
Updated runtime files.

This commit is contained in:
James McCoy 2017-01-01 23:25:03 -05:00
parent 60e306368d
commit 282109c51b
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 72 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -474,6 +474,9 @@ expression.
The BufWinEnter event is also triggered, again using "quickfix" for the buffer
Note: When adding to an existing quickfix list the autocommand are not
Note: Making changes in the quickfix window has no effect on the list of
errors. 'modifiable' is off to avoid making changes. If you delete or insert
lines anyway, the relation between the text and the error number is messed up.

View File

@ -4770,6 +4770,10 @@ font={font-name} *highlight-font*
All fonts used, except for Menu and Tooltip, should be of the same
character size as the default font! Otherwise redrawing problems will
To use a font name with an embedded space or other special character,
put it in single quotes. The single quote cannot be used then.
Example: >
:hi comment font='Monospace 10'
guifg={color-name} *highlight-guifg*
guibg={color-name} *highlight-guibg*

View File

@ -786,6 +786,7 @@ Buffers, windows and the argument list:
tabpagenr() get the number of a tab page
tabpagewinnr() like winnr() for a specified tab page
winnr() get the window number for the current window
bufwinid() get the window ID of a specific buffer
bufwinnr() get the window number of a specific buffer
winbufnr() get the buffer number of a specific window
getbufline() get a list of lines from the specified buffer

View File

@ -36,10 +36,11 @@ except ImportError:
specfile =
if specfile:
spec = rpm.spec(specfile)
headers = spec.packages[0].header
version = headers['Version']
release = ".".join(headers['Release'].split(".")[:-1])
headers = spec.sourceHeader
version = headers["Version"]
release = headers["Release"]
vim.command("let ver = " + version)
vim.command("let rel = " + release)
@ -113,7 +114,10 @@ if !exists("*s:SpecChangelog")
if (chgline != -1)
let tmptime = v:lc_time
language time C
let parsed_format = "* ".strftime(format)." - ".ver."-".rel
execute "language time" tmptime
let release_info = "+ ".name."-".ver."-".rel
let wrong_format = 0
let wrong_release = 0
@ -179,12 +183,8 @@ if !exists("*s:ParseRpmVars")
let varname = strpart(a:str, start+2, end-(start+2))
execute a:strline
let definestr = "^[ \t]*%define[ \t]\\+" . varname . "[ \t]\\+\\(.*\\)$"
let definestr = "^[ \t]*%(?:global|define)[ \t]\\+" . varname . "[ \t]\\+\\(.*\\)$"
let linenum = search(definestr, "bW")
if (linenum == 0)
let definestr = substitute(definestr, "%define", "%global", "")
let linenum = search(definestr, "bW")
if (linenum != -1)
let ret = ret . substitute(getline(linenum), definestr, "\\1", "")
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ endif
let b:match_ignorecase = 0
let b:match_words =
\ '^Name:^%description:^%clean:^%setup:^%build:^%install:^%files:' .
\ '^Name:^%description:^%clean:^%(?:auto)?setup:^%build:^%install:^%files:' .
\ '^%package:^%preun:^%postun:^%changelog'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" VHDL indent ('93 syntax)
" Language: VHDL
" Maintainer: Gerald Lai <laigera+vim?>
" Version: 1.58
" Last Change: 2011 Sep 27
" Version: 1.60
" Last Change: 2016 Feb 26
" URL:
" only load this indent file when no other was loaded
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function GetVHDLindent()
let pn = prevnonblank(pn - 1)
let ps = getline(pn)
if (curs =~ '^\s*)' || curs =~? '^\s*\%(\<\%(procedure\|generic\|map\|port\)\>.*\)\@<!\w\+\s*\w*\s*\%(=>\s*\S\+\|:[^=]\@=\s*\%(\%(in\|out\|inout\|buffer\|linkage\)\>\|\w\+\s\+:=\)\)') && (prevs =~? s:NC.'\<\%(procedure\s\+\S\+\|generic\|map\|port\)\s*(\%(\s*\w\)\=' || (ps =~? s:NC.'\<\%(procedure\|generic\|map\|port\)'.s:ES && prevs =~ '^\s*('))
if (curs =~ '^\s*)' || curs =~? '^\s*\%(\<\%(procedure\|generic\|map\|port\)\>.*\)\@<!\w\+\s*\w*\s*\((.*)\)*\s*\%(=>\s*\S\+\|:[^=]\@=\s*\%(\%(in\|out\|inout\|buffer\|linkage\)\>\|\s\+\)\)') && (prevs =~? s:NC.'\<\%(procedure\s\+\S\+\|generic\|map\|port\)\s*(\%(\s*\w\)\=' || (ps =~? s:NC.'\<\%(procedure\|generic\|map\|port\)'.s:ES && prevs =~ '^\s*('))
" align closing ")" with opening "("
if curs =~ '^\s*)'
return ind2 + stridx(prevs_noi, '(')
@ -412,11 +412,22 @@ function GetVHDLindent()
" ****************************************************************************************
" indent: maintain indent of previous opening statement
" keywords: without "procedure", "generic", "map", "port" + ":" but not ":=" + "in", "out", "inout", "buffer", "linkage", variable & ":="
" keywords: without "procedure", "generic", "map", "port" + ":" but not ":=" + eventually ;$
" where: start of current line
if curs =~? '^\s*\%(\<\%(procedure\|generic\|map\|port\)\>.*\)\@<!\w\+\s*\w*\s*:[^=]\@=\s*\%(\%(in\|out\|inout\|buffer\|linkage\)\>\|\w\+\s\+:=\)'
if curs =~? '^\s*\%(\<\%(procedure\|generic\|map\|port\)\>.*\)\@<!\w\+\s*\w*\s*:[^=].*;.*$'
return ind2
" ****************************************************************************************
" indent: maintain indent of previous opening statement, corner case which
" does not end in ;, but is part of a mapping
" keywords: without "procedure", "generic", "map", "port" + ":" but not ":=", never + ;$ and
" prevline without "procedure", "generic", "map", "port" + ":" but not ":=" + eventually ;$
" where: start of current line
if curs =~? '^\s*\%(\<\%(procedure\|generic\|map\|port\)\>.*\)\@<!\w\+\s*\w*\s*:[^=].*[^;].*$'
if prevs =~? '^\s*\%(\<\%(procedure\|generic\|map\|port\)\>.*\)\@<!\w\+\s*\w*\s*:[^=].*;.*$'
return ind2
" return leftover filtered indent
return ind

