mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 10:45:16 -07:00
@ -705,12 +705,31 @@ Raising SystemExit exception in python isn't endorsed way to quit vim, use: >
You can test what Python version is available with: >
if has('python')
echo 'there is Python 2.x'
elseif has('python3')
if has('python3')
echo 'there is Python 3.x'
Note however, that if Python 2 and 3 are both available, but not loaded,
these has() calls will try to load them.
To avoid loading the dynamic library, only check if Vim was compiled with
python support: >
if has('python_compiled')
echo 'compiled with Python 2.x support'
if has('python_dynamic
echo 'Python 2.x dynamically loaded
if has('python3_compiled')
echo 'compiled with Python 3.x support'
if has('python3_dynamic
echo 'Python 3.x dynamically loaded
This also tells you whether Python is dynamically loaded, which will fail if
the runtime library cannot be found.
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ An example for using CTRL-G U: >
inoremap ( ()<C-G>U<Left>
This makes it possible to use the cursor keys in Insert mode, without breaking
the undo sequence and therefore using |.| (redo) will work as expected.
the undo sequence and therefore using |.| (redo) will work as expected.
Also entering a text like (with the "(" mapping from above): >
Lorem ipsum (dolor
@ -1508,15 +1508,15 @@ that begin with the filetype, "php", in this case. For example these syntax
groups are included by default with the PHP: phpEnvVar, phpIntVar,
If you wish non-filetype syntax items to also be included, you can use a
regular expression syntax (added in version 13.0 of autoload\syntaxcomplete.vim)
to add items. Looking at the output from ":syntax list" while editing a PHP file
I can see some of these entries: >
If you wish non-filetype syntax items to also be included, you can use a
regular expression syntax (added in version 13.0 of
autoload\syntaxcomplete.vim) to add items. Looking at the output from
":syntax list" while editing a PHP file I can see some of these entries: >
To pick up any JavaScript and HTML keyword syntax groups while editing a PHP
file, you can use 3 different regexs, one for each language. Or you can
simply restrict the include groups to a particular value, without using
file, you can use 3 different regexs, one for each language. Or you can
simply restrict the include groups to a particular value, without using
a regex string: >
let g:omni_syntax_group_include_php = 'php\w\+,javaScript\w\+,html\w\+'
let g:omni_syntax_group_include_php = 'phpFunctions,phpMethods'
@ -1529,9 +1529,9 @@ highlight. These items will be available within the omni completion list.
Some people may find this list unwieldy or are only interested in certain
items. There are two ways to prune this list (if necessary). If you find
certain syntax groups you do not wish displayed you can use two different
methods to identify these groups. The first specifically lists the syntax
groups by name. The second uses a regular expression to identify both
certain syntax groups you do not wish displayed you can use two different
methods to identify these groups. The first specifically lists the syntax
groups by name. The second uses a regular expression to identify both
syntax groups. Simply add one the following to your vimrc: >
let g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_php = 'phpCoreConstant,phpConstant'
let g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_php = 'php\w*Constant'
@ -1554,22 +1554,22 @@ vimrc: >
For plugin developers, the plugin exposes a public function OmniSyntaxList.
This function can be used to request a List of syntax items. When editing a
SQL file (:e syntax.sql) you can use the ":syntax list" command to see the
SQL file (:e syntax.sql) you can use the ":syntax list" command to see the
various groups and syntax items. For example: >
syntax list
syntax list
Yields data similar to this: >
sqlOperator xxx some prior all like and any escape exists in is not
or intersect minus between distinct
links to Operator
sqlType xxx varbit varchar nvarchar bigint int uniqueidentifier
date money long tinyint unsigned xml text smalldate
double datetime nchar smallint numeric time bit char
varbinary binary smallmoney
image float integer timestamp real decimal
Yields data similar to this:
sqlOperator xxx some prior all like and any escape exists in is not ~
or intersect minus between distinct ~
links to Operator ~
sqlType xxx varbit varchar nvarchar bigint int uniqueidentifier ~
date money long tinyint unsigned xml text smalldate ~
double datetime nchar smallint numeric time bit char ~
varbinary binary smallmoney ~
image float integer timestamp real decimal ~
There are two syntax groups listed here: sqlOperator and sqlType. To retrieve
a List of syntax items you can call OmniSyntaxList a number of different
a List of syntax items you can call OmniSyntaxList a number of different
ways. To retrieve all syntax items regardless of syntax group: >
echo OmniSyntaxList( [] )
@ -1586,7 +1586,6 @@ From within a plugin, you would typically assign the output to a List: >
let myKeywords = []
let myKeywords = OmniSyntaxList( ['sqlKeyword'] )
SQL *ft-sql-omni*
@ -4947,6 +4947,11 @@ StatusLine status line of current window
StatusLineNC status lines of not-current windows
Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine" Vim will use "^^^" in
the status line of the current window.
StatusLineTerm status line of current window, if it is a |terminal| window.
StatusLineTermNC status lines of not-current windows that is a |terminal|
TabLine tab pages line, not active tab page label
@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ specify a line offset, this can cause trouble. For example: >
This finds the next word "const" and then moves two lines up. If you
use "n" to search again, Vim could start at the current position and find the same
"const" match. Then using the offset again, you would be back where you started.
You would be stuck!
use "n" to search again, Vim could start at the current position and find the
same "const" match. Then using the offset again, you would be back where you
started. You would be stuck!
It could be worse: Suppose there is another match with "const" in the next
line. Then repeating the forward search would find this match and move two
lines up. Thus you would actually move the cursor back!
@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ endif
" C or lpc
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.c call dist#ft#FTlpc()
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.lpc,*.ulpc setf lpc
" Calendar
au BufNewFile,BufRead calendar setf calendar
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cfm,*.cfi,*.cfc setf cf
au BufNewFile,BufRead configure.in,configure.ac setf config
" CUDA Cumpute Unified Device Architecture
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cu setf cuda
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cu,*.cuh setf cuda
" Dockerfile
au BufNewFile,BufRead Dockerfile,*.Dockerfile setf dockerfile
@ -1148,8 +1149,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pod6 setf pod6
" Also .ctp for Cake template file
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.php,*.php\d,*.phtml,*.ctp setf php
" Pike
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pike,*.lpc,*.ulpc,*.pmod setf pike
" Pike and Cmod
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pike,*.pmod setf pike
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cmod setf cmod
" Pinfo config
au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/pinforc,*/.pinforc setf pinfo
@ -1,22 +1,43 @@
" Vim ftplugin file
" Language: NSIS script
" Previous Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
" Latest Revision: 2008-07-09
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Language: NSIS script
" Maintainer: Ken Takata
" URL: https://github.com/k-takata/vim-nsis
" Previous Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
" Last Change: 2018-01-26
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< fo< def< inc<"
\ " | unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words"
setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,b:#,:; commentstring=;\ %s
setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
setlocal define=^\\s*!define\\%(\\%(utc\\)\\=date\\|math\\)\\=
setlocal include=^\\s*!include\\%(/NONFATAL\\)\\=
if exists("loaded_matchit")
let b:match_ignorecase = 1
let b:match_words =
\ '\${\%(If\|IfNot\|Unless\)}:\${\%(Else\|ElseIf\|ElseIfNot\|ElseUnless\)}:\${\%(EndIf\|EndUnless\)},' .
\ '\${Select}:\${EndSelect},' .
\ '\${Switch}:\${EndSwitch},' .
\ '\${\%(Do\|DoWhile\|DoUntil\)}:\${\%(Loop\|LoopWhile\|LoopUntil\)},' .
\ '\${\%(For\|ForEach\)}:\${Next},' .
\ '\<Function\>:\<FunctionEnd\>,' .
\ '\<Section\>:\<SectionEnd\>,' .
\ '\<SectionGroup\>:\<SectionGroupEnd\>,' .
\ '\<PageEx\>:\<PageExEnd\>,' .
\ '\${MementoSection}:\${MementoSectionEnd},' .
\ '!if\%(\%(macro\)\?n\?def\)\?\>:!else\>:!endif\>,' .
\ '!macro\>:!macroend\>'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: Tom Picton <tom@tompicton.co.uk>
" Previous Maintainer: James Sully <sullyj3@gmail.com>
" Previous Maintainer: Johannes Zellner <johannes@zellner.org>
" Last Change: Thur, 09 November 2017
" Last Change: Wed, 20 December 2017
" https://github.com/tpict/vim-ftplugin-python
if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ setlocal comments=b:#,fb:-
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
if has('python3')
setlocal omnifunc=python3complete#Complete
set wildignore+=*.pyc
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: NSIS script
" Maintainer: Ken Takata
" URL: https://github.com/k-takata/vim-nsis
" Last Change: 2018-01-21
" Filenames: *.nsi
" License: VIM License
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal nosmartindent
setlocal noautoindent
setlocal indentexpr=GetNsisIndent(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O
setlocal indentkeys+==~${Else,=~${EndIf,=~${EndUnless,=~${AndIf,=~${AndUnless,=~${OrIf,=~${OrUnless,=~${Case,=~${Default,=~${EndSelect,=~${EndSwith,=~${Loop,=~${Next,=~${MementoSectionEnd,=~FunctionEnd,=~SectionEnd,=~SectionGroupEnd,=~PageExEnd,0=~!macroend,0=~!if,0=~!else,0=~!endif
if exists("*GetNsisIndent")
function! GetNsisIndent(lnum)
" If this line is explicitly joined: If the previous line was also joined,
" line it up with that one, otherwise add two 'shiftwidth'
if getline(a:lnum - 1) =~ '\\$'
if a:lnum > 1 && getline(a:lnum - 2) =~ '\\$'
return indent(a:lnum - 1)
return indent(a:lnum - 1) + shiftwidth() * 2
" Grab the current line, stripping comments.
let l:thisl = substitute(getline(a:lnum), '[;#].*$', '', '')
" Check if this line is a conditional preprocessor line.
let l:preproc = l:thisl =~? '^\s*!\%(if\|else\|endif\)'
" Grab the previous line, stripping comments.
" Skip preprocessor lines and continued lines.
let l:prevlnum = a:lnum
while 1
let l:prevlnum = prevnonblank(l:prevlnum - 1)
if l:prevlnum == 0
" top of file
return 0
let l:prevl = substitute(getline(l:prevlnum), '[;#].*$', '', '')
let l:prevpreproc = l:prevl =~? '^\s*!\%(if\|else\|endif\)'
if l:preproc == l:prevpreproc && getline(l:prevlnum - 1) !~? '\\$'
let l:previ = indent(l:prevlnum)
let l:ind = l:previ
if l:preproc
" conditional preprocessor
if l:prevl =~? '^\s*!\%(if\%(\%(macro\)\?n\?def\)\?\|else\)\>'
let l:ind += shiftwidth()
if l:thisl =~? '^\s*!\%(else\|endif\)\?\>'
let l:ind -= shiftwidth()
return l:ind
if l:prevl =~? '^\s*\%(\${\%(If\|IfNot\|Unless\|ElseIf\|ElseIfNot\|ElseUnless\|Else\|AndIf\|AndIfNot\|AndUnless\|OrIf\|OrIfNot\|OrUnless\|Select\|Case\|Case[2-5]\|CaseElse\|Default\|Switch\|Do\|DoWhile\|DoUntil\|For\|ForEach\|MementoSection\)}\|Function\>\|Section\>\|SectionGroup\|PageEx\>\|!macro\>\)'
" previous line opened a block
let l:ind += shiftwidth()
if l:thisl =~? '^\s*\%(\${\%(ElseIf\|ElseIfNot\|ElseUnless\|Else\|EndIf\|EndUnless\|AndIf\|AndIfNot\|AndUnless\|OrIf\|OrIfNot\|OrUnless\|Loop\|LoopWhile\|LoopUntil\|Next\|MementoSectionEnd\)\>}\?\|FunctionEnd\>\|SectionEnd\>\|SectionGroupEnd\|PageExEnd\>\|!macroend\>\)'
" this line closed a block
let l:ind -= shiftwidth()
elseif l:thisl =~? '^\s*\${\%(Case\|Case[2-5]\|CaseElse\|Default\)\>}\?'
if l:prevl !~? '^\s*\${\%(Select\|Switch\)}'
let l:ind -= shiftwidth()
elseif l:thisl =~? '^\s*\${\%(EndSelect\|EndSwitch\)\>}\?'
