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synced 2024-12-23 12:45:17 -07:00
fix(treesitter): fix parens stacking in inspector display (#26304)
When first opened, the tree-sitter inspector traverses all of the nodes in the buffer to calculate an array of nodes. This traversal is done only once, and _all_ nodes (both named and anonymous) are included. Toggling anonymous nodes in the inspector only changes how the tree is drawn in the buffer, but does not affect the underlying data structure at all. When the buffer is traversed and the list of nodes is calculated, we don't know whether or not anonymous nodes will be displayed in the inspector or not. Thus, we cannot determine during traversal where to put closing parentheses. Instead, this must be done when drawing. When we draw, the tree structure has been flatted into a single array, so we lose parent-child relationships that would otherwise make determining the number of closing parentheses straightforward. However, we can instead rely on the fact that a delta between the depth of a node and the depth of the successive node _must_ mean that more closing parentheses are required: (foo (bar) (baz) ↑ │ └ (bar) and (baz) have different depths, so (bar) must have an extra closing parenthesis This does not depend on whether or not anonymous nodes are displayed and so works in both cases.
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,16 +14,12 @@ local M = {}
local TSTreeView = {}
---@class TSP.Node
---@field id integer Node id
---@field text string Node text
---@field named boolean True if this is a named (non-anonymous) node
---@field depth integer Depth of the node within the tree
---@field lnum integer Beginning line number of this node in the source buffer
---@field col integer Beginning column number of this node in the source buffer
---@field end_lnum integer Final line number of this node in the source buffer
---@field end_col integer Final column number of this node in the source buffer
---@field node TSNode Tree-sitter node
---@field field string? Node field
---@field depth integer Depth of this node in the tree
---@field text string? Text displayed in the inspector for this node. Not computed until the
--- inspector is drawn.
---@field lang string Source language of this node
---@field root TSNode
---@class TSP.Injection
---@field lang string Source language of this injection
@ -54,37 +50,14 @@ local function traverse(node, depth, lang, injections, tree)
for child, field in node:iter_children() do
local type = child:type()
local lnum, col, end_lnum, end_col = child:range()
local named = child:named()
local text ---@type string
if named then
if field then
text = string.format('%s: (%s', field, type)
text = string.format('(%s', type)
text = string.format('"%s"', type:gsub('\n', '\\n'):gsub('"', '\\"'))
table.insert(tree, {
id = child:id(),
text = text,
named = named,
node = child,
field = field,
depth = depth,
lnum = lnum,
col = col,
end_lnum = end_lnum,
end_col = end_col,
lang = lang,
traverse(child, depth + 1, lang, injections, tree)
if named then
tree[#tree].text = string.format('%s)', tree[#tree].text)
return tree
@ -132,7 +105,7 @@ function TSTreeView:new(bufnr, lang)
local named = {} ---@type TSP.Node[]
for _, v in ipairs(nodes) do
if v.named then
if v.node:named() then
named[#named + 1] = v
@ -213,7 +186,7 @@ local function set_inspector_cursor(treeview, lang, source_buf, inspect_buf, ins
local cursor_node_id = cursor_node:id()
for i, v in treeview:iter() do
if v.id == cursor_node_id then
if v.node:id() == cursor_node_id then
local start = v.depth * treeview.opts.indent ---@type integer
local end_col = start + #v.text
api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(inspect_buf, treeview.ns, i - 1, start, {
@ -228,6 +201,8 @@ end
--- Write the contents of this View into {bufnr}.
--- Calling this function computes the text that is displayed for each node.
---@param bufnr integer Buffer number to write into.
function TSTreeView:draw(bufnr)
@ -235,13 +210,35 @@ function TSTreeView:draw(bufnr)
local lines = {} ---@type string[]
local lang_hl_marks = {} ---@type table[]
for _, item in self:iter() do
local range_str = get_range_str(item.lnum, item.col, item.end_lnum, item.end_col)
for i, item in self:iter() do
local range_str = get_range_str(item.node:range())
local lang_str = self.opts.lang and string.format(' %s', item.lang) or ''
local text ---@type string
if item.node:named() then
if item.field then
text = string.format('%s: (%s', item.field, item.node:type())
text = string.format('(%s', item.node:type())
text = string.format('"%s"', item.node:type():gsub('\n', '\\n'):gsub('"', '\\"'))
local next = self:get(i + 1)
if not next or next.depth <= item.depth then
local parens = item.depth - (next and next.depth or 0) + (item.node:named() and 1 or 0)
if parens > 0 then
text = string.format('%s%s', text, string.rep(')', parens))
item.text = text
local line = string.format(
'%s%s ; %s%s',
string.rep(' ', item.depth * self.opts.indent),
@ -253,7 +250,7 @@ function TSTreeView:draw(bufnr)
lines[#lines + 1] = line
lines[i] = line
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines)
@ -364,9 +361,9 @@ function M.inspect_tree(opts)
desc = 'Jump to the node under the cursor in the source buffer',
callback = function()
local row = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(w)[1]
local pos = treeview:get(row)
local lnum, col = treeview:get(row).node:start()
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { pos.lnum + 1, pos.col })
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { lnum + 1, col })
api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(b, 'n', 'a', '', {
@ -374,7 +371,7 @@ function M.inspect_tree(opts)
callback = function()
local row, col = unpack(api.nvim_win_get_cursor(w)) ---@type integer, integer
local curnode = treeview:get(row)
while curnode and not curnode.named do
while curnode and not curnode.node:named() do
row = row - 1
curnode = treeview:get(row)
@ -386,9 +383,9 @@ function M.inspect_tree(opts)
local id = curnode.id
local id = curnode.node:id()
for i, node in treeview:iter() do
if node.id == id then
if node.node:id() == id then
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(w, { i, col })
@ -424,20 +421,20 @@ function M.inspect_tree(opts)
api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(buf, treeview.ns, 0, -1)
local row = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(w)[1]
local pos = treeview:get(row)
api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, treeview.ns, pos.lnum, pos.col, {
end_row = pos.end_lnum,
end_col = math.max(0, pos.end_col),
local lnum, col, end_lnum, end_col = treeview:get(row).node:range()
api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, treeview.ns, lnum, col, {
end_row = end_lnum,
end_col = math.max(0, end_col),
hl_group = 'Visual',
local topline, botline = vim.fn.line('w0', win), vim.fn.line('w$', win)
-- Move the cursor if highlighted range is completely out of view
if pos.lnum < topline and pos.end_lnum < topline then
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { pos.end_lnum + 1, 0 })
elseif pos.lnum > botline and pos.end_lnum > botline then
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { pos.lnum + 1, 0 })
if lnum < topline and end_lnum < topline then
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { end_lnum + 1, 0 })
elseif lnum > botline and end_lnum > botline then
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { lnum + 1, 0 })
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