mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 03:05:11 -07:00
refactor(man): add type annotations
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ local api, fn = vim.api, vim.fn
local FIND_ARG = '-w'
local localfile_arg = true -- Always use -l if possible. #6683
---@type table[]
local buf_hls = {}
local M = {}
@ -12,26 +14,28 @@ local function man_error(msg)
-- Run a system command and timeout after 30 seconds.
---@param cmd_ string[]
---@param silent boolean?
---@param env string[]
---@return string
local function system(cmd_, silent, env)
local stdout_data = {}
local stderr_data = {}
local stdout = vim.loop.new_pipe(false)
local stderr = vim.loop.new_pipe(false)
local stdout_data = {} ---@type string[]
local stderr_data = {} ---@type string[]
local stdout = assert(vim.loop.new_pipe(false))
local stderr = assert(vim.loop.new_pipe(false))
local done = false
local exit_code
local exit_code ---@type integer?
-- We use the `env` command here rather than the env option to vim.loop.spawn since spawn will
-- completely overwrite the environment when we just want to modify the existing one.
-- Overwriting mainly causes problems NixOS which relies heavily on a non-standard environment.
local cmd
local cmd = cmd_
if env then
cmd = { 'env' }
vim.list_extend(cmd, env)
vim.list_extend(cmd, cmd_)
cmd = cmd_
local handle
@ -84,11 +88,17 @@ local function system(cmd_, silent, env)
return table.concat(stdout_data)
---@param line string
---@param linenr integer
local function highlight_line(line, linenr)
---@type string[]
local chars = {}
local prev_char = ''
local overstrike, escape = false, false
---@type table<integer,{attr:integer,start:integer,final:integer}>
local hls = {} -- Store highlight groups as { attr, start, final }
local NONE, BOLD, UNDERLINE, ITALIC = 0, 1, 2, 3
local hl_groups = { [BOLD] = 'manBold', [UNDERLINE] = 'manUnderline', [ITALIC] = 'manItalic' }
local attr = NONE
@ -194,11 +204,12 @@ local function highlight_line(line, linenr)
-- We only want to match against SGR sequences, which consist of ESC
-- followed by '[', then a series of parameter and intermediate bytes in
-- the range 0x20 - 0x3f, then 'm'. (See ECMA-48, sections 5.4 & 8.3.117)
---@type string?
local sgr = prev_char:match('^%[([\032-\063]*)m$')
-- Ignore escape sequences with : characters, as specified by ITU's T.416
-- Open Document Architecture and interchange format.
if sgr and not string.find(sgr, ':') then
local match
local match ---@type string?
while sgr and #sgr > 0 do
-- Match against SGR parameters, which may be separated by ';'
match, sgr = sgr:match('^(%d*);?(.*)')
@ -261,11 +272,16 @@ end
-- intended for PostgreSQL, which has man pages like 'CREATE_TABLE(7)';
-- while editing SQL source code, it's nice to visually select 'CREATE TABLE'
-- and hit 'K', which requires this transformation
---@param str string
---@return string
local function spaces_to_underscores(str)
local res = str:gsub('%s', '_')
return res
---@param sect string|nil
---@param name string|nil
---@param silent boolean
local function get_path(sect, name, silent)
name = name or ''
sect = sect or ''
@ -287,7 +303,7 @@ local function get_path(sect, name, silent)
-- Finally, we can avoid relying on -S or -s here since they are very
-- inconsistently supported. Instead, call -w with a section and a name.