" this line closed a block
if l:prevl =~? '^\s*\${\%(Select\|Switch\)}'
let l:ind -= shiftwidth()
let l:ind -= shiftwidth() * 2
return l:ind
" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2
@ -100,6 +100,10 @@ if s:line1 =~# "^#!"
elseif s:name =~# 'make\>'
set ft=make
" Pike
elseif s:name =~# '^pike\%(\>\|[0-9]\)'
set ft=pike
" Lua
elseif s:name =~# 'lua'
set ft=lua
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Autodoc
" Maintainer: Stephen R. van den Berg <srb@cuci.nl>
" Last Change: 2018 Jan 23
" Version: 2.9
" Remark: Included by pike.vim, cmod.vim and optionally c.vim
" Remark: In order to make c.vim use it, set: c_autodoc
" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn case match
" A bunch of useful autodoc keywords
syn keyword autodocStatement contained appears belongs global
syn keyword autodocStatement contained decl directive inherit
syn keyword autodocStatement contained deprecated obsolete bugs
syn keyword autodocStatement contained copyright example fixme note param returns
syn keyword autodocStatement contained seealso thanks throws constant
syn keyword autodocStatement contained member index elem
syn keyword autodocStatement contained value type item
syn keyword autodocRegion contained enum mapping code multiset array
syn keyword autodocRegion contained int string section mixed ol ul dl
syn keyword autodocRegion contained class module namespace
syn keyword autodocRegion contained endenum endmapping endcode endmultiset
syn keyword autodocRegion contained endarray endint endstring endsection
syn keyword autodocRegion contained endmixed endol endul enddl
syn keyword autodocRegion contained endclass endmodule endnamespace
syn keyword autodocIgnore contained ignore endignore
syn keyword autodocStatAcc contained b i u tt url pre sub sup
syn keyword autodocStatAcc contained ref rfc xml dl expr image
syn keyword autodocTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
syn match autodocLineStart display "\(//\|/\?\*\)\@2<=!"
syn match autodocWords "[^!@{}[\]]\+" display contains=@Spell
syn match autodocLink "@\[[^[\]]\+]"hs=s+2,he=e-1 display contains=autodocLead
syn match autodocAtStmt "@[a-z]\+\%(\s\|$\)\@="hs=s+1 display contains=autodocStatement,autodocIgnore,autodocLead,autodocRegion
" Due to limitations of the matching algorithm, we cannot highlight
" nested autodocNStmtAcc structures correctly
syn region autodocNStmtAcc start="@[a-z]\+{" end="@}" contains=autodocStatAcc,autodocLead keepend
syn match autodocUrl contained display ".\+"
syn region autodocAtUrlAcc start="{"ms=s+1 end="@}"he=e-1,me=e-2 contained display contains=autodocUrl,autodocLead keepend
syn region autodocNUrlAcc start="@url{" end="@}" contains=autodocStatAcc,autodocAtUrlAcc,autodocLead transparent
syn match autodocSpecial "@@" display
syn match autodocLead "@" display contained
"when wanted, highlight trailing white space
if exists("c_space_errors")
if !exists("c_no_trail_space_error")
syn match autodocSpaceError display excludenl "\s\+$"
if !exists("c_no_tab_space_error")
syn match autodocSpaceError display " \+\t"me=e-1
if exists("c_minlines")
let b:c_minlines = c_minlines
if !exists("c_no_if0")
let b:c_minlines = 50 " #if 0 constructs can be long
let b:c_minlines = 15 " mostly for () constructs
exec "syn sync ccomment autodocComment minlines=" . b:c_minlines
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only used when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link autodocStatement Statement
hi def link autodocStatAcc Statement
hi def link autodocRegion Structure
hi def link autodocAtStmt Error
hi def link autodocNStmtAcc Identifier
hi def link autodocLink Type
hi def link autodocTodo Todo
hi def link autodocSpaceError Error
hi def link autodocLineStart SpecialComment
hi def link autodocSpecial SpecialChar
hi def link autodocUrl Underlined
hi def link autodocLead Statement
hi def link autodocIgnore Delimiter
let b:current_syntax = "autodoc"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: ts=8
@ -13,6 +13,14 @@ set cpo&vim
let s:ft = matchstr(&ft, '^\([^.]\)\+')
" Optional embedded Autodoc parsing
" To enable it add: let g:c_autodoc = 1
" to your .vimrc
if exists("c_autodoc")
syn include @cAutodoc <sfile>:p:h/autodoc.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
" A bunch of useful C keywords
syn keyword cStatement goto break return continue asm
syn keyword cLabel case default
@ -377,6 +385,13 @@ syn cluster cPreProcGroup contains=cPreCondit,cIncluded,cInclude,cDefine,cErrInP
syn region cDefine start="^\s*\zs\(%:\|#\)\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALLBUT,@cPreProcGroup,@Spell
syn region cPreProc start="^\s*\zs\(%:\|#\)\s*\(pragma\>\|line\>\|warning\>\|warn\>\|error\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALLBUT,@cPreProcGroup,@Spell
" Optional embedded Autodoc parsing
if exists("c_autodoc")
syn match cAutodocReal display contained "\%(//\|[/ \t\v]\*\|^\*\)\@2<=!.*" contains=@cAutodoc containedin=cComment,cCommentL
syn cluster cCommentGroup add=cAutodocReal
syn cluster cPreProcGroup add=cAutodocReal
" Highlight User Labels
syn cluster cMultiGroup contains=cIncluded,cSpecial,cCommentSkip,cCommentString,cComment2String,@cCommentGroup,cCommentStartError,cUserCont,cUserLabel,cBitField,cOctalZero,cCppOutWrapper,cCppInWrapper,@cCppOutInGroup,cFormat,cNumber,cFloat,cOctal,cOctalError,cNumbersCom,cCppParen,cCppBracket,cCppString
if s:ft ==# 'c' || exists("cpp_no_cpp11")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Cmod
" Current Maintainer: Stephen R. van den Berg <srb@cuci.nl>
" Last Change: 2018 Jan 23
" Version: 2.9
" Remark: Is used to edit Cmod files for Pike development.
" Remark: Includes a highlighter for any embedded Autodoc format.
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Read the C syntax to start with
runtime! syntax/c.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
if !exists("c_autodoc")
" For embedded Autodoc documentation
syn include @cmodAutodoc <sfile>:p:h/autodoc.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
" Supports rotating amongst several same-level preprocessor conditionals
packadd! matchit
let b:match_words = "({:}\\@1<=),^\s*#\s*\%(if\%(n\?def\)\|else\|el\%(se\)\?if\|endif\)\>"
" Cmod extensions
syn keyword cmodStatement __INIT INIT EXIT GC_RECURSE GC_CHECK
syn keyword cmodStatement EXTRA OPTIMIZE RETURN
syn keyword cmodStatement ADD_EFUN ADD_EFUN2 ADD_FUNCTION
syn keyword cmodStatement SET_SVAL pop_n_elems pop_stack
syn keyword cmodStatement SIMPLE_ARG_TYPE_ERROR Pike_sp Pike_fp MKPCHARP
syn keyword cmodStatement PTR_FROM_INT INHERIT_FROM_PTR
syn keyword cmodStatement MKPCHARP_STR APPLY_MASTER current_storage
syn keyword cmodStatement PIKE_MAP_VARIABLE size_shift
syn keyword cmodStatement THREADS_ALLOW THREADS_DISALLOW
syn keyword cmodStatement add_integer_constant ref_push_object
syn keyword cmodStatement push_string apply_svalue free_svalue
syn keyword cmodStatement get_inherit_storage get_storage
syn keyword cmodStatement make_shared_binary_string push_int64
syn keyword cmodStatement begin_shared_string end_shared_string
syn keyword cmodStatement add_ref fast_clone_object clone_object
syn keyword cmodStatement push_undefined push_int ref_push_string
syn keyword cmodStatement free_string push_ulongest free_object
syn keyword cmodStatement convert_stack_top_to_bignum push_array
syn keyword cmodStatement push_object reduce_stack_top_bignum
syn keyword cmodStatement push_static_text apply_current
syn keyword cmodStatement assign_svalue free_program destruct_object
syn keyword cmodStatement start_new_program low_inherit stack_swap
syn keyword cmodStatement generic_error_program end_program
syn keyword cmodStatement free_array apply_external copy_mapping
syn keyword cmodStatement push_constant_text ref_push_mapping
syn keyword cmodStatement mapping_insert mapping_string_insert_string
syn keyword cmodStatement f_aggregate_mapping f_aggregate apply
syn keyword cmodStatement push_mapping push_svalue low_mapping_lookup
syn keyword cmodStatement assign_svalues_no_free f_add
syn keyword cmodStatement push_empty_string stack_dup assign_lvalue
syn keyword cmodStatement low_mapping_string_lookup allocate_mapping
syn keyword cmodStatement copy_shared_string make_shared_binary_string0
syn keyword cmodStatement f_call_function f_index f_utf8_to_string
syn keyword cmodStatement finish_string_builder init_string_builder
syn keyword cmodStatement reset_string_builder free_string_builder
syn keyword cmodStatement string_builder_putchar get_all_args
syn keyword cmodStatement add_shared_strings check_all_args
syn keyword cmodStatement do_inherit add_string_constant
syn keyword cmodStatement add_program_constant set_init_callback
syn keyword cmodStatement simple_mapping_string_lookup
syn keyword cmodStatement f_sprintf push_text string_has_null
syn keyword cmodStatement end_and_resize_shared_string
syn keyword cmodStatement args sp
syn keyword cmodStatement free
syn keyword cmodConstant ID_PROTECTED ID_FINAL PIKE_DEBUG
syn keyword cmodConstant NUMBER_NUMBER
syn keyword cmodConstant PIKE_T_INT PIKE_T_STRING PIKE_T_ARRAY
syn keyword cmodConstant T_OBJECT T_STRING T_ARRAY T_MAPPING
syn keyword cmodException CALL_AND_UNSET_ONERROR
syn keyword cmodDebug Pike_fatal Pike_error check_stack
syn keyword cmodAccess public protected private INHERIT
syn keyword cmodAccess CTYPE CVAR PIKEVAR PIKEFUN
syn keyword cmodModifier efun export flags optflags optfunc
syn keyword cmodModifier type rawtype errname name c_name prototype
syn keyword cmodModifier program_flags gc_trivial PMOD_EXPORT
syn keyword cmodModifier ATTRIBUTE noclone noinline
syn keyword cmodModifier tOr tFuncV tInt tMix tVoid tStr tMap tPrg
syn keyword cmodModifier tSetvar tArr tMult tMultiset
syn keyword cmodModifier tArray tMapping tString tSetvar tVar
syn keyword cmodType bool mapping string multiset array mixed
syn keyword cmodType object function program auto svalue
syn keyword cmodType bignum longest zero pike_string
syn keyword cmodType this this_program THIS INT_TYPE INT64 INT32
syn keyword cmodType p_wchar2 PCHARP p_wchar1 p_wchar0 MP_INT
syn keyword cmodOperator _destruct create __hash _sizeof _indices _values
syn keyword cmodOperator _is_type _sprintf _equal _m_delete _get_iterator
syn keyword cmodOperator _search _types _serialize _deserialize
syn keyword cmodOperator _size_object _random _sqrt TYPEOF SUBTYPEOF
syn keyword cmodOperator LIKELY UNLIKELY
if !exists("c_autodoc")
syn match cmodAutodocReal display contained "\%(//\|[/ \t\v]\*\|^\*\)\@2<=!.*" contains=@cmodAutodoc containedin=cComment,cCommentL
syn cluster cCommentGroup add=cmodAutodocReal
syn cluster cPreProcGroup add=cmodAutodocReal
" Default highlighting
hi def link cmodAccess Statement
hi def link cmodOperator Operator
hi def link cmodStatement Statement
hi def link cmodConstant Constant
hi def link cmodModifier Type
hi def link cmodType Type
hi def link cmodStorageClass StorageClass
hi def link cmodStructure Structure
hi def link cmodException Exception
hi def link cmodDebug Debug
let b:current_syntax = "cmod"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: ts=8
@ -1,52 +1,72 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: NSIS script, for version of NSIS 1.91 and later
" Maintainer: Alex Jakushev <Alex.Jakushev@kemek.lt>
" Last Change: 2004 May 12
" Language: NSIS script, for version of NSIS 3.02 and later
" Maintainer: Ken Takata
" URL: https://github.com/k-takata/vim-nsis
" Previous Maintainer: Alex Jakushev <Alex.Jakushev@kemek.lt>
" Last Change: 2018-01-26
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn case ignore
"Pseudo definitions
syn match nsisLine nextgroup=@nsisPseudoStatement skipwhite "^"
syn cluster nsisPseudoStatement contains=nsisFirstComment,nsisLocalLabel,nsisGlobalLabel
syn cluster nsisPseudoStatement add=nsisDefine,nsisPreCondit,nsisMacro,nsisInclude,nsisSystem
syn cluster nsisPseudoStatement add=nsisAttribute,nsisCompiler,nsisVersionInfo,nsisInstruction,nsisStatement
syn keyword nsisTodo todo attention note fixme readme
syn region nsisComment start=";" end="$" contains=nsisTodo
syn region nsisComment start="#" end="$" contains=nsisTodo
syn region nsisComment start="[;#]" end="$" contains=nsisTodo,nsisLineContinuation,@Spell oneline
syn region nsisComment start=".\@1<=/\*" end="\*/" contains=nsisTodo,@Spell
syn region nsisFirstComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contained contains=nsisTodo,@Spell skipwhite
