Merge pull request #21393 from folke/highlight_show

feat(lsp): add function to get semantic tokens at cursor
feat: `vim.inspect_pos()`, `vim.show_pos()` and `:Inspect[!]`
This commit is contained in:
Christian Clason 2022-12-17 13:43:46 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 1c4794944d
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 437 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -2683,7 +2683,7 @@ nvim_buf_set_extmark({buffer}, {ns_id}, {line}, {col}, {*opts})
Id of the created/updated extmark Id of the created/updated extmark
nvim_create_namespace({name}) *nvim_create_namespace()* nvim_create_namespace({name}) *nvim_create_namespace()*
Creates a new *namespace* or gets an existing one. Creates a new namespace or gets an existing one. *namespace*
Namespaces are used for buffer highlights and virtual text, see Namespaces are used for buffer highlights and virtual text, see
|nvim_buf_add_highlight()| and |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|. |nvim_buf_add_highlight()| and |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|.

View File

@ -1332,6 +1332,19 @@ force_refresh({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.semantic_tokens.force_refresh()*
Parameters: ~ Parameters: ~
• {bufnr} (nil|number) default: current buffer • {bufnr} (nil|number) default: current buffer
get_at_pos({bufnr}, {row}, {col})
Return the semantic token(s) at the given position. If called without
arguments, returns the token under the cursor.
Parameters: ~
• {bufnr} (number|nil) Buffer number (0 for current buffer, default)
• {row} (number|nil) Position row (default cursor position)
• {col} (number|nil) Position column (default cursor position)
Return: ~
(table|nil) List of tokens at position
start({bufnr}, {client_id}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.semantic_tokens.start()* start({bufnr}, {client_id}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.semantic_tokens.start()*
Start the semantic token highlighting engine for the given buffer with the Start the semantic token highlighting engine for the given buffer with the
given client. The client must already be attached to the buffer. given client. The client must already be attached to the buffer.

View File

@ -1504,6 +1504,56 @@ schedule_wrap({cb}) *vim.schedule_wrap()*
|vim.in_fast_event()| |vim.in_fast_event()|
Lua module: inspector *lua-inspector*
inspect_pos({bufnr}, {row}, {col}, {filter}) *vim.inspect_pos()*
Get all the items at a given buffer position.
Can also be pretty-printed with `:Inspect!`. *:Inspect!*
Parameters: ~
• {bufnr} (number|nil) defaults to the current buffer
• {row} (number|nil) row to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the row of
the current cursor
• {col} (number|nil) col to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the col of
the current cursor
• {filter} (table|nil) a table with key-value pairs to filter the items
• syntax (boolean): include syntax based highlight groups
(defaults to true)
• treesitter (boolean): include treesitter based highlight
groups (defaults to true)
• extmarks (boolean|"all"): include extmarks. When `all`,
then extmarks without a `hl_group` will also be included
(defaults to true)
• semantic_tokens (boolean): include semantic tokens
(defaults to true)
Return: ~
(table) a table with the following key-value pairs. Items are in
"traversal order":
• treesitter: a list of treesitter captures
• syntax: a list of syntax groups
• semantic_tokens: a list of semantic tokens
• extmarks: a list of extmarks
• buffer: the buffer used to get the items
• row: the row used to get the items
• col: the col used to get the items
show_pos({bufnr}, {row}, {col}, {filter}) *vim.show_pos()*
Show all the items at a given buffer position.
Can also be shown with `:Inspect`. *:Inspect*
Parameters: ~
• {bufnr} (number|nil) defaults to the current buffer
• {row} (number|nil) row to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the row of
the current cursor
• {col} (number|nil) col to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the col of
the current cursor
• {filter} (table|nil) see |vim.inspect_pos()|
deep_equal({a}, {b}) *vim.deep_equal()* deep_equal({a}, {b}) *vim.deep_equal()*

View File

@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ NEW FEATURES *news-features*
The following new APIs or features were added. The following new APIs or features were added.
• |vim.inspect_pos()|, |vim.show_pos()| and |:Inspect| allow a user to get or show items
at a given buffer postion. Currently this includes treesitter captures,
semantic tokens, syntax groups and extmarks.
• Added support for semantic token highlighting to the LSP client. This • Added support for semantic token highlighting to the LSP client. This
functionality is enabled by default when a client that supports this feature functionality is enabled by default when a client that supports this feature
is attached to a buffer. Opt-out can be performed by deleting the is attached to a buffer. Opt-out can be performed by deleting the