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Language: BibTeX (bibliographic database format for (La)TeX)
" Maintainer: Bernd Feige <>
" Filenames: *.bib
" Last Change: 2014 Mar 26
" Last Change: 2016 May 31
" Thanks to those who pointed out problems with this file or supplied fixes!
@ -35,8 +35,40 @@ syn keyword bibEntryKw contained crossref edition editor howpublished
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained institution journal key month note
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained number organization pages publisher
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained school series title type volume year
" biblatex keywords, cf.
syn keyword bibType contained mvbook bookinbook suppbook collection mvcollection suppcollection
syn keyword bibType contained online patent periodical suppperiodical mvproceedings reference
syn keyword bibType contained mvreference inreference report set thesis xdata customa customb
syn keyword bibType contained customc customd custome customf electronic www artwork audio bibnote
syn keyword bibType contained commentary image jurisdiction legislation legal letter movie music
syn keyword bibType contained performance review software standard video
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained abstract isbn issn keywords url
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained addendum afterwordannotation annotation annotator authortype
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained bookauthor bookpagination booksubtitle booktitleaddon
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained commentator date doi editora editorb editorc editortype
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained editoratype editorbtype editorctype eid entrysubtype
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained eprint eprintclass eprinttype eventdate eventtitle
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained eventtitleaddon file foreword holder indextitle
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained introduction isan ismn isrn issue issuesubtitle
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained issuetitle iswc journalsubtitle journaltitle label
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained language library location mainsubtitle maintitle
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained maintitleaddon nameaddon origdate origlanguage
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained origlocation origpublisher origtitle pagetotal
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained pagination part pubstate reprinttitle shortauthor
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained shorteditor shorthand shorthandintro shortjournal
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained shortseries shorttitle subtitle titleaddon translator
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained urldate venue version volumes entryset execute gender
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained langid langidopts ids indexsorttitle options presort
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained related relatedoptions relatedtype relatedstring
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained sortkey sortname sortshorthand sorttitle sortyear xdata
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained xref namea nameb namec nameatype namebtype namectype
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained lista listb listc listd liste listf usera userb userc
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained userd usere userf verba verbb verbc archiveprefix pdf
syn keyword bibEntryKw contained primaryclass
" Non-standard:
syn keyword bibNSEntryKw contained abstract isbn issn keywords url
" AMS mref
syn keyword bibNSEntryKw contained mrclass mrnumber mrreviewer fjournal coden