\ nextgroup=@nsisPseudoStatement
syn match nsisLocalLabel "\a\S\{-}:"
syn match nsisGlobalLabel "\.\S\{-1,}:"
syn match nsisLineContinuation "\\$"
syn match nsisPreprocSubst "${.\{-}}"
syn match nsisDefine "!define\>"
syn match nsisDefine "!undef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit "!ifdef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit "!ifndef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit "!endif\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit "!else\>"
syn match nsisMacro "!macro\>"
syn match nsisMacro "!macroend\>"
syn match nsisMacro "!insertmacro\>"
"STRINGS (4.1)
syn region nsisString start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=@nsisStringItems,@Spell
syn region nsisString start=/'/ end=/'/ contains=@nsisStringItems,@Spell
syn region nsisString start=/`/ end=/`/ contains=@nsisStringItems,@Spell
syn match nsisInclude "!include\>"
syn match nsisSystem "!cd\>"
syn match nsisSystem "!system\>"
syn match nsisSystem "!packhdr\>"
syn cluster nsisStringItems contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar,nsisUserVar,nsisSysVar,nsisRegistry,nsisLineContinuation
"NUMBERS (4.1)
syn match nsisNumber "\<[1-9]\d*\>"
syn match nsisNumber "\<0x\x\+\>"
syn match nsisNumber "\<0\o*\>"
syn region nsisPreprocSubst start="\${" end="}" contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar
syn region nsisPreprocLangStr start="\$(" end=")" contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar
syn region nsisPreprocEnvVar start="\$%" end="%" contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar
"VARIABLES (4.2.2)
syn match nsisUserVar "$\d"
syn match nsisUserVar "$R\d"
syn match nsisSysVar "$INSTDIR"
syn match nsisSysVar "$OUTDIR"
syn match nsisSysVar "$CMDLINE"
syn match nsisSysVar "$LANGUAGE"
"CONSTANTS (4.2.3)
syn match nsisSysVar "$PROGRAMFILES"
syn match nsisSysVar "$PROGRAMFILES32"
syn match nsisSysVar "$PROGRAMFILES64"
syn match nsisSysVar "$COMMONFILES"
syn match nsisSysVar "$COMMONFILES32"
syn match nsisSysVar "$COMMONFILES64"
syn match nsisSysVar "$DESKTOP"
syn match nsisSysVar "$EXEDIR"
syn match nsisSysVar "$EXEFILE"
syn match nsisSysVar "$EXEPATH"
syn match nsisSysVar "${NSISDIR}"
syn match nsisSysVar "$WINDIR"
syn match nsisSysVar "$SYSDIR"
syn match nsisSysVar "$TEMP"
@ -54,170 +74,513 @@ syn match nsisSysVar "$STARTMENU"
syn match nsisSysVar "$SMPROGRAMS"
syn match nsisSysVar "$SMSTARTUP"
syn match nsisSysVar "$QUICKLAUNCH"
syn match nsisSysVar "$DOCUMENTS"
syn match nsisSysVar "$SENDTO"
syn match nsisSysVar "$RECENT"
syn match nsisSysVar "$FAVORITES"
syn match nsisSysVar "$MUSIC"
syn match nsisSysVar "$PICTURES"
syn match nsisSysVar "$VIDEOS"
syn match nsisSysVar "$NETHOOD"
syn match nsisSysVar "$FONTS"
syn match nsisSysVar "$TEMPLATES"
syn match nsisSysVar "$APPDATA"
syn match nsisSysVar "$LOCALAPPDATA"
syn match nsisSysVar "$PRINTHOOD"
syn match nsisSysVar "$INTERNET_CACHE"
syn match nsisSysVar "$COOKIES"
syn match nsisSysVar "$HISTORY"
syn match nsisSysVar "$PROFILE"
syn match nsisSysVar "$ADMINTOOLS"
syn match nsisSysVar "$RESOURCES"
syn match nsisSysVar "$RESOURCES_LOCALIZED"
syn match nsisSysVar "$CDBURN_AREA"
syn match nsisSysVar "$HWNDPARENT"
syn match nsisSysVar "$PLUGINSDIR"
syn match nsisSysVar "$\\r"
syn match nsisSysVar "$\\n"
syn match nsisSysVar "$\\t"
syn match nsisSysVar "$\$"
syn match nsisSysVar "$\\["'`]"
syn region nsisString start=/"/ skip=/'\|`/ end=/"/ contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisUserVar,nsisSysVar,nsisRegistry
syn region nsisString start=/'/ skip=/"\|`/ end=/'/ contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisUserVar,nsisSysVar,nsisRegistry
syn region nsisString start=/`/ skip=/"\|'/ end=/`/ contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisUserVar,nsisSysVar,nsisRegistry
"LABELS (4.3)
syn match nsisLocalLabel contained "[^-+!$0-9;#. \t/*][^ \t:;#]*:\ze\%($\|[ \t;#]\|\/\*\)"
syn match nsisGlobalLabel contained "\.[^-+!$0-9;# \t/*][^ \t:;#]*:\ze\%($\|[ \t;#]\|\/\*\)"
syn keyword nsisBoolean true false on off
syn keyword nsisBoolean contained true false
syn keyword nsisOnOff contained on off
syn keyword nsisAttribOptions hide show nevershow auto force try ifnewer normal silent silentlog
syn keyword nsisAttribOptions smooth colored SET CUR END RO none listonly textonly both current all
syn keyword nsisAttribOptions zlib bzip2 lzma
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/NOCUSTOM'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/CUSTOMSTRING'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/windows'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/r'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/oname'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/REBOOTOK'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/SILENT'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/FILESONLY'
syn match nsisAttribOptions '\/SHORT'
syn keyword nsisRegistry HKCR HKLM HKCU HKU HKCC HKDD HKPD
syn keyword nsisFileAttrib FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY
syn match nsisNumber "\<[^0]\d*\>"
syn match nsisNumber "\<0x\x\+\>"
syn match nsisNumber "\<0\o*\>"
syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKCR HKLM HKCU HKU HKCC HKDD HKPD SHCTX
syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKCR32 HKCR64 HKCU32 HKCU64 HKLM32 HKLM64
syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT32 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT64
syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKEY_CURRENT_USER32 HKEY_CURRENT_USER64
syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE64
syn keyword nsisRegistry contained SHELL_CONTEXT
"INSTALLER ATTRIBUTES - General installer configuration
syn keyword nsisAttribute OutFile Name Caption SubCaption BrandingText Icon
syn keyword nsisAttribute WindowIcon BGGradient SilentInstall SilentUnInstall
syn keyword nsisAttribute CRCCheck MiscButtonText InstallButtonText FileErrorText
" common options
syn cluster nsisAnyOpt contains=nsisComment,nsisLineContinuation,nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar,nsisUserVar,nsisSysVar,nsisString,nsisNumber
syn region nsisBooleanOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisBoolean
syn region nsisOnOffOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisOnOff
syn region nsisLangOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisLangKwd
syn match nsisLangKwd contained "/LANG\>"
syn region nsisFontOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisFontKwd
syn match nsisFontKwd contained "/\%(ITALIC\|UNDERLINE\|STRIKE\)\>"
"INSTALLER ATTRIBUTES - Install directory configuration
syn keyword nsisAttribute InstallDir InstallDirRegKey
"STATEMENTS - pages (4.5)
syn keyword nsisStatement contained Page UninstPage nextgroup=nsisPageOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisPageOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisPageKwd
syn keyword nsisPageKwd contained custom license components directory instfiles uninstConfirm
syn match nsisPageKwd contained "/ENABLECANCEL\>"
"INSTALLER ATTRIBUTES - License page configuration
syn keyword nsisAttribute LicenseText LicenseData
syn keyword nsisStatement contained PageEx nextgroup=nsisPageExOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisPageExOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisPageExKwd
syn match nsisPageExKwd contained "\<\%(un\.\)\?\%(custom\|license\|components\|directory\|instfiles\|uninstConfirm\)\>"
"INSTALLER ATTRIBUTES - Component page configuration
syn keyword nsisAttribute ComponentText InstType EnabledBitmap DisabledBitmap SpaceTexts
syn keyword nsisStatement contained PageExEnd PageCallbacks
"INSTALLER ATTRIBUTES - Directory page configuration
syn keyword nsisAttribute DirShow DirText AllowRootDirInstall
"STATEMENTS - sections (4.6.1)
syn keyword nsisStatement contained AddSize SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd
"INSTALLER ATTRIBUTES - Install page configuration
syn keyword nsisAttribute InstallColors InstProgressFlags AutoCloseWindow
syn keyword nsisAttribute ShowInstDetails DetailsButtonText CompletedText
syn keyword nsisStatement contained Section nextgroup=nsisSectionOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSectionOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSectionKwd
syn match nsisSectionKwd contained "/o\>"
"INSTALLER ATTRIBUTES - Uninstall configuration
syn keyword nsisAttribute UninstallText UninstallIcon UninstallCaption
syn keyword nsisAttribute UninstallSubCaption ShowUninstDetails UninstallButtonText
syn keyword nsisStatement contained SectionIn nextgroup=nsisSectionInOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSectionInOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSectionInKwd
syn keyword nsisSectionInKwd contained RO
syn keyword nsisCompiler SetOverwrite SetCompress SetCompressor SetDatablockOptimize SetDateSave
syn keyword nsisStatement contained SectionGroup nextgroup=nsisSectionGroupOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSectionGroupOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSectionGroupKwd
syn match nsisSectionGroupKwd contained "/e\>"
"STATEMENTS - functions (4.7.1)
syn keyword nsisStatement contained Function FunctionEnd
"FUNCTIONS - general purpose
syn keyword nsisInstruction SetOutPath File Exec ExecWait ExecShell
syn keyword nsisInstruction Rename Delete RMDir
"FUNCTIONS - registry & ini
syn keyword nsisInstruction WriteRegStr WriteRegExpandStr WriteRegDWORD WriteRegBin
syn keyword nsisInstruction WriteINIStr ReadRegStr ReadRegDWORD ReadINIStr ReadEnvStr
syn keyword nsisInstruction ExpandEnvStrings DeleteRegValue DeleteRegKey EnumRegKey
syn keyword nsisInstruction EnumRegValue DeleteINISec DeleteINIStr
"FUNCTIONS - general purpose, advanced
syn keyword nsisInstruction CreateDirectory CopyFiles SetFileAttributes CreateShortCut
syn keyword nsisInstruction GetFullPathName SearchPath GetTempFileName CallInstDLL
syn keyword nsisInstruction RegDLL UnRegDLL GetDLLVersion GetDLLVersionLocal
syn keyword nsisInstruction GetFileTime GetFileTimeLocal
"FUNCTIONS - Branching, flow control, error checking, user interaction, etc instructions
syn keyword nsisInstruction Goto Call Return IfErrors ClearErrors SetErrors FindWindow
syn keyword nsisInstruction SendMessage IsWindow IfFileExists MessageBox StrCmp
syn keyword nsisInstruction IntCmp IntCmpU Abort Quit GetFunctionAddress GetLabelAddress
syn keyword nsisInstruction GetCurrentAddress
"FUNCTIONS - File and directory i/o instructions
syn keyword nsisInstruction FindFirst FindNext FindClose FileOpen FileClose FileRead
syn keyword nsisInstruction FileWrite FileReadByte FileWriteByte FileSeek
"FUNCTIONS - Misc instructions
syn keyword nsisInstruction SetDetailsView SetDetailsPrint SetAutoClose DetailPrint
syn keyword nsisInstruction Sleep BringToFront HideWindow SetShellVarContext
"FUNCTIONS - String manipulation support
syn keyword nsisInstruction StrCpy StrLen
"FUNCTIONS - Stack support
syn keyword nsisInstruction Push Pop Exch
"FUNCTIONS - Integer manipulation support
syn keyword nsisInstruction IntOp IntFmt
"FUNCTIONS - Rebooting support
syn keyword nsisInstruction Reboot IfRebootFlag SetRebootFlag
"FUNCTIONS - Uninstaller instructions
syn keyword nsisInstruction WriteUninstaller
"FUNCTIONS - Install logging instructions
syn keyword nsisInstruction LogSet LogText
"FUNCTIONS - Section management instructions
syn keyword nsisInstruction SectionSetFlags SectionGetFlags SectionSetText
syn keyword nsisInstruction SectionGetText
"STATEMENTS - LogicLib.nsh
syn match nsisStatement "${If}"
syn match nsisStatement "${IfNot}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Unless}"
syn match nsisStatement "${ElseIf}"
syn match nsisStatement "${ElseIfNot}"
syn match nsisStatement "${ElseUnless}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Else}"
syn match nsisStatement "${EndIf}"
syn match nsisStatement "${EndUnless}"
syn match nsisStatement "${AndIf}"
syn match nsisStatement "${AndIfNot}"
syn match nsisStatement "${AndUnless}"
syn match nsisStatement "${OrIf}"
syn match nsisStatement "${OrIfNot}"
syn match nsisStatement "${OrUnless}"
syn match nsisStatement "${IfThen}"
syn match nsisStatement "${IfNotThen}"
syn match nsisStatement "${||\?}" nextgroup=@nsisPseudoStatement skipwhite
syn match nsisStatement "${IfCmd}" nextgroup=@nsisPseudoStatement skipwhite
