
449 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

" Test 'statusline'
" Not tested yet:
" %a
" %N
" %T
" %X
source view_util.vim
source term_util.vim
func s:get_statusline()
return ScreenLines(&lines - 1, &columns)[0]
func StatuslineWithCaughtError()
let s:func_in_statusline_called = 1
call eval('unknown expression')
return ''
func StatuslineWithError()
let s:func_in_statusline_called = 1
call eval('unknown expression')
return ''
" Function used to display syntax group.
func SyntaxItem()
call assert_equal(s:expected_curbuf, g:actual_curbuf)
call assert_equal(s:expected_curwin, g:actual_curwin)
return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."),1), "name")
func Test_caught_error_in_statusline()
let s:func_in_statusline_called = 0
set laststatus=2
let statusline = '%{StatuslineWithCaughtError()}'
let &statusline = statusline
call assert_true(s:func_in_statusline_called)
call assert_equal(statusline, &statusline)
set statusline=
func Test_statusline_will_be_disabled_with_error()
let s:func_in_statusline_called = 0
set laststatus=2
let statusline = '%{StatuslineWithError()}'
let &statusline = statusline
call assert_true(s:func_in_statusline_called)
call assert_equal('', &statusline)
set statusline=
func Test_statusline()
new Xstatusline
set laststatus=2
set splitbelow
call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
" %b: Value of character under cursor.
" %B: As above, in hexadecimal.
call cursor(9000, 1)
set statusline=%b,%B
call assert_match('^57,39\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %o: Byte number in file of byte under cursor, first byte is 1.
" %O: As above, in hexadecimal.
set statusline=%o,%O
set fileformat=dos
call assert_match('^52888,CE98\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set fileformat=mac
call assert_match('^43889,AB71\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set fileformat=unix
call assert_match('^43889,AB71\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set fileformat&
" %f: Path to the file in the buffer, as typed or relative to current dir.
set statusline=%f
call assert_match('^Xstatusline\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %F: Full path to the file in the buffer.
set statusline=%F
call assert_match('/testdir/Xstatusline\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %h: Help buffer flag, text is "[help]".
" %H: Help buffer flag, text is ",HLP".
set statusline=%h,%H
call assert_match('^,\s*$', s:get_statusline())
call assert_match('^\[Help\],HLP\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %k: Value of "b:keymap_name" or 'keymap'
" when :lmap mappings are being used: <keymap>"
set statusline=%k
if has('keymap')
set keymap=esperanto
call assert_match('^<Eo>\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set keymap&
call assert_match('^\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %l: Line number.
" %L: Number of line in buffer.
" %c: Column number.
set statusline=%l/%L,%c
call assert_match('^9000/10000,1\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %m: Modified flag, text is "[+]", "[-]" if 'modifiable' is off.
" %M: Modified flag, text is ",+" or ",-".
set statusline=%m%M
call assert_match('^\[+\],+\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set nomodifiable
call assert_match('^\[+-\],+-\s*$', s:get_statusline())
call assert_match('^\[-\],-\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set modifiable&
call assert_match('^\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %n: Buffer number.
set statusline=%n
call assert_match('^'.bufnr('%').'\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %p: Percentage through file in lines as in CTRL-G.
" %P: Percentage through file of displayed window.
set statusline=%p,%P
call assert_match('^0,Top\s*$', s:get_statusline())
norm G
call assert_match('^100,Bot\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" Don't check the exact percentage as it depends on the window size
call assert_match('^90,\(Top\|Bot\|\d\+%\)\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %q: "[Quickfix List]", "[Location List]" or empty.
set statusline=%q
call assert_match('^\s*$', s:get_statusline())
call assert_match('^\[Quickfix List\]\s*$', s:get_statusline())
lexpr getline(1, 2)
call assert_match('^\[Location List\]\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %r: Readonly flag, text is "[RO]".
" %R: Readonly flag, text is ",RO".
set statusline=%r,%R
call assert_match('^,\s*$', s:get_statusline())
call assert_match('^\[RO\],RO\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %t: File name (tail) of file in the buffer.
set statusline=%t
call assert_match('^Xstatusline\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %v: Virtual column number.