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@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ setmetatable(vim, {
if vim._submodules[key] then if vim._submodules[key] then
t[key] = require('vim.' .. key) t[key] = require('vim.' .. key)
return t[key] return t[key]
elseif key == 'inspect_pos' or key == 'show_pos' then
return t[key]
elseif vim.startswith(key, 'uri_') then elseif vim.startswith(key, 'uri_') then
local val = require('vim.uri')[key] local val = require('vim.uri')[key]
if val ~= nil then if val ~= nil then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
---@class InspectorFilter
---@field syntax boolean include syntax based highlight groups (defaults to true)
---@field treesitter boolean include treesitter based highlight groups (defaults to true)
---@field extmarks boolean|"all" include extmarks. When `all`, then extmarks without a `hl_group` will also be included (defaults to true)
---@field semantic_tokens boolean include semantic tokens (defaults to true)
local defaults = {
syntax = true,
treesitter = true,
extmarks = true,
semantic_tokens = true,
---Get all the items at a given buffer position.
---Can also be pretty-printed with `:Inspect!`. *:Inspect!*
---@param bufnr? number defaults to the current buffer
---@param row? number row to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the row of the current cursor
---@param col? number col to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the col of the current cursor
---@param filter? InspectorFilter (table|nil) a table with key-value pairs to filter the items
--- - syntax (boolean): include syntax based highlight groups (defaults to true)
--- - treesitter (boolean): include treesitter based highlight groups (defaults to true)
--- - extmarks (boolean|"all"): include extmarks. When `all`, then extmarks without a `hl_group` will also be included (defaults to true)
--- - semantic_tokens (boolean): include semantic tokens (defaults to true)
---@return {treesitter:table,syntax:table,extmarks:table,semantic_tokens:table,buffer:number,col:number,row:number} (table) a table with the following key-value pairs. Items are in "traversal order":
--- - treesitter: a list of treesitter captures
--- - syntax: a list of syntax groups
--- - semantic_tokens: a list of semantic tokens
--- - extmarks: a list of extmarks
--- - buffer: the buffer used to get the items
--- - row: the row used to get the items
--- - col: the col used to get the items
function vim.inspect_pos(bufnr, row, col, filter)
filter = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', defaults, filter or {})
bufnr = bufnr or 0
if row == nil or col == nil then
-- get the row/col from the first window displaying the buffer
local win = bufnr == 0 and vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() or vim.fn.bufwinid(bufnr)
if win == -1 then
error('row/col is required for buffers not visible in a window')
local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(win)
row, col = cursor[1] - 1, cursor[2]
bufnr = bufnr == 0 and vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() or bufnr
local results = {
treesitter = {},
syntax = {},
extmarks = {},
semantic_tokens = {},
buffer = bufnr,
row = row,
col = col,
-- resolve hl links
local function resolve_hl(data)
if data.hl_group then
local hlid = vim.api.nvim_get_hl_id_by_name(data.hl_group)
local name = vim.fn.synIDattr(vim.fn.synIDtrans(hlid), 'name')
data.hl_group_link = name
return data
-- treesitter
if filter.treesitter then
for _, capture in pairs(vim.treesitter.get_captures_at_pos(bufnr, row, col)) do
capture.hl_group = '@' .. capture.capture
table.insert(results.treesitter, resolve_hl(capture))
-- syntax
if filter.syntax then
for _, i1 in ipairs(vim.fn.synstack(row + 1, col + 1)) do
table.insert(results.syntax, resolve_hl({ hl_group = vim.fn.synIDattr(i1, 'name') }))
-- semantic tokens
if filter.semantic_tokens then
for _, token in ipairs(vim.lsp.semantic_tokens.get_at_pos(bufnr, row, col) or {}) do
token.hl_groups = {
type = resolve_hl({ hl_group = '@' .. token.type }),
modifiers = vim.tbl_map(function(modifier)
return resolve_hl({ hl_group = '@' .. modifier })
end, token.modifiers or {}),
table.insert(results.semantic_tokens, token)
-- extmarks
if filter.extmarks then
for ns, nsid in pairs(vim.api.nvim_get_namespaces()) do
if ns:find('vim_lsp_semantic_tokens') ~= 1 then
local extmarks = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(bufnr, nsid, 0, -1, { details = true })
for _, extmark in ipairs(extmarks) do
extmark = {
ns_id = nsid,
ns = ns,
id = extmark[1],
row = extmark[2],
col = extmark[3],
opts = resolve_hl(extmark[4]),
local end_row = extmark.opts.end_row or extmark.row -- inclusive
local end_col = extmark.opts.end_col or (extmark.col + 1) -- exclusive
(filter.extmarks == 'all' or extmark.opts.hl_group) -- filter hl_group
and (row >= extmark.row and row <= end_row) -- within the rows of the extmark
and (row > extmark.row or col >= extmark.col) -- either not the first row, or in range of the col
and (row < end_row or col < end_col) -- either not in the last row or in range of the col
table.insert(results.extmarks, extmark)
return results
---Show all the items at a given buffer position.
---Can also be shown with `:Inspect`. *:Inspect*
---@param bufnr? number defaults to the current buffer
---@param row? number row to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the row of the current cursor
---@param col? number col to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the col of the current cursor
---@param filter? InspectorFilter (table|nil) see |vim.inspect_pos()|
function vim.show_pos(bufnr, row, col, filter)
local items = vim.inspect_pos(bufnr, row, col, filter)
local lines = { {} }
local function append(str, hl)
table.insert(lines[#lines], { str, hl })
local function nl()
table.insert(lines, {})
local function item(data, comment)
append(' - ')
append(data.hl_group, data.hl_group)
append(' ')
if data.hl_group ~= data.hl_group_link then
append('links to ', 'MoreMsg')
append(data.hl_group_link, data.hl_group_link)
append(' ')
if comment then
append(comment, 'Comment')
-- treesitter
if #items.treesitter > 0 then
append('Treesitter', 'Title')
for _, capture in ipairs(items.treesitter) do
item(capture, capture.lang)
if #items.semantic_tokens > 0 then
append('Semantic Tokens', 'Title')
for _, token in ipairs(items.semantic_tokens) do
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(token.client_id)
client = client and (' (' .. .. ')') or ''
item(token.hl_groups.type, 'type' .. client)
for _, modifier in ipairs(token.hl_groups.modifiers) do
item(modifier, 'modifier' .. client)
-- syntax
if #items.syntax > 0 then
append('Syntax', 'Title')
for _, syn in ipairs(items.syntax) do
-- extmarks
if #items.extmarks > 0 then
append('Extmarks', 'Title')
for _, extmark in ipairs(items.extmarks) do
if extmark.opts.hl_group then
item(extmark.opts, extmark.ns)
append(' - ')
append(extmark.ns, 'Comment')
if #lines[#lines] == 0 then
local chunks = {}
for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
vim.list_extend(chunks, line)
table.insert(chunks, { '\n' })
if #chunks == 0 then
chunks = {
'No items found at position '
.. items.row
.. ','
.. items.col
.. ' in buffer '
.. items.buffer,
vim.api.nvim_echo(chunks, false, {})