syn match nsisStatement "${Select}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Case}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Case[2-5]}"
syn match nsisStatement "${CaseElse}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Default}"
syn match nsisStatement "${EndSelect}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Switch}"
syn match nsisStatement "${EndSwitch}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Break}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Do}"
syn match nsisStatement "${DoWhile}"
syn match nsisStatement "${DoUntil}"
syn match nsisStatement "${ExitDo}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Continue}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Loop}"
syn match nsisStatement "${LoopWhile}"
syn match nsisStatement "${LoopUntil}"
syn match nsisStatement "${For}"
syn match nsisStatement "${ForEach}"
syn match nsisStatement "${ExitFor}"
syn match nsisStatement "${Next}"
"STATEMENTS - Memento.nsh
syn match nsisStatement "${MementoSection}"
syn match nsisStatement "${MementoSectionEnd}"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Var nextgroup=nsisVarOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisVarOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisVarKwd
syn match nsisVarKwd contained "/GLOBAL\>"
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained Caption ChangeUI CheckBitmap CompletedText ComponentText
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained DetailsButtonText DirText DirVar
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained FileErrorText Icon InstallButtonText
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained InstallDir InstProgressFlags
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained LicenseData LicenseText
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained MiscButtonText Name OutFile
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained SpaceTexts SubCaption UninstallButtonText UninstallCaption
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained UninstallIcon UninstallSubCaption UninstallText
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained AddBrandingImage nextgroup=nsisAddBrandingImageOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisAddBrandingImageOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisAddBrandingImageKwd
syn keyword nsisAddBrandingImageKwd contained left right top bottom width height
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained nextgroup=nsisBooleanOpt skipwhite
\ AllowRootDirInstall AutoCloseWindow
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained BGFont nextgroup=nsisFontOpt skipwhite
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained BGGradient nextgroup=nsisBGGradientOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisBGGradientOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisBGGradientKwd
syn keyword nsisBGGradientKwd contained off
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained BrandingText nextgroup=nsisBrandingTextOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisBrandingTextOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisBrandingTextKwd
syn match nsisBrandingTextKwd contained "/TRIM\%(LEFT\|RIGHT\|CENTER\)\>"
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained CRCCheck nextgroup=nsisCRCCheckOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisCRCCheckOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisCRCCheckKwd
syn keyword nsisCRCCheckKwd contained on off force
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained DirVerify nextgroup=nsisDirVerifyOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisDirVerifyOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDirVerifyKwd
syn keyword nsisDirVerifyKwd contained auto leave
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained InstallColors nextgroup=nsisInstallColorsOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisInstallColorsOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisInstallColorsKwd
syn match nsisInstallColorsKwd contained "/windows\>"
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained InstallDirRegKey nextgroup=nsisRegistryOpt skipwhite
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained InstType nextgroup=nsisInstTypeOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisInstTypeOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisInstTypeKwd
syn match nsisInstTypeKwd contained "/\%(NOCUSTOM\|CUSTOMSTRING\|COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM\)\>"
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained LicenseBkColor nextgroup=nsisLicenseBkColorOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisLicenseBkColorOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisLicenseBkColorKwd
syn match nsisLicenseBkColorKwd contained "/\%(gray\|windows\)\>"
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained LicenseForceSelection nextgroup=nsisLicenseForceSelectionOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisLicenseForceSelectionOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisLicenseForceSelectionKwd
syn keyword nsisLicenseForceSelectionKwd contained checkbox radiobuttons off
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained ManifestDPIAware nextgroup=nsisManifestDPIAwareOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisManifestDPIAwareOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisManifestDPIAwareKwd
syn keyword nsisManifestDPIAwareKwd contained notset true false
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained ManifestSupportedOS nextgroup=nsisManifestSupportedOSOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisManifestSupportedOSOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisManifestSupportedOSKwd
syn match nsisManifestSupportedOSKwd contained "\<\%(none\|all\|WinVista\|Win7\|Win8\|Win8\.1\|Win10\)\>"
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained RequestExecutionLevel nextgroup=nsisRequestExecutionLevelOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisRequestExecutionLevelOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisRequestExecutionLevelKwd
syn keyword nsisRequestExecutionLevelKwd contained none user highest admin
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained SetFont nextgroup=nsisLangOpt skipwhite
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained nextgroup=nsisShowInstDetailsOpt skipwhite
\ ShowInstDetails ShowUninstDetails
syn region nsisShowInstDetailsOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisShowInstDetailsKwd
syn keyword nsisShowInstDetailsKwd contained hide show nevershow
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained SilentInstall nextgroup=nsisSilentInstallOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSilentInstallOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSilentInstallKwd
syn keyword nsisSilentInstallKwd contained normal silent silentlog
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained SilentUnInstall nextgroup=nsisSilentUnInstallOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSilentUnInstallOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSilentUnInstallKwd
syn keyword nsisSilentUnInstallKwd contained normal silent
syn keyword nsisAttribute contained nextgroup=nsisOnOffOpt skipwhite
\ WindowIcon XPStyle
syn keyword nsisCompiler contained nextgroup=nsisOnOffOpt skipwhite
\ AllowSkipFiles SetDatablockOptimize SetDateSave
syn keyword nsisCompiler contained FileBufSize SetCompressorDictSize
syn keyword nsisCompiler contained SetCompress nextgroup=nsisSetCompressOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetCompressOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetCompressKwd
syn keyword nsisSetCompressKwd contained auto force off
syn keyword nsisCompiler contained SetCompressor nextgroup=nsisSetCompressorOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetCompressorOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetCompressorKwd
syn keyword nsisSetCompressorKwd contained zlib bzip2 lzma
syn match nsisSetCompressorKwd contained "/\%(SOLID\|FINAL\)"
syn keyword nsisCompiler contained SetOverwrite nextgroup=nsisSetOverwriteOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetOverwriteOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetOverwriteKwd
syn keyword nsisSetOverwriteKwd contained on off try ifnewer ifdiff lastused
syn keyword nsisCompiler contained Unicode nextgroup=nsisBooleanOpt skipwhite
syn keyword nsisVersionInfo contained VIAddVersionKey nextgroup=nsisLangOpt skipwhite
syn keyword nsisVersionInfo contained VIProductVersion VIFileVersion
"FUNCTIONS - basic (4.9.1)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Delete Rename nextgroup=nsisDeleteOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisDeleteOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDeleteKwd
syn match nsisDeleteKwd contained "/REBOOTOK\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Exec ExecWait SetOutPath
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained ExecShell ExecShellWait nextgroup=nsisExecShellOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisExecShellOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisExecShellKwd
syn match nsisExecShellKwd contained "/INVOKEIDLIST\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained File nextgroup=nsisFileOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisFileOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisFileKwd
syn match nsisFileKwd contained "/\%(nonfatal\|[arx]\|oname\)\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained ReserveFile nextgroup=nsisReserveFileOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisReserveFileOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisReserveFileKwd
syn match nsisReserveFileKwd contained "/\%(nonfatal\|[rx]\|plugin\)\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained RMDir nextgroup=nsisRMDirOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisRMDirOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisRMDirKwd
syn match nsisRMDirKwd contained "/\%(REBOOTOK\|r\)\>"
"FUNCTIONS - registry & ini (4.9.2)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained DeleteINISec DeleteINIStr FlushINI ReadINIStr WriteINIStr
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained ExpandEnvStrings ReadEnvStr
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained DeleteRegKey nextgroup=nsisDeleteRegKeyOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisDeleteRegKeyOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDeleteRegKeyKwd,nsisRegistry
syn match nsisDeleteRegKeyKwd contained "/ifempty\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained nextgroup=nsisRegistryOpt skipwhite
\ DeleteRegValue EnumRegKey EnumRegValue ReadRegDWORD ReadRegStr WriteRegBin WriteRegDWORD WriteRegExpandStr WriteRegStr
syn region nsisRegistryOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisRegistry
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained WriteRegMultiStr nextgroup=nsisWriteRegMultiStrOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisWriteRegMultiStrOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisRegistry,nsisWriteRegMultiStrKwd
syn match nsisWriteRegMultiStrKwd contained "/REGEDIT5\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetRegView nextgroup=nsisSetRegViewOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetRegViewOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetRegViewKwd
syn keyword nsisSetRegViewKwd contained default lastused
"FUNCTIONS - general purpose (4.9.3)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained CallInstDLL CreateDirectory GetDLLVersion
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetDLLVersionLocal GetFileTime GetFileTimeLocal
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetTempFileName SearchPath RegDLL UnRegDLL
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained CopyFiles nextgroup=nsisCopyFilesOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisCopyFilesOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisCopyFilesKwd
syn match nsisCopyFilesKwd contained "/\%(SILENT\|FILESONLY\)\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained CreateShortcut nextgroup=nsisCreateShortcutOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisCreateShortcutOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisCreateShortcutKwd