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Language: SPEC: Build/install scripts for Linux RPM packages
" Maintainer: Igor Gnatenko
" Former Maintainer: Donovan Rebbechi (until March 2014)
" Last Change: Sun Mar 2 10:33 MSK 2014 Igor Gnatenko
" Last Change: Sat Apr 9 15:30 2016 Filip Szymański
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ syn keyword specMacroNameLocal contained _arch _binary_payload _bindir _build _b
"One line macros - valid in all ScriptAreas
"tip: remember do include new items on specScriptArea's skip section
syn region specSectionMacroArea oneline matchgroup=specSectionMacro start='^%\(define\|global\|patch\d*\|setup\|configure\|GNUconfigure\|find_lang\|makeinstall\|make_install\|include\)\>' end='$' contains=specCommandOpts,specMacroIdentifier
syn region specSectionMacroBracketArea oneline matchgroup=specSectionMacro start='^%{\(configure\|GNUconfigure\|find_lang\|makeinstall\|make_install\)}' end='$' contains=specCommandOpts,specMacroIdentifier
syn region specSectionMacroArea oneline matchgroup=specSectionMacro start='^%\(define\|global\|patch\d*\|setup\|autosetup\|autopatch\|configure\|GNUconfigure\|find_lang\|make_build\|makeinstall\|make_install\|include\)\>' end='$' contains=specCommandOpts,specMacroIdentifier
syn region specSectionMacroBracketArea oneline matchgroup=specSectionMacro start='^%{\(configure\|GNUconfigure\|find_lang\|make_build\|makeinstall\|make_install\)}' end='$' contains=specCommandOpts,specMacroIdentifier
"%% Files Section %%
"TODO %config valid parameters: missingok\|noreplace
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ syn case ignore
"%% PreAmble Section %%
"Copyright and Serial were deprecated by License and Epoch
syn region specPreAmbleDeprecated oneline matchgroup=specError start='^\(Copyright\|Serial\)' end='$' contains=specEmail,specURL,specURLMacro,specLicense,specColon,specVariables,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier
syn region specPreAmble oneline matchgroup=specCommand start='^\(Prereq\|Summary\|Name\|Version\|Packager\|Requires\|Icon\|URL\|Source\d*\|Patch\d*\|Prefix\|Packager\|Group\|License\|Release\|BuildRoot\|Distribution\|Vendor\|Provides\|ExclusiveArch\|ExcludeArch\|ExclusiveOS\|Obsoletes\|BuildArch\|BuildArchitectures\|BuildRequires\|BuildConflicts\|BuildPreReq\|Conflicts\|AutoRequires\|AutoReq\|AutoReqProv\|AutoProv\|Epoch\)' end='$' contains=specEmail,specURL,specURLMacro,specLicense,specColon,specVariables,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier
syn region specPreAmble oneline matchgroup=specCommand start='^\(Prereq\|Summary\|Name\|Version\|Packager\|Requires\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Supplements\|Enhances\|Icon\|URL\|Source\d*\|Patch\d*\|Prefix\|Packager\|Group\|License\|Release\|BuildRoot\|Distribution\|Vendor\|Provides\|ExclusiveArch\|ExcludeArch\|ExclusiveOS\|Obsoletes\|BuildArch\|BuildArchitectures\|BuildRequires\|BuildConflicts\|BuildPreReq\|Conflicts\|AutoRequires\|AutoReq\|AutoReqProv\|AutoProv\|Epoch\)' end='$' contains=specEmail,specURL,specURLMacro,specLicense,specColon,specVariables,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier
"%% Description Section %%
syn region specDescriptionArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%description' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specDescriptionOpts,specEmail,specURL,specNumber,specMacroIdentifier,specComment
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ syn region specDescriptionArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%description' end=
syn region specPackageArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%package' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specPackageOpts,specPreAmble,specComment
"%% Scripts Section %%
syn region specScriptArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%\(prep\|build\|install\|clean\|pre\|postun\|preun\|post\|posttrans\)\>' skip='^%{\|^%\(define\|patch\d*\|configure\|GNUconfigure\|setup\|find_lang\|makeinstall\|make_install\)\>' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specSpecialVariables,specVariables,@specCommands,specVariables,shDo,shFor,shCaseEsac,specNoNumberHilite,specCommandOpts,shComment,shIf,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier,specSectionMacroArea,specSectionMacroBracketArea,shOperator,shQuote1,shQuote2
syn region specScriptArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%\(prep\|build\|install\|clean\|pre\|postun\|preun\|post\|posttrans\)\>' skip='^%{\|^%\(define\|patch\d*\|configure\|GNUconfigure\|setup\|autosetup\|autopatch\|find_lang\|make_build\|makeinstall\|make_install\)\>' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specSpecialVariables,specVariables,@specCommands,specVariables,shDo,shFor,shCaseEsac,specNoNumberHilite,specCommandOpts,shComment,shIf,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier,specSectionMacroArea,specSectionMacroBracketArea,shOperator,shQuote1,shQuote2
"%% Changelog Section %%
syn region specChangelogArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%changelog' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specEmail,specURL,specWeekday,specMonth,specNumber,specComment,specLicense