mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 10:45:16 -07:00
@ -324,8 +324,9 @@ After setting this variable, reload the syntax script: >
The 'diffexpr' option can be set to use something else than the standard
"diff" program to compare two files and find the differences. *E959*
The 'diffexpr' option can be set to use something else than the internal diff
support or the standard "diff" program to compare two files and find the
When 'diffexpr' is empty, Vim uses this command to find the differences
between file1 and file2: >
@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ format mentioned. These variables are set to the file names used:
v:fname_in original file
v:fname_new new version of the same file
v:fname_out resulting diff file
v:fname_out where to write the resulting diff file
Additionally, 'diffexpr' should take care of "icase" and "iwhite" in the
'diffopt' option. 'diffexpr' cannot change the value of 'lines' and
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ Note: When the 'write' option is off, you are not able to write any file.
*:w* *:write*
*E502* *E503* *E504* *E505*
*E512* *E514* *E667* *E796* *E949*
*E512* *E514* *E667* *E949*
:w[rite] [++opt] Write the whole buffer to the current file. This is
the normal way to save changes to a file. It fails
when the 'readonly' option is set or when there is
@ -131,14 +131,15 @@ shell script: "#!/bin/csh".
argument was used.
When the same extension is used for two filetypes, Vim tries to guess what
kind of file it is. This doesn't always work. A number of global variables
can be used to overrule the filetype used for certain extensions:
When the same extension is used for multiple filetypes, Vim tries to guess
what kind of file it is. This doesn't always work. A number of global
variables can be used to overrule the filetype used for certain extensions:
file name variable ~
*.asa g:filetype_asa |ft-aspvbs-syntax| |ft-aspperl-syntax|
*.asm g:asmsyntax |ft-asm-syntax|
*.asp g:filetype_asp |ft-aspvbs-syntax| |ft-aspperl-syntax|
*.bas g:filetype_bas |ft-basic-syntax|
*.fs g:filetype_fs |ft-forth-syntax|
*.i g:filetype_i |ft-progress-syntax|
*.inc g:filetype_inc
@ -501,7 +501,9 @@ Note the use of backslashes to avoid some characters to be interpreted by the
Evaluating 'foldtext' is done in the |sandbox|. The current window is set to
the window that displays the line. Errors are ignored.
the window that displays the line.
Errors are ignored. For debugging set the 'debug' option to "throw".
The default value is |foldtext()|. This returns a reasonable text for most
types of folding. If you don't like it, you can specify your own 'foldtext'
@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ scripts.
When 'verbose' is non-zero, listing a command will also display where it was
last defined. Example: >
last defined and any completion argument. Example: >
:verbose command TOhtml
< Name Args Range Complete Definition ~
@ -1332,6 +1332,8 @@ completion can be enabled:
-complete=custom,{func} custom completion, defined via {func}
-complete=customlist,{func} custom completion, defined via {func}
If you specify completion while there is nothing to complete (-nargs=0, the
default) then you get error *E1208* .
Note: That some completion methods might expand environment variables.
@ -162,12 +162,11 @@ command name, for example: >
This opens two windows:
gdb window A terminal window in which "gdb vim" is executed. Here you
can directly interact with gdb. The buffer name is "!gdb".
can directly interact with gdb.
program window A terminal window for the executed program. When "run" is
used in gdb the program I/O will happen in this window, so
that it does not interfere with controlling gdb. The buffer
name is "gdb program".
that it does not interfere with controlling gdb.
The current window is used to show the source code. When gdb pauses the
source file location will be displayed, if possible. A sign is used to
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ argument.
changes and writing.
-e *-e* *-E*
-E Start Nvim in Ex mode |gQ|.
-E Start Nvim in Ex mode |gQ|, see |Ex-mode|.
If stdin is not a TTY:
-e reads/executes stdin as Ex commands.
