumn\' clicks', function()
it("works with 'statuscolumn' clicks", function()
command('set mousemodel=extend')
function! MyClickFunc(minwid, clicks, button, mods)
@ -414,25 +411,36 @@ describe('statuscolumn', function()
eq('', eval("g:testvar"))
it('fits maximum multibyte foldcolumn #21759', function()
command('set stc=%C fdc=9 fillchars=foldsep:𒀀')
it('works with foldcolumn', function()
-- Fits maximum multibyte foldcolumn #21759
command([[set stc=%C%=%l\ fdc=9 fillchars=foldsep:𒀀]])
for _ = 0,8 do command('norm zfjzo') end
-- 'statuscolumn' is not drawn for `virt_lines_leftcol` lines
local ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("ns")
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, 6, 0, {
virt_lines_leftcol = true, virt_lines = {{{"virt", ""}}} })
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, 7, 0, {
virt_lines_leftcol = true, virt_lines = {{{"virt", ""}}} })
helpers.feed('lh') -- force update wcol/row
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
--------- ^aaaaa |
𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀 aaaaa |
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
aaaaa |
4 aaaaa |
5 aaaaa |
6 aaaaa |
7 aaaaa |
virt |
--------- 8 ^aaaaa |
virt |
𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀𒀀 9 aaaaa |
10 aaaaa |
11 aaaaa |
12 aaaaa |
13 aaaaa |
14 aaaaa |
command('set stc=') -- also for the default sign column