local cmd
local cmd ---@type string[]
if sect == '' then
cmd = { 'man', FIND_ARG, name }
@ -310,12 +326,14 @@ local function get_path(sect, name, silent)
-- find any that match the specified name
---@param v string
local namematches = vim.tbl_filter(function(v)
return fn.fnamemodify(v, ':t'):match(name)
end, results) or {}
local sectmatches = {}
if #namematches > 0 and sect ~= '' then
---@param v string
sectmatches = vim.tbl_filter(function(v)
return fn.fnamemodify(v, ':e') == sect
end, namematches)
@ -324,9 +342,12 @@ local function get_path(sect, name, silent)
return fn.substitute(sectmatches[1] or namematches[1] or results[1], [[\n\+$]], '', '')
---@param text string
---@param pat_or_re string
local function matchstr(text, pat_or_re)
local re = type(pat_or_re) == 'string' and vim.regex(pat_or_re) or pat_or_re
---@type integer, integer
local s, e = re:match_str(text)
if s == nil then
@ -338,6 +359,8 @@ end
-- attempt to extract the name and sect out of 'name(sect)'
-- otherwise just return the largest string of valid characters in ref
---@param ref string
---@return string, string
local function extract_sect_and_name_ref(ref)
ref = ref or ''
if ref:sub(1, 1) == '-' then -- try ':Man -pandoc' with this disabled.
@ -368,6 +391,9 @@ end
-- 2. If it still could not be found, then we try again without a section.
-- 3. If still not found but $MANSECT is set, then we try again with $MANSECT
-- unset.
---@param sect string?
---@param name string
---@param silent boolean?
local function verify_exists(sect, name, silent)
if sect and sect ~= '' then
local ret = get_path(sect, name, true)
@ -416,6 +442,8 @@ local EXT_RE = vim.regex([[\.\%([glx]z\|bz2\|lzma\|Z\)$]])
-- more specific than what we provided to `man` (try `:Man 3 App::CLI`).
-- Also on linux, name seems to be case-insensitive. So for `:Man PRIntf`, we
-- still want the name of the buffer to be 'printf'.
---@param path string
---@return string, string
local function extract_sect_and_name_path(path)
local tail = fn.fnamemodify(path, ':t')
if EXT_RE:match_str(path) then -- valid extensions
@ -425,6 +453,7 @@ local function extract_sect_and_name_path(path)
return sect, name
---@return boolean
local function find_man()
if vim.bo.filetype == 'man' then
return true
@ -442,6 +471,7 @@ local function find_man()
return false
---@param pager boolean
local function set_options(pager)
vim.bo.swapfile = false
vim.bo.buftype = 'nofile'
@ -453,11 +483,14 @@ local function set_options(pager)
vim.bo.filetype = 'man'
---@param path string
---@param silent boolean?
---@return string
local function get_page(path, silent)
-- Disable hard-wrap by using a big $MANWIDTH (max 1000 on some systems #9065).
-- Soft-wrap: ftplugin/man.lua sets wrap/breakindent/….
-- Hard-wrap: driven by `man`.
local manwidth
local manwidth ---@type integer|string
if (vim.g.man_hardwrap or 1) ~= 1 then
manwidth = 999
elseif vim.env.MANWIDTH then
@ -478,6 +511,14 @@ local function get_page(path, silent)
---@param lnum integer
---@return string
local function getline(lnum)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line
return fn.getline(lnum)
---@param page string
local function put_page(page)
vim.bo.modifiable = true
vim.bo.readonly = false
@ -485,7 +526,7 @@ local function put_page(page)
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, vim.split(page, '\n'))
while fn.getline(1):match('^%s*$') do
while getline(1):match('^%s*$') do
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, 1, false, {})
-- XXX: nroff justifies text by filling it with whitespace. That interacts
@ -512,13 +553,21 @@ local function format_candidate(path, psect)
return ''
---@generic T
---@param list T[]
---@param elem T
---@return T[]
local function move_elem_to_head(list, elem)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown
local list1 = vim.tbl_filter(function(v)
return v ~= elem
end, list)
return { elem, unpack(list1) }
---@param sect string
---@param name string
---@return string[]
local function get_paths(sect, name)
-- Try several sources for getting the list man directories:
-- 1. `man -w` (works on most systems)
@ -533,6 +582,7 @@ local function get_paths(sect, name)
local mandirs = table.concat(vim.split(mandirs_raw, '[:\n]', { trimempty = true }), ',')
---@type string[]
local paths = fn.globpath(mandirs, 'man?/' .. name .. '*.' .. sect .. '*', false, true)
-- Prioritize the result from verify_exists as it obeys b:man_default_sects.