@ -920,12 +920,16 @@ in .../after/syntax/baan.vim (see |after-directory|). Eg: >
BASIC *basic.vim* *vb.vim* *ft-basic-syntax* *ft-vb-syntax*
Both Visual Basic and "normal" basic use the extension ".bas". To detect
Both Visual Basic and "normal" BASIC use the extension ".bas". To detect
which one should be used, Vim checks for the string "VB_Name" in the first
five lines of the file. If it is not found, filetype will be "basic",
otherwise "vb". Files with the ".frm" extension will always be seen as Visual
If the automatic detection doesn't work for you or you only edit, for
example, FreeBASIC files, use this in your startup vimrc: >
:let filetype_bas = "freebasic"
C *c.vim* *ft-c-syntax*
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
" Last Change: 2022 Jan 13
" Last Change: 2022 Jan 23
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Author: Bram Moolenaar
" Copyright: Vim license applies, see ":help license"
" Last Change: 2022 Jan 13
" Last Change: 2022 Jan 17
" WORK IN PROGRESS - Only the basics work
" Note: On MS-Windows you need a recent version of gdb. The one included with
@ -1344,6 +1344,7 @@ func s:HandleCursor(msg)
if lnum =~ '^[0-9]*$'
call s:GotoSourcewinOrCreateIt()
if expand('%:p') != fnamemodify(fname, ':p')
echomsg 'different fname: "' .. expand('%:p') .. '" vs "' .. fnamemodify(fname, ':p') .. '"'
augroup Termdebug
" Always open a file read-only instead of showing the ATTENTION
" prompt, since we are unlikely to want to edit the file.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: M$ Resource files (*.rc)
" Maintainer: Christian Brabandt
" Last Change: 2015-05-29
" Last Change: 20220116
" Repository: https://github.com/chrisbra/vim-rc-syntax
" License: Vim (see :h license)
" Previous Maintainer: Heiko Erhardt <Heiko.Erhardt@munich.netsurf.de>
@ -173,16 +173,17 @@ hi def link rcAttribute rcCommonAttribute
hi def link rcStdId rcStatement
hi def link rcStatement Statement
" Default color overrides
hi def rcLanguage term=reverse ctermbg=Red ctermfg=Yellow guibg=Red guifg=Yellow
hi def rcMainObject term=underline ctermfg=Blue guifg=Blue
hi def rcSubObject ctermfg=Green guifg=Green
hi def rcCaptionParam term=underline ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=Green
hi def rcParam ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=DarkGreen
hi def rcStatement ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=DarkGreen
hi def rcCommonAttribute ctermfg=Brown guifg=Brown
hi def link rcLanguage Constant
hi def link rcCaptionParam Constant
hi def link rcCommonAttribute Constant
hi def link rcMainObject Identifier
hi def link rcSubObject Define
hi def link rcParam Constant
hi def link rcStatement Statement
"hi def link rcIdentifier Identifier
"hi def link rcIdentifier Identifier
let b:current_syntax = "rc"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: Derek Wyatt
" URL: https://github.com/derekwyatt/vim-scala
" License: Same as Vim
" Last Change: 23 August 2021
" Last Change: 23 January 2022
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if !exists('main_syntax')
@ -43,55 +43,55 @@ syn keyword scalaKeyword class trait object extends with nextgroup=scalaInstance
syn keyword scalaKeyword case nextgroup=scalaKeyword,scalaCaseFollowing skipwhite
syn keyword scalaKeyword val nextgroup=scalaNameDefinition,scalaQuasiQuotes skipwhite
syn keyword scalaKeyword def var nextgroup=scalaNameDefinition skipwhite
hi link scalaKeyword Keyword
hi def link scalaKeyword Keyword
exe 'syn region scalaBlock start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=' . s:ContainedGroup() . ' fold'
syn keyword scalaAkkaSpecialWord when goto using startWith initialize onTransition stay become unbecome
hi link scalaAkkaSpecialWord PreProc
hi def link scalaAkkaSpecialWord PreProc
syn keyword scalatestSpecialWord shouldBe
syn match scalatestShouldDSLA /^\s\+\zsit should/
syn match scalatestShouldDSLB /\<should\>/
hi link scalatestSpecialWord PreProc
hi link scalatestShouldDSLA PreProc
