
Updated runtime files.

This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2017-05-01 12:31:10 +02:00
parent 4fbcfab127
commit 44ea50cee4
5 changed files with 300 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -7421,7 +7421,8 @@ systemlist({cmd} [, {input} [, {keepempty}]]) *systemlist()*
output separated by NL) with NULs transformed into NLs. Output output separated by NL) with NULs transformed into NLs. Output
is the same as |readfile()| will output with {binary} argument is the same as |readfile()| will output with {binary} argument
set to "b", except that a final newline is not preserved, set to "b", except that a final newline is not preserved,
unless {keepempty} is present and it's non-zero. unless {keepempty} is non-zero.
Note that on MS-Windows you may get trailing CR characters.
Returns an empty string on error, so be careful not to run Returns an empty string on error, so be careful not to run
into |E706|. into |E706|.

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@ -87,21 +87,18 @@ mention that.
*mail-list* *maillist* *mail-list* *maillist*
There are several mailing lists for Vim: There are several mailing lists for Vim:
<> <> *vim-use* *vim_use*
For discussions about using existing versions of Vim: Useful mappings, For discussions about using existing versions of Vim: Useful mappings,
questions, answers, where to get a specific version, etc. There are questions, answers, where to get a specific version, etc. There are
quite a few people watching this list and answering questions, also quite a few people watching this list and answering questions, also
for beginners. Don't hesitate to ask your question here. for beginners. Don't hesitate to ask your question here.
<> *vim-dev* *vimdev* <> *vim-dev* *vim_dev* *vimdev*
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<> *vim-announce* <> *vim-announce* *vim_announce*
Announcements about new versions of Vim; also for beta-test versions Announcements about new versions of Vim; also for beta-test versions
and ports to different systems. This is a read-only list. and ports to different systems. This is a read-only list.
<> *vim-multibyte* <> *vim-mac* *vim_mac*
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<> *vim-mac*
For discussions about using and improving the Macintosh version of For discussions about using and improving the Macintosh version of
Vim. Vim.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim support file to detect file types " Vim support file to detect file types
" "
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <> " Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last Change: 2016 Oct 31 " Last Change: 2017 Jan 06
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once " Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes") if exists("did_load_filetypes")
@ -305,7 +305,10 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.bl setf blank
au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/,*/etc/ setf xml au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/,*/etc/ setf xml
" Bazel ( " Bazel (
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.bzl,BUILD,WORKSPACE setfiletype bzl autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.bzl,WORKSPACE setfiletype bzl
if has("fname_case")
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile BUILD setfiletype bzl
" C or lpc " C or lpc
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.c call s:FTlpc() au BufNewFile,BufRead *.c call s:FTlpc()

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Language: Javascript " Language: Javascript
" Maintainer: Chris Paul ( ) " Maintainer: Chris Paul ( )
" URL: " URL:
" Last Change: August 25, 2016 " Last Change: December 31, 2016
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists('b:did_indent') if exists('b:did_indent')
@ -12,11 +12,10 @@ let b:did_indent = 1
" Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it. " Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it.
setlocal indentexpr=GetJavascriptIndent() setlocal indentexpr=GetJavascriptIndent()
setlocal nolisp noautoindent nosmartindent setlocal autoindent nolisp nosmartindent
setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],:,!^F,o,O,e setlocal indentkeys+=0],0)
setlocal cinoptions+=j1,J1
let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentexpr< smartindent< autoindent< indentkeys< cinoptions<' let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentexpr< smartindent< autoindent< indentkeys<'
" Only define the function once. " Only define the function once.
if exists('*GetJavascriptIndent') if exists('*GetJavascriptIndent')
@ -37,158 +36,329 @@ else
endfunction endfunction
endif endif
let s:line_pre = '^\s*\%(\%(\%(\/\*.\{-}\)\=\*\+\/\s*\)\=\)\@>' " searchpair() wrapper
let s:expr_case = s:line_pre . '\%(\%(case\>.\+\)\|default\)\s*:' if has('reltime')
function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,skip,time,...)