syn match nsisCreateShortcutKwd contained "/NoWorkingDir\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetFullPathName nextgroup=nsisGetFullPathNameOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisGetFullPathNameOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisGetFullPathNameKwd
syn match nsisGetFullPathNameKwd contained "/SHORT\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetFileAttributes nextgroup=nsisSetFileAttributesOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetFileAttributesOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisFileAttrib
syn keyword nsisFileAttrib contained FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY
"FUNCTIONS - Flow Control (4.9.4)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Abort Call ClearErrors GetCurrentAddress
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetFunctionAddress GetLabelAddress Goto
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained IfAbort IfErrors IfFileExists IfRebootFlag IfSilent
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained IntCmp IntCmpU Return Quit SetErrors StrCmp StrCmpS
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained MessageBox nextgroup=nsisMessageBoxOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisMessageBoxOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisMessageBox
syn keyword nsisMessageBox contained MB_DEFBUTTON1 MB_DEFBUTTON2 MB_DEFBUTTON3 MB_DEFBUTTON4
syn match nsisMessageBox contained "/SD\>"
"FUNCTIONS - File and directory i/o instructions (4.9.5)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FileClose FileOpen FileRead FileReadUTF16LE
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FileReadByte FileReadWord FileSeek FileWrite
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FileWriteByte FileWriteWord
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FindClose FindFirst FindNext
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FileWriteUTF16LE nextgroup=nsisFileWriteUTF16LEOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisFileWriteUTF16LEOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisFileWriteUTF16LEKwd
syn match nsisFileWriteUTF16LEKwd contained "/BOM\>"
"FUNCTIONS - Uninstaller instructions (4.9.6)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained WriteUninstaller
"FUNCTIONS - Misc instructions (4.9.7)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetErrorLevel GetInstDirError InitPluginsDir Nop
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetErrorLevel Sleep
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetShellVarContext nextgroup=nsisSetShellVarContextOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetShellVarContextOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetShellVarContextKwd
syn keyword nsisSetShellVarContextKwd contained current all
"FUNCTIONS - String manipulation support (4.9.8)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained StrCpy StrLen
"FUNCTIONS - Stack support (4.9.9)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Exch Push Pop
"FUNCTIONS - Integer manipulation support (4.9.10)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained IntOp IntFmt
"FUNCTIONS - Rebooting support (4.9.11)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Reboot SetRebootFlag
"FUNCTIONS - Install logging instructions (4.9.12)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained LogSet nextgroup=nsisOnOffOpt skipwhite
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained LogText
"FUNCTIONS - Section management instructions (4.9.13)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SectionSetFlags SectionGetFlags SectionSetText
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SectionGetText SectionSetInstTypes SectionGetInstTypes
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SectionSetSize SectionGetSize SetCurInstType GetCurInstType
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained InstTypeSetText InstTypeGetText
"FUNCTIONS - User Interface Instructions (4.9.14)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained BringToFront DetailPrint EnableWindow
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FindWindow GetDlgItem HideWindow IsWindow
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained ShowWindow
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained CreateFont nextgroup=nsisFontOpt skipwhite
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained nextgroup=nsisBooleanOpt skipwhite
\ LockWindow SetAutoClose
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SendMessage nextgroup=nsisSendMessageOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSendMessageOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSendMessageKwd
syn match nsisSendMessageKwd contained "/TIMEOUT\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetBrandingImage nextgroup=nsisSetBrandingImageOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetBrandingImageOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetBrandingImageKwd
syn match nsisSetBrandingImageKwd contained "/\%(IMGID\|RESIZETOFIT\)\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetDetailsView nextgroup=nsisSetDetailsViewOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetDetailsViewOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetDetailsViewKwd
syn keyword nsisSetDetailsViewKwd contained show hide
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetDetailsPrint nextgroup=nsisSetDetailsPrintOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetDetailsPrintOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetDetailsPrintKwd
syn keyword nsisSetDetailsPrintKwd contained none listonly textonly both lastused
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetCtlColors nextgroup=nsisSetCtlColorsOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetCtlColorsOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetCtlColorsKwd
syn match nsisSetCtlColorsKwd contained "/BRANDING\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetSilent nextgroup=nsisSetSilentOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSetSilentOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetSilentKwd
syn keyword nsisSetSilentKwd contained silent normal
"FUNCTIONS - Multiple Languages Instructions (4.9.15)
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained LoadLanguageFile LangString LicenseLangString
syn match nsisCallback "\.onGUIInit"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onInit"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onUserAbort"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onInstSuccess"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onInstFailed"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onVerifyInstDir"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onNextPage"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onPrevPage"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onInstSuccess"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onGUIEnd"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onMouseOverSection"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onRebootFailed"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onSelChange"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onUserAbort"
syn match nsisCallback "\.onVerifyInstDir"
"SPECIAL FUNCTIONS - uninstall (
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onGUIInit"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onInit"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onUninstFailed"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onUninstSuccess"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onGUIEnd"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onRebootFailed"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onSelChange"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onUserAbort"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onInstSuccess"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onInstFailed"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onVerifyInstDir"
syn match nsisCallback "un\.onNextPage"
"STATEMENTS - sections
syn keyword nsisStatement Section SectionIn SectionEnd SectionDivider
syn keyword nsisStatement AddSize
syn match nsisInclude contained "!include\>" nextgroup=nsisIncludeOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisIncludeOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisIncludeKwd
syn match nsisIncludeKwd contained "/\%(NONFATAL\|CHARSET\)\>"
"STATEMENTS - functions
syn keyword nsisStatement Function FunctionEnd
syn match nsisSystem contained "!addincludedir\>"
syn keyword nsisStatement Page UninstPage PageEx PageExEnc PageCallbacks
syn match nsisSystem contained "!addplugindir\>" nextgroup=nsisAddplugindirOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisAddplugindirOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisAddplugindirKwd
syn match nsisAddplugindirKwd contained "/\%(x86-ansi\|x86-unicode\)\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!appendfile\>" nextgroup=nsisAppendfileOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisAppendfileOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisAppendfileKwd
syn match nsisAppendfileKwd contained "/\%(CHARSET\|RawNL\)\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!cd\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!delfile\>" nextgroup=nsisDelfileOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisDelfileOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDelfileKwd
syn match nsisDelfileKwd contained "/nonfatal\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!echo\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!error\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!execute\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!makensis\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!packhdr\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!finalize\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!system\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!tempfile\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!getdllversion\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!warning\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!pragma\>" nextgroup=nsisPragmaOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisPragmaOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisPragmaKwd
syn keyword nsisPragmaKwd contained enable disable default push pop
syn match nsisSystem contained "!verbose\>" nextgroup=nsisVerboseOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisVerboseOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisVerboseKwd
syn keyword nsisVerboseKwd contained push pop
syn match nsisDefine contained "!define\>" nextgroup=nsisDefineOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisDefineOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDefineKwd
syn match nsisDefineKwd contained "/\%(ifndef\|redef\|date\|utcdate\|math\|file\)\>"
syn match nsisDefine contained "!undef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifdef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifndef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!if\>" nextgroup=nsisIfOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisIfOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisIfKwd
syn match nsisIfKwd contained "/FileExists\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifmacrodef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifmacrondef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!else\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!endif\>"
syn match nsisMacro contained "!insertmacro\>"
syn match nsisMacro contained "!macro\>"
syn match nsisMacro contained "!macroend\>"
syn match nsisMacro contained "!macroundef\>"
syn match nsisMacro contained "!searchparse\>" nextgroup=nsisSearchparseOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSearchparseOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSearchparseKwd
syn match nsisSearchparseKwd contained "/\%(ignorecase\|noerrors\|file\)\>"
syn match nsisMacro contained "!searchreplace\>" nextgroup=nsisSearchreplaceOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisSearchreplaceOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSearchreplaceKwd
syn match nsisSearchreplaceKwd contained "/ignorecase\>"
syn keyword nsisError UninstallExeName
" Define the default highlighting.