View File

@ -585,6 +585,51 @@ function M.stop(bufnr, client_id)
end end
end end
--- Return the semantic token(s) at the given position.
--- If called without arguments, returns the token under the cursor.
---@param bufnr number|nil Buffer number (0 for current buffer, default)
---@param row number|nil Position row (default cursor position)
---@param col number|nil Position column (default cursor position)
---@return table|nil (table|nil) List of tokens at position
function M.get_at_pos(bufnr, row, col)
if bufnr == nil or bufnr == 0 then
bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local highlighter =[bufnr]
if not highlighter then
if row == nil or col == nil then
local cursor = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
row, col = cursor[1] - 1, cursor[2]
local tokens = {}
for client_id, client in pairs(highlighter.client_state) do
local highlights = client.current_result.highlights
if highlights then
local idx = binary_search(highlights, row)
for i = idx, #highlights do
local token = highlights[i]
if token.line > row then
if token.start_col <= col and token.end_col > col then
token.client_id = client_id
tokens[#tokens + 1] = token
return tokens
--- Force a refresh of all semantic tokens --- Force a refresh of all semantic tokens
--- ---
--- Only has an effect if the buffer is currently active for semantic token --- Only has an effect if the buffer is currently active for semantic token

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@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ function M.get_captures_at_pos(bufnr, row, col)
if M.is_in_node_range(node, row, col) then if M.is_in_node_range(node, row, col) then
local c = q._query.captures[capture] -- name of the capture in the query local c = q._query.captures[capture] -- name of the capture in the query
if c ~= nil then if c ~= nil then
table.insert(matches, { capture = c, metadata = metadata }) table.insert(matches, { capture = c, metadata = metadata, lang = tree:lang() })
end end
end end
end end

runtime/plugin/nvim.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Inspect', function(cmd)
if cmd.bang then
end, { desc = 'Inspect highlights and extmarks at the cursor', bang = true })