" %V: Virtual column number as -{num}. Not displayed if equal to 'c'.
call cursor(9000, 2)
set statusline=%v,%V
call assert_match('^2,\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set virtualedit=all
norm 10|
call assert_match('^10,-10\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set virtualedit&
" %w: Preview window flag, text is "[Preview]".
" %W: Preview window flag, text is ",PRV".
set statusline=%w%W
call assert_match('^\s*$', s:get_statusline())
wincmd j
call assert_match('^\[Preview\],PRV\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %y: Type of file in the buffer, e.g., "[vim]". See 'filetype'.
" %Y: Type of file in the buffer, e.g., ",VIM". See 'filetype'.
set statusline=%y\ %Y
call assert_match('^\s*$', s:get_statusline())
setfiletype vim
call assert_match('^\[vim\] VIM\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %=: Separation point between left and right aligned items.
set statusline=foo%=bar
call assert_match('^foo\s\+bar\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" Test min/max width, leading zeroes, left/right justify.
set statusline=%04B
call cursor(9000, 1)
call assert_match('^0039\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set statusline=#%4B#
call assert_match('^# 39#\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set statusline=#%-4B#
call assert_match('^#39 #\s*$', s:get_statusline())
set statusline=%.6f
call assert_match('^<sline\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %<: Where to truncate.
" First check with when %< should not truncate with many columns
exe 'set statusline=a%<b' . repeat('c', &columns - 3) . 'd'
call assert_match('^abc\+d$', s:get_statusline())
exe 'set statusline=a' . repeat('b', &columns - 2) . '%<c'
call assert_match('^ab\+c$', s:get_statusline())
" Then check when %< should truncate when there with too few columns.
exe 'set statusline=a%<b' . repeat('c', &columns - 2) . 'd'
call assert_match('^a<c\+d$', s:get_statusline())
exe 'set statusline=a' . repeat('b', &columns - 1) . '%<c'
call assert_match('^ab\+>$', s:get_statusline())
"%{: Evaluate expression between '%{' and '}' and substitute result.
syntax on
let s:expected_curbuf = string(bufnr(''))
let s:expected_curwin = string(win_getid())
set statusline=%{SyntaxItem()}
call assert_match('^vimNumber\s*$', s:get_statusline())
call assert_match('^vimLineComment\s*$', s:get_statusline())
syntax off
"%(: Start of item group.
set statusline=ab%(cd%q%)de
call assert_match('^abde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
call assert_match('^abcd\[Quickfix List]de\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %#: Set highlight group. The name must follow and then a # again.
set statusline=ab%#Todo#cd%#Error#ef
call assert_match('^abcdef\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 3)
let sa3=screenattr(&lines - 1, 5)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa3)
call assert_notequal(sa2, sa3)
call assert_equal(sa1, screenattr(&lines - 1, 2))
call assert_equal(sa2, screenattr(&lines - 1, 4))
call assert_equal(sa3, screenattr(&lines - 1, 6))
call assert_equal(sa3, screenattr(&lines - 1, 7))
" %*: Set highlight group to User{N}
set statusline=a%1*b%0*c
call assert_match('^abc\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 2)
let sa3=screenattr(&lines - 1, 3)
call assert_equal(sa1, sa3)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
" An empty group that contains highlight changes
let g:a = ''
set statusline=ab%(cd%1*%{g:a}%*%)de
call assert_match('^abde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 4)
call assert_equal(sa1, sa2)
let g:a = 'X'
call assert_match('^abcdXde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 5)
let sa3=screenattr(&lines - 1, 7)
call assert_equal(sa1, sa3)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
let g:a = ''
set statusline=ab%1*%(cd%*%{g:a}%1*%)de
call assert_match('^abde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 4)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
let g:a = 'X'