@ -225,32 +588,93 @@ syn keyword nsisError UninstallExeName
hi def link nsisInstruction Function
hi def link nsisComment Comment
hi def link nsisLocalLabel Label
hi def link nsisFirstComment Comment
hi def link nsisLocalLabel Label
hi def link nsisGlobalLabel Label
hi def link nsisStatement Statement
hi def link nsisStatement Statement
hi def link nsisString String
hi def link nsisBoolean Boolean
hi def link nsisAttribOptions Constant
hi def link nsisExecShell Constant
hi def link nsisFileAttrib Constant
hi def link nsisMessageBox Constant
hi def link nsisRegistry Identifier
hi def link nsisOnOff Boolean
hi def link nsisFontKwd Constant
hi def link nsisLangKwd Constant
hi def link nsisPageKwd Constant
hi def link nsisPageExKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSectionKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSectionInKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSectionGroupKwd Constant
hi def link nsisVarKwd Constant
hi def link nsisAddBrandingImageKwd Constant
hi def link nsisBGGradientKwd Constant
hi def link nsisBrandingTextKwd Constant
hi def link nsisCRCCheckKwd Constant
hi def link nsisDirVerifyKwd Constant
hi def link nsisInstallColorsKwd Constant
hi def link nsisInstTypeKwd Constant
hi def link nsisLicenseBkColorKwd Constant
hi def link nsisLicenseForceSelectionKwd Constant
hi def link nsisManifestDPIAwareKwd Constant
hi def link nsisManifestSupportedOSKwd Constant
hi def link nsisRequestExecutionLevelKwd Constant
hi def link nsisShowInstDetailsKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSilentInstallKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSilentUnInstallKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetCompressKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetCompressorKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetOverwriteKwd Constant
hi def link nsisDeleteKwd Constant
hi def link nsisExecShellKwd Constant
hi def link nsisFileKwd Constant
hi def link nsisReserveFileKwd Constant
hi def link nsisRMDirKwd Constant
hi def link nsisDeleteRegKeyKwd Constant
hi def link nsisWriteRegMultiStrKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetRegViewKwd Constant
hi def link nsisCopyFilesKwd Constant
hi def link nsisCreateShortcutKwd Constant
hi def link nsisGetFullPathNameKwd Constant
hi def link nsisFileAttrib Constant
hi def link nsisMessageBox Constant
hi def link nsisFileWriteUTF16LEKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetShellVarContextKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSendMessageKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetBrandingImageKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetDetailsViewKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetDetailsPrintKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetCtlColorsKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSetSilentKwd Constant
hi def link nsisRegistry Identifier
hi def link nsisNumber Number
hi def link nsisError Error
hi def link nsisUserVar Identifier
hi def link nsisSysVar Identifier
hi def link nsisAttribute Type
hi def link nsisCompiler Type
hi def link nsisAttribute Type
hi def link nsisCompiler Type
hi def link nsisVersionInfo Type
hi def link nsisTodo Todo
hi def link nsisCallback Operator
hi def link nsisCallback Identifier
" preprocessor commands
hi def link nsisPreprocSubst PreProc
hi def link nsisPreprocLangStr PreProc
hi def link nsisPreprocEnvVar PreProc
hi def link nsisDefine Define
hi def link nsisMacro Macro
hi def link nsisPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link nsisPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link nsisInclude Include
hi def link nsisSystem PreProc
hi def link nsisLineContinuation Special
hi def link nsisIncludeKwd Constant
hi def link nsisAddplugindirKwd Constant
hi def link nsisAppendfileKwd Constant
hi def link nsisDelfileKwd Constant
hi def link nsisPragmaKwd Constant
hi def link nsisVerboseKwd Constant
hi def link nsisDefineKwd Constant
hi def link nsisIfKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSearchparseKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSearchreplaceKwd Constant
let b:current_syntax = "nsis"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
@ -1,59 +1,184 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Pike
" Maintainer: Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@kame.usr.dsi.unimi.it>
" Last Change: 2001 May 10
" Language: Pike
" Maintainer: Stephen R. van den Berg <srb@cuci.nl>
" Maintainer of previous implementation: Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@kame.usr.dsi.unimi.it>
" Last Change: 2018 Jan 28
" Version: 2.9
" Remark: Derived from the C-syntax; fixed several bugs in the C-syntax
" Remark: and extended it with the Pike syntax.
" Remark: Includes a highlighter for all Pike types of parenthesis errors.
" Remark: Includes a highlighter for SQL on multiline strings.
" Remark: Includes a highlighter for any embedded Autodoc format.
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" A bunch of useful C keywords
syn keyword pikeStatement goto break return continue
syn keyword pikeLabel case default
syn keyword pikeConditional if else switch
syn keyword pikeRepeat while for foreach do
syn keyword pikeStatement gauge destruct lambda inherit import typeof
syn keyword pikeException catch
syn keyword pikeType inline nomask private protected public static
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" For multiline strings, try formatting them as SQL
syn include @pikeSQL <sfile>:p:h/sqloracle.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn keyword pikeTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
" For embedded Autodoc documentation (WIP)
syn include @pikeAutodoc <sfile>:p:h/autodoc.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn case match
" Supports array, multiset, mapping multi-character delimiter matching
" Supports rotating amongst several same-level preprocessor conditionals
packadd! matchit
let b:match_words = "({:}\\@1<=),(\\[:]\\@1<=),(<:>\\@1<=),^\s*#\s*\%(if\%(n\?def\)\|else\|el\%(se\)\?if\|endif\)\>"
" A bunch of useful Pike keywords
syn keyword pikeDebug gauge backtrace describe_backtrace werror _Static_assert static_assert
syn keyword pikeException error catch throw
syn keyword pikeLabel case default break return continue
syn keyword pikeConditional if else switch
syn keyword pikeRepeat while for foreach do
syn keyword pikePredef RegGetKeyNames RegGetValue RegGetValues
syn keyword pikePredef __automap__ __empty_program
syn keyword pikePredef __handle_sprintf_format __parse_pike_type _disable_threads
syn keyword pikePredef _do_call_outs _exit _gdb_breakpoint
syn keyword pikePredef abs access acos acosh add_constant alarm all_constants
syn keyword pikePredef array_sscanf asin asinh atan atan2 atanh atexit
syn keyword pikePredef basetype call_function call_out call_out_info cd ceil
syn keyword pikePredef combine_path combine_path_nt
syn keyword pikePredef combine_path_unix compile copy_value cos cosh cpp crypt
syn keyword pikePredef ctime decode_value delay encode_value encode_value_canonic
syn keyword pikePredef enumerate errno exece exit exp file_stat file_truncate
syn keyword pikePredef filesystem_stat find_call_out floor fork function_name
syn keyword pikePredef function_object function_program gc
syn keyword pikePredef get_active_compilation_handler get_active_error_handler
syn keyword pikePredef get_all_groups get_all_users get_dir get_groups_for_user
syn keyword pikePredef get_iterator get_profiling_info get_weak_flag getcwd
syn keyword pikePredef getgrgid getgrnam gethrdtime gethrtime gethrvtime getpid
syn keyword pikePredef getpwnam getpwuid getxattr glob gmtime has_index has_prefix
syn keyword pikePredef has_suffix has_value hash hash_7_0 hash_7_4 hash_8_0
syn keyword pikePredef hash_value kill limit listxattr load_module localtime
syn keyword pikePredef log lower_case master max min mkdir mktime mv
syn keyword pikePredef object_program pow query_num_arg random_seed
syn keyword pikePredef remove_call_out removexattr replace_master rm round
syn keyword pikePredef set_priority set_weak_flag setxattr sgn signal signame
syn keyword pikePredef signum sin sinh sleep sort sprintf sqrt sscanf strerror
syn keyword pikePredef string_filter_non_unicode string_to_unicode string_to_utf8
syn keyword pikePredef tan tanh time trace types ualarm unicode_to_string
syn keyword pikePredef upper_case utf8_to_string version
syn keyword pikePredef write lock try_lock
syn keyword pikePredef MutexKey Timestamp Date Time TimeTZ Interval Inet Range
syn keyword pikePredef Null null inf nan
syn keyword pikeTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
" Match parengroups: allows for highlighting indices of mappings and
" highlighting semicolons that are out of place due to a paren imbalance
syn cluster pikePreShort contains=pikeDefine,pikePreProc,pikeCppOutWrapper,pikeCppInWrapper,pikePreCondit,pikePreConditMatch
syn cluster pikeExprGroup contains=pikeMappIndex,@pikeStmt,pikeNest,@pikeBadGroup,pikeSoftCast
syn match pikeWord transparent contained /[^()'"[\]{},;:]\+/ contains=ALLBUT,@pikePreProcGroup,@pikeExprGroup
syn match pikeFirstWord transparent display contained /^\s*#[^()'"[\]{},;:]\+/ contains=@pikePreShort
syn cluster pikeMappElm contains=pikeMappIndex,@pikeStmt
syn cluster pikeStmt contains=pikeFirstWord,pikeCharacter,pikeString,pikeMlString,pikeWord,pikeNest
syn cluster pikeBadGroup contains=pikeBadPClose,pikeBadAClose,pikeBadBClose,pikeBadSPClose,pikeBadSAClose,pikeBadSBClose,pikeBadSClose,pikeBadSPAClose,pikeBadSBAClose
syn match pikeBadPClose display contained "[}\]]"
syn match pikeBadAClose display contained "[)\]]"
syn match pikeBadBClose display contained "[)}]"
syn match pikeBadSPClose display contained "[;}\]]"
syn match pikeBadSAClose display contained "[;)\]]"
syn match pikeBadSPAClose display contained "[;\]]"
syn match pikeBadSBAClose display contained "[;}]"
syn match pikeBadSClose display contained "[;)}\]]"
syn region pikeNest transparent start="(\@1<!{" end="}" contains=@pikeStmt,pikeUserLabel,pikeBadAClose
syn region pikeNest transparent start="\%(\<for\%(each\)\?\s\?\)\@8<!([[{<]\@!" end=")" contains=@pikeStmt,pikeBadSPClose
syn region pikeNest transparent start="\%(\<for\%(each\)\?\s\?\)\@8<=(" end=")" contains=@pikeStmt,pikeBadPClose
syn region pikeNest transparent start="(\@1<!\[" end="]" contains=@pikeStmt,pikeBadSBClose
syn region pikeNest transparent start="(\zs\[" end="])" contains=@pikeMappElm,pikeBadSBAClose
" For some reason specifying a matchgroup on the pikeNest below makes it
" override the shorter variant; consider it a kludge, no idea why it works
syn region pikeNest transparent matchgroup=pikeSoftCast start=%(\zs\[[ \t\v\r\n.a-zA-Z0-9_():,|]\+])\@!% end=")" contains=@pikeStmt
syn region pikeNest transparent start="(\zs{" end="})" contains=@pikeStmt,pikeBadSPAClose
syn region pikeNest transparent start="(\zs<" end=">)" contains=@pikeStmt,pikeBadSPClose keepend
" It's easy to accidentally add a space after a backslash that was intended
" for line continuation. Some compilers allow it, which makes it
" unpredictable and should be avoided.
syn match pikeBadContinuation contained "\\\s\+$"
" pikeCommentGroup allows adding matches for special things in comments
syn cluster pikeCommentGroup contains=pikeTodo,pikeBadContinuation
" String and Character constants
" Highlight special characters (those which have a backslash) differently
syn match pikeSpecial contained "\\[0-7][0-7][0-7]\=\|\\."
syn region pikeString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=pikeSpecial
syn match pikeCharacter "'[^\\]'"
syn match pikeSpecialCharacter "'\\.'"
syn match pikeSpecialCharacter "'\\[0-7][0-7]'"
syn match pikeSpecialCharacter "'\\[0-7][0-7][0-7]'"
syn match pikeSpecial display contained "\\\%(x\x*\|d\d*\|\o\+\|u\x\{4}\|U\x\{8}\|[abefnrtv]\|$\)"
" Compound data types
syn region pikeCompoundType start='({' contains=pikeString,pikeCompoundType,pikeNumber,pikeFloat end='})'
syn region pikeCompoundType start='(\[' contains=pikeString,pikeCompoundType,pikeNumber,pikeFloat end='\])'
syn region pikeCompoundType start='(<' contains=pikeString,pikeCompoundType,pikeNumber,pikeFloat end='>)'
" ISO C11 or ISO C++ 11
if !exists("c_no_cformat")
" Highlight % items in strings.
syn match pikeFormat display "%\%(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0*]*\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\%(\.\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\%([hlLjzt]\|ll\|hh\)\=\%([aAbdiuoxXDOUfFeEgGcCsSpn]\|\[\^\=.[^]]*\]\)" contained
syn match pikeFormat display "%%" contained
syn region pikeString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end='$' contains=pikeSpecial,pikeDelimiterDQ,pikeFormat,@Spell keepend
syn region pikeMlString start=+#"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=pikeSpecial,pikeFormat,pikeDelimiterDQ,@Spell,pikeEmbeddedString keepend
syn region pikeString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end='$' contains=pikeSpecial,pikeDelimiterDQ,@Spell
syn region pikeMlString transparent start=+#"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=pikeSpecial,pikeDelimiterDQ,@Spell,pikeEmbeddedString keepend
"catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
syn region pikeParen transparent start='([^{[<(]' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,pikeParenError,pikeIncluded,pikeSpecial,pikeTodo,pikeUserLabel,pikeBitField
syn match pikeParenError ")"
syn match pikeInParen contained "[^(][{}][^)]"
" Use SQL-syntax highlighting in multiline string if it starts with
" a standard SQL keyword
syn case ignore
" FIXME Use explicit newline match to cover up a bug in the regexp engine
" If the kludge is not used, the match will only start unless at least a space
" follows the initial doublequote on the first line (or the keyword is on
" the first line).
syn region pikeEmbeddedString contained start=+\%(#"\n\?\)\@2<=\_s*\%(SELECT\|INSERT\|UPDATE\|DELETE\|WITH\|CREATE\|DROP\|ALTER\)\>+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+[\\#]\@1<!"+ contains=@pikeSQL,pikeBindings keepend
syn case match
syn match pikeBindings display contained ":\@1<!:\I\i*"
syn match pikeCharacter "'[^\\']'" contains=pikeDelimiterSQ
syn match pikeCharacter "'[^']*'" contains=pikeSpecial,pikeDelimiterSQ
syn match pikeSpecialError "'\\[^'\"?\\abefnrtv]'"
syn match pikeDelimiterDQ display +"+ contained
syn match pikeDelimiterSQ display +'+ contained
"when wanted, highlight trailing white space
if exists("c_space_errors")
if !exists("c_no_trail_space_error")
syn match pikeSpaceError display excludenl "\s\+$"
if !exists("c_no_tab_space_error")
syn match pikeSpaceError display " \+\ze\t"
"integer number, or floating point number without a dot and with "f".
syn case ignore
syn match pikeNumber "\<\d\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>"
"floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
syn match pikeFloat "\<\d\+\.\d*\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
"floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
syn match pikeFloat "\.\d\+\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
"floating point number, without dot, with exponent
syn match pikeFloat "\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+[fl]\=\>"
syn match pikeNumbers display transparent "\<\d\|\.\d" contains=pikeNumber,pikeFloat,pikeOctalError,pikeOctal
" Same, but without octal error (for comments)
syn match pikeNumbersCom display contained transparent "\<\d\|\.\d" contains=pikeNumber,pikeFloat,pikeOctal
syn match pikeNumber display contained "\<\d\+\%(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>"
"hex number
syn match pikeNumber "\<0x[0-9a-f]\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\)\>"
"syn match pikeIdentifier "\<[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*\>"
syn case match
syn match pikeNumber display contained "\<0x\x\+\%(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>"
" Flag the first zero of an octal number as something special
syn match pikeOctal display contained "\<0\o\+\%(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>" contains=pikeOctalZero
syn match pikeOctalZero display contained "\<0"
"floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
syn match pikeFloat display contained "\<\d\+\%(f\|\.[0-9.]\@!\d*\%(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\)"
"floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
syn match pikeFloat display contained "[0-9.]\@1<!\.\d\+\%(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
"floating point number, without dot, with exponent
syn match pikeFloat display contained "\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+[fl]\=\>"
"hexadecimal floating point number, two variants, with exponent
syn match pikeFloat display contained "\<0x\%(\x\+\.\?\|\x*\.\x\+\)p[-+]\=\d\+[fl]\=\>"
" flag an octal number with wrong digits
syn match pikeOctalError "\<0[0-7]*[89]"
syn match pikeOctalError display contained "\<0\o*[89]\d*"
syn case match
if exists("c_comment_strings")
" A comment can contain pikeString, pikeCharacter and pikeNumber.
@ -61,82 +186,201 @@ if exists("c_comment_strings")
" need to use a special type of pikeString: pikeCommentString, which also ends on
" "*/", and sees a "*" at the start of the line as comment again.
" Unfortunately this doesn't very well work for // type of comments :-(
syntax match pikeCommentSkip contained "^\s*\*\($\|\s\+\)"
syntax region pikeCommentString contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+\*/+me=s-1 contains=pikeSpecial,pikeCommentSkip
syntax region pikeComment2String contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end="$" contains=pikeSpecial
syntax region pikeComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=pikeTodo,pikeCommentString,pikeCharacter,pikeNumber,pikeFloat
syntax match pikeComment "//.*" contains=pikeTodo,pikeComment2String,pikeCharacter,pikeNumber
syntax match pikeComment "#\!.*" contains=pikeTodo,pikeComment2String,pikeCharacter,pikeNumber
syn match pikeCommentSkip contained "^\s*\*\%($\|\s\+\)"
syn region pikeCommentString contained start=+\\\@<!"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+\ze\*/+ contains=pikeSpecial,pikeCommentSkip
syn region pikeComment2String contained start=+\\\@<!"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end="$" contains=pikeSpecial
syn region pikeCommentL start="//" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@pikeCommentGroup,pikeComment2String,pikeCharacter,pikeNumbersCom,pikeSpaceError,@Spell containedin=pikeWord,pikeFirstWord
if exists("c_no_comment_fold")
" Use "extend" here to have preprocessor lines not terminate halfway a
" comment.
syn region pikeComment matchgroup=pikeCommentStart start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@pikeCommentGroup,pikeCommentStartError,pikeCommentString,pikeCharacter,pikeNumbersCom,pikeSpaceError,@Spell extend containedin=pikeWord,pikeFirstWord
syn region pikeComment matchgroup=pikeCommentStart start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@pikeCommentGroup,pikeCommentStartError,pikeCommentString,pikeCharacter,pikeNumbersCom,pikeSpaceError,@Spell fold extend containedin=pikeWord,pikeFirstWord
syn region pikeComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=pikeTodo
syn match pikeComment "//.*" contains=pikeTodo
syn match pikeComment "#!.*" contains=pikeTodo
syn region pikeCommentL start="//" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@pikeCommentGroup,pikeSpaceError,@Spell containedin=pikeWord,pikeFirstWord
if exists("c_no_comment_fold")
syn region pikeComment matchgroup=pikeCommentStart start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@pikeCommentGroup,pikeCommentStartError,pikeSpaceError,@Spell extend containedin=pikeWord,pikeFirstWord
syn region pikeComment matchgroup=pikeCommentStart start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@pikeCommentGroup,pikeCommentStartError,pikeSpaceError,@Spell fold extend containedin=pikeWord,pikeFirstWord
syntax match pikeCommentError "\*/"
" keep a // comment separately, it terminates a preproc. conditional
syn match pikeCommentError display "\*/"
syn match pikeCommentStartError display "/\ze\*" contained
syn keyword pikeOperator sizeof
syn keyword pikeType int string void float mapping array multiset mixed
syn keyword pikeType program object function
syn keyword pikeOperator sizeof
syn keyword pikeOperator typeof _typeof _refs
syn keyword pikeOperator zero_type intp stringp arrayp mappingp multisetp
syn keyword pikeOperator objectp functionp programp callablep destructedp
syn keyword pikeOperator object_variablep undefinedp
syn keyword pikeOperator allocate equal
syn keyword pikeOperator aggregate aggregate_mapping aggregate_multiset
syn keyword pikeOperator map filter search replace reverse column rows
syn keyword pikeOperator indices values mkmapping mkmultiset m_delete sort
syn keyword pikeOperator m_delete destruct
syn keyword pikeOperator create _destruct _sprintf cast _encode _decode
syn keyword pikeOperator __hash _sizeof _values _indices __INIT _equal
syn keyword pikeOperator _is_type _m_delete _get_iterator _search
syn keyword pikeOperator _serialize _deserialize _sqrt _types _random
syn keyword pikeOperator _size_object
syn region pikePreCondit start="^\s*#\s*\(if\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\|elif\>\|else\>\|endif\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=pikeComment,pikeString,pikeCharacter,pikeNumber,pikeCommentError
syn region pikeIncluded contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
syn match pikeIncluded contained "<[^>]*>"
syn match pikeInclude "^\s*#\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=pikeIncluded
"syn match pikeLineSkip "\\$"
syn region pikeDefine start="^\s*#\s*\(define\>\|undef\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,pikePreCondit,pikeIncluded,pikeInclude,pikeDefine,pikeInParen
syn region pikePreProc start="^\s*#\s*\(pragma\>\|line\>\|warning\>\|warn\>\|error\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,pikePreCondit,pikeIncluded,pikeInclude,pikeDefine,pikeInParen
syn keyword pikeType int void
syn keyword pikeType float
syn keyword pikeType bool string array mapping multiset mixed
syn keyword pikeType object function program auto
syn keyword pikeType this this_object this_program
syn keyword pikeType sprintf_args sprintf_format sprintf_result
syn keyword pikeType strict_sprintf_format
syn keyword pikeStructure class enum typedef inherit import
syn keyword pikeTypedef typedef
syn keyword pikeStorageClass private protected public constant final variant
syn keyword pikeStorageClass optional inline extern static __deprecated__ lambda
syn keyword pikeConstant __LINE__ __FILE__ __DIR__ __DATE__ __TIME__
syn keyword pikeConstant __AUTO_BIGNUM__ __NT__
syn keyword pikeConstant __BUILD__ __COUNTER__ _MAJOR__ __MINOR__ __VERSION__
syn keyword pikeConstant __REAL_BUILD__ _REAL_MAJOR__ __REAL_MINOR__
syn keyword pikeConstant __REAL_VERSION__ __PIKE__ UNDEFINED
" These should actually only be parsed in preprocessor conditionals
syn keyword pikeCppOperator contained defined constant efun _Pragma
syn keyword pikeBoolean true false
syn match pikeCppPrefix display "^\s*\zs#\s*[a-z]\+" contained
syn region pikePreCondit start="^\s*#\s*\%(if\%(n\?def\)\?\|el\%(se\)\?if\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" transparent keepend contains=pikeString,pikeCharacter,pikeNumbers,pikeCommentError,pikeSpaceError,pikeCppOperator,pikeCppPrefix
syn match pikePreConditMatch display "^\s*\zs#\s*\%(else\|endif\)\>"
if !exists("c_no_if0")
syn cluster pikeCppOutInGroup contains=pikeCppInIf,pikeCppInElse,pikeCppInElse2,pikeCppOutIf,pikeCppOutIf2,pikeCppOutElse,pikeCppInSkip,pikeCppOutSkip
syn region pikeCppOutWrapper start="^\s*\zs#\s*if\s\+0\+\s*\%($\|//\|/\*\|&\)" end=".\@=\|$" contains=pikeCppOutIf,pikeCppOutElse,@NoSpell fold
syn region pikeCppOutIf contained start="0\+" matchgroup=pikeCppOutWrapper end="^\s*#\s*endif\>" contains=pikeCppOutIf2,pikeCppOutElse
if !exists("c_no_if0_fold")