return searchpair('\m'.a:start,'','\m'.a:end,a:flags,a:skip,max([prevnonblank(v:lnum) - 2000,0] + a:000),a:time)
function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,skip,...)
return searchpair('\m'.a:start,'','\m'.a:end,a:flags,a:skip,max([prevnonblank(v:lnum) - 1000,get(a:000,1)]))
" Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments. " Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments.
let s:syng_strcom = '\%(s\%(tring\|pecial\)\|comment\|regex\|doc\|template\)' let s:syng_strcom = 'string\|comment\|regex\|special\|doc\|template'
let s:syng_str = 'string\|template'
" Regex of syntax group names that are strings or documentation. let s:syng_com = 'comment\|doc'
let s:syng_comment = '\%(comment\|doc\)'
" Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair(). " Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair().
let s:skip_expr = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),0),'name') =~? '".s:syng_strcom."'" let s:skip_expr = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),0),'name') =~? '".s:syng_strcom."'"
if has('reltime') function s:skip_func()
function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,time) if !s:free || search('\m`\|\*\/','nW',s:looksyn)
return searchpair(a:start,'',a:end,a:flags,s:skip_expr,max([prevnonblank(v:lnum) - 2000,0]),a:time) let s:free = !eval(s:skip_expr)
endfunction let s:looksyn = s:free ? line('.') : s:looksyn
else return !s:free
function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,n) endif
return searchpair(a:start,'',a:end,a:flags,0,max([prevnonblank(v:lnum) - 2000,0])) let s:looksyn = line('.')
endfunction return (search('\m\/','nbW',s:looksyn) || search('\m[''"]\|\\$','nW',s:looksyn)) && eval(s:skip_expr)
endif endfunction
let s:line_term = '\s*\%(\%(\/\%(\%(\*.\{-}\*\/\)\|\%(\*\+\)\)\)\s*\)\=$' function s:alternatePair(stop)
let pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
while search('\m[][(){}]','bW',a:stop)
if !s:skip_func()
let idx = stridx('])}',s:looking_at())
if idx + 1
if !s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx], '])}'[idx],'bW','s:skip_func()',2000,a:stop)
call call('cursor',pos)
function s:save_pos(f,...)
let l:pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
let ret = call(a:f,a:000)
call call('cursor',l:pos)
return ret
function s:syn_at(l,c)
return synIDattr(synID(a:l,a:c,0),'name')
function s:looking_at()
return getline('.')[col('.')-1]
function s:token()
return s:looking_at() =~ '\k' ? expand('<cword>') : s:looking_at()
function s:b_token()
if s:looking_at() =~ '\k'
call search('\m\<','cbW')
return search('\m\S','bW')
function s:previous_token()
let l:n = line('.')
while s:b_token()
if (s:looking_at() == '/' || line('.') != l:n && search('\m\/\/','nbW',
\ line('.'))) && s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? s:syng_com
call search('\m\_[^/]\zs\/[/*]','bW')
return s:token()
return ''
function s:others(p)
return "((line2byte(line('.')) + col('.')) <= ".(line2byte(a:p[0]) + a:p[1]).") || ".s:skip_expr
function s:tern_skip(p)
return s:GetPair('{','}','nbW',s:others(a:p),200,a:p[0]) > 0
function s:tern_col(p)
return s:GetPair('?',':\@<!::\@!','nbW',s:others(a:p)
\ .' || s:tern_skip('.string(a:p).')',200,a:p[0]) > 0
function s:label_col()
let pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
let [s:looksyn,s:free] = pos
call s:alternatePair(0)
if s:save_pos('s:IsBlock')
let poss = getpos('.')[1:2]
return call('cursor',pos) || !s:tern_col(poss)
elseif s:looking_at() == ':'
return !s:tern_col([0,0])
" configurable regexes that define continuation lines, not including (, {, or [. " configurable regexes that define continuation lines, not including (, {, or [.
if !exists('g:javascript_opfirst') let s:opfirst = '^' . get(g:,'javascript_opfirst',
let g:javascript_opfirst = '\%([<>,:?^%|*&]\|\/[^/*]\|\([-.+]\)\1\@!\|=>\@!\|in\%(stanceof\)\=\>\)' \ '\%([<>=,?^%|*/&]\|\([-.:+]\)\1\@!\|!=\|in\%(stanceof\)\=\>\)')
endif let s:continuation = get(g:,'javascript_continuation',
if !exists('g:javascript_continuation') \ '\%([<=,.~!?/*^%|&:]\|+\@<!+\|-\@<!-\|=\@<!>\|\<\%(typeof\|delete\|void\|in\|instanceof\)\)') . '$'
let g:javascript_continuation = '\%([<=,.?/*:^%|&]\|+\@<!+\|-\@<!-\|=\@<!>\|\<in\%(stanceof\)\=\)'
let g:javascript_opfirst = s:line_pre . g:javascript_opfirst function s:continues(ln,con)
let g:javascript_continuation .= s:line_term return !cursor(a:ln, match(' '.a:con,s:continuation)) &&
\ eval((['s:syn_at(line("."),col(".")) !~? "regex"'] +
function s:OneScope(lnum,text,add) \ repeat(['s:previous_token() != "."'],5) + [1])[
return a:text =~# '\%(\<else\|\<do\|=>\)' . s:line_term ? 'no b' : \ index(split('/ typeof in instanceof void delete'),s:token())])
\ ((a:add && a:text =~ s:line_pre . '$' && search('\%' . s:PrevCodeLine(a:lnum - 1) . 'l.)' . s:line_term)) ||
\ cursor(a:lnum, match(a:text, ')' . s:line_term)) > -1) &&
\ s:GetPair('(', ')', 'cbW', 100) > 0 && search('\C\l\+\_s*\%#','bW') &&
\ (a:add || ((expand('<cword>') !=# 'while' || !s:GetPair('\C\<do\>', '\C\<while\>','nbW',100)) &&
\ (expand('<cword>') !=# 'each' || search('\C\<for\_s\+\%#','nbW')))) ? expand('<cword>') : ''
endfunction endfunction
" " get the line of code stripped of comments and move cursor to the last
function s:IsBlock() " non-comment char.
return getline(line('.'))[col('.')-1] == '{' && !search( function s:Trim(ln)
\ '\C\%(\<return\s*\|\%([-=~!<*+,.?^%|&\[(]\|=\@<!>\|\*\@<!\/\|\<\%(var\|const\|let\|import\|export\%(\_s\+default\)\=\|yield\|delete\|void\|t\%(ypeof\|hrow\)\|new\|in\%(stanceof\)\=\)\)\_s*\)\%#','bnW') && let pline = substitute(getline(a:ln),'\s*$','','')
\ (!search(':\_s*\%#','bW') || (!s:GetPair('[({[]','[])}]','bW',200) || s:IsBlock())) let l:max = max([match(pline,'.*[^/]\zs\/[/*]'),0])
while l:max && s:syn_at(a:ln, strlen(pline)) =~? s:syng_com
let pline = substitute(strpart(pline, 0, l:max),'\s*$','','')
let l:max = max([match(pline,'.*[^/]\zs\/[/*]'),0])
return cursor(a:ln,strlen(pline)) ? pline : pline
endfunction endfunction
" Auxiliary Functions {{{2 " Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty or in a comment
" Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty, in a comment, or in a string.