hi link scalatestShouldDSLB PreProc
hi def link scalatestSpecialWord PreProc
hi def link scalatestShouldDSLA PreProc
hi def link scalatestShouldDSLB PreProc
syn match scalaSymbol /'[_A-Za-z0-9$]\+/
hi link scalaSymbol Number
hi def link scalaSymbol Number
syn match scalaChar /'.'/
syn match scalaChar /'\\[\\"'ntbrf]'/ contains=scalaEscapedChar
syn match scalaChar /'\\u[A-Fa-f0-9]\{4}'/ contains=scalaUnicodeChar
syn match scalaEscapedChar /\\[\\"'ntbrf]/
syn match scalaUnicodeChar /\\u[A-Fa-f0-9]\{4}/
hi link scalaChar Character
hi link scalaEscapedChar Special
hi link scalaUnicodeChar Special
hi def link scalaChar Character
hi def link scalaEscapedChar Special
hi def link scalaUnicodeChar Special
syn match scalaOperator "||"
syn match scalaOperator "&&"
syn match scalaOperator "|"
syn match scalaOperator "&"
hi link scalaOperator Special
hi def link scalaOperator Special
syn match scalaNameDefinition /\<[_A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaPostNameDefinition,scalaVariableDeclarationList
syn match scalaNameDefinition /`[^`]\+`/ contained nextgroup=scalaPostNameDefinition
syn match scalaVariableDeclarationList /\s*,\s*/ contained nextgroup=scalaNameDefinition
syn match scalaPostNameDefinition /\_s*:\_s*/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration
hi link scalaNameDefinition Function
hi def link scalaNameDefinition Function
syn match scalaInstanceDeclaration /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaInstanceHash
syn match scalaInstanceDeclaration /`[^`]\+`/ contained
syn match scalaInstanceHash /#/ contained nextgroup=scalaInstanceDeclaration
hi link scalaInstanceDeclaration Special
hi link scalaInstanceHash Type
hi def link scalaInstanceDeclaration Special
hi def link scalaInstanceHash Type
syn match scalaUnimplemented /???/
hi link scalaUnimplemented ERROR
hi def link scalaUnimplemented ERROR
syn match scalaCapitalWord /\<[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9$]*\>/
hi link scalaCapitalWord Special
hi def link scalaCapitalWord Special
" Handle type declarations specially
syn region scalaTypeStatement matchgroup=Keyword start=/\<type\_s\+\ze/ end=/$/ contains=scalaTypeTypeDeclaration,scalaSquareBrackets,scalaTypeTypeEquals,scalaTypeStatement
@ -105,18 +105,18 @@ syn match scalaTypeTypeEquals /=\ze[^>]/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeTypePostDe
syn match scalaTypeTypeExtension /)\?\_s*\zs\%(⇒\|=>\|<:\|:>\|=:=\|::\|#\)/ contained contains=scalaTypeOperator nextgroup=scalaTypeTypeDeclaration skipwhite
syn match scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeTypePostExtension skipwhite
syn match scalaTypeTypePostExtension /\%(⇒\|=>\|<:\|:>\|=:=\|::\)/ contained contains=scalaTypeOperator nextgroup=scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration skipwhite
hi link scalaTypeTypeDeclaration Type
hi link scalaTypeTypeExtension Keyword
hi link scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration Special
hi link scalaTypeTypePostExtension Keyword
hi def link scalaTypeTypeDeclaration Type
hi def link scalaTypeTypeExtension Keyword
hi def link scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration Special
hi def link scalaTypeTypePostExtension Keyword
syn match scalaTypeDeclaration /(/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeExtension contains=scalaRoundBrackets skipwhite
syn match scalaTypeDeclaration /\%(⇒\|=>\)\ze/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration contains=scalaTypeExtension skipwhite
syn match scalaTypeDeclaration /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeExtension skipwhite
syn match scalaTypeExtension /)\?\_s*\zs\%(⇒\|=>\|<:\|:>\|=:=\|::\|#\)/ contained contains=scalaTypeOperator nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration skipwhite
hi link scalaTypeDeclaration Type
hi link scalaTypeExtension Keyword
hi link scalaTypePostExtension Keyword
hi def link scalaTypeDeclaration Type
hi def link scalaTypeExtension Keyword