@ -544,6 +594,10 @@ local function get_paths(sect, name)
return paths
---@param sect string
---@param psect string
---@param name string
---@return string[]
local function complete(sect, psect, name)
local pages = get_paths(sect, name)
-- We remove duplicates in case the same manpage in different languages was found.
@ -553,6 +607,8 @@ local function complete(sect, psect, name)
-- see extract_sect_and_name_ref on why tolower(sect)
---@param arg_lead string
---@param cmd_line string
function M.man_complete(arg_lead, cmd_line, _)
local args = vim.split(cmd_line, '%s+', { trimempty = true })
local cmd_offset = fn.index(args, 'Man')
@ -589,6 +645,7 @@ function M.man_complete(arg_lead, cmd_line, _)
if #args == 2 then
---@type string, string
local name, sect
if arg_lead == '' then
-- cursor (|) is at ':Man 1 |'
@ -618,10 +675,13 @@ function M.man_complete(arg_lead, cmd_line, _)
return complete(sect, sect, name)
---@param pattern string
---@return {name:string,filename:string,cmd:string}[]
function M.goto_tag(pattern, _, _)
local sect, name = extract_sect_and_name_ref(pattern)
local paths = get_paths(sect, name)
---@type {name:string,title:string}[]
local structured = {}
for _, path in ipairs(paths) do
@ -634,6 +694,7 @@ function M.goto_tag(pattern, _, _)
---@param entry {name:string,title:string}
return vim.tbl_map(function(entry)
return {
name = entry.name,
@ -645,7 +706,7 @@ end
-- Called when Nvim is invoked as $MANPAGER.
function M.init_pager()
if fn.getline(1):match('^%s*$') then
if getline(1):match('^%s*$') then
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, 1, false, {})
vim.cmd('keepjumps 1')
@ -653,7 +714,7 @@ function M.init_pager()
-- Guess the ref from the heading (which is usually uppercase, so we cannot
-- know the correct casing, cf. `man glDrawArraysInstanced`).
local ref = fn.substitute(matchstr(fn.getline(1), [[^[^)]\+)]]) or '', ' ', '_', 'g')
local ref = fn.substitute(matchstr(getline(1), [[^[^)]\+)]]) or '', ' ', '_', 'g')
local ok, res = pcall(extract_sect_and_name_ref, ref)
vim.b.man_sect = ok and res or ''
@ -664,12 +725,14 @@ function M.init_pager()
---@param count integer
---@param args string[]
function M.open_page(count, smods, args)
if #args > 2 then
man_error('too many arguments')
local ref
local ref ---@type string
if #args == 0 then
ref = vim.bo.filetype == 'man' and fn.expand('<cWORD>') or fn.expand('<cword>')
if ref == '' then
@ -731,24 +794,27 @@ function M.read_page(ref)
function M.show_toc()
local bufname = fn.bufname('%')
local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
local info = fn.getloclist(0, { winid = 1 })
if info ~= '' and vim.w[info.winid].qf_toc == bufname then
---@type {bufnr:integer, lnum:integer, text:string}[]
local toc = {}
local lnum = 2
local last_line = fn.line('$') - 1
local section_title_re = vim.regex([[^\%( \{3\}\)\=\S.*$]])
local flag_title_re = vim.regex([[^\s\+\%(+\|-\)\S\+]])
while lnum and lnum < last_line do
local text = fn.getline(lnum)
local text = getline(lnum)
if section_title_re:match_str(text) then
-- if text is a section title
toc[#toc + 1] = {
bufnr = fn.bufnr('%'),
bufnr = bufnr,
lnum = lnum,
text = text,
@ -756,7 +822,7 @@ function M.show_toc()
-- if text is a flag title. we strip whitespaces and prepend two
-- spaces to have a consistent format in the loclist.
toc[#toc + 1] = {
bufnr = fn.bufnr('%'),
bufnr = bufnr,
lnum = lnum,
text = ' ' .. fn.substitute(text, [[^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$]], [[\1]], ''),
@ -772,7 +838,7 @@ end
local function init()
local path = get_path('', 'man', true)
local page
local page ---@type string?
if path ~= nil then
-- Check for -l support.
page = get_page(path, true)
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