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synced 2024-12-19 18:55:14 -07:00
vim-patch:36e667ab837c (#28407)
runtime(java): Support "g:ftplugin_java_source_path" with archived files
Also, document for "g:ftplugin_java_source_path" its current
modification of the local value of the 'path' option.
closes: vim/vim#14570
Co-authored-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -590,6 +590,37 @@ The mapping can be disabled with: >
let g:no_gprof_maps = 1
JAVA *ft-java-plugin*
Whenever the variable "g:ftplugin_java_source_path" is defined and its value
is a filename whose extension is either ".jar" or ".zip", e.g.: >
let g:ftplugin_java_source_path = '/path/to/src.jar'
let g:ftplugin_java_source_path = '/path/to/src.zip'
and the |zip| plugin has already been sourced, the |gf| command can be used to
open the archive and the |n| command can be used to look for the selected type
and the <Return> key can be used to load a listed file.
Note that the effect of using the "gf" command WITHIN a buffer loaded with the
Zip plugin depends on the version of the Zip plugin. For the Zip plugin
versions that do not support Jar type archives, consider creating symbolic
links with the ".zip" extension for each Jar archive of interest and assigning
any such file to the variable from now on.
Otherwise, for the defined variable "g:ftplugin_java_source_path", the local
value of the 'path' option will be further modified by prefixing the value of
the variable, e.g.: >
let g:ftplugin_java_source_path = $JDK_SRC_PATH
let &l:path = g:ftplugin_java_source_path . ',' . &l:path
and the "gf" command can be used on a fully-qualified type to look for a file
in the "path" and to try to load it.
Remember to manually trigger the |FileType| event from a buffer with a Java
file loaded in it each time after assigning a new value to the variable: >
doautocmd FileType
MAIL *ft-mail-plugin*
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70 AT gmail DOT com>
" Former Maintainer: Dan Sharp
" Repository: https://github.com/zzzyxwvut/java-vim.git
" Last Change: 2024 Apr 13
" Last Change: 2024 Apr 18
" 2024 Jan 14 by Vim Project (browsefilter)
if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
@ -22,8 +22,36 @@ set suffixes+=.class
" name to / and append .java to the name, then search the path.
setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'\\.','/','g')
setlocal suffixesadd=.java
if exists("g:ftplugin_java_source_path")
let &l:path=g:ftplugin_java_source_path . ',' . &l:path
" Clean up in case this file is sourced again.
unlet! s:zip_func_upgradable
" Documented in ":help ft-java-plugin".
if exists("g:ftplugin_java_source_path") &&
\ type(g:ftplugin_java_source_path) == type("")
if filereadable(g:ftplugin_java_source_path)
if exists("#zip") &&
\ g:ftplugin_java_source_path =~# '.\.\%(jar\|zip\)$'
if !exists("s:zip_files")
let s:zip_files = {}
let s:zip_files[bufnr('%')] = g:ftplugin_java_source_path
let s:zip_files[0] = g:ftplugin_java_source_path
let s:zip_func_upgradable = 1
function! JavaFileTypeZipFile() abort
let @/ = substitute(v:fname, '\.', '\\/', 'g') . '.java'
return get(s:zip_files, bufnr('%'), s:zip_files[0])
" E120 for "inex=s:JavaFileTypeZipFile()" before v8.2.3900.
setlocal includeexpr=JavaFileTypeZipFile()
setlocal suffixesadd<
let &l:path = g:ftplugin_java_source_path . ',' . &l:path
" Set 'formatoptions' to break comment lines but not other lines,
@ -52,6 +80,25 @@ let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal suffixes< suffixesadd<" .
\ " formatoptions< comments< commentstring< path< includeexpr<" .
\ " | unlet! b:browsefilter"
" See ":help vim9-mix".
if !has("vim9script")
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
if exists("s:zip_func_upgradable")
delfunction! JavaFileTypeZipFile
def! s:JavaFileTypeZipFile(): string
@/ = substitute(v:fname, '\.', '\\/', 'g') .. '.java'
return get(zip_files, bufnr('%'), zip_files[0])
setlocal includeexpr=s:JavaFileTypeZipFile()
setlocal suffixesadd<
" Restore the saved compatibility options.
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
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