function s:PrevCodeLine(lnum) function s:PrevCodeLine(lnum)
let l:lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum) let l:n = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
while l:lnum while l:n
if synIDattr(synID(l:lnum,matchend(getline(l:lnum), '^\s*[^''"]'),0),'name') !~? s:syng_strcom if getline(l:n) =~ '^\s*\/[/*]'
return l:lnum if (stridx(getline(l:n),'`') > 0 || getline(l:n-1)[-1:] == '\') &&
\ s:syn_at(l:n,1) =~? s:syng_str
return l:n
let l:n = prevnonblank(l:n-1)
elseif s:syn_at(l:n,1) =~? s:syng_com
let l:n = s:save_pos('eval',
\ 'cursor('.l:n.',1) + search(''\m\/\*'',"bW")')
return l:n
endif endif
let l:lnum = prevnonblank(l:lnum - 1)
endwhile endwhile
endfunction endfunction
" Check if line 'lnum' has a balanced amount of parentheses. " Check if line 'lnum' has a balanced amount of parentheses.
function s:Balanced(lnum) function s:Balanced(lnum)
let [open_0,open_2,open_4] = [0,0,0] let l:open = 0
let l:line = getline(a:lnum) let l:line = getline(a:lnum)
let pos = match(l:line, '[][(){}]', 0) let pos = match(l:line, '[][(){}]', 0)
while pos != -1 while pos != -1
if synIDattr(synID(a:lnum,pos + 1,0),'name') !~? s:syng_strcom if s:syn_at(a:lnum,pos + 1) !~? s:syng_strcom
let idx = stridx('(){}[]', l:line[pos]) let l:open += match(' ' . l:line[pos],'[[({]')
if idx % 2 == 0 if l:open < 0
let open_{idx} = open_{idx} + 1 return
let open_{idx - 1} = open_{idx - 1} - 1
endif endif
endif endif
let pos = match(l:line, '[][(){}]', pos + 1) let pos = match(l:line, '[][(){}]', pos + 1)
endwhile endwhile
return (!open_4 + !open_2 + !open_0) - 2 return !l:open
function s:OneScope(lnum)
let pline = s:Trim(a:lnum)
let kw = 'else do'
if pline[-1:] == ')' && s:GetPair('(', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr, 100) > 0
call s:previous_token()
let kw = 'for if let while with'
if index(split('await each'),s:token()) + 1
call s:previous_token()
let kw = 'for'
return pline[-2:] == '=>' || index(split(kw),s:token()) + 1 &&
\ s:save_pos('s:previous_token') != '.'
" returns braceless levels started by 'i' and above lines * &sw. 'num' is the
" lineNr which encloses the entire context, 'cont' if whether line 'i' + 1 is
" a continued expression, which could have started in a braceless context
function s:iscontOne(i,num,cont)
let [l:i, l:num, bL] = [a:i, a:num + !a:num, 0]
let pind = a:num ? indent(l:num) + s:W : 0
let ind = indent(l:i) + (a:cont ? 0 : s:W)
while l:i >= l:num && (ind > pind || l:i == l:num)
if indent(l:i) < ind && s:OneScope(l:i)
let bL += s:W
let l:i = line('.')
elseif !a:cont || bL || ind < indent(a:i)
let ind = min([ind, indent(l:i)])
let l:i = s:PrevCodeLine(l:i - 1)
return bL
function s:IsBlock()
if s:looking_at() == '{'
let l:n = line('.')
let char = s:previous_token()
let syn = char =~ '[{>/]' ? s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')-(char == '{')) : ''
if syn =~? 'xml\|jsx'
return char != '{'
elseif char =~ '\k'
return index(split('return const let import export yield default delete var await void typeof throw case new in instanceof')
\ ,char) < (line('.') != l:n) || s:previous_token() == '.'
elseif char == '>'
return getline('.')[col('.')-2] == '=' || syn =~? '^jsflow'
elseif char == ':'
return getline('.')[col('.')-2] != ':' && s:label_col()
return syn =~? 'regex' || char !~ '[-=~!<*+,/?^%|&([]'
endfunction endfunction
" }}}
function GetJavascriptIndent() function GetJavascriptIndent()
if !exists('b:js_cache') let b:js_cache = get(b:,'js_cache',[0,0,0])
let b:js_cache = [0,0,0]
" Get the current line. " Get the current line.
let l:line = getline(v:lnum) call cursor(v:lnum,1)
let syns = synIDattr(synID(v:lnum, 1, 0), 'name') let l:line = getline('.')
let syns = s:syn_at(v:lnum, 1)
" start with strings,comments,etc.{{{2 " start with strings,comments,etc.
if (l:line !~ '^[''"`]' && syns =~? '\%(string\|template\)') || if syns =~? s:syng_com
\ (l:line !~ '^\s*[/*]' && syns =~? s:syng_comment) if l:line =~ '^\s*\*'
return cindent(v:lnum)
elseif l:line !~ '^\s*\/[/*]'
return -1
elseif syns =~? s:syng_str && l:line !~ '^[''"]'
if b:js_cache[0] == v:lnum - 1 && s:Balanced(v:lnum-1)
let b:js_cache[0] = v:lnum
return -1 return -1
endif endif
if l:line !~ '^\%(\/\*\|\s*\/\/\)' && syns =~? s:syng_comment
return cindent(v:lnum)
let l:lnum = s:PrevCodeLine(v:lnum - 1) let l:lnum = s:PrevCodeLine(v:lnum - 1)
if l:lnum == 0 if !l:lnum
return 0 return
endif endif
if (l:line =~# s:expr_case) let l:line = substitute(l:line,'^\s*','','')
let cpo_switch = &cpo if l:line[:1] == '/*'
set cpo+=% let l:line = substitute(l:line,'^\%(\/\*.\{-}\*\/\s*\)*','','')
let ind = cindent(v:lnum) endif
let &cpo = cpo_switch if l:line =~ '^\/[/*]'
return ind let l:line = ''
endif endif
" the containing paren, bracket, curly. Memoize, last lineNr either has the " the containing paren, bracket, or curly. Many hacks for performance
" same scope or starts a new one, unless if it closed a scope. let idx = strlen(l:line) ? stridx('])}',l:line[0]) : -1
call cursor(v:lnum,1) if b:js_cache[0] >= l:lnum && b:js_cache[0] < v:lnum &&
if b:js_cache[0] >= l:lnum && b:js_cache[0] < v:lnum && b:js_cache[0] && \ (b:js_cache[0] > l:lnum || s:Balanced(l:lnum))
\ (b:js_cache[0] > l:lnum || s:Balanced(l:lnum) > 0) call call('cursor',b:js_cache[1:])
let num = b:js_cache[1]
elseif syns != '' && l:line[0] =~ '\s'
let pattern = syns =~? 'block' ? ['{','}'] : syns =~? 'jsparen' ? ['(',')'] :
\ syns =~? 'jsbracket'? ['\[','\]'] : ['[({[]','[])}]']
let num = s:GetPair(pattern[0],pattern[1],'bW',2000)
else else
let num = s:GetPair('[({[]','[])}]','bW',2000) let [s:looksyn, s:free, top] = [v:lnum - 1, 1, (!indent(l:lnum) &&
endif \ s:syn_at(l:lnum,1) !~? s:syng_str) * l:lnum]
let b:js_cache = [v:lnum,num,line('.') == v:lnum ? b:js_cache[2] : col('.')] if idx + 1
call s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx], '])}'[idx],'bW','s:skip_func()',2000,top)
if l:line =~ s:line_pre . '[])}]' elseif indent(v:lnum) && syns =~? 'block'
return indent(num) call s:GetPair('{','}','bW','s:skip_func()',2000,top)
call s:alternatePair(top)
endif endif
call cursor(b:js_cache[1],b:js_cache[2]) if idx + 1 || l:line[:1] == '|}'
if idx == 2 && search('\m\S','bW',line('.')) && s:looking_at() == ')'
let swcase = getline(l:lnum) =~# s:expr_case call s:GetPair('(',')','bW',s:skip_expr,200)
let pline = swcase ? getline(l:lnum) : substitute(getline(l:lnum), '\%(:\@<!\/\/.*\)$', '','') endif
let inb = num == 0 || num < l:lnum && ((l:line !~ s:line_pre . ',' && pline !~ ',' . s:line_term) || s:IsBlock()) return indent('.')
let switch_offset = num == 0 || s:OneScope(num, strpart(getline(num),0,b:js_cache[2] - 1),1) !=# 'switch' ? 0 :
\ &cino !~ ':' || !has('float') ? s:sw() :
\ float2nr(str2float(matchstr(&cino,'.*:\zs[-0-9.]*')) * (&cino =~# '.*:[^,]*s' ? s:sw() : 1))
" most significant, find the indent amount
if inb && !swcase && ((l:line =~# g:javascript_opfirst || pline =~# g:javascript_continuation) ||
\ num < l:lnum && s:OneScope(l:lnum,pline,0) =~# '\<\%(for\|each\|if\|let\|no\sb\|w\%(hile\|ith\)\)\>' &&
\ l:line !~ s:line_pre . '{')
return (num > 0 ? indent(num) : -s:sw()) + (s:sw() * 2) + switch_offset
elseif num > 0
return indent(num) + s:sw() + switch_offset
endif endif
let b:js_cache = [v:lnum] + (line('.') == v:lnum ? [0,0] : getpos('.')[1:2])
let num = b:js_cache[1]
let [s:W, isOp, bL, switch_offset] = [s:sw(),0,0,0]
if !num || s:IsBlock()
let pline = s:save_pos('s:Trim',l:lnum)
if num && s:looking_at() == ')' && s:GetPair('(', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr, 100) > 0
let num = line('.')
if s:previous_token() ==# 'switch' && s:previous_token() != '.'
if &cino !~ ':' || !has('float')
let switch_offset = s:W
let cinc = matchlist(&cino,'.*:\(-\)\=\([0-9.]*\)\(s\)\=\C')
let switch_offset = float2nr(str2float(cinc[1].(strlen(cinc[2]) ? cinc[2] : strlen(cinc[3])))
\ * (strlen(cinc[3]) ? s:W : 1))
if pline[-1:] != '.' && l:line =~# '^\%(default\|case\)\>'
return indent(num) + switch_offset
if pline[-1:] !~ '[{;]'
if pline =~# ':\@<!:$'
call cursor(l:lnum,strlen(pline))
let isOp = s:tern_col(b:js_cache[1:2])
let isOp = l:line =~# s:opfirst || s:continues(l:lnum,pline)
let bL = s:iscontOne(l:lnum,num,isOp)
let bL -= (bL && l:line[0] == '{') * s:W
" main return
if isOp
return (num ? indent(num) : -s:W) + (s:W * 2) + switch_offset + bL
elseif num
return indent(num) + s:W + switch_offset + bL
return bL
endfunction endfunction
let &cpo = s:cpo_save let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
" Language: HTML " Language: HTML
" Maintainer: Jorge Maldonado Ventura <> " Maintainer: Jorge Maldonado Ventura <>
" Previous Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <> " Previous Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <>
" Last Change: 2016 Dec 29 " Repository:
" Last Change: 2017 Jan 04
" included patch from Jorge Maldonado Ventura " included patch from Jorge Maldonado Ventura
" Please check :help html.vim for some comments and a description of the options " Please check :help html.vim for some comments and a description of the options
@ -95,6 +96,10 @@ syn keyword htmlArg contained multiple nohref nowrap object profile readonly
syn keyword htmlArg contained rules scheme scope span standby style syn keyword htmlArg contained rules scheme scope span standby style
syn keyword htmlArg contained summary tabindex valuetype version syn keyword htmlArg contained summary tabindex valuetype version
" html 5 arg names
syn keyword htmlArg contained contenteditable contextmenu draggable dropzone
syn keyword htmlArg contained hidden spellcheck title translate
" special characters " special characters
syn match htmlSpecialChar "&#\=[0-9A-Za-z]\{1,8};" syn match htmlSpecialChar "&#\=[0-9A-Za-z]\{1,8};"