syn region pikeCppOutIf2 contained matchgroup=pikeCppOutWrapper start="0\+" end="^\ze\s*#\s*\%(else\>\|el\%(se\)\?if\s\+\%(0\+\s*\%($\|//\|/\*\|&\)\)\@!\|endif\>\)" contains=pikeSpaceError,pikeCppOutSkip,@Spell fold
syn region pikeCppOutIf2 contained matchgroup=pikeCppOutWrapper start="0\+" end="^\ze\s*#\s*\%(else\>\|el\%(se\)\?if\s\+\%(0\+\s*\%($\|//\|/\*\|&\)\)\@!\|endif\>\)" contains=pikeSpaceError,pikeCppOutSkip,@Spell
syn region pikeCppOutElse contained matchgroup=pikeCppOutWrapper start="^\s*#\s*\%(else\|el\%(se\)\?if\)" end="^\s*#\s*endif\>" contains=TOP,pikePreCondit
syn region pikeCppInWrapper start="^\s*\zs#\s*if\s\+0*[1-9]\d*\s*\%($\|//\|/\*\||\)" end=".\@=\|$" contains=pikeCppInIf,pikeCppInElse fold
syn region pikeCppInIf contained matchgroup=pikeCppInWrapper start="\d\+" end="^\s*#\s*endif\>" contains=TOP,pikePreCondit
if !exists("c_no_if0_fold")
syn region pikeCppInElse contained start="^\s*#\s*\%(else\>\|el\%(se\)\?if\s\+\%(0*[1-9]\d*\s*\%($\|//\|/\*\||\)\)\@!\)" end=".\@=\|$" containedin=pikeCppInIf contains=pikeCppInElse2 fold
syn region pikeCppInElse contained start="^\s*#\s*\%(else\>\|el\%(se\)\?if\s\+\%(0*[1-9]\d*\s*\%($\|//\|/\*\||\)\)\@!\)" end=".\@=\|$" containedin=pikeCppInIf contains=pikeCppInElse2
syn region pikeCppInElse2 contained matchgroup=pikeCppInWrapper start="^\s*#\s*\%(else\|el\%(se\)\?if\)\%([^/]\|/[^/*]\)*" end="^\ze\s*#\s*endif\>" contains=pikeSpaceError,pikeCppOutSkip,@Spell
syn region pikeCppOutSkip contained start="^\s*#\s*if\%(n\?def\)\?\>" skip="\\$" end="^\s*#\s*endif\>" contains=pikeSpaceError,pikeCppOutSkip
syn region pikeCppInSkip contained matchgroup=pikeCppInWrapper start="^\s*#\s*\%(if\s\+\%(\d\+\s*\%($\|//\|/\*\||\|&\)\)\@!\|ifn\?def\>\)" skip="\\$" end="^\s*#\s*endif\>" containedin=pikeCppOutElse,pikeCppInIf,pikeCppInSkip contains=TOP,pikePreProc
syn region pikeIncluded display contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=pikeDelimiterDQ keepend
syn match pikeIncluded display contained "<[^>]*>"
syn match pikeInclude display "^\s*\zs#\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=pikeIncluded
syn cluster pikePreProcGroup contains=pikeIncluded,pikeInclude,pikeEmbeddedString,pikeCppOutWrapper,pikeCppInWrapper,@pikeCppOutInGroup,pikeFormat,pikeMlString,pikeCommentStartError,@pikeBadGroup,pikeWord
syn region pikeDefine start="^\s*\zs#\s*\%(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@pikeStmt,@pikeBadGroup
syn region pikePreProc start="^\s*\zs#\s*\%(pragma\|charset\|pike\|require\|string\|line\|warning\|error\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" transparent keepend contains=pikeString,pikeCharacter,pikeNumbers,pikeCommentError,pikeSpaceError,pikeCppOperator,pikeCppPrefix,@Spell,pikeConstant
syn match pikeAutodocReal display contained "\%(//\|[/ \t\v]\*\|^\*\)\@2<=!.*" contains=@pikeAutodoc containedin=pikeComment,pikeCommentL
syn cluster pikeCommentGroup add=pikeAutodocReal
syn cluster pikePreProcGroup add=pikeAutodocReal
" Highlight User Labels
syn region pikeMulti transparent start='?' end=':' contains=ALLBUT,pikeIncluded,pikeSpecial,pikeTodo,pikeUserLabel,pikeBitField
" Avoid matching foo::bar() in C++ by requiring that the next char is not ':'
syn match pikeUserLabel "^\s*\I\i*\s*:$"
syn match pikeUserLabel ";\s*\I\i*\s*:$"ms=s+1
syn match pikeUserLabel "^\s*\I\i*\s*:[^:]"me=e-1
syn match pikeUserLabel ";\s*\I\i*\s*:[^:]"ms=s+1,me=e-1
syn match pikeUserLabel display "\%(^\|[{};]\)\zs\I\i*\s*\ze:\%([^:]\|$\)" contained contains=NONE
syn match pikeUserLabel display "\%(\<\%(break\|continue\)\_s\+\)\@10<=\I\i*" contained contains=NONE
syn match pikeUserLabel display "\%(\<case\)\@5<=\s\+[^<()[\]{},;:]\+\ze::\@!" contained contains=pikeDelimiterDQ,pikeDelimiterSQ
" Avoid recognizing most bitfields as labels
syn match pikeBitField "^\s*\I\i*\s*:\s*[1-9]"me=e-1
syn match pikeBitField ";\s*\I\i*\s*:\s*[1-9]"me=e-1
syn match pikeMappIndex display contained "[^<()[\]{},;:]\+\ze::\@!" contains=pikeDelimiterDQ,pikeDelimiterSQ
syn match pikeSoftCast display contained "\[[ \t\v\r\n.a-zA-Z0-9_():,|\+]" contains=NONE
syn sync ccomment pikeComment minlines=10
if exists("c_minlines")
let b:c_minlines = c_minlines
if !exists("c_no_if0")
let b:c_minlines = 400 " #if 0 constructs can be long
let b:c_minlines = 200 " mostly for multiline strings
exec "syn sync ccomment pikeComment minlines=" . b:c_minlines
syn sync match pikeMlStringSync grouphere pikeMlString +^[^"#]\+#\"+
syn sync match pikeAutodocSync grouphere pikeCommentL "^\s*//!"
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
" Only used when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link pikeFormat SpecialChar
hi def link pikeMlString String
hi def link pikeCommentL Comment
hi def link pikeCommentStart Comment
hi def link pikeLabel Label
hi def link pikeUserLabel Label
hi def link pikeUserLabel Identifier
hi def link pikeConditional Conditional
hi def link pikeRepeat Repeat
hi def link pikeCharacter Character
hi def link pikeSpecialCharacter pikeSpecial
hi def link pikeCharacter Character
hi def link pikeDelimiterDQ Delimiter
hi def link pikeDelimiterSQ Delimiter
hi def link pikeNumber Number
hi def link pikeOctal Number
hi def link pikeOctalZero PreProc " link this to Error if you want
hi def link pikeFloat Float
hi def link pikeOctalError pikeError
hi def link pikeParenError pikeError
hi def link pikeInParen pikeError
hi def link pikeCommentError pikeError
hi def link pikeOperator Operator
hi def link pikeOctalError Error
hi def link pikeCommentError Error
hi def link pikeCommentStartError Error
hi def link pikeSpaceError Error
hi def link pikeSpecialError Error
hi def link pikeOperator Operator
hi def link pikeCppOperator Operator
hi def link pikeStructure Structure
hi def link pikeTypedef Typedef
hi def link pikeStorageClass StorageClass
hi def link pikeInclude Include
hi def link pikeCppPrefix PreCondit
hi def link pikePreProc PreProc
hi def link pikeDefine Macro
hi def link pikeIncluded pikeString
hi def link pikeIncluded String
hi def link pikeError Error
hi def link pikeStatement Statement
hi def link pikePreCondit PreCondit
hi def link pikeDebug Debug
hi def link pikeException Exception
hi def link pikeStatement Statement
hi def link pikeType Type
hi def link pikeCommentError pikeError
hi def link pikeCommentString pikeString
hi def link pikeComment2String pikeString
hi def link pikeCommentSkip pikeComment
hi def link pikeConstant Constant
hi def link pikeBoolean Boolean
hi def link pikeCommentString String
hi def link pikeComment2String String
hi def link pikeCommentSkip Comment
hi def link pikeString String
hi def link pikeComment Comment
hi def link pikeSpecial SpecialChar
hi def link pikeTodo Todo
hi def link pikeException pikeStatement
hi def link pikeCompoundType Constant
"hi def link pikeIdentifier Identifier
hi def link pikeBadContinuation Error
hi def link pikeCppInWrapper PreCondit
hi def link pikeCppOutWrapper PreCondit
hi def link pikePreConditMatch PreCondit
hi def link pikeCppOutSkip Comment
hi def link pikeCppInElse2 Comment
hi def link pikeCppOutIf2 Comment
hi def link pikeCppOut Comment
hi def link pikePredef Statement
hi def link pikeBindings Identifier
hi def link pikeMappIndex Identifier
hi def link pikeSoftCast Type
hi def link pikeBadGroup Error
hi def link pikeBadPClose Error
hi def link pikeBadAClose Error
hi def link pikeBadBClose Error
hi def link pikeBadSPClose Error
hi def link pikeBadSAClose Error
hi def link pikeBadSBClose Error
hi def link pikeBadSPAClose Error
hi def link pikeBadSBAClose Error
hi def link pikeBadSClose Error
let b:current_syntax = "pike"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: ts=8
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: readline(3) configuration file
" Maintainer: Daniel Moch <daniel@danielmoch.com>
" Previous Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
" Latest Revision: 2017-06-25
" Latest Revision: 2017-12-25
" readline_has_bash - if defined add support for bash specific
" settings/functions
@ -152,6 +153,9 @@ syn keyword readlineVariable contained
\ skipwhite
\ comment-begin
\ isearch-terminators
\ vi-cmd-mode-string
\ vi-ins-mode-string
\ emacs-mode-string
syn keyword readlineVariable contained
\ nextgroup=readlineNumber
@ -2,15 +2,16 @@
" Language: SNOBOL4
" Maintainer: Rafal Sulejman <rms@poczta.onet.pl>
" Site: http://rms.republika.pl/vim/syntax/snobol4.vim
" Last change: 2006 may 10
" Last change: : Thu, 25 Jan 2018 14:21:24 +0100
" Changes:
" - system variables updated for SNOBOL4 2.0+
" - strict snobol4 mode (set snobol4_strict_mode to activate)
" - incorrect HL of dots in strings corrected
" - incorrect HL of dot-variables in parens corrected
" - one character labels weren't displayed correctly.
" - nonexistent Snobol4 keywords displayed as errors.
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ syn match snobol4Constant /"[^a-z"']\.[a-z][a-z0-9\-]*"/hs=s+1
syn region snobol4Goto start=":[sf]\{0,1}(" end=")\|$\|;" contains=ALLBUT,snobol4ParenError
syn match snobol4Number "\<\d*\(\.\d\d*\)*\>"
syn match snobol4BogusSysVar "&\w\{1,}"
syn match snobol4SysVar "&\(abort\|alphabet\|anchor\|arb\|bal\|case\|code\|dump\|errlimit\|errtext\|errtype\|fail\|fence\|fnclevel\|ftrace\|fullscan\|input\|lastno\|lcase\|maxlngth\|output\|parm\|rem\|rtntype\|stcount\|stfcount\|stlimit\|stno\|succeed\|trace\|trim\|ucase\)"
syn match snobol4SysVar "&\<\(abort\|alphabet\|anchor\|arb\|bal\|case\|code\|digits\|dump\|errlimit\|errtext\|errtype\|fail\|fence\|fnclevel\|ftrace\|fullscan\|input\|lastno\|lcase\|maxlngth\|output\|parm\|rem\|rtntype\|stcount\|stfcount\|stlimit\|stno\|succeed\|trace\|trim\|ucase\)\>"
syn match snobol4ExtSysVar "&\(gtrace\|line\|file\|lastline\|lastfile\)"
syn match snobol4Label "\(^\|;\)[^-\.\+ \t\*\.]\{1,}[^ \t\*\;]*"
syn match snobol4Comment "\(^\|;\)\([\*\|!;#].*$\)"
@ -100,11 +101,11 @@ hi def link snobol4ErrInBracket snobol4Error
hi def link snobol4SysVar Keyword
hi def link snobol4BogusSysVar snobol4Error
if exists("snobol4_strict_mode")
hi def link snobol4ExtSysVar WarningMsg
hi def link snobol4ExtKeyword WarningMsg
hi def link snobol4ExtSysVar WarningMsg
hi def link snobol4ExtKeyword WarningMsg
hi def link snobol4ExtSysVar snobol4SysVar
hi def link snobol4ExtKeyword snobol4Keyword
hi def link snobol4ExtSysVar snobol4SysVar
hi def link snobol4ExtKeyword snobol4Keyword
Reference in New Issue
Block a user