call assert_match('^abcdXde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 3)
let sa3=screenattr(&lines - 1, 5)
let sa4=screenattr(&lines - 1, 7)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
call assert_equal(sa1, sa3)
call assert_equal(sa2, sa4)
" An empty group that contains highlight changes and doesn't reset them
let g:a = ''
set statusline=ab%(cd%1*%{g:a}%)de
call assert_match('^abcdde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 5)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
let g:a = 'X'
call assert_match('^abcdXde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 5)
let sa3=screenattr(&lines - 1, 7)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
call assert_equal(sa2, sa3)
let g:a = ''
set statusline=ab%1*%(cd%*%{g:a}%)de
call assert_match('^abcdde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 3)
let sa3=screenattr(&lines - 1, 5)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
call assert_equal(sa1, sa3)
let g:a = 'X'
call assert_match('^abcdXde\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let sa1=screenattr(&lines - 1, 1)
let sa2=screenattr(&lines - 1, 3)
let sa3=screenattr(&lines - 1, 5)
let sa4=screenattr(&lines - 1, 7)
call assert_notequal(sa1, sa2)
call assert_equal(sa1, sa3)
call assert_equal(sa1, sa4)
let g:a = ''
set statusline=%#Error#{%(\ %{g:a}\ %)}
call assert_match('^{}\s*$', s:get_statusline())
let g:a = 'X'
call assert_match('^{ X }\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %%: a percent sign.
set statusline=10%%
call assert_match('^10%\s*$', s:get_statusline())
" %!: evaluated expression is used as the option value
set statusline=%!2*3+1
call assert_match('7\s*$', s:get_statusline())
func GetNested()
call assert_equal(string(win_getid()), g:actual_curwin)
call assert_equal(string(bufnr('')), g:actual_curbuf)
return 'nested'
func GetStatusLine()
call assert_equal(win_getid(), g:statusline_winid)
return 'the %{GetNested()} line'
set statusline=%!GetStatusLine()
call assert_match('the nested line', s:get_statusline())
call assert_false(exists('g:actual_curwin'))
call assert_false(exists('g:actual_curbuf'))
call assert_false(exists('g:statusline_winid'))
delfunc GetNested
delfunc GetStatusLine
" Test statusline works with 80+ items
function! StatusLabel()
return '[label]'
let statusline = '%{StatusLabel()}'
for i in range(150)
let statusline .= '%#TabLine' . (i % 2 == 0 ? 'Fill' : 'Sel') . '#' . string(i)[0]
let &statusline = statusline
set statusline&
delfunc StatusLabel
" Check statusline in current and non-current window
" with the 'fillchars' option.
set fillchars=stl:^,stlnc:=,vert:\|,fold:-,diff:-
set statusline=x%=y
call assert_match('^x^\+y^x=\+y$', s:get_statusline())
set fillchars&
call delete('Xstatusline')
set statusline&
set laststatus&
set splitbelow&
func Test_statusline_visual()
func CallWordcount()
call wordcount()
new x1
setl statusline=count=%{CallWordcount()}
" buffer must not be empty
call setline(1, 'hello')
" window with more lines than x1
new x2
call setline(1, range(10))
" Visual mode in line below liast line in x1 should not give ml_get error
call feedkeys("\<C-V>", "xt")
delfunc CallWordcount
bwipe! x1
bwipe! x2
func Test_statusline_removed_group()
if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
throw 'Skipped: cannot make screendumps'
let lines =<< trim END
scriptencoding utf-8
set laststatus=2
let &statusline = '%#StatColorHi2#%(✓%#StatColorHi2#%) Q≡'
call writefile(lines, 'XTest_statusline')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_statusline', {'rows': 10, 'cols': 50})
call term_wait(buf, 100)
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_statusline_1', {})
" clean up
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('XTest_statusline')
func Test_statusline_after_split_vsplit()
" Make the status line of each window show the window number.
set ls=2 stl=%{winnr()}
split | redraw
vsplit | redraw
" The status line of the third window should read '3' here.
call assert_equal('3', nr2char(screenchar(&lines - 1, 1)))
set ls& stl&
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab