perf(lsp): process semantic tokens response in a coroutine that yields every 5ms

This commit is contained in:
John Drouhard 2023-04-28 08:20:38 -05:00
parent 715587f8e4
commit 46cd1d957c

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
local api = vim.api
local bit = require('bit')
local handlers = require('vim.lsp.handlers')
local util = require('vim.lsp.util')
local bit = require('bit')
local uv = vim.loop
--- @class STTokenRange
--- @field line integer line number 0-based
@ -94,15 +95,38 @@ end
---@return STTokenRange[]
local function tokens_to_ranges(data, bufnr, client)
local function tokens_to_ranges(data, bufnr, client, request)
local legend = client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider.legend
local token_types = legend.tokenTypes
local token_modifiers = legend.tokenModifiers
local ranges = {}
local start = uv.hrtime()
local ms_to_ns = 1000 * 1000
local yield_interval_ns = 5 * ms_to_ns
local co, is_main = coroutine.running()
local line
local start_char = 0
for i = 1, #data, 5 do
-- if this function is called from the main coroutine, let it run to completion with no yield
if not is_main then
local elapsed_ns = uv.hrtime() - start
if elapsed_ns > yield_interval_ns then
coroutine.resume(co, util.buf_versions[bufnr])
if request.version ~= coroutine.yield() then
-- request became stale since the last time the coroutine ran.
-- abandon it by yielding without a way to resume
start = uv.hrtime()
local delta_line = data[i]
line = line and line + delta_line or delta_line
local delta_start = data[i + 1]
@ -280,7 +304,7 @@ function STHighlighter:send_request()
local c = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
local highlighter =[ctx.bufnr]
if not err and c and highlighter then
highlighter:process_response(response, c, version)
coroutine.wrap(STHighlighter.process_response)(highlighter, response, c, version)
end, self.bufnr)
@ -315,11 +339,9 @@ function STHighlighter:process_response(response, client, version)
-- reset active request
state.active_request = {}
-- skip nil responses
if response == nil then
state.active_request = {}
@ -347,12 +369,19 @@ function STHighlighter:process_response(response, client, version)
tokens =
-- Update the state with the new results
-- convert token list to highlight ranges
-- this could yield and run over multiple event loop iterations
local highlights = tokens_to_ranges(tokens, self.bufnr, client, state.active_request)
-- reset active request
state.active_request = {}
-- update the state with the new results
local current_result = state.current_result
current_result.version = version
current_result.result_id = response.resultId
current_result.tokens = tokens
current_result.highlights = tokens_to_ranges(tokens, self.bufnr, client)
current_result.highlights = highlights
current_result.namespace_cleared = false
-- redraw all windows displaying buffer