View File

@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ CONFIG = {
'filename': 'lua.txt', 'filename': 'lua.txt',
'section_order': [ 'section_order': [
'_editor.lua', '_editor.lua',
'shared.lua', 'shared.lua',
'uri.lua', 'uri.lua',
'ui.lua', 'ui.lua',
@ -142,11 +143,13 @@ CONFIG = {
'runtime/lua/vim/keymap.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/keymap.lua',
'runtime/lua/vim/fs.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/fs.lua',
'runtime/lua/vim/secure.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/secure.lua',
], ],
'file_patterns': '*.lua', 'file_patterns': '*.lua',
'fn_name_prefix': '', 'fn_name_prefix': '',
'section_name': { 'section_name': {
'lsp.lua': 'core', 'lsp.lua': 'core',
'_inspector.lua': 'inspector',
}, },
'section_fmt': lambda name: ( 'section_fmt': lambda name: (
'Lua module: vim' 'Lua module: vim'
@ -163,6 +166,7 @@ CONFIG = {
'module_override': { 'module_override': {
# `shared` functions are exposed on the `vim` module. # `shared` functions are exposed on the `vim` module.
'shared': 'vim', 'shared': 'vim',
'_inspector': 'vim',
'uri': 'vim', 'uri': 'vim',
'ui': 'vim.ui', 'ui': 'vim.ui',
'filetype': 'vim.filetype', 'filetype': 'vim.filetype',
@ -346,6 +350,17 @@ def self_or_child(n):
return n.childNodes[0] return n.childNodes[0]
def align_tags(line):
tag_regex = r"\s(\*.+?\*)(?:\s|$)"
tags = re.findall(tag_regex, line)
if len(tags) > 0:
line = re.sub(tag_regex, "", line)
tags = " " + " ".join(tags)
line = line + (" " * (78 - len(line) - len(tags))) + tags
return line
def clean_lines(text): def clean_lines(text):
"""Removes superfluous lines. """Removes superfluous lines.
@ -950,7 +965,7 @@ def fmt_doxygen_xml_as_vimhelp(filename, target):
start = end start = end
func_doc = "\n".join(split_lines) func_doc = "\n".join(map(align_tags, split_lines))
if (name.startswith(CONFIG[target]['fn_name_prefix']) if (name.startswith(CONFIG[target]['fn_name_prefix'])
and name != "nvim_error_event"): and name != "nvim_error_event"):

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ void api_extmark_free_all_mem(void)
map_destroy(String, handle_T)(&namespace_ids); map_destroy(String, handle_T)(&namespace_ids);
} }
/// Creates a new \*namespace\* or gets an existing one. /// Creates a new namespace or gets an existing one. \*namespace\*
/// ///
/// Namespaces are used for buffer highlights and virtual text, see /// Namespaces are used for buffer highlights and virtual text, see
/// |nvim_buf_add_highlight()| and |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|. /// |nvim_buf_add_highlight()| and |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|.

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua
local eq = helpers.eq
local eval = helpers.eval
local clear = helpers.clear
describe('vim.inspect_pos', function()
it('it returns items', function()
local ret = exec_lua([[
local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, false)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, {"local a = 123"})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, "filetype", "lua")
vim.cmd("syntax on")
return {buf, vim.inspect_pos(0, 0, 10)}
local buf, items = unpack(ret)
eq('', eval('v:errmsg'))
buffer = buf,
col = 10,
row = 0,
extmarks = {},
treesitter = {},
semantic_tokens = {},
syntax = {
hl_group = 'luaNumber',
hl_group_link = 'Constant',
}, items)
describe('vim.show_pos', function()
it('it does not error', function()
local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, false)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, {"local a = 123"})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, "filetype", "lua")
vim.cmd("syntax on")
return {buf, vim.show_pos(0, 0, 10)}
eq('', eval('v:errmsg'))

View File

@ -605,8 +605,8 @@ describe('treesitter highlighting', function()
}} }}
eq({ eq({
{capture='Error', metadata = { priority='101' }}; {capture='Error', metadata = { priority='101' }, lang='c' };
{capture='type', metadata = { } }; {capture='type', metadata = { }, lang='c' };
}, exec_lua [[ return vim.treesitter.get_captures_at_pos(0, 0, 2) ]]) }, exec_lua [[ return vim.treesitter.get_captures_at_pos(0, 0, 2) ]])
end) end)