hi def link scalaTypePostExtension Keyword
syn match scalaTypeAnnotation /\%([_a-zA-Z0-9$\s]:\_s*\)\ze[_=(\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+/ skipwhite nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration contains=scalaRoundBrackets
syn match scalaTypeAnnotation /)\_s*:\_s*\ze[_=(\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+/ skipwhite nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration
@ -124,51 +124,51 @@ hi clear scalaTypeAnnotation
syn match scalaCaseFollowing /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained contains=scalaCapitalWord
syn match scalaCaseFollowing /`[^`]\+`/ contained contains=scalaCapitalWord
hi link scalaCaseFollowing Special
hi def link scalaCaseFollowing Special
syn keyword scalaKeywordModifier abstract override final lazy implicit private protected sealed null super
syn keyword scalaSpecialFunction implicitly require
hi link scalaKeywordModifier Function
hi link scalaSpecialFunction Function
hi def link scalaKeywordModifier Function
hi def link scalaSpecialFunction Function
syn keyword scalaSpecial this true false ne eq
syn keyword scalaSpecial new nextgroup=scalaInstanceDeclaration skipwhite
syn match scalaSpecial "\%(=>\|⇒\|<-\|←\|->\|→\)"
syn match scalaSpecial /`[^`]\+`/ " Backtick literals
hi link scalaSpecial PreProc
hi def link scalaSpecial PreProc
syn keyword scalaExternal package import
hi link scalaExternal Include
hi def link scalaExternal Include
syn match scalaStringEmbeddedQuote /\\"/ contained
syn region scalaString start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=scalaStringEmbeddedQuote,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
hi link scalaString String
hi link scalaStringEmbeddedQuote String
hi def link scalaString String
hi def link scalaStringEmbeddedQuote String
syn region scalaIString matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBrackets start=/\<[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ contains=scalaInterpolation,scalaInterpolationB,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
syn region scalaTripleIString matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBrackets start=/\<[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"""/ end=/"""\ze\%([^"]\|$\)/ contains=scalaInterpolation,scalaInterpolationB,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
hi link scalaIString String
hi link scalaTripleIString String
hi def link scalaIString String
hi def link scalaTripleIString String
syn match scalaInterpolation /\$[a-zA-Z0-9_$]\+/ contained
exe 'syn region scalaInterpolationB matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBoundary start=/\${/ end=/}/ contained contains=' . s:ContainedGroup()
hi link scalaInterpolation Function
hi def link scalaInterpolation Function
hi clear scalaInterpolationB
syn region scalaFString matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBrackets start=/f"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ contains=scalaFInterpolation,scalaFInterpolationB,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
syn match scalaFInterpolation /\$[a-zA-Z0-9_$]\+\(%[-A-Za-z0-9\.]\+\)\?/ contained
exe 'syn region scalaFInterpolationB matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBoundary start=/${/ end=/}\(%[-A-Za-z0-9\.]\+\)\?/ contained contains=' . s:ContainedGroup()
hi link scalaFString String
hi link scalaFInterpolation Function
hi def link scalaFString String
hi def link scalaFInterpolation Function
hi clear scalaFInterpolationB
syn region scalaTripleString start=/"""/ end=/"""\%([^"]\|$\)/ contains=scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
syn region scalaTripleFString matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBrackets start=/f"""/ end=/"""\%([^"]\|$\)/ contains=scalaFInterpolation,scalaFInterpolationB,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
hi link scalaTripleString String
hi link scalaTripleFString String
hi def link scalaTripleString String
hi def link scalaTripleFString String
hi link scalaInterpolationBrackets Special
hi link scalaInterpolationBoundary Function
hi def link scalaInterpolationBrackets Special
hi def link scalaInterpolationBoundary Function
syn match scalaNumber /\<0[dDfFlL]\?\>/ " Just a bare 0
syn match scalaNumber /\<[1-9]\d*[dDfFlL]\?\>/ " A multi-digit number - octal numbers with leading 0's are deprecated in Scala
@ -176,16 +176,16 @@ syn match scalaNumber /\<0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+[dDfFlL]\?\>/ " Hex number
syn match scalaNumber /\%(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\%([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\=/ " exponential notation 1
syn match scalaNumber /\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fFdD]\=\>/ " exponential notation 2
syn match scalaNumber /\<\d\+\%([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\>/ " exponential notation 3
hi link scalaNumber Number
hi def link scalaNumber Number
syn region scalaRoundBrackets start="(" end=")" skipwhite contained contains=scalaTypeDeclaration,scalaSquareBrackets,scalaRoundBrackets
syn region scalaSquareBrackets matchgroup=scalaSquareBracketsBrackets start="\[" end="\]" skipwhite nextgroup=scalaTypeExtension contains=scalaTypeDeclaration,scalaSquareBrackets,scalaTypeOperator,scalaTypeAnnotationParameter
syn match scalaTypeOperator /[-+=:<>]\+/ contained
syn match scalaTypeAnnotationParameter /@\<[`_A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained
hi link scalaSquareBracketsBrackets Type
hi link scalaTypeOperator Keyword
hi link scalaTypeAnnotationParameter Function
hi def link scalaSquareBracketsBrackets Type
hi def link scalaTypeOperator Keyword
hi def link scalaTypeAnnotationParameter Function
syn match scalaShebang "\%^#!.*" display
syn region scalaMultilineComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=scalaMultilineComment,scalaDocLinks,scalaParameterAnnotation,scalaCommentAnnotation,scalaTodo,scalaCommentCodeBlock,@Spell keepend fold
@ -195,20 +195,20 @@ syn match scalaParamAnnotationValue /[.`_A-Za-z0-9$]\+/ contained
syn region scalaDocLinks start="\[\[" end="\]\]" contained
syn region scalaCommentCodeBlock matchgroup=Keyword start="{{{" end="}}}" contained
syn match scalaTodo "\vTODO|FIXME|XXX" contained
hi link scalaShebang Comment
hi link scalaMultilineComment Comment
hi link scalaDocLinks Function
hi link scalaParameterAnnotation Function
hi link scalaParamAnnotationValue Keyword
hi link scalaCommentAnnotation Function
hi link scalaCommentCodeBlock String
hi link scalaTodo Todo
hi def link scalaShebang Comment
hi def link scalaMultilineComment Comment
hi def link scalaDocLinks Function
hi def link scalaParameterAnnotation Function
hi def link scalaParamAnnotationValue Keyword
hi def link scalaCommentAnnotation Function
hi def link scalaCommentCodeBlock String
hi def link scalaTodo Todo
syn match scalaAnnotation /@\<[`_A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/
hi link scalaAnnotation PreProc
hi def link scalaAnnotation PreProc
syn match scalaTrailingComment "//.*$" contains=scalaTodo,@Spell
hi link scalaTrailingComment Comment
hi def link scalaTrailingComment Comment
syn match scalaAkkaFSM /goto([^)]*)\_s\+\<using\>/ contains=scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing
syn match scalaAkkaFSM /stay\_s\+using/
@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ syn match scalaAkkaFSM /onTermination/
syn match scalaAkkaFSM /whenUnhandled/
syn match scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing /\<using\>/
syn match scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing /\<goto\>/
hi link scalaAkkaFSM PreProc
hi link scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing PreProc
hi def link scalaAkkaFSM PreProc
hi def link scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing PreProc
let b:current_syntax = 